Histórico de Puestos

Informations sur l'emploi

Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux
Domaine de recherche
Ingénierie » Génie des matériaux
Physique » Acoustique
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Contexte & problématique Les composites à matrice céramique (CMC) possèdent des propriétés mécaniques remarquables jusqu'à très hautes températures, ce qui en fait des matériaux de choix pour de nombreuses applications thermostructurales dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, du spatial et de la défense. Il s'agit de matériaux structurés, multi-échelles, anisotropes et hétérogènes, ce qui rend le dimensionnement de pièces avec ces matériaux particulièrement complexe. Parmi leurs spécificités, le manque de séparabilité entre les échelles « matériau » (micro-méso) et celle de la pièce (macro) contraint fortement le recours direct aux méthodes classiques d'homogénéisation, notamment en dehors des espaces communs et a fortiori en présence de forts gradients de chargement. Les CMC présentent également une variabilité intrinsèque, inhérente à leur procédé de fabrication, qui doivent être intégrés dès la conception pour anticiper les effets potentiellement délétères des défauts sanitaires des matériaux. Ces particularités rendent difficile l’utilisation directe des méthodes de mise à l’échelle habituelles et nécessitent le développement de méthodes numériques adaptées. Différentes approches peuvent être envisagées pour résoudre ce problème. La première consiste à traiter complètement la pièce à l'échelle du matériau (micro ou méso), ce qui implique la résolution de très grands problèmes numériques et le recours à des approches de type décomposition de domaine (BDD, FETI, etc.) ou à des méthodes multi-avancées. techniques à l'échelle (MS-(G)FEM, CMCM, etc.). Ces approches nécessitent l’utilisation de ressources informatiques HPC. Outre ces contraintes, leur extension systématique à des comportements hautement non-linéaires n’est pas immédiatement possible en termes de coût de calcul. La deuxième approche consiste à traiter à l'échelle fine uniquement les zones d'intérêt de la pièce et à relier la solution obtenue à un calcul grossier à l'échelle macro. Mais cela n’est possible que si les domaines d’intérêt peuvent être déterminés a priori et sont peu nombreux. Enfin, une dernière approche suppose de construire a priori des ponts micro-méso et méso-macro stochastiques, sur des volumes caractéristiques compatibles avec une description approximative de la microstructure, mais suffisamment représentatifs pour inclure la variabilité du matériau et les gradients de chargement. Cette dernière approche permet d'inclure naturellement des comportements non linéaires, seulement si l'endommagement reste limité aux volumes élémentaires — ce qui peut poser problème dans le cas d'un délaminage par exemple. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une méthodologie numérique conciliant les différentes approches précédentes et permettant, à terme, de concevoir une pièce CMC en intégrant, selon les besoins, la description des zones singulières et de la variabilité du matériau en tout point. de la pièce. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuierons d'une part sur des jumeaux numériques, soit virtuels, soit réalisés à partir d'imagerie 3D de pièces CMC, et d'autre part nous utiliserons des techniques de machine learning tant pour accélérer la résolution d'éventuels calculs dans des sous-domaines6 que l'intégration des lois locales non linéaires Le LCTS est un laboratoire commun du CNRS, de l'Université de Bordeaux, du CEA et de Safran, situé sur le Campus de Bordeaux. Elle possède 34 ans d'expérience dans la recherche scientifique fondamentale sur les composites réfractaires. Ces matériaux hautes performances sont utilisés dans les applications aéronautiques, spatiales, énergétiques et industrielles. Le LCTS est une équipe de recherche unique travaillant en mode projet, en relation forte avec ses parties prenantes non académiques. Il compte actuellement 34 collaborateurs permanents, auxquels s'ajoutent une quinzaine de doctorants et 4 chercheurs post-doctorants.


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
La physique
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Ingénierie » Génie des matériaux
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Physique » Acoustique
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
La mécanique des matériaux; Modélisation par éléments finis ; Méthodes d'apprentissage automatique
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux Domaine de recherche Ingénierie » Génie des matériaux Physique » Acoustique ...View more

Informations sur l'emploi

Institut Fresnel
Domaine de recherche
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Nous proposons un poste post-doctoral de 12 mois (financement AMIDEX) dans le domaine de la modélisation et du traitement d'images pour l'imagerie biomédicale optique. Les travaux se dérouleront à l'Institut Fresnel de Marseille, au sein de l'équipe DiMABio ( https://www.fresnel.fr/spip/spip.php?article1085 ), dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec la plateforme Optimal de l'Institut pour l L'Avancée des Biosciences (IAB) à Grenoble ( https://iab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/Plateformes/imagerie-optique-petit-a… ), et Kaer Labs à Nantes ( https://www.kaerlabs. com/), for the development of a fluorescence tomography system in the second biological window NIR II or SWIR (Short Wave InfraRed 900-1700 nm). The candidate's mission will be to implement high-performance resolution methods for solving the direct problem (propagation of light in the animal) coupled with 3D reconstruction algorithms for locating sources of fluorescence detectable in vivo in mouse models. Plus spécifiquement, le projet concerne le développement d'un algorithme de reconstruction utilisant des images de fluorescence issues d'un système d'imagerie de fluorescence pour petits animaux dans la gamme spectrale « NIR-II » ou « SWIR » (1000 à 1700 nm), co-développé par Kaer Labs, l'IAB et l'Institut Fresnel. Cet algorithme doit : i) être basé sur la résolution numérique d'un modèle de propagation de la lumière capable de prendre en compte les niveaux élevés d'absorption et de diffusion des tissus biologiques à ces longueurs d'onde (Équation de Transfert Radiatif) ; ii) prendre en compte les caractéristiques techniques des instruments (géométrie d'acquisition, type de capteur et de source, filtre de fluorescence, etc.). Le candidat pourra s'appuyer sur des travaux préliminaires et des outils numériques déjà mis en œuvre (travaux démarrés il y a deux ans), ainsi que l’expertise et l’infrastructure des équipes. L’algorithme développé sera ensuite utilisé pour détecter de nouveaux agents de contraste SWIR organiques (dérivés de cyanine) et inorganiques (nanoclusters d’or) dotés de fonctions de ciblage spécifiques au cancer. Le comportement biologique in vivo de ces produits de contraste sera évalué après administration chez la souris. Dans un premier temps, leur biodistribution in vivo sera évaluée chez des souris saines, suivie d'une évaluation de leur capacité à cibler les tumeurs dans des modèles murins de cancer. Les travaux comprendront donc les 3 phases suivantes : Le comportement biologique in vivo de ces produits de contraste sera évalué après administration chez la souris. Dans un premier temps, leur biodistribution in vivo sera évaluée chez des souris saines, suivie d'une évaluation de leur capacité à cibler les tumeurs dans des modèles murins de cancer. Les travaux comprendront donc les 3 phases suivantes : Le comportement biologique in vivo de ces produits de contraste sera évalué après administration chez la souris. Dans un premier temps, leur biodistribution in vivo sera évaluée chez des souris saines, suivie d'une évaluation de leur capacité à cibler les tumeurs dans des modèles murins de cancer. Les travaux comprendront donc les 3 phases suivantes : - Mise en place d'outils numériques, notamment développement d'un solveur pour l'Equation de Transfert Radiatif utilisant des simulations Monte Carlo ou la Méthode des Eléments Finis, optimisé pour le couplage à un algorithme de reconstruction. - Validation expérimentale sur fantômes - Etude préclinique Les travaux numériques seront réalisés à l'Institut Fresnel, avec des campagnes de mesures ponctuelles à l'IAB (Grenoble).


