Histórico de Puestos

Publicado hace 3 días

Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique

Lieu : Colombie-Britannique
Date de publication : 2024-04-30
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-06-29

Publication #FAPS01-24 CW

L'Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique (UNBC) lance un appel à candidatures pour 2 postes menant à la permanence au Département de psychologie au rang de professeur adjoint, avec une date de début proposée le 1er juillet 2024. En tant qu'institution engagée à favoriser une société inclusive et un environnement d'apprentissage transformateur, l'UNBC valorise la haute qualité et la croissance dans l'enseignement et l'érudition. Nous recherchons des personnes hautement qualifiées et passionnées, titulaires d'un doctorat en psychologie, pour rejoindre notre dynamique département de psychologie. Les candidats idéaux se spécialiseront dans l'un des domaines suivants : santé, multiculturel, autochtone, personnalité, psychopathologie ou psychologie anormale.

Le département de psychologie de l'UNBC propose un baccalauréat, une maîtrise et un doctorat en psychologie ainsi qu'une maîtrise en counseling. Le Département de psychologie se consacre au développement et à la diffusion des connaissances en psychologie, en se concentrant sur les domaines pertinents au Nord, tels que la santé humaine, le développement humain et le bien-être social. Le département de psychologie de l'UNBC offre une formation complète et rigoureuse en psychologie, soutenue par un programme spécialisé particulièrement solide, offrant aux étudiants la possibilité d'approfondir la recherche en psychologie et de développer une base solide pour des études supérieures avancées.

Les candidats idéaux auront un doctorat (ou ABD) en psychologie d'une université accréditée. Un dossier démontré ou un fort potentiel d’excellence en recherche, d’excellentes compétences en enseignement et en communication, ainsi qu’un engagement envers la diversité et l’inclusion sont également nécessaires. De plus, une expérience dans l’encadrement d’étudiants du premier cycle et des cycles supérieurs dans le cadre de recherches est un atout. L’adhésion actuelle (ou potentielle) et l’implication dans des organisations professionnelles liées à votre domaine sont avantageuses. Les candidats retenus travailleront avec le corps professoral du Département de psychologie pour assurer un enseignement, une recherche et un service exceptionnels à l'université et à la communauté environnante.

Notre engagement envers la diversité et l'équité en matière d'emploi L'Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique s'engage pleinement à créer et à maintenir un environnement équitable, diversifié et inclusif accessible à tous. Nous nous engageons à garantir un campus accueillant, sûr et inclusif, exempt de harcèlement, d'intimidation et de discrimination. Cet engagement est intégré dans notre devise et notre mission. En langue Dakelh, la devise de l'UNBC « En Cha Huná » se traduit par « il/elle/ils vivent aussi » et signifie le respect de tous les êtres vivants. Grâce au respect de tous les êtres vivants, nous sommes capables de grandir et de mieux apprendre ensemble, chacun apportant ses propres différences et contributions individuelles pour inspirer les dirigeants de demain en influençant le monde d'aujourd'hui.

L’équité en matière d’emploi exige que nous éliminions les obstacles et que nous surmontions la discrimination directe et indirecte. Le bassin d’excellents candidats augmente ainsi considérablement. Nous encourageons les candidatures de membres de groupes qui ont été marginalisés pour tout motif énuméré dans le Code des droits de la personne de la Colombie-Britannique, notamment le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, l'identité ou l'expression de genre, la racialisation, le handicap, les convictions politiques, la religion, l'état matrimonial ou familial, l'âge et /ou le statut de membre d'une Première Nation, de Métis, d'Inuit ou d'Autochtone.

À propos de l'université et de sa communauté Depuis sa fondation en 1990, l'Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique (UNBC) s'est imposée comme l'une des meilleures petites universités à forte intensité de recherche au Canada, passionnée par l'enseignement, la découverte, les gens et le Nord. L'excellence de l'UNBC découle de la recherche inspirée par la communauté, de l'apprentissage pratique et des anciens élèves qui mènent le changement dans le monde entier.

