CrossCulture Programme for internships in Germany

The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) is an exchange and dialogue programme of ifa (Institut für Auslands­beziehungen), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Since 2005 it offers young professionals and committed volunteers the opportunity to expand their professional and political competence as well as to gather international experience through a working sojourn in another cultural context.
Participants will be integrated in a German organisation as an intern. Besides the objectives of vocational and specialist qualification, they also gain an overview of the cultural, social and political structures in the host country, establish new personal and professional contacts and familiarise themselves with cultural characteristics of the host country. Thus, the programme offers a forum for open dialogue and mutual learning for all involved. The intercultural exchange fosters on-going dialogue and boosts the formation of networks between organisations in Germany and Islamic countries in a sustained manner. Further information about CCP on

Requirements to participate in the CrossCulture Programme: 
Applicants should show a good command of English and a permanent involvement in an organisation or institution in one’s own country. Knowledge of the German language is an additional qualification, not a requirement. Applicants should be aged between 23 to 45 years. Currently enrolled university students will not be considered for selection. Furthermore the applicants must be in good health. Their physical as well as mental working capacity must be sufficient for the requirements of a longer stay abroad and the essential work requirements of the internship.
Eligible applicants should have the nationality of one of the countries listed below. Please apply only if you are a national of the respective country or live there on a permanent basis.

Call for applications 2017: 
The application has to be submitted online via this application portal.

Please prepare the following documents which are compulsory for the upload:
1. a letter of motivation, describing your reasons to apply for an internship in Germany, your expectations (experiences and learning) as well as the period most suitable for your participation.
2. your CV with information about your current professional position
3. recommendation by your home organisation, showing their interest for your participation in the programme and their willingness to grant you a leave of absence. You can find a template for this recommendation on our website.
4. a portrait photograph 

Please note: Only complete applications including the a.m. documents will be processed! We strongly recommend therefore to use a computer for your application which allows you to upload the requested information.
Applications via smartphone or tablet should be avoided since no documents can be attached. 

Deadline for applications is 8 January 2017.

Selection Procedure:
ifa will screen all complete applications in cooperation with the German Embassies. Some applicants might be invited to an interview at the German Embassy. The final selection of CrossCulture participants is done in close cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office.
Nomination of participants will be announced end of April 2017. Letters of refusal will be sent without further explanations.

If you are interested to apply please choose your country of residence to get more information on the programmes’ conditions:

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