W3-Professorship for Intelligent Energy Management

The successful applicant will represent the field of artificial intelligence for electrical grids and distributed energy systems in research and teaching, and already have an excellent track record in relevant engineering work.

The research focus should cover the topics of “energy management, electrical grids, and distributed energy systems”. In addition, they will have one further focus in each of the two following areas.

In the area of algorithms:

  • Machine learning methods: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive learning
  • AI methods of planning and optimisation for distributed systems and complex topologies

In the area of technical implementation:

  • Software and hardware concepts for real-time control and regulation of distributed systems
  • Data acquisition and communication electronics for the “Internet of Things”

In teaching, the professorship is tasked with representing the fundamentals and specialisations of the methods of artificial intelligence and electrical networks and, in doing so, contributing significantly to the further development of the Electrical Engineering & Information Systems Technology degree programme.

The future chair is expected to be willing to take on a research orientation complementary to the existing research groups in the Faculty of Engineering Science, especially in the Centre for Energy Technology, in the Bayreuth Center for Artificial Intelligence, and in the AI Network Bavaria, and to participate in interdisciplinary research both within the faculty, across faculty boundaries in the profile field of energy research and energy technology, with the Bavarian Centre for Battery Technology (BayBatt), and in the context of the AI Network Bavaria.

The ability to teach in German and English is required.

The general administrative requirements for hiring professors at universities in Bavaria apply. A complete description of the vacancy can be found at www.uni-bayreuth.de/en.

Applications (curriculum vitae with list of publications, teaching experience, third-party funding, certificates, and diplomas) are requested by 13 February 2022 and should be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Science, Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag, and at https://uni-bayreuth.berufungsportal.de. The Dean is available for questions and further information at dekanat.ing@uni-bayreuth.de. All application documents will be deleted after the end of the appointment procedure in accordance with the requirements of data protection.

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