Depuis des temps immémoriaux, les peuples autochtones ont marché en douceur sur les divers territoires traditionnels où la communauté de l’Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique est reconnaissante de vivre, de travailler, d’apprendre et de jouer. Nous nous engageons à bâtir et à entretenir des relations avec les peuples autochtones, nous reconnaissons leurs terres traditionnelles et nous les remercions pour leur hospitalité. Le plus grand campus de l'UNBC à Prince George est situé sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des Lheidli T'enneh, dans le paysage spectaculaire proche du centre géographique de la magnifique Colombie-Britannique.

Les trois campus régionaux de l'UNBC sont situés à Quesnel, Fort St. John et Terrace. Le campus du Centre-Sud de Quesnel est situé sur le territoire traditionnel des Premières Nations Lhtako Dené (bande de Red Bluff), Nazko, de la nation Lhoosk'uz Dené (bande de Kluskus) et des Premières Nations d'Esdilagh (anciennement bande d'Alexandria). Lhtako, Nazko et Lhoosk'uz sont des Premières Nations Dakelh et Esdilagh est membre de la Nation Tsilhqot'in. Le campus Peace River-Liard à Fort St. John est situé sur le territoire traditionnel des Premières Nations de Doig River, Blueberry River et Halfway River. Ce sont les Dunne-Za. Le campus Nord-Ouest de Terrace est situé sur le territoire traditionnel Ts'msyen (Tsimshian) des Premières Nations Kitsumkalum et Kitselas. Il comprend un campus satellite dans la communauté côtière de Prince Rupert.  

L'UNBC se classe régulièrement parmi les trois premières de sa catégorie dans le classement annuel des universités de Maclean's. L'UNBC s'est également récemment classée parmi les cinq pour cent des meilleurs établissements d'enseignement supérieur au monde selon le classement mondial des universités du Times Higher Education.  

Avec une population étudiante diversifiée, l’Université est conviviale, inclusive et solidaire. Prince George est une ville d'environ 74 000 habitants dotée d'infrastructures culturelles, éducatives et récréatives impressionnantes. Pour plus d'informations sur la vie et le travail à Prince George, veuillez consulter  http://www.unbc.ca/experience  et  https://moveupprincegeorge.ca . Faites votre marque auprès de cet établissement postsecondaire de premier plan.

Salaire Le salaire pour ce poste sera déterminé en tenant compte des qualifications et de l'expérience pertinentes du candidat retenu, conformément à la convention collective de l'association des professeurs de l'UNBC. L'échelle salariale annuelle pour ce poste devrait être comprise entre 84 637 $ et 122 736 $. Veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous vers la convention collective (article 48) pour plus d'informations sur la rémunération : https://www2.unbc.ca/sites/default/files/sections/human-resources/facultyassociationcollectiveagreementjuly12023-june302025-revised.pdf

Pour postuler, les candidats doivent envoyer les documents suivants à FacultéRecruitment@unbc.ca ou par courrier au Bureau du Provost en citant le numéro d'affichage (#FAPS01-24 CW) :

Formulaire volontaire :

Les personnes handicapées qui prévoient avoir besoin d'aménagements pour n'importe quelle partie du processus de candidature et d'embauche peuvent contacter UNBC Health & Wellbeing à wellbeing@unbc.ca . Toutes les informations personnelles fournies resteront confidentielles.

Soumissions par courrier : Bureau du recteur, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC, V2N 4Z9 Soumissions par courrier électronique : FacultéRecruitment@unbc.ca Demandes de renseignements : John Sherry, directeur par intérim, Département de psychologie, John.Sherry@unbc .ca , (250) 960-5961

Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les Canadiens et les résidents permanents auront la priorité. Nous remercions tous les candidats pour leur intérêt pour l’UNBC. Cependant, seuls les candidats sélectionnés pour un examen plus approfondi seront contactés.

Les candidatures reçues au plus tard le 17 mai 2024 seront pleinement prises en considération ; cependant, les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu'à ce que le poste soit pourvu. 

