One doctoral studentship in Gender Studies as part of the Digital sexual health, Sweden

Södertörn University in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University has around 11 000 students and 840 employees. Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.

Södertörn University welcomes doctoral proposals in Gender Studies, to be conducted within the interdisciplinary research project: “Digital sexual health: Designing for safety, pleasure and wellbeing in LGBTQ+ communities.”

This project explores emerging forms of digital intimacy by investigating the rapidly growing field of ‘sextech’ as promising tools to enable sexual health in LGBTQ+ communities. Sextech includes everything from educational platforms for health information and consultation, to sexual wellness apps for self-tracking and sharing sexual health data, to chatbots that teach users ‘sexting’ or engage in candid conversations about STIs and HIV, to smart sex toys. Building on an international collaboration involving a research team in Sweden and Australia – including partnerships with local sexual health professionals, governmental agencies, LGBTQ organisations and sextech designers – the project develops an empirically grounded, theoretically inventive framework for future sexual health intervention. By bringing together users and sextech developers, the project also explores new forms of safe processing of intimate data in digital health initiatives, as well as ethical and inclusive tech design for LGBTQ+ people.

Gender Studies at Södertörn University is an expansive, internationally well-connected field of research and teaching which seeks to advance new forms of interdisciplinary knowledge. The research focus is on developing feminist theory and methods, as well as on critical studies of power in relation to contemporary and historical formations of gender. Gender Studies offers interdisciplinary perspectives on the formation and transformation of gender and its intersections with other power structures, such as race, sexuality, class, and nationality and an interest in how such intersections become meaningful and materialise in various historical, geographical, political, social and cultural contexts.

Doctoral studies at the Department of Gender Studies is part of the research area of Critical and Cultural Theory, which is an interdisciplinary research environment with seven subjects in the humanities. Research focuses on critically motivated studies of cultural artefacts and human practices.

Description of the doctoral position

The successful applicant will write their thesis as part of the “Digital sexual health: Designing for safety, pleasure and wellbeing in LGBTQ+ communities” research project. The field of sextech includes a wide variety of intimate digital media; specific empirical settings or materials are to be proposed by the candidate. We welcome submissions from applicants with a variety of research interests and previous research experience in the areas of digital media and digital intimacy, sexual health and sexual rights, LGBTQ+ communities and sexual politics, and participatory, future-oriented approaches to tech design. While all sub-communities under the LGBTQ+ umbrella are relevant to the project, priority will be given to doctoral projects that emphasise trans and non-binary communities and/or communities of gay men in relation to digital sexual health. The study will be carried out in Sweden and build on qualitative empirical work. The applicant thus needs to be able to conduct qualitative research in Swedish.

For more information about the “Digital sexual health: Designing for safety, pleasure and wellbeing in LGBTQ+ communities” research project, please contact the project manager (see below).

For complete information regarding the position, please visit the following link:

Further information

Jenny Sundén, Professor of Gender Studies, project manager,, +46(0)8 608 4577

Ann Werner, Director of Studies (third cycle), Department of Gender Studies,, +46 (0)8 608 4566

Alexandra Blomstedt, Human Resources Officer, School of Culture and Education,, +46 (0)8 608 4683

Application deadline: 11 March 2022 at 23:59

Welcome with your application! On our website,, there is an application template that the applicant needs to follow. Publications referred to must be attached to the application. An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected. The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid. Södertörn University may apply CV review. Union representatives: SACO: ST: SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80, Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

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