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Les modèles et méthodes de résolution des équations étant connus, ce projet nécessite de fortes compétences en modélisation numérique (résolution de l'équation de transfert radiatif par des méthodes numériques ou stochastiques), en mathématiques appliquées et en traitement de l'information. Le contexte pluridisciplinaire, à l'interface entre physique et recherche biomédicale, requiert un candidat doté d'un haut degré d'autonomie et d'ouverture d'esprit, capable de prendre en compte les contraintes expérimentales et biologiques. Les principales compétences requises pour le projet sont la connaissance des modèles physiques, du calcul scientifique (analyse numérique pour les PDE, optimisation, algorithmes, Deep Learning et HPC), du traitement du signal et de l'image. Aucune compétence préalable spécifique en chimie ou en biologie n'est requise, mais les candidats doivent être ouverts à la perspective de contribuer à ces expériences.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Institut Fresnel Domaine de recherche Ingénierie L’informatique Mathématiques Profil de chercheur Chercheur de premiè...View more

Informations sur l'emploi

Aspects métaboliques et systémiques de l'oncogénèse pour de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques
Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur reconnu (R2)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Le chercheur postdoctoral recruté pour ce poste sera impliqué dans le développement de sources électromagnétiques de forte puissance pour une électroperméabilisation non invasive. Deux technologies seront développées : - Une pour les applications médicales de surface, c'est à dire l'électroperméabilisation de la peau ou du tissu sous-cutané. - L'autre utilisera un dispositif permettant de focaliser le champ électrique dans une zone d'intérêt de quelques centimètres de profondeur, pour une électroperméabilisation des tissus profonds. Le chercheur devra confirmer la preuve de concept de l'électroperméabilisation, dans un premier temps sur des bactéries en suspension, et optimiser les paramètres (nombre d'impulsions, amplitude, fréquence, etc.). La même expérience sera ensuite reproduite sur des cellules eucaryotes en suspension. Le pourcentage de perméabilisation sera quantifié par cytométrie à l'aide d'un marqueur fluorescent non pénétrant. Enfin, une cartographie tridimensionnelle de la répartition de l'électroperméabilisation obtenue avec ces systèmes non invasifs sera réalisée par microscopie à fluorescence, permettant ainsi de quantifier la géométrie et la profondeur d' électroperméabilisation réalisable. En parallèle, le chercheur étudiera, in vitro, l'électromanipulation du calcium cytosolique dans les cellules stromales multipotentes (CSM) et son impact sur leur prolifération/cycle cellulaire et leur différenciation. - concevoir et réaliser des expériences - analyser et interpréter les résultats, - présenter les données oralement et par écrit (anglais), - participer à la rédaction d'articles scientifiques en anglais, - encadrer des étudiants et des techniciens Le chercheur postdoctoral sélectionné pour ce poste participera à un projet ANR. L'utilisation de champs électromagnétiques permet d'induire la migration de charges à proximité de la membrane cellulaire, modifiant ainsi le potentiel transmembranaire physiologique existant et conduisant à une perméabilisation membranaire (électroperméabilisation). L'électroperméabilisation est principalement exploitée dans l'électrochimiothérapie anticancéreuse (ECT), déjà utilisée en clinique. Bien que très efficace, rapide et reproductible, l’ECT nécessite généralement l’utilisation d’électrodes invasives (aiguilles), qui provoquent des douleurs et des lésions tissulaires et nécessitent une anesthésie, voire une intervention chirurgicale. Cela complique grandement le traitement par ECT des tumeurs profondes ou situées dans des organes sensibles. Le chercheur postdoctoral choisi pour ce poste participera également à un projet européen FETOPEN. Ce projet consiste à utiliser diverses stimulations électriques sur des cellules souches afin d'imposer et de contrôler des oscillations calciques cytosoliques et ainsi contrôler la différenciation et la prolifération/cycles cellulaires. Le chercheur postdoctoral sera recruté par le CNRS et travaillera au sein du laboratoire UMR 9018 METSY (Aspects métaboliques et systémiques de l'oncogenèse pour de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques) sous la direction du Dr Lluis MIR et du Dr Franck ANDRE. Ils entretiennent de nombreuses collaborations en France et en Europe, accueillant régulièrement des stagiaires de ces autres laboratoires. L'équipe entretient également des contacts avec l'industrie et souhaite valoriser les résultats de ses recherches. Le candidat travaillera en collaboration avec les autres laboratoires partenaires également impliqués dans le projet. Il/elle participera à toutes les réunions organisées par le consortium. Le laboratoire METSY est situé dans les pavillons de recherche de l'Institut Gustave Roussy à Villejuif. L'unité comprend quatre équipes et plus de 40 chercheurs, cliniciens, techniciens, post-doctorants et doctorants.


Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Le candidat idéal pour ce poste est un excellent chercheur très motivé, titulaire d'un doctorat en biophysique. Le candidat doit maîtriser un ensemble de techniques classiques de biologie : culture bactérienne, culture de cellules animales, microscopie à fluorescence, cytométrie en flux, ainsi qu'avoir une bonne connaissance de l'électromagnétisme et être capable d'utiliser des oscilloscopes, des générateurs électriques haute tension et un appareil 3D. imprimante, etc. Une expérience antérieure en électroporation serait un plus. Compte tenu de la courte durée du contrat, le candidat doit être immédiatement opérationnel. Le candidat doit aimer le défi des nouveaux concepts scientifiques multidisciplinaires et avoir une attitude très motivée, persévérante et axée sur les résultats. Nous recherchons des candidats intéressés à travailler dans un environnement de recherche multidisciplinaire, avoir d'excellentes compétences en communication et être motivé, critique et digne de confiance. Le candidat doit être capable de travailler à la fois de manière indépendante et au sein d'une équipe interdisciplinaire. De bonnes compétences en communication orale et écrite en anglais sont essentielles. De bonnes compétences en organisation et en planification sont nécessaires.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Aspects métaboliques et systémiques de l’oncogénèse pour de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques Domaine de recherche...View more

Informations sur l'emploi

Institut de Génétique Humaine
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Sciences biologiques » Biologie
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur reconnu (R2)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

L'objectif du projet est de comprendre les bases moléculaires à l'origine de l'instabilité génomique des cellules souches embryonnaires. L'étude portera sur le rôle d'un facteur récemment identifié dans le laboratoire hôte impliqué dans ce processus, son interaction avec des protéines impliquées dans la réparation de l'ADN ainsi qu'avec des facteurs de pluripotence dans les cellules souches embryonnaires. de souris. Le candidat utilisera des techniques de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire pour étudier l'interaction fonctionnelle entre la voie de réparation de l'ADN et les facteurs de pluripotence. -Tâches principales -Clonage et amplification d'ADN par PCR -Immunoprécipitation de protéines et de chromatine à partir de lysats cellulaires -Expression et purification de protéines recombinantes -Tests d'activité enzymatique in vitro -Immunfluorescence Tâches secondaires : Encadrement de stagiaires (niveau master) L'Institut de Génétique Humaine offre un environnement scientifique exceptionnel avec 22 équipes de recherche. L’un des principaux domaines de recherche développés à l’institut est la dynamique du génome et le contrôle épigénétique. Les principaux aspects de ces recherches concernent la réplication de l'ADN, le maintien de l'intégrité du génome, la recombinaison et la méiose, la chromatine et l'organisation nucléaire. Le projet sera développé en collaboration avec 4 autres groupes de l'Institut.


Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Sciences biologiques » Biologie
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Compétences -Une très bonne expérience en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire est requise. -Motivation et passion pour les sciences. -Au moins une publication de bon niveau (IF>=10) en tant que premier auteur issue des travaux de thèse. - Autonomie - Capacités d'organisation et de communication - Capacité à travailler en équipe - Connaissance des techniques de base de la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire (western blot, PCR, clonage, immunomarquage). - Culture de cellules souches pluripotentes - Immunoprécipitation de la chromatine
Commentaires supplémentaires
N'envoyez pas de candidatures par courrier électronique. Les candidats dont le profil ne correspond pas au profil souhaité sont priés de ne pas postuler.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Institut de Génétique Humaine Domaine de recherche Sciences Biologiques Sciences biologiques » Biologie Profil de chercheur...View more

Informations sur l'emploi

Institut Langevin
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

La thèse se déroulera principalement à l'Institut Langevin (4 jours/semaine) et au Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées de l'Ecole Polytechnique (1 jour/semaine). L'Institut Langevin est une unité mixte de recherche du CNRS associée à l'ESPCI Paris - Université PSL, située dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris et regroupant une centaine de membres, dont plus de 30 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs. Les thématiques du laboratoire couvrent de nombreux aspects de la physique des ondes, allant de l'optique et de l'acoustique aux radiofréquences. La thèse s'inscrit dans la thématique "Ondes en Milieux Complexes" de l'Institut Langevin. Le Graal de la microscopie des tissus biologiques vivants est de pouvoir observer et caractériser un échantillon 3D de manière non invasive à différentes échelles temporelles (de la milliseconde au jour) et spatiales (du µm au cm). Les tissus biologiques diffusent fortement la lumière, ce qui limite souvent la profondeur d’imagerie à quelques dizaines de µm. À l’Institut Langevin, nous avons développé un microscope ultra-rapide et non invasif qui pousse la profondeur de pénétration au-delà du millimètre pour une imagerie en temps réel. Le microscope est basé sur la mesure interférométrique d'une matrice de réflexion multispectrale. Cette matrice contient toutes les informations disponibles sur le support (c'est à dire tous ses degrés de liberté spatio-temporels). A partir de cette matrice, mesurée plusieurs fois par seconde, il est possible de récupérer la réflectivité de l'échantillon et ainsi d'en former une image 3D, exempt des problèmes d'aberration et de diffusion multiple [1, 2]. Cette image 3D fournit au spécialiste des premières informations structurelles. Cependant, elle ne permet pas une caractérisation complète du milieu. A priori, il n'est pas possible de différencier correctement les cellules ou, plus généralement, de fournir des informations précises sur les différents éléments de l'échantillon. Aujourd’hui, la microscopie à fluorescence est massivement utilisée dans le domaine de l’imagerie pour la biologie, car elle permet de visualiser des processus biologiques tels que les interactions cellule-cellule et la dynamique intracellulaire. Néanmoins, elle reste très invasive, nécessitant un marquage chimique des protéines à étudier et une fixation des échantillons en raison de la lenteur des taux d’acquisition. La tomographie optique diffractive, quant à elle, extrait la carte d'indice optique d'un échantillon cellulaire en résolvant le problème inverse liant le champ diffracté par l'échantillon au champ incident, de manière non invasive. Cette carte fournit des informations précieuses, permettant de distinguer, au sein d'une cellule, ses différents composants comme la membrane, le cytoplasme, le noyau et d'autres organites comme les lysosomes ou les mitochondries. Sous certaines hypothèses (échantillon mince, faibles fluctuations d'indice optique, faible diffusion), la solution peut être obtenue en transmission par un développement Born du modèle "forward". Aujourd’hui, les équipes de recherche parviennent à repousser ces limites en modélisant plus en détail plusieurs processus de diffusion, à l’aide d’outils d’optimisation de descente de gradient [3, 4]. Ces méthodes offrent une plus grande précision et permettent d’étudier des échantillons plus complexes. Aujourd'hui, Cependant, la configuration de transmission et les temps de calcul nécessaires pour résoudre ce problème rendent cette approche impossible pour l'étude en temps réel de grands micro-organismes vivants (par exemple des organoïdes dont le diamètre peut atteindre plusieurs centaines de micromètres). Pour les mêmes raisons, elle n'est pas applicable à l'imagerie médicale de la cornée, de la rétine ou de la peau. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthode permettant de résoudre le problème inverse de diffusion multiple dans une configuration réflective, d'une part en utilisant des outils d'optimisation classiques, et d'autre part en utilisant une approche d'apprentissage profond afin de réduire considérablement les temps de calcul. Les différents aspects de la thèse sont les suivants : ● Le développement d'un modèle de diffraction par réflexion pour simuler la matrice multispectrale pour une distribution d'indice optique arbitraire. Une attention particulière sera portée à la génération de cartes d'indices optiques selon les cas considérés (structures cellulaires de type organoïde, mais aussi tissus biologiques comme la cornée ou la peau). ● Résoudre le problème de diffraction par optimisation sur données simulées, puis sur données expérimentales. Contrairement aux travaux récents [3, 4], l'objectif de cette thèse sera d'étendre l'approche à une mesure polychromatique tirant parti du fenêtrage temporel. Un modèle de propagation d'intensité qui extrait des paramètres statistiques de diffusion tels que le libre parcours moyen sera également étudié. ● Le développement d'un modèle de réseau de neurones profond pour obtenir la carte optique à partir de la matrice multispectrale. Cette approche s'appuiera sur la génération d'un grand nombre de données simulées (carte d'index optique / matrice multi-spectrale) facilitant l'entraînement d'un réseau de neurones profond (ex : CNN de type UNet) et un ajustement des paramètres du modèle sur des données expérimentales. selon le tissu considéré. Les données d’entrée étant de grande dimension, il peut être intéressant d’explorer différentes décompositions matricielles afin de projeter les données sur un espace d’entrée de plus petite dimension, facilitant ainsi la formation du réseau. Un autre aspect de ce projet DL sera de compenser les limitations de résolution axiale liées à l'ouverture numérique (déformation de la carte d'indice optique reconstruite) à l'aide de modèles génératifs (GAN, Transformateurs, Diffusion Stable, ...). ● BONUS : synthèse d'images en combinant plusieurs modalités d'imagerie. [1] Badon, A. et coll. Concept de matrice de distorsion pour l'imagerie optique profonde dans les milieux diffusants. Sci. Av. 6, eaay7170 (2020). [2] Balondrade, P., et al. Matrice de réflexion multispectrale pour la microscopie 3D ultra-rapide sans étiquette, à soumettre dans Nature Photonics (2023) [3] Chowdhury, S. et al. Microscopie à indice de réfraction 3D haute résolution d'échantillons à diffusion multiple à partir d'images d'intensité. Optica 6, 1211 (2019). [4] Chen, M., Ren, D., Liu, H.-Y., Chowdhury, S. & Waller, L. Modèle à diffusion multiple multicouche Born pour la microscopie de phase 3D. Optica 7, 394 (2020).


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
La physique
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Institut Langevin Domaine de recherche Ingénierie La physique Technologie Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (...View more