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Psychologie

Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique Lieu : Colombie-Britannique Date de publication : 2024-04-30 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-06-29 Publication #FAPS01-24 CW L’Université du Nord d...View more

Lieu : Québec
Date de publication : 2024-04-30
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-06-29

Montréalaise par ses racines, internationale par vocation, l'Universite de Montreal compte parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs du Canada. A l'image de la ville dont elle porte le nom, elle est effervescente et multiculturelle.

L'UdeM récolte annuellement plus d'un demi-milliard de dollars en fonds de recherche, ce qui la positionne parmi les trois premiers poles de recherche universitaire canadiens. Elle se classe egalement dans les 100 meilleures universites du monde et figure dans le groupe des cinq meilleures universites de langue française de la planète.

A travers les realisations des membres de sa communaute, l'UdeM participe a la construction du monde d'aujourd'hui. Et en formant des etudiants venus de partout, elle prepare celui de demain.

Professeure ou professeur au rang d’adjoint en génétique et génomique vétérinaire Département de biomédecine vétérinaire, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire

La Faculté́ de médecine vétérinaire (FMV) de l’Université́ de Montréal recherche des candidatures pour un poste de professeure ou professeur au rang d’adjoint en génétique et génomique vétérinaire pour se joindre à la dynamique équipe multidisciplinaire de son Département de biomédecine vétérinaire. La FMV est située à Saint-Hyacinthe, une ville de 57 000 habitants reconnue comme la technopole agroalimentaire de la province. Elle est située à 60 km de Montréal, ville cosmopolite de renommée internationale dotée d'un aéroport international et d'excellentes connexions vers l’Amérique du Sud, l'Europe et les États-Unis. La FMV est également à proximité de la magnifique ville historique de Québec et d'Ottawa, la capitale du Canada. Bien que la FMV soit située à l'extérieur du campus principal, de multiples collaborations existent et tous les avantages et services offerts par l'université sont accessibles. Selon le QS World University Rankings, la FMV se positionne parmi les 30 meilleurs établissements d’enseignement vétérinaire dans le monde. La FMV offre un programme de mentorat structuré facilitant l'intégration des nouveaux professeurs et professeures dans leur carrière professorale. Pour tout savoir sur la FMV et découvrir l’effervescence de sa vie facultaire, visitez notre site Web.

Le Département de biomédecine vétérinaire, composé de 18 professeures ou professeurs de carrière et de cinq professeures ou professeurs associés, offre un environnement dynamique de recherche et de formation. Nos domaines d'expertise couvrent la pharmacologie fondamentale et expérimentale, la toxicologie, la physiologie moléculaire et intégrative, la génomique, la protéomique, la modélisation animale, la biologie de la reproduction, avec des liens étroits avec la recherche translationnelle et clinique. Par ce poste, la FMV souhaite accroître son expertise dans les domaines de la génétique moléculaire, de l’analyse bio-informatique de données à haut débit (génomique, protéomique et/ou imagerie), de la biologie cellulaire et des comparaisons inter-espèces. Un intérêt particulier sera porté aux projets visant l’utilisation de technologies d’intelligence artificielle pour l’analyse de données à haut débit. Les personnes hautement qualifiées possédant une expertise dans un ou plusieurs de ces domaines ou dans des domaines connexes sont encouragées à postuler.

La candidate ou le candidat retenu devra mener un programme de recherche innovant et indépendant, en plus d’obtenir des subventions de recherche externe, en utilisant une approche actuelle, incluant des techniques à la fine pointe de la technologie et collaborer avec les membres du département et les collègues de la FMV.

