Main functions of the position: depending on the direction of the Marine Research Center of The University of Vigo, CIM-UVigo, the candidate will provide support in the following activities:

– Necessary technical work to ensure the correct development of the experiments, or welfare of the organizations and the correct progress of the research activities developed in the ECIMAT, that must be done during weekends, holidays and non-working days, as well as days working out of the morning shift to ensure such coverage 365 days a year.

– The hired staff must:

    • Have permanent connectivity to a mobile phone connected to the CIM UVigo alarm system out of the morning shift every working day

    • In case of serious breakdown, have availability to go to the ECIMAT facilities in less than 30 minutes since  the reception of the alarm.

    • Check the correct functioning of the mobile and the alarm system.

    • Connect daily at the beginning of the service and report any incident to the person responsible for the Unit of Biological Resources and Marine crops.

    • Know and control in general the systems and facilities (slogans, established limits, supervisory automatons, equipment, etc.).

    • Follow the protocol established by the CIM-UVigo for the case of emergency alarm that includes checking by SMS the active service and knowing the necessary actions in case of breakdown

    • Connect through the webpage to the CIM-UVigo automaton in case of an alarm.



Expected date of commencement and duration of the contract: February 2020 until 10/31/2022.

Workday: part-time with irregular distribution of working hours (28 hours per week). Weekly work will be flexible depending on the different needs of the service throughout the year, regardless of the number of  the weekly non-working days, taking into account for holiday purposes, not only the official calendar of the Xunta de Galicia, but also the calendar of the University of Vigo.

Workplace: Toralla Marine Sciences Station (ECIMAT).

Possibility of renewal: yes, conditioned on the existence of adequate and sufficient credit in the project.

Eligibility criteria

Professional experience (70%):

Accredited professional experience in the control of research facilities with marine organisms.

Accredited professional experience in land-based aquaculture production facilities.

Accredited professional experience in the management of automation control systems.

Interview (30%):

The committee may interview the candidates with the highest score.

Selection process

After the deadline for submitting applications, the lists of provisionally admitted and excluded persons will be published on the web page, opening a period of 5 business days from the day following the publication to amend the errors and send the necessary documentation. In case all applicants are admitted, the process will be considered complete.

After this period, the final lists of admitted and excluded persons will be published.

Additional comments

The request, in a standard template published as Annex II of this document and other documentation, will be sent by email to:

The applicant must accompany the following documents:

-Application form(Annex II)

– Copy of ID

-Curriculum vitae indicating the merits.

-Documentation accrediting the requirements. Throughout the selective process, the submission of the supporting documents of the alleged merits may be requested.

Web site for additional job details

Author: jeunes

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