Publicado hace 10 meses

Description de l'offre

Contrairement aux cellules cycliques, les cellules multiciliées (MCC) évitent le processus archétypique de duplication des centrosomes pour former une centaine de centrioles à partir desquels les cils mobiles se développent et battent, créant des flux de fluides essentiels aux processus physiologiques tels que la circulation du liquide céphalo-rachidien, les voies respiratoires muco-ciliaires. clairance ou transport des ovules. Des défauts d’amplification centriole du MCC sont associés à des pathologies graves telles que l’hydrocéphalie, l’insuffisance pulmonaire irréversible et la stérilité. Cependant, les mécanismes à l’origine de l’amplification centriole sont encore largement inconnus. À l’aide d’un test de culture de MCC de cerveau de souris et de techniques d’imagerie haute résolution de cellule unique, le laboratoire hôte a dévoilé pour la première fois la dynamique de l’amplification centriole. Ils ont notamment révélé que de nouveaux centrioles sont amplifiés à partir du centriole centrosomal fille immature, mettant ainsi en évidence une nouvelle asymétrie des centrosomes. L'objectif du présent projet est de comprendre les mécanismes à l'origine de cette nouvelle asymétrie centrosomique, donnant naissance à l'amplification centriole dans le MCC. Dans ce contexte, je propose une approche multidisciplinaire pour (i) définir le rôle des centrioles centrosomales dans l'amplification des centrioles et (ii) identifier les acteurs moléculaires contrôlant le processus. Les protéines candidates pourraient alors représenter de nouvelles cibles pour contourner l’amplification centriole altérée rencontrée dans les ciliopathies mobiles. Contrairement aux cellules cycliques, les cellules multiciliées (MCC) évitent le processus archétypique de duplication des centrosomes pour former une centaine de centrioles à partir desquels les cils mobiles se développent et battent, créant des flux de fluides essentiels aux processus physiologiques tels que la circulation du liquide céphalo-rachidien, les voies respiratoires muco-ciliaires. clairance ou transport des ovules. Des défauts d’amplification centriole du MCC sont associés à des pathologies graves telles que l’hydrocéphalie, l’insuffisance pulmonaire irréversible et la stérilité. Cependant, les mécanismes à l’origine de l’amplification centriole sont encore largement inconnus. À l’aide d’un test de culture de MCC de cerveau de souris et de techniques d’imagerie haute résolution de cellule unique, le laboratoire hôte a dévoilé pour la première fois la dynamique de l’amplification centriole. Ils ont notamment révélé que de nouveaux centrioles sont amplifiés à partir du centriole centrosomal fille immature, mettant ainsi en évidence une nouvelle asymétrie des centrosomes. L'objectif du présent projet est de comprendre les mécanismes à l'origine de cette nouvelle asymétrie centrosomique, donnant naissance à l'amplification centriole dans le MCC. Dans ce contexte, je propose une approche multidisciplinaire pour (i) définir le rôle des centrioles centrosomales dans l'amplification des centrioles et (ii) identifier les acteurs moléculaires contrôlant le processus. Les protéines candidates pourraient alors représenter de nouvelles cibles pour contourner l’amplification centriole altérée rencontrée dans les ciliopathies mobiles. Equipe de biologie cellulaire et de développement de 10 personnes / 2 ingénieurs sont dans l'équipe / Equipe expérimentale


Domaine de recherche
La physique
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Le candidat doit avoir des compétences en biologie cellulaire, en techniques d'imagerie et en culture cellulaire. Il doit avoir un doctorat.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Description de l’offre Contrairement aux cellules cycliques, les cellules multiciliées (MCC) évitent le processus archétypique de duplication des centrosomes pour former une centaine de centr...View more

Publicado hace 10 meses

Offer Description

at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry. Closing date: 3 November 2023. The Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) is, with about 160 employees, one of the largest departments at the Faculty of Natural sciences at Stockholm University. A significant part of the teaching activities is at the undergraduate level with courses in General, Physical, Inorganic, and Analytical Chemistry. The teaching at the graduate level focuses on the master programs in Sustainable Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Research activities of MMK focus primarily on materials, and include different classes such as ceramics, glasses, self-assembled, porous materials, and soft matter. The projects often encompass synthesis, and characterization by X-ray, neutron diffraction, electron microscopy, solid-state NMR, and computer modelling of materials with a potential for various applications. Research activities in the area of Analytical Chemistry focus on developing advanced analytical techniques for studies of organic compounds and biomolecules. Project description Project title: Nanoporous ionic separators for Na-ion batteries Supervisors: Prof. Jiayin Yuan (main supervisor); Dr. Miao Zhang (co-supervisor) The position will synthesize functional nanoporous separators for Na-ion batteries by controlled wet-chemical method ( J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (15), 5549–5552), focusing on facile and up-scalable preparation. The resulting separators will exploit electrostatic complexation between a cationic poly (ionic liquid) and a polyacid-based polyanion. A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the structure-property relationship will be conducted with respect to wettability, and the impact of porosity, morphology and tortuosity on the effective conductivity in the presence of liquid electrolyte. The best performing separators will be up-scaled to produce quantities sufficient for their implementation in Na-ion pouch cells. The ideal applicant is proactive and equipped with a problem-solving mindset. The ambition to conduct interdisciplinary research at the broad breadth of materials chemistry is an asset. Candidates with a solid foundation in materials chemistry, chemical engineering, polymer chemistry, battery oepration and materials, and/or membrane science specialisation are encouraged to apply. The applicant should have a good knowledge of English, both orally and in writing. Qualification requirements In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have completed a second-cycle degree, completed courses equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere. In order to meet the specific entry requirements, the general syllabus for doctoral studies in the field of Chemistry is valid. Those studies should include at least one specialized course or a thesis in the research subject. In order to facilitate the evaluation of merits and suitability for the PhD studies your curriculum vitae (CV) should contain information about the extent and focus of the academic studies. The quantity (as part of an academic year) and the quality mark of courses in chemistry and physics are of particular interest. Please, state titles of undergraduate theses and project works. You will find the general study plan at the Department´s website for doctoral studies. The qualification requirements must be met by the deadline for applications. Selection The selection among the eligible candidates will be based on their capacity to benefit from the training. The following criteria will be used to assess this capacity: the candidates’ documented knowledge in a relevant field of research, written and oral proficiency in both Swedish and English, the capacity for analytical thinking, the ability to collaborate, as well as creativity, initiative, and independence. The assessment will be based on previous experience and grades, the quality of the degree project, references, relevant experience, interviews, and the candidate’s written motivation for seeking the position. Admission Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Stockholm University are available at: www.su.se/rules and regulations. Terms of employment Only a person who will be or has already been admitted to a third-cycle programme may be appointed to a doctoral studentship. The term of the initial contract may not exceed one year. The employment may be extended for a maximum of two years at a time. However, the total period of employment may not exceed the equivalent of four years of full-time study. Doctoral students should primarily devote themselves to their own education, but may engage in teaching, research, and administration corresponding to a maximum of 20 % of a full-time position. Please note that admission decisions cannot be appealed. Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all. Contact For more information, please contact the PI Jiayin Yuan, jiayin.yuan@mmk.su.se. For general information about the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, please contact the Head of the Department, Prof. Niklas Hedin, niklas.hedin@mmk.su.se. Union representatives Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64, saco@saco.su.se, Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/OFR), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89, alejandra@st.su.seseko@seko.su.se (SEKO), and PhD student representative, doktorandombud@sus.su.se. Application Apply for the PhD student position at Stockholm University's recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline. Please include the following information with your application
    • Your contact details and personal data
    • Your highest degree
    • Your language skills
  • Contact details for 2–3 references
and, in addition, please include the following documents
    • Cover letter
    • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects/theses
    • Project proposal/Research proposal describing: – why you are interested in the field/project described in the advertisement – what makes you suitable for the project in question
    • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files)
    • Letters of recommendation (no more than 6 files)
  • Degree projects/theses (no more than 6 files).
The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position. You are welcome to apply! Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Offer Description at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry. Closing date: 3 November 2023. The Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) is, with about 160 employe...View more

Publicado hace 10 meses

Offer Description

We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the day. Our fundamental values rest on credibility, trust and security. By having the courage to think freely and innovate, our actions together, large and small, contribute to a better world. We look forward to receiving your application!

Work assignments

The research focus for the open position is to develop new machine learning methodology for novel materials discovery. You will be part of the KAW-funded cross-disciplinary project The 2D Materials Frontier. In collaboration with world-leading physicists in Linköping and Uppsala, we will develop machine learning methods to aid in the quest for new ultra-thin materials, with applications in energy storage, catalysis, and water treatment, to mention a few. Machine learning, in particular methods based on graph neural networks and geometric deep learning, have recently shown great potential to enable major leaps in the field of data-driven materials science, and to significantly speed up the search for new materials. However, for ultra-thin materials we face numerous challenges related to unique structures, material properties, target variables, data availability, etc. These challenges require novel machine learning methodology to be developed, and it is the goal of this position to contribute to such development. While the research focus is on machine learning methods and theory, you will also get the opportunity to work in a unique cross-disciplinary environment together with some of the world-leading experts on 2D materials. You will work in close collaboration with both experimental and theoretical physicists who will contribute with domain expertise, and you will have the opportunity of applying the machine learning methods developed in the project in practice to aid in the quest for novel 2D materials. As postdoc, you will principally carry out research. A certain amount of teaching may be part of your duties, up to a maximum of 20% of working hours. Teaching will in that case be at basic or advanced level for courses in machine learning, programming and/or statistics. The duties also include contributing to the scientific discussion at the department, for instance by participating in and organizing reading groups and seminars and engaging in PhD supervision. You are expected to actively engage in the collaboration with the different project partners and to serve as a link between the involved departments.


