Publicado hace 1 año

The Science and Technology Park Foundation (FCPCT) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) – Spain offers one postdoc researcher position (ICP1) to work in the EU MARINE SABRES project during approximately 35 months.

The University Institute of Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (hereinafter, IU-ECOAQUA), is a research centre of excellence of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (approval published in BOC on 23 February 2016). It was born as a milestone of the European EcoAqua project, focused on the promotion of centres of excellence for research and innovation in the framework of the European Research Area (ERA). Thus, IU-ECOAQUA is constituted to promote research, innovation and postgraduate training in aquaculture and the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems. It is a multidisciplinary Institute that brings together experts from different areas of knowledge, such as zoologists, botanists, physiologists, veterinarians, pathologists, palaeontologists, oceanographers, jurists, economists, etc., with a long history of international cooperation and development.

MARINE SABRES project has been funded by HORIZON EUROPE, through the Grant Agreement number 101058956, signed by the European Commission on 01/04/2022 and in which ULPGC is partner of the consortium. The estimated end date of the project is 31/08/2026.

The overall objective of MARINE SABRES is to co-design and co-production of simple socio-ecological systems to analyse, understand and solve marine environmental management problems and restore and protect marine biodiversity.

The University will recruit the best candidate following the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The job offer will be published through a wide range of portals. The evaluation of candidates and their selection criteria will be aligned with the ULPGC policies on equal opportunities. Selection and hiring procedures will follow transparent mechanisms according to national and regional legislation.


Research Field
Biological sciences » Biology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

The work and responsibilities of the researcher will include the following research topics:

  • WP2: Co-creation and effective user involvement in marine environmental management of protected areas
    • Co-design with users of simple socio-ecological systems and decision making systems.
    • Assessment and feedback of the results of the different work packages.
    • Assessment of the decision making systems and associated tools.
  • WP4: Co-development, testing and demonstration of simple Socio-ecological Systems
    • Testing of simple socio-ecological systems.
    • Testing of the application of the socio-economic scenarios.
    • Testing of measures for governance solutions.
  • WP6: Co-production and advancement of the Decision-Making System
    • Review of current tools applied to environmental management.
    • Testing of decision making systems and associated tools.
    • Compilation of socio-ecological systems and decision making tools into the Marine SABRES Governance Support System.
    • Enhancement of governance decision making tools.
  • WP7: Communication, dissemination and impact of the Project
    • Tasks 1 – 6, support to the activities and production of materials carried out by the project dissemination team. For example, scientific communications in thematic meetings, congresses, seminars, symposia, contributions to the project’s newsletter, production of publications in journals of scientific impact, materials for the project’s social channels, etc.
Specific Requirements

Candidates must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Nationality:
    • Spanish nationality or that of one of the other member states of the European Union.
    • Whatever his nationality, spouses of Spaniards and nationals of other Member States of the European Union.
    • People included into International Agreements concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, related to free movement of workers.
    • Foreign candidates not included in the above paragraphs, legally resident in Spain.
  2. Age: Be over eighteen.
  3. Degrees: Hold a PhD degree in Biological Sciences, Marine Sciences or similar. Applicants with qualifications obtained abroad must hold the corresponding validation/credential certifying, where appropriate, the homologation. Exceptionally, the homologation could be accredited during the first three months of the contract.
  4. Professional experience:
    • At least 1 years’ previous professional experience in tasks related to marine environmental management or in activities of dissemination of research results related to the conservation of coastal and/or marine ecosystems.
    • Experience or technical participation in research projects related to:
      • The conservation of marine biodiversity or in marine or coastal protected areas.
      • The identification, cataloguing or valorisation of coastal and/or marine species, habitats or ecosystems.
    • Participation in scientific publications on coastal or marine biodiversity, at species, habitat or ecosystem level.
Research Field
Biological sciences » Biodiversity
Years of Research Experience
1 – 4

Additional Information


This contract is related to specific work and services to be developed by the ULPGC in the context of MARINE SABRES project.

1. Type of contract: Indefinite-term contract for scientific-technical activities, based on article 23 bis of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation, and other regulatory regulations.

2. The purpose of this contract is to carry out activities related to the MARINE SABRES project, whose thematic area is linked to the line of research entitled «CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES, ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PROTECTED MARINE AREAS», a project in which the ULPGC is involved by virtue of the grant agreement nº 101058956 signed on 01/04/2022 with the European Commission and whose estimated completion date is 31/08/2026.

3. Incorporation planned for October 2023.

4. The staff to be recruited through this call for proposals with an indefinite contract will not be considered permanent staff under any circumstances. The awarding of the employment contract does not imply any commitment on the part of this Foundation, the University, or its dependent bodies, as regards the subsequent incorporation of the interested party into the staff of these entities.

5. The contract may be terminated for any of the reasons provided for in Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of 23 October, approving the revised text of the Workers’ Statute Law, or in the rest of the applicable legislation, paying special attention to letter e) of article 52 of the aforementioned RDL 2/2015: insufficiency of the financial allocation of the corresponding appropriation for the maintenance of the employment contract.

6. The dedication will be 37.5 hours per week, with exclusive dedication to the service/project being essential.

7. The gross monthly remuneration will amount to 2,040.21 €/month (including the proportional part of the extraordinary payments) and a specific complement of 600.00 € gross per month.

8. The place of work will be at the IU-ECOAQUA facilities of the ULPGC, Parque Científico Tecnológico Marino de Taliarte de la ULPGC, 35214, Telde.

9. A trial period of six months will be established during which the employment relationship may be terminated at the request of either party. Situations of temporary incapacity, maternity, and adoption or fostering, which affect the worker during the trial period, will interrupt the calculation of the trial period.

Eligibility criteria

The following items and scores will be taken into account in order to evaluate the application:

  1. Professional experience (Max. 8 points):
  • Professional experience in marine environmental management (0.25 points for each month worked, up to a maximum of 5 points). Only experience exceeding the minimum of 12 months required will count as a merit.
  • Previous experience in marine biodiversity conservation activities or in marine or coastal protected areas, and in the characterisation of coastal/marine species, habitats or ecosystems (0.2 points for each month worked, up to a maximum of 2 points).
  • Previous experience in scientific dissemination tasks related to the conservation of coastal and/or marine ecosystems (0.1 points for each month worked, up to a maximum of 1 point).
  • 2. Further training (Max. 2 points):
  • Have a qualification in computer applications related to marine biodiversity, public participation techniques or citizen science processes (1 point/qualification).
Website for additional job details

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

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