Professor in » Experimental Exercise Science « – Munich, Germany

Publicado hace 2 años

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of


in » Experimental Exercise Science «

W3 Associate or Full Professor; to begin as soon as possible.

Scientific environment

The new TUM Campus in the Olympic Park is one of Europe’s most modern sports and health sciences facilities. The scientific environment in the Department and at the Technical University of Munich is characterized by strong interdisciplinary structures.
The professorship is assigned to the TUM School of Medicine and Health in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences. Collaborations with the TUM School of Life Sciences, the Helmholtz Munich, and a Center for Health & Medicine in Society membership are anticipated. The primary focus of the Department of Health and Sport Sciences is to explore the relationship between physical activity and health in prevention research, with the ultimate goal of improving human health and well-being.


The responsibilities include research and teaching as well as the promotion of early-career scientists. We seek to appoint an exercise science expert focusing on evidence-based basic research with effective translation into practice for the prevention and risk reduction of chronic diseases. A further emphasis should be on planning and optimizing individual exercise programs to maintain or improve physical performance. Teaching responsibilities include courses in the teaching of exercise science in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at TUM, especially in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences. The teaching content takes the entire life span of the human being into account, with a particular focus on preventive aspects in childhood and adolescence and in adults.


We are looking for candidates who have demonstrated excellent achievements in research and teaching in an internationally recognized scientific environment relative to the relevant career level (please see for further information). A university degree and an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent scientific qualification, as well as pedagogical aptitude, are prerequisites. Substantial research experience abroad is expected.

Our Offer

Based on the best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM offers a merit-based academic career path for tenure track faculty from a permanent position as Associate Professor to Full Professor. The regulations of the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System apply.
TUM provides excellent working conditions in a lively scientific community embedded in the vibrant research environment of the Greater Munich Area. The TUM environment is multicultural, with English as a standard interface for scientific interaction. TUM offers attractive and performance-based salary conditions and social benefits.

The TUM Munich Dual Career Office (MDCO) provides tailored career consulting to the partners of newly appointed professors. The MDCO assists in relocating and integrating new professors, their partners and accompanying family members.

Your Application

TUM is an equal-opportunity employer and explicitly encourages applications from women. The position is suitable for disabled persons. Disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications and scientific performance as other candidates will be given preference. Application documents should be submitted in accordance with TUM’s application guidelines for professors. These guidelines and detailed information about the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System are available at Here you will also find TUM’s information on collecting and processing personal data as part of the application process.

Please send your application by 17 October 2023 to the Dean of the Faculty for Sports and Health Sciences, Prof. Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, via the TUM appointment portal:

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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