To be qualified to take employment as postdoc, you must have been awarded a doctoral degree or have a foreign degree that is deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree.  This degree must have been awarded at the latest by the point when LiU makes its decision to employ you. It is considered advantageous if your doctoral degree is no older than three years at application deadline for this job. If there are special reasons for having an older doctoral degree – such as taking statutory leave – then these may be taken into consideration. We are seeking applicants who have a PhD degree in machine learning, statistics, or a related area that is considered relevant for the research topic of the project. The position requires very good knowledge of spoken and written English. A successful candidate should have a strong background in machine learning, applied mathematics, statistics, computer science or a related area that is considered relevant for the research topic of the project. Scholarly proficiency must have been demonstrated through original research resulting in publications in internationally recognized journals and conferences. Publications in journals in statistics and machine learning, as well as publications at international machine learning conferences, are particularly advantageous. Documented experience with applying or developing machine learning for applications in materials science, physics, or related areas is advantageous. The applicant should be skilled at implementing new models and algorithms in a suitable software environment, with documented experience. The applicant should furthermore have a strong drive towards performing fundamental research; the ability and interest to work in a team; and strong communication skills.

The workplace

Linköping University is one of the leading AI institutions in Sweden. We have strong links to prominent national research initiatives, such as WASP and ELLIIT and you will have access to state-of-the-art computing infrastructure for machine learning, e.g. through BerzeLiUs. The position is formally based at the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning (STIMA). At STIMA we conduct research and education in both statistics and machine learning, at the undergraduate, advanced and PhD levels. We regularly publish solid contributions at the best machine learning conferences. STIMA is characterized by a modern view of the statistical subject, where probabilistic models are combined with computational algorithms to solve challenging complex problems, as well as a statistical view of machine learning which clearly integrates the two subject areas within the division. For more information about STIMA, please see https://liu.se/en/organisation/liu/ida/stima STIMA is part of the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) – a dynamic, international, and collaborative environment with a strong focus on research, which spans the range from purely theoretical to applied, where the latter is often being conducted in cooperation with industrial partners and other organizations. Read more at https://liu.se/en/organisation/liu/ida The position is part of the cross-disciplinary project The 2D Materials Frontier, led by Professor Johanna Rosén at the Division of Materials Design at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), see https://liu.se/en/organisation/liu/ifm In this project you will be indirectly associated with IFM and, indeed, act as a link between the two departments. IDA and IFM are physically located in neighboring buildings, which simplifies a tight collaboration.

The employment

This post is a temporary contract of two years with the possibility of extension up to a total maximum of three years.The position as a postdoc is full-time. Starting date By agreement.

Salary and employment benefits

Salaries at the university are set individually. State your desired salary in the application. More information about employee benefits is available here.

Union representatives

Information about trade union contacts can be found here.

Application procedure

Apply for this position by clicking on the button labelled “Apply” below. Your application must reach Linköping University no later than November 3, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

We welcome applicants with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives - diversity enriches our work and helps us grow. Preserving everybody's equal value, rights and opportunities is a natural part of who we are. Read more about our work with: Equal opportunities.

We look forward to receiving your application! Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as vendors of job advertisements.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Offer Description We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the d...View more

Faculty of natural resources and agricultural sciences

Department of Energy and Technology

The Department of Energy and Technology conducts research and education with a focus on how agriculture can contribute to a sustainable society. The department has significant expertise in technology and systems for sustainable production of food and bioenergy. In terms of research methodology, there is substantial competency in system analysis, including environmental system analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), statistics, and mathematics with applications in biological systems (biometry), as well as automation.

The department is part of the Land-Water-Environment Centre (MVM), where research is conducted in i.a. environmental changes in soil and water, understanding biological, physical, and chemical processes in soil and water systems, optimization of food, bioenergy, and circular systems, as well as method development in agriculture and forestry. The department is responsible for over 30 courses at first and second cycle in the two engineering programmes Energy Systems and Environmental and Water Engineering (in collaboration with Uppsala University), the agronomy graduate programmes, and Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in biology and environmental sciences.

The position at SLU provides access to an attractive research environment with unique breadth, thereby offering opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations with research groups in other science and technology-based disciplines, as well as with researchers in social sciences and humanities.

The recruitment of a university lecturer in mathematics is part of the effort to develop and strengthen education and research in the fields of mathematics, applied mathematics, and digitalization, with a focus on agricultural technology.

The department has a bilingual working environment and consists of approximately 80 employees distributed among five research groups.

Read more about our benefits and what it is like to work at SLU under the following link.

Subject area

The subject encompasses mathematics and applied mathematics.


The holder should, within the subject area:

    • develop and lead successful research within mathematics and applied mathematics

    • develop, lead, and actively participate in teaching mathematics and applied mathematics at first and second cycle

    • collaborate with other research groups within SLU to enhance the university's interdisciplinary activities

    • supervise doctoral students

    • develop and maintain international networks with researchers and work interdisciplinary

    • communicate research and research results

    • actively apply for external research funds

  • be able to teach in Swedish within four years.

The Senior Lecturer will be able to perform most of her/his tasks in English. However, since the university is Swedish speaking, the holder is expected to be able to work in Swedish within four years from the start of the employment. The department will support the holder in achieving this.


The applicant shall

    • hold a doctorate

    • be scientifically skilled within the subject of the employment

    • be pedagogically skilled

  • have good knowledge of English.

Assessment criteria

Assessment of the candidate’s suitability for employment as Senior Lecturer will primarily be based on the degree to which the candidate possesses the qualifications required for the position.

When assessing scientific skills the following are taken into account:

    • completed research efforts and ongoing research

    • ability to independently initiate and conduct innovative research

  • external research funds awarded in competition.

When assessing pedagogical skills/teaching expertise the following are taken into account:

    • planning, implementation, and examination, as well as evaluations of own teaching

    • supervision and examination at doctoral level

  • ability to integrate research and a scientific approach into teaching.

Further skills taken into account are:

    • developing and leading academic activities and personnel

    • communication and collaboration

    • collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and the surrounding society

  • dissemination of findings from research and development projects.

The scientific and pedagogical kills are given equal weights during the assessment of candidates. The position will be offered to the person who, after a qualitative overall assessment, is judged to have the best conditions to carry out and develop assigned tasks and contribute to a positive development of the subject area. Prövningen av den pedagogiska skickligheten ska ägnas lika stor omsorg som prövningen av den vetenskapliga skickligheten. Anställningen erbjuds den som efter en kvalitativ helhetsbedömning bedöms ha de bästa förutsättningarna att genomföra och utveckla aktuella arbetsuppgifter samt bidra till en positiv utveckling av verksamheten.

Additional information

An appointment as a University Lecturer at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences is guaranteed funding for own research corresponding to 35% of a standard salary for a university lecturer at SLU. In addition, the department guarantees the equivalent of 15% salary funds for research, teaching or administrative work. A university lecturer is expected to finance the remaining 50% through external research funds or additional teaching efforts.

