Troubling: The CIA Predicted the Whole Coronavirus Scenario Over Ten Years Ago

It is information which will certainly be considered as “conspiratorial”, although it is of perfect source.
In 2009, Alexandre Adler produced with Robert Laffont editions a book entitled The new CIA report – How will the world be in 2025?

Alexandre Adler, writer and journalist, freemason at the National Grand Lodge of France, leader of the Israeli Liberal Union of France, advisor to Roger Cukierman when he chaired CRIF, participating in an assembly of the very globalist Bilderberg in 2003, is a personal friend of Henry Kissinger, a former US national security adviser.

The book in question here was simply presented by Alexandre Adler. Its theme was essentially the translation into French of a CIA report made public.

This CIA report envisaged different situations.

Two pages of this book will receive special attention today. The entire scenario of the coronavirus is described in detail.

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