Le transfert de la recherche fondamentale à la clinique est au cœur des enjeux actuels en santé animale, humaine et environnementale, selon la vision « Une seule santé ». Ce poste s’inscrit dans l’objectif de former la prochaine génération de médecins vétérinaires et scientifiques maîtrisant les nouvelles technologies de la recherche fondamentale et appliquée et ayant une compréhension des défis actuels en santé animale et humaine. De plus, il est fortement recommandé à la candidate ou au candidat de favoriser des initiatives de recherche collaborative multidisciplinaires, encourageant les interactions avec les professeures et professeurs membres du Département de biomédecine vétérinaire, du Centre de recherche en reproduction et fertilité (CRRF), ainsi qu'avec des collègues d'autres départements de la FMV et de l'Université de Montréal.

Votre rôle au quotidien Par votre enseignement auprès des étudiantes et étudiants et par vos activités de recherche, vous contribuerez à la promotion de l’excellence de la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire. Vous assurerez également le rayonnement de votre discipline en plus de participer activement au fonctionnement d’une institution de renom. À ce titre, vous :

  • Participerez à l’enseignement des étudiant(e)s inscrit(e)s au programme de doctorat de 1er cycle en médecine vétérinaire;
  • Participerez à l’enseignement et à la formation des étudiant(e)s aux cycles supérieurs (2e et 3e cycles et niveau postdoctoral);
  • Développerez un programme de recherche autonome en lien avec le poste affiché et en lien avec les activités du département et de la Faculté;
  • Participerez aux activités de rayonnement de la discipline (publications, conférences, autres);
  • Contribuerez au fonctionnement de l’institution.

Ce qu’il vous faut pour réussir dans ce rôle

  • Détenir un doctorat/Ph.D. dans un domaine pertinent;
  • Détenir une formation postdoctorale ou l’équivalent;
  • Détenir un diplôme de Docteur en médecine vétérinaire (D.M.V.) ou l’équivalent sera considéré un atout;
  • Posséder un dossier de recherche et de publications qui démontre l’excellence scientifique et académique;
  • Avoir démontré des aptitudes à travailler dans une équipe multidisciplinaire afin de démontrer un potentiel de collaborations entre différentes disciplines en lien avec les activités du département nécessaires pour résoudre des défis complexes et promouvoir des avancées significatives;
  • Avoir une connaissance suffisante de la langue française ou être déterminé(e) à l’apprendre une fois en poste par l’entremise du programme de soutien à l’apprentissage de la langue française offert par l’UdeM, en vertu de la Politique linguistique de l’Université de Montréal.

Comment soumettre votre candidature Nous vous invitons à acheminer une lettre décrivant vos intérêts et vos objectifs de carrière, incluant un résumé de votre proposition de programme de recherche et une courte description de votre philosophie d’enseignement, votre curriculum vitae accompagné d’une copie de vos diplômes, ainsi que les noms, adresses, téléphones et courriels de trois professionnelles ou professionnels qui agiront à titre de référence à :

Francis Beaudry, Ph. D. Professeur titulaire Directeur intérimaire, Département de biomédecine vétérinaire Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal 3200, rue Sicotte, Saint-Hyacinthe (QC) J2S 2M2 Téléphone: 450-773-8521, poste 8647 Courriel : francis.beaudry@umontreal.ca

Nous vous recommandons fortement de répondre au questionnaire d’auto-identification. Vous trouverez plus d’information à ce sujet dans l’encadré Équité, diversité et inclusion qui se trouve à la fin de ce document.

Plus d’information sur le poste No d’affichage: FMV 04-24 / 15 Période d’affichage: Jusqu’au 28 juin 2024 inclusivement Traitement: L’Université de Montréal offre un salaire concurrentiel jumelé à une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux Date d’entrée en fonction: À compter du 1er septembre 2024

ÉQUITÉ, DIVERSITÉ ET INCLUSION L’UdeM met les valeurs de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion au cœur de chacune de ses missions. Par l’entremise de son programme d’accès à l’égalité en emploi (PAÉE), l’Université de Montréal invite les femmes, les Autochtones, les minorités visibles, les minorités ethniques et les personnes ayant des limitations à soumettre leur candidature. Lors du recrutement, nos outils de sélection peuvent être adaptés en toute confidentialité selon les besoins des personnes vivant avec des limitations qui en font la demande.

