Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor* in Mathematics

Publicado hace 1 año

Faculty of natural resources and agricultural sciences

Department of Energy and Technology

The Department of Energy and Technology conducts research and education with a focus on how agriculture can contribute to a sustainable society. The department has significant expertise in technology and systems for sustainable production of food and bioenergy. In terms of research methodology, there is substantial competency in system analysis, including environmental system analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), statistics, and mathematics with applications in biological systems (biometry), as well as automation.

The department is part of the Land-Water-Environment Centre (MVM), where research is conducted in i.a. environmental changes in soil and water, understanding biological, physical, and chemical processes in soil and water systems, optimization of food, bioenergy, and circular systems, as well as method development in agriculture and forestry. The department is responsible for over 30 courses at first and second cycle in the two engineering programmes Energy Systems and Environmental and Water Engineering (in collaboration with Uppsala University), the agronomy graduate programmes, and Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in biology and environmental sciences.

The position at SLU provides access to an attractive research environment with unique breadth, thereby offering opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations with research groups in other science and technology-based disciplines, as well as with researchers in social sciences and humanities.

The recruitment of a university lecturer in mathematics is part of the effort to develop and strengthen education and research in the fields of mathematics, applied mathematics, and digitalization, with a focus on agricultural technology.

The department has a bilingual working environment and consists of approximately 80 employees distributed among five research groups.

Read more about our benefits and what it is like to work at SLU under the following link.

Subject area

The subject encompasses mathematics and applied mathematics.


The holder should, within the subject area:

    • develop and lead successful research within mathematics and applied mathematics

    • develop, lead, and actively participate in teaching mathematics and applied mathematics at first and second cycle

    • collaborate with other research groups within SLU to enhance the university’s interdisciplinary activities

    • supervise doctoral students

    • develop and maintain international networks with researchers and work interdisciplinary

    • communicate research and research results

    • actively apply for external research funds

  • be able to teach in Swedish within four years.

The Senior Lecturer will be able to perform most of her/his tasks in English. However, since the university is Swedish speaking, the holder is expected to be able to work in Swedish within four years from the start of the employment. The department will support the holder in achieving this.


The applicant shall

    • hold a doctorate

    • be scientifically skilled within the subject of the employment

    • be pedagogically skilled

  • have good knowledge of English.

Assessment criteria

Assessment of the candidate’s suitability for employment as Senior Lecturer will primarily be based on the degree to which the candidate possesses the qualifications required for the position.

When assessing scientific skills the following are taken into account:

    • completed research efforts and ongoing research

    • ability to independently initiate and conduct innovative research

  • external research funds awarded in competition.

When assessing pedagogical skills/teaching expertise the following are taken into account:

    • planning, implementation, and examination, as well as evaluations of own teaching

    • supervision and examination at doctoral level

  • ability to integrate research and a scientific approach into teaching.

Further skills taken into account are:

    • developing and leading academic activities and personnel

    • communication and collaboration

    • collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and the surrounding society

  • dissemination of findings from research and development projects.

The scientific and pedagogical kills are given equal weights during the assessment of candidates. The position will be offered to the person who, after a qualitative overall assessment, is judged to have the best conditions to carry out and develop assigned tasks and contribute to a positive development of the subject area. Prövningen av den pedagogiska skickligheten ska ägnas lika stor omsorg som prövningen av den vetenskapliga skickligheten. Anställningen erbjuds den som efter en kvalitativ helhetsbedömning bedöms ha de bästa förutsättningarna att genomföra och utveckla aktuella arbetsuppgifter samt bidra till en positiv utveckling av verksamheten.

Additional information

An appointment as a University Lecturer at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences is guaranteed funding for own research corresponding to 35% of a standard salary for a university lecturer at SLU. In addition, the department guarantees the equivalent of 15% salary funds for research, teaching or administrative work. A university lecturer is expected to finance the remaining 50% through external research funds or additional teaching efforts.

This position offers the vibrant research climate at SLU. The benefits of the position include Swedish family health care provisions, parenting support including generous paid leave of absence policies that allow both parents to care for newborns and toddlers. Additionally Sweden has a well-established pre-school structure as well as an educational system that provides no-cost education through university studies. Find out more facts and stories about Sweden at

Located in the greater Stockholm region, the city of Uppsala has a rich history and culture, and is a true academic and cultural hub. Find out more about moving, living and working here at

Application deadline:


Place of work:




Form of employment:

* Swedish “universitetslektor”, a tenured position approximately equivalent to Senior lecturer (UK) or Associate professor (US). The applicant who is offered this employment at SLU will be employed as Senior lecturer.

Permanent employment

Starting date:

By agreement.


It is desirable that the application is written in English, as the applications will be assessed by experts both in Sweden and abroad.

For the guidance of your application, there is SLU’s appointment procedure for teachers at SLU and General assessment criteria for the appointment of teachers, which you can read here.

Please apply by clicking the apply-button below.

Academic union representatives:

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has a key role in the development for sustainable life, based on science and education. Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources, we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet. Our main campuses are located in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, however, the university also operates at research stations, experimental forests and teaching sites throughout Sweden.

SLU has around 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and doctoral students and a turnover of over SEK 3 billion. We are investing in attractive environments on all of our campuses. We strive to provide a work environment characterised by inclusivity and gender equality, where different experiences generate conversations between people and pave the way for science, creativity and development. Therefore, we welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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