This position offers the vibrant research climate at SLU. The benefits of the position include Swedish family health care provisions, parenting support including generous paid leave of absence policies that allow both parents to care for newborns and toddlers. Additionally Sweden has a well-established pre-school structure as well as an educational system that provides no-cost education through university studies. Find out more facts and stories about Sweden at www.sweden.se

Located in the greater Stockholm region, the city of Uppsala has a rich history and culture, and is a true academic and cultural hub. Find out more about moving, living and working here at https://internationalhub.uppsala.se/

Application deadline:


Place of work:




Form of employment:

* Swedish “universitetslektor”, a tenured position approximately equivalent to Senior lecturer (UK) or Associate professor (US). The applicant who is offered this employment at SLU will be employed as Senior lecturer.

Permanent employment

Starting date:

By agreement.


It is desirable that the application is written in English, as the applications will be assessed by experts both in Sweden and abroad.

For the guidance of your application, there is SLU's appointment procedure for teachers at SLU and General assessment criteria for the appointment of teachers, which you can read here.

Please apply by clicking the apply-button below.

Academic union representatives:


The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has a key role in the development for sustainable life, based on science and education. Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources, we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet. Our main campuses are located in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, however, the university also operates at research stations, experimental forests and teaching sites throughout Sweden.

SLU has around 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and doctoral students and a turnover of over SEK 3 billion. We are investing in attractive environments on all of our campuses. We strive to provide a work environment characterised by inclusivity and gender equality, where different experiences generate conversations between people and pave the way for science, creativity and development. Therefore, we welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Faculty of natural resources and agricultural sciences Department of Energy and Technology The Department of Energy and Technology conducts research and education with a focus on how agriculture can c...View more

Are you exceptionally interested in the potential of gravitational wave astronomy for fundamental physics? We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to lead an interdisciplinary research on gravitational wave probes of particle dark matter. The successful candidate will be embedded in the GRAPPA center of excellence in gravitation and astroparticle physics.

What are you going to do? You are expected to perform high-level research in the rapid developing field of precision gravitational wave astronomy, and to assess the implications for the identification of the fundamental nature of dark matter particle. You are expected to publish your results in peer-reviewed international journals. Teaching and the supervision of Bachelor and Master students will not be part of your duties, but you will have the opportunity to interact with a vibrant community of young researchers, and to give guest lectures for students at the MSc level if you wish to do so.


Specific Requirements
You should have:
  • PhD, or expect to obtain it before October 1st, 2024;
  • A strong publication record;
  • Professional command of English;
  • Demonstrated excellent research skills.
Candidates with previous research experience in gravitational wave astronomy and/or particle dark matter studies, as well as with a track record in interdisciplinary research will be given additional consideration.

Additional Information

We offer a temporary employment contract for 38 hours per week for a period of 2 years (with a possible extension of 1 year based on performance). The preferred starting date is October 1st, 2024 or soon thereafter. The gross monthly salary, based on 38 hours per week and dependent on relevant experience, ranges between € 2,960 to € 4,670 (scale 10). This does not include 8% holiday allowance and 8,3% year-end allowance. A favourable tax agreement, the ‘30% ruling’, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Universities of the Netherlands is applicable. Besides the salary and a vibrant and challenging environment at Science Park we offer you multiple fringe benefits:
  • 232 holiday hours per year (based on fulltime) and extra holidays between Christmas and 1 January;
  • multiple courses to follow from our Teaching and Learning Centre;
  • a complete educational program for PhD students;
  • multiple courses on topics such as leadership for academic staff;
  • multiple courses on topics such as time management, handling stress and an online learning platform with 100+ different courses;
  • 7 weeks birth leave (partner leave) with 100% salary;
  • partly paid parental leave;
  • the possibility to set up a workplace at home;
  • a pension at ABP for which UvA pays two third part of the contribution;
  • the possibility to follow courses to learn Dutch;
  • help with housing for a studio or small apartment when you’re moving from abroad.
Are you curious to read more about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits, take a look here.
Selection process
If you feel the profile fits you, and you are interested in the job, we look forward to receiving your application. You can apply online via the button below. We accept applications until and including 01 December 2023. Applications should include the following information (all files besides your cv should be submitted in one single pdf file):
  • a detailed CV including the months (not just years) when referring to your education and work experience;
  • a letter of motivation;
  • a list of publications;
  • the names and addresses of 3 referees who will be contacted for a reference letter when longlisted.
Only complete applications received within the response period via the link below will be considered. The interviews will be held in the course of January 2024.
Additional comments

Do you have any questions or do you require additional information? Please contact:

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Are you exceptionally interested in the potential of gravitational wave astronomy for fundamental physics? We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to lead an interdisciplinary research on gra...View more

Offer Description

Are you exceptionally interested in the potential of gravitational wave astronomy for fundamental physics? We are seeking a PhD student who will do interdisciplinary research on gravitational wave probes of particle dark matter. The successful candidate will be embedded in the GRAPPA center of excellence in gravitation and astroparticle physics. What are you going to do? You are expected to perform high-level research in the rapid developing field of precision gravitational wave astronomy, and to assess the implications for the identification of the fundamental nature of dark matter particle. You are expected to publish your results in peer-reviewed international journals. You are expected to present results in leading international conferences, and to help supervise Bachelor and Master students. You will have the opportunity to interact with a vibrant community of outstanding researchers, and to contribute to the scientific life of the GRAPPA center of excellence in Gravitation and Astroparticle Physics of the U. of Amsterdam.


Specific Requirements
You should have:
  • a MSc in Physics, or expect to obtain it before October 1st, 2024;
  • a professional command of English.

Additional Information

A temporary contract for 38 hours per week for the duration of 4 years (the initial contract will be for a period of 18 months and after satisfactory evaluation it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years). The preferred starting date is October 1st, 2024 or soon thereafter. This should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). We will draft an educational plan that includes attendance of courses and (international) meetings. We also expect you to assist in teaching undergraduates and master students. The gross monthly salary, based on 38 hours per week and dependent on relevant experience, ranges between € 2,541 to € 3,247 (scale P). This does not include 8% holiday allowance and 8,3% year-end allowance. A favourable tax agreement, the ‘30% ruling’, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Universities of the Netherlands is applicable. Besides the salary and a vibrant and challenging environment at Science Park we offer you multiple fringe benefits:
  • 232 holiday hours per year (based on fulltime) and extra holidays between Christmas and 1 January;
  • multiple courses to follow from our Teaching and Learning Centre;
  • a complete educational program for PhD students;
  • multiple courses on topics such as leadership for academic staff;
  • multiple courses on topics such as time management, handling stress and an online learning platform with 100+ different courses;
  • 7 weeks birth leave (partner leave) with 100% salary;
  • partly paid parental leave;
  • the possibility to set up a workplace at home;
  • a pension at ABP for which UvA pays two third part of the contribution;
  • the possibility to follow courses to learn Dutch;
  • help with housing for a studio or small apartment when you’re moving from abroad.
Are you curious to read more about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits, take a look here.
Selection process
If you feel the profile fits you, and you are interested in the job, we look forward to receiving your application. You can apply online via the button below. We accept applications until and including 01 December 2023. Applications should include the following information (all files besides your cv should be submitted in one single pdf file):
  • a detailed CV including the months (not just years) when referring to your education and work experience;
  • a letter of motivation;
  • a list of publications;
  • the names and email addresses of two references who can provide letters of recommendation (will only be contacted when longlisted).
Only complete applications received within the response period via the link below will be considered. The interviews will be held in the course of February 2024.
Additional comments

Do you have any questions or do you require additional information? Please contact:

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Offer Description Are you exceptionally interested in the potential of gravitational wave astronomy for fundamental physics? We are seeking a PhD student who will do interdisciplinary research on grav...View more

Description of the research project

Railway transportation is generally regarded as a sustainable and attractive mode of transportation in Europe. To keep (inter)national railway systems operating in a reliable and cost-effective manner in the present as well as the future, the development and implementation of novel technologies is needed. Automated Train Operations (ATO) is an example off such a technology where (parts of) train operations are automated to enable novel ways of operating and optimizing train operations.