L’Université adopte une définition large et inclusive de la diversité allant au-delà des lois applicables et encourage toutes les personnes qualifiées, peu importe leurs caractéristiques, à poser leur candidature. Conformément aux exigences sur l’immigration en vigueur au Canada, notez que la priorité sera accordée aux citoyennes et citoyens canadiens et aux résidentes et résidents permanents.

Afin de mesurer la portée de ses actions en matière d’EDI, l’UdeM recueille des données sur les postulantes et postulants selon leur identification à l’un des groupes visés par la loi sur l’accès à l’égalité en emploi, les femmes, les Autochtones, les minorités visibles, les minorités ethniques et les personnes ayant des limitations. L’information fournie est confidentielle et sera partagée uniquement avec les responsables du PAÉE. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez indiquer votre appartenance à un groupe visé dans votre lettre de présentation dont prendra connaissance le comité de sélection et l’assemblée des pairs lors de l’évaluation de votre dossier.

Selon les procédures de nomination en vigueur à l’UdeM, les membres de l’Assemblée des professeures et professeurs peuvent consulter tous les dossiers de candidature. Si vous souhaitez que votre candidature demeure confidentielle jusqu’à l’établissement de la liste restreinte de recrutement, veuillez le mentionner.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Sciences Biologiques

Lieu : Québec Date de publication : 2024-04-30 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-06-29 Montréalaise par ses racines, internationale par vocation, l’Universite de Montreal compte parmi les 100 mei...View more

