Top 10 highest paid jobs in the world

Everyone dreams of doing a job that will earn them several thousand euros a year.

Several parameters were taken into account to determine  the ranking of job  the best paid in the world.

The averages of payments on all continents were calculated in each function body. It should be noted that some trades are not on this list , because they are exercised by very few people. With star footballers receiving tens of millions of euros a year, actors and singers are excluded from the list .

1- Company directors are the people sitting on company boards. For larger companies in cac 40, directors can be paid over 150,000 € just for sitting on the board. And an administrator can sit on several boards of directors and combine his activity and a salaried activity . According to Challenges, the highest paid company director in 2012 is Antoine Beirnheim who has 6 mandates and has received more than € 700,000. Of course, becoming a company director is not for everyone, you need to have a long career behind you and a solid network and there is no school to train you for this profession.

2- A Chief Executive Officer or Chief Executive Officer is in charge of everything relating to public relations and communication at different levels. He has a great mastery of the finance, management, and marketing sectors. In large companies, it can be paid up to 132,649 €, sometimes more.

3- In most countries, surgeons can earn up to 118,000 euros per year. Seven years of generalist studies followed by a few years of specialization are necessary to become one.

4- After the profession of doctor, that of broker is one of the best paid professions in the world. The broker is a very present figure in the field of finance. It is a financial intermediary. He is the modern businessman whose emoluments reach 115,000 euros per year.

5- The marketing manager is now essential to improve the positioning of a company in a given market. He is mainly responsible for the marketing strategy of the company. His remuneration is approximately 94,000 euros per year.

6- The financial manager or financial director is a capital element for the smooth running of a company. He manages the finance and accounting department and defines the company’s financial policy. It is paid in the 89,000 euros annually.

7- A business only survives by selling its services or products. The realization of this is carried out by the sales manager or the sales manager within the company. His earnings amount to 87,000 euros and dust.

8- Little boys all dream of becoming pilots. Difficult to resist especially with a salary of 88,000 euros. Experience and official qualifications are required to become one.

9- The general and operation manager is responsible for directing the daily work within a company. He supervises the progress of the various activities while managing the cohesion between the various sectors. He is paid 86,000 euros.

10- Although only performed by a few experts, the profession of welder-diver is among the best paid in the world with a salary of around 90,000 euros. It operates mainly in aquatic environments.

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