For novel technologies such as ATO to be considered for implementation, a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the technology are needed, as well as the circumstances under which the technology is applied. ATO relies on the development and gradual implementation of several state-of-the-art sensing, signaling and safety technologies for rolling stock and railway infrastructure in multiple European countries. Assessing the value of such large-scale socio-technical changes is not straightforward, given the technical complexity, broad spectrum of tangible and intangible costs and benefits, and the need to account for a wide range of stakeholder needs. The PhD project focuses on the development of generalizable methods and tools for valuating novel railway technologies such as ATO. This includes research on (1) How tangible and intangible costs and benefits can be best modelled and evaluated; (2) How the valuation models and assessments can be co-developed in close collaboration with specialists from international railway organizations; (3) How complexities and uncertainties in such models and evaluations can be managed to arrive at a clear and succinct result; (4) How the process of developing these evaluations can be facilitated; And (5) Providing recommendations for the development of evaluation of migration strategies for the transition to more autonomous forms of railway operations

The research is supported by the European Joint Rail Undertaking of the European Union (see https://rail-research.europa.eu), which allows a knowledge exchange with international railway partners and knowledge institutions.

As a PhD candidate, you will be responsible for carrying out an independent, full-time, 4-year research project that requires the integration of several research areas at the interface between engineering and management. As part of the research project, you will have the opportunity to evaluate your developed methods and tools in practice, together with several partners in the European railway sector. You will be assigned to the Asset Management & Maintenance Engineering (AMME) group, which is part of the Department of Design, Production and Management (DPM) of the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET). Together with our (inter)national partners and contacts, our group strives to develop state-of-the-art solutions to fundamental and practical challenges in the field of Asset Management and Maintenance Engineering.


Specific Requirements
  • You have (or will shortly acquire) a master’s degree in a relevant field such as Industrial Engineering and Management, Industrial Design Engineering, (technical) business studies or other multidisciplinary fields.
  • You have a broad knowledge base and research interests that include engineering, design, and technological, environmental, organizational, and asset life cycle management domains.
  • You are able to do independent research and are willing to build on your writing and publication skills.
  • You have excellent communication skills and are proficient in written and oral English; The ability to understand spoken and written Dutch is appreciated.
  • You are willing to travel internationally to perform and disseminate research.

Additional Information

  • An inspiring multidisciplinary and challenging international and academic environment. The university offers a fun and dynamic environment with enthusiastic colleagues where cooperation with other researchers is stimulated.
  • Opportunity for (frequent) international research exchange.
  • Full-time employment for 4 years with a starting salary of €2.770,- gross per month in the first year and increasing to €3.539,- gross per month in the fourth year.
  • Tailor-made educational/development program of at least 6 months (30EC), including visits to conferences.
  • An annual holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, and an annual year-end bonus of 8.3%.
Additional comments

If you are interested in this position, please send your application via the ‘Apply Now’ button. the application deadline is November 5, 2023. In your application, please include:

An application letter explaining your motivation to apply for this position (max. 1 page A4)

  • A short motivational video
  • An up-to-date CV (resume)
  • Official transcripts of BSc and MSc education
  • A publication list (if applicable)

For more information on this position please contact dr.ir. W. Haanstra (email: w.haanstra@utwente.nl) or dr. A.J.J Braaksma (email: a.j.j.braaksma@utwente.nl).

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Description of the research project Railway transportation is generally regarded as a sustainable and attractive mode of transportation in Europe. To keep (inter)national railway systems operating in ...View more

Description of the research project

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electricity generation and distribution, enhancing the capacity of existing infrastructure is vital. The IDLEC project at the University of Twente, in collaboration with the company Liander, aims to address this need by exploring ways to safely increase the dynamic load capacity of the electricity grid, from transformers and substations to underground cables. The synergy of the research groups ET-DBM (Dynamics Based Maintenance) and ET-AMME (Asset Management and Maintenance Engineering) will be leveraged. The ET-DBM group will focus on the physics of failures and will design the algorithms for real-time monitoring systems, while ET-AMME will work on the asset management ensuring optimal deployment and utilization of the developed methods.

The Challenge

The goal of this research is to develop a framework (methods, models, monitoring systems) that enables Liander to dynamically load existing infrastructure components by briefly operating them above their nominal design capacity in situations where this can be safely achieved. Setting dynamic thresholds and implementing real-time monitoring of key performance parameters such as current and temperature are crucial in managing the degradation over the life cycle.

In addition, a health monitoring plan is needed to implement maintenance policies for dynamic loading in a timely manner this part of the research is more focused on asset management and how to organize Condition based Maintenance in cross functional teams.


Specific Requirements
  • You have (or will shortly acquire) a master’s degree in a relevant field such as Industrial Engineering and Management, Industrial Design Engineering, (technical) business studies or other multidisciplinary fields.
  • You have a broad knowledge base and research interests that include engineering, design, and technological, environmental, organizational, and asset life cycle management domains.
  • You are able to do independent research and are willing to build on your writing and publication skills.
  • You have excellent communication skills and are proficient in written and oral English; The ability to understand spoken and written Dutch is much appreciated.
  • You are willing to travel internationally to perform and disseminate research.

Additional Information

  • A full-time 4-year PhD position, with a qualifier in the first year.
  • Interesting temporary research position in a dynamic and international environment, combining the benefits of academic research with a topic of high industrial relevance.
  • You will receive a salary ranging from € 2.770,- gross per month in the first year to around € 3.539,- in the fourth year;
  • Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme.
  • You will have a training programme as part of the Twente Graduate School in which you and your supervisors will make a plan for additional suitable education and supervision.
  • You will receive good secondary conditions, in accordance with the collective labor agreement CAO-NU for Dutch universities.
Additional comments

You can apply for these positions before November 1, 2023 by clicking the ‘apply now’ button below. Please include:

  • CV (including contact information for at least two academic references)
  • Motivation letter indicating your fit with this position and associated ambition.
  • A publication list (if applicable)
  • Official transcripts of BSc and MSc education

For more information please contact dr.ir. W. Haanstra (email: w.haanstra@utwente.nl) or dr. A.J.J. Braaksma (email: a.j.j.braaksma@utwente.nl).

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Description of the research project In the rapidly evolving landscape of electricity generation and distribution, enhancing the capacity of existing infrastructure is vital. The IDLEC project at the U...View more

The department of Public Law and Governance (PLG) is looking for 2 PhD candidates who will be working within the project ‘Causal Pattern Analysis of Economic Sovereignty’ (CaPANES), which is funded by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant 2021). PLG is a large, diverse and interdisciplinary department, home to nearly 130 academic staff and a range of legal and social science disciplines. You will develop and grow in research, both individually and as part of a team of fourteen legal historians. As PhD candidate in legal history, you will analyze the historical use of sovereignty concepts in cities of commerce. The CaPANES project hypothesizes that in the early modern period cities of commerce, even within states, had foreign relations of their own and made strategic use of legal terms that defined their economic sovereignty. The CaPANES project pursues legal-historical analysis of both the domestic context of cities of commerce and of their interactions with other cities and states. The CaPANES combines qualitative and quantitative methods (social network analysis, modelling), and aims to yield conclusions that are relevant also for discussions on present-day economic sovereignty. The PhD candidates will analyze the interactions between six cities of commerce (Florence, Toulouse, Rouen, Bruges, Southampton and Lübeck). The first PhD position is concerned with Bruges, Southampton and Florence (c. 1400-c. 1520), the second PhD position with Rouen, Lübeck and Toulouse (c. 1400-c. 1550). 20% of the appointment may be dedicated to teaching and/or administration.


