I Tatti/Prado Joint Fellowship

Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy, and the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, Spain, are offering a Joint Residential Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year. The fellows will spend the autumn term (September – December) in Madrid, with the support of the Centro de Estudios de Europa Hispánica (CEEH) and the spring term (January – June) in Florence. The scholarship is designed for early and mid-career researchers in the field of art history, with preference given to advanced research projects that address the relationship between Spain and Italy (including transnational connections and dialogues with Latin America) during the Renaissance, historically broad to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century.

Applications and reference letters must be completed in English.

** LETTERS OF REFERENCE: Letters should be sent by November 20. Click on the referral tab and register your referrals as soon as possible to give them enough time to send their recommendations.

This program contains:

  • Forms (10)
  • References (up to 2)
  • App preview


    • GDPR consent


      1. GDPR consent

        By submitting this request, you agree to the processing of your personal data for the purposes indicated in the  privacy policy statement of  I Tatti

    • Prado / VIT scholarship – Demographic and academic information

      1. Title of the research project

      2. Title

      3. Kind

      4. Nationality

      5. Additional nationality

        Please indicate here if you have a second nationality. Otherwise, leave this question blank.

      6. Which one best describes your field?

      7. Current affiliation

      8. Do you have several doctorates?

        * This question may have follow-up questions.

      9. Date of mastery

      10. Master’s degree institution

      11. BA / Degree Dates

      12. BA / Laurea granting institution

      13. Please indicate here any additional diploma or qualification applicable.

      14. Please attach your doctoral certificate here.

    • Professional employment

      1. Please describe your current position and any other research leave or leave of absence.

      2. Previous employment dates # 1

      3. Position Title

      4. Name of the institution

      5. Previous employment dates # 2

      6. Position Title

      7. Institution

      8. Previous employment dates # 3

      9. Position Title

      10. Institution

    • Current and past scholarships

      Please list the most significant awards, including fellowships and honors, starting with the most recent:

      1. Appointment

      2. Grant / research grant / honor (amount)

      3. Project title

      4. Appointment

      5. Grant / research grant / honor (amount)

      6. Project title

      7. Appointment

      8. Grant / research grant / honor (amount)

      9. Project title

      10. Appointment

      11. Grant / research grant / honor (amount)

      12. Project title

      13. Appointment

      14. Grant / research grant / honor (amount)

      15. Project title

    • Language skills of the VIT / Prado scholarship

      1. Written English

      2. Spoken English

      3. Written italian

      4. Italian spoken

      5. Written spanish

      6. Spanish spoken

      7. Additional language skills

        Please list modern and classical languages.

    • Publications

      Please list up to six of your most important publications.

      1. Begin each entry by specifying book, edited book, chapter, essay, or article.
      2. List co-authors or co-editors (if applicable).
      3. Indicate the title of the article or essay (if applicable), then the journal or book title, city and publisher (for books), pages (if applicable) and year of publication (use “forthcoming” to indicate a publication submitted to a publisher or publisher that is not yet in press).
      1. Publication # 1

      2. Publication # 2

      3. Publication # 3

      4. Publication # 4

      5. Publication # 5

      6. Publication # 6

    • Example of written expression

      1. Please attach an article, essay or book chapter representative of your scholarship.

    • Project information – Joint scholarship

      1. Project title

      2. Project summary

        In 700 characters maximum (approximately 100 words), please write a summary of the research you intend to pursue.

      3. Complete project proposal

        In no more than 8,000 characters (approximately 1,150 words), please submit a more detailed description of your proposal.

      4. Please provide a work plan, dividing your goals into monthly periods.

      5. Select bibliography

        Please use this space to submit a bibliography of up to 2,500 characters (approximately 350 words) to accompany your project proposal.

    • Other information – Bourse I Tatti / Prado

      1. Have you ever applied for a scholarship at I Tatti, Centro de Estudios de Europa Hispánica or Museo del Prado?

        * This question may have follow-up questions.

      2. Have you ever been a scholarship holder at Villa I Tatti, Museo del Prado or Centro de Estudios de Europa Hispánica?

        * This question may have follow-up questions.

      3. Sabbatical salary and allowances planned for 2022-2023

      4. Other grants and research institutes you are applying to

      5. Please confirm that you are applying for ONE type of scholarship at Villa I Tatti for the academic year 2022-2023.

    • Consent

      1. Consent / Authorization

        I give my consent, in accordance with the Italian law on the protection of privacy 196/03 and its subsequent modifications, to the processing of my personal data for the purposes listed in the information notice.

        Pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 196/03, and subsequent amendments, I, the undersigned, authorize the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in the information.

        More information:  http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest

  • Please provide 2 references. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that letters are received by November 20.

    Provide 2 references.

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