Specific Requirements
What do we ask?  Tilburg University is curious about how you can contribute to our research, education, impact, and to the team you will be part of. Therefore, we would like to get the best possible picture of your knowledge, insight, skills, and personality. Below you can find the qualifications we consider important for the position. You have studied law and/or history and have written one or more papers on an institutional-historical or legal-historical topic. Candidates should demonstrate their interest in history and research methods (qualitative and/or quantitative). Acquaintance with archival research is a plus. Candidates are expected to combine good research skills with experience in networking and communicative skills and to have an entrepreneurial mindset. You have scientific integrity and will contribute to an open and diversified culture of excellence. You are committed to becoming an active member of our team, the department, and the school. For the two positions it is required that candidates have high proficiency in English, both written and spoken. Candidates for the first PhD position (Bruges-Southampton-Florence) have a good command of Dutch (reading) and preferably French and/or Italian (reading). Candidates for the second PhD position (Rouen-Lübeck-Toulouse) have a good command of French (reading) and German or Dutch (reading). To maintain a vibrant and active university community, it is important that we meet each other regularly and that the connection between us remains good. Therefore, the premise is that all staff members carry out their work in the Netherlands.

Additional Information

What do we offer? Tilburg University offers excellent terms of employment with attention to flexibility and room for (personal) development. We recognize and reward our employees and encourage the use of talents and strengths. Tilburg University is committed to an open and inclusive culture, embracing diversity, and encouraging the mutual integration of groups of staff and students. We create equal opportunities for all our staff and students so that everyone feels at home in our university community. We work in a vibrant and lively (work) environment on our beautiful campus, close to the forest and easily accessible by public transport. We are committed to a sustainable society and challenge you to make an active contribution to this. For this position, we offer:
  • A position based on 1.0 FTE (40 hours per week);
  • It is a vacancy for 4 years. You will initially be appointed for a fixed period of 16 months with a statutory probationary period of two months. After 12 months, an evaluation will take place. If the performance evaluation is positive, your employment agreement will be extended for the remaining period of 32 months.
  • A start salary of € 2.770 gross per month for full time employment, based on UFO profile PhD Candidate and salary scale P of the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Tilburg University uses a neutral remuneration system for salary scaling that is based on relevant education and work experience;
  • Vacation allowance (8%) and a year-end bonus (8.3%);
  • Vacation days (41 days for a 40-hour work week);
  • Full reimbursement of commuting expenses for sustainable travel: walking, biking and public transportation;
  • Moving allowance;
  • Options Model for benefits and reimbursement of expenses;
  • Employees from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a tax-free allowance of 30% of their taxable wages. We will apply for this reimbursement for you;
  • You will be enrolled in the General Pension Fund for Public Employers (ABP) through us;
  • Various training courses, for example in leadership skills, personal effectiveness, and career development;
  • A wide range of amenities and facilities and various arrangements to create an optimal work-life balance.
Visit working at Tilburg University for more information on our terms of employment.
Selection process
Please attach the following documents to the application:
  1. cover letter
  2. CV
  3. official copy of your master degree
  4. sample of writing
  5. contact information of at least two referees (including name, phone number, and e-mail address).
The first selection interviews will take place on 10 November 2023. The committee consists of the following members:
  1. Prof. D. De ruysscher, professor of legal history, PI of the CaPANES project
  2. Dr M. den Hollander, assistant-professor legal history
  3. Gaby Coenen, manager of the PLG Department
Ideally, you will start working for Tilburg University on 2 January 2024.
Additional comments

We invite you to apply online for this position by 3 November 2023 (23:59 CET). More information about the vacancy can be obtained from Prof. Dave De ruysscher, d.deruysscher@tilburguniversity.edu.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

The department of Public Law and Governance (PLG) is looking for 2 PhD candidates who will be working within the project ‘Causal Pattern Analysis of Economic Sovereignty’ (CaPANES), which is funde...View more

Offer Description

Within the framework of an EU-Horizon Europe international project aiming at the development of high energy efficiency thermomagnetic (TM) devices. The doctoral candidate will be involved in: 1)Preparation of novel TM materials. 2) Macroscopic characterization of novel TM materials. 3) Improving the thermal diffusivity of TM materials. During three secondments the student will acquire additional characterization techniques and experiences in materials processing in a commercial setting. Expected Results:
  • Thermo-magnetic materials with high thermal diffusivity and improved mechanical strength.
  • Development of novel materials families beyond the currently known systems.
  • Feedback to the materials modelling on materials properties.
Three secondments are integral part of the project: 1) University Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2 months (thermal diffusivity measurements); 2) Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung, Berlin, Germany, 2 months (mechanical testing); 3) Magneto BV, Delft, The Netherlands, 2 months (3D printing and materials testing). About HEAT4ENERGY HEAT4ENERGY is a 4-years EU-Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network project. The main goal of HEAT4ENERGY is to train a new generation of enablers for the European Energy Transition with the skills needed to assess the potential of new energy technologies. They will acquire these in practice by addressing the challenge of making the first realistic and energy efficient thermomagnetic energy converters for low grade waste heat (<100°C) to electricity and they will learn how to upscale these and bring them to a viable market level. The project offers training for science and technology for energy transition and climate action, as well as transferable and complementary skills and Open Science related training. Through secondments the HEAT4ENERGY PhD students will engage in all fields of materials development for energy, ranging from physics to industrial praxis.


Specific Requirements
This position is perfectly suited for candidates that possess a profound knowledge of magnetic materials preparation and characterization. You will have ample space to develop your skills and conduct ground-breaking research. When you have a strong research-oriented attitude, good communication skills and the ability to transfer knowledge then you are encouraged to apply. Requirements for the position are:
  • An MSc in physics, chemistry, materials science, or a related field.
  • Fundamental knowledge in the field of solid-state physics, crystallography, thermodynamics or solid-state chemistry.
  • Excellent materials preparation skills and/or experience in XRD, electron microscopy, magnetic measurements, thermal characterization, mechanical testing.
  • Excellent command of the English language. A minimum TOEFL total score of 100 and at least 21 points for each section is required. Alternatively, an IELTS total score of 7.0 and at least 6.5 points for each section sub-skill applies to all candidates wanting to pursue a PhD at TU Delft. Native speakers are exempted from the English test requirement, as well as non-native applicants who have obtained an English-taught Master’s degree.
  • MSCA requires candidates have not spent more than 12 month working or studying in The Netherlands within the last 36 month prior to the job appointment.
Does this position spark excitement in you? If you cannot tick all the boxes, but are in possession of a profound understanding of materials engineering, we’d also like to get to know you! Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Additional Information

Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2770 per month in the first year to € 3539 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants, TU Delft has the Coming to Delft Service. This service provides information for new international employees to help you prepare the relocation and to settle in the Netherlands. The Coming to Delft Service offers a Dual Career Programme for partners and they organise events to expand your (social) network.
Selection process
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before November 7th, 2023 via the application button and upload your motivation, CV, Recent teaching evaluations (if available), Teaching statement, Research statement, Two research papers and Names and contact information of at least three relevant references. We will not contact references without your consent
  • A pre-employment screening can be part of the selection procedure.
  • Applying for an exemption for specific research and educational areas is an obligatory part of the selection procedure for this vacancy. This exemption must be obtained from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) before an employment contract is agreed upon. Click here for more information.
  • You can apply online. We will not process applications sent by email and/or post.
  • Please do not contact us for unsolicited services.
Additional comments

If you would like more information about this role, please contact Ekkes Brück [e.h.bruck@tudelft.nl] or Niels van Dijk [n.h.vandijk@tudelft.nl].

If you would like more information about the selection procedure, please contact Ilse van der Kraaij-Quick [secr-fn-tnw@tudelft.nl].

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoDoctorat

Offer Description Within the framework of an EU-Horizon Europe international project aiming at the development of high energy efficiency thermomagnetic (TM) devices. The doctoral candidate will be in...View more