Copenhagen Business School
Department of Accounting
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) invites applications for a Professorship in Corporate Governance at Center for Corporate Governance (CCG) which is a part of Department of Accounting. Core research areas of the Department are (1) financial accounting, (2) management accounting & control, (3) auditing, (4) accounting information systems and (5) corporate governance, all applicable to both private and public sectors. The objective of the Department is to remain and to expand its leadership role in research related to these areas in the Nordic countries and to preserve its strong international reputation for high quality research and teaching. CCG is a research center focusing on research broadly defined as corporate governance, including classical topics such as board of directors, executive compensation and ownership as well as more specialized topics such as foundations, regulation of the financial sector and economics of crime. Teaching responsibilities of the Department comprise undergraduate and graduate teaching in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting & Control, Auditing, and Corporate Governance. Examples of research areas that the professorship might cover:
  • Corporate governance
  • Economics of crime and fraud
  • Regulation and risk management of businesses and the financial sector
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Shareholder vs. stakeholder orientation
The position is a full Professorship with research and teaching obligations. Successful applicants must have an international profile, a strong record of research publications, and teaching experience in corporate governance, regulation and compliance. They must be capable of providing dynamic leadership in the development of research and teaching, in securing external research funding, and in establishing strong ties with industry. To fulfill the research requirements of the position, the applicant chosen is expected to be physically present on a regular basis and actively participate in the teaching and research activities of CCG and the Department as well as maintaining and establishing broad links across CBS. Responsibilities 
  • Personal research meeting high international standards, including responsibility for publishing, scientific communication and research-based teaching.
  • The academic development of discipline.
  • Research management, initiation of research projects, supervision of PhD students, international research co-operation, reviewing for academic journals.
  • Research education and further training of researchers, supervision of assistant professors and assessment committee work.
  • Teaching and associated examination in existing CBS programs, including Executive Education.
  • Promoting CBS’s academic reputation.
  • Initiating, fund raising and coordinating research projects.
  • Promoting the teaching and research capabilities of Copenhagen Business School and other relevant assignments at Copenhagen Business School.
  • Contributing to the administrative responsibilities of the Department and to CBS-wide tasks.
  • Communicating findings to the public in general and to CBS’s stakeholders in particular.
  • Active participation in the regular research activities, such as research seminars, workshops and conferences.
Qualifications  Candidates must document a high degree of relevant, original and up-to-date scientific publications at an international level within the areas covered by CCG and the department. Importance is put on the candidate’s ability to undertake research management and other relevant management functions. The candidate should be able to document pedagogical qualifications, good teaching evaluations, and the ability to innovate within the educational field. CBS emphasises the candidate’s ability to establish productive contacts with the business community. The applicant must have professional proficiency in English (written and spoken). Copenhagen Business School has a broad commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research programmes. Candidates who wish to join us should demonstrate enthusiasm for working in an organisation of this type (highlighting, for example, relevant business, educational and dissemination activities). For further information please contact:  Head of Department Carsten Rohde, tel.: +45 3815 2338, e-mail cr.acc@cbs.dk or Director of the Centre Kasper Meisner Nielsen, tel.: +45 3815 3593, email: kmn.fi@cbs.dk Information about the department may be found at www.cbs.dk/en/acc The appointment will be made on contractual terms corresponding to a salary grade 37 plus a personal allowance. Application  Application must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below. Application must include:
  1. A statement of application.
  2. Proof of qualifications and a full CV.
  3. Documentation of relevant, significant, original research at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals and citations in the Social Science Citation Index, Scopus and/or Google Scholar.
  4. A teaching portfolio documenting teaching qualifications and pedagogical development. The portfolio must include an overview of the applicants past teaching achievements and practice and its impact on the students, reflections on pedagogical competencies and core strengths, the educational competencies the applicant would like to develop, and the teaching opportunities they would like to pursue in the nearest future. Internal applicants must use the CBS Teaching Portfolio format. It is available at www.share.cbs.dk. Please make a pdf of each of the spreadsheets from part B of the portfolio.
  5. Information indicating experience in research management, industry co-operation and international co-operation.
  6. A complete, numbered list of publications (indicating titles, co-authors, page numbers and year) with an * marking of the academic productions to be considered during the review. A maximum of 10 publications for review are allowed. Applicants are requested to prioritise their publications in relation to the field of this job advertisement.
  7. Copies of the publications marked with an *. Only publications written in English (or another specified principal language, according to research tradition) or one of the Scandinavian languages will be taken into consideration.
Recruitment procedure   The Recruitment Committee will shortlist minimum two applicants. When possible five or more applicants will be shortlisted. The shortlisted applicants will be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline. The applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the result of the assessment. Once the recruitment process is completed each applicant will be notified of the outcome of their application. Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline. Copenhagen Business School invites all qualified candidates to apply for the position. An appointment committee will review the applications and invite a selection of qualified candidates to an interview. One of CBS’ strategic goals is the promotion of diversity, which is why every effort has been made to ensure a recruitment process that reduces potential bias. Applicants are therefore encouraged not to include a photo or unnecessary personal information in their application. Details about Copenhagen Business School and the department are available at www.cbs.dk.
Application due: 6/14/2024  
WE TRANSFORM SOCIETY WITH BUSINESSCBS is a globally recognised business school with deep roots in the Nordic socio-economic model. We have a broad focus on business and societal challenges of the 21st century. As such we have a full portfolio of high-quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education that has equipped generations of professionals and leaders in the private sector and beyond. Located at Frederiksberg, Denmark, the school has approx. 21.000 full and part-time students, 760 full-time faculty members, 210 PhD students and 680 administrative staff, and a full portfolio of Bachelor, Master’s, MBA/EMBA, PhD and Executive programmes delivered in English and Danish. Our global profile carries the obligation to develop the transformational capabilities of students, graduates and business leaders via our educational activities and opportunities for lifelong learning. Complex challenges call for joint action, and therefore our strategy focuses on strengthening current and starting new partnerships with other sciences, the business community, authorities and civil society.


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Department of Accounting, Copenhagen Business School
Postal Code
Solbjerg Plads 3

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Études commerciales et de gestion, Économie

Organisation/Company Copenhagen Business School Department Department of Accounting Research Field Economics Researcher Profile Established Researcher (R3) Country Denmark Application Deadline 14 Jun ...View more

Les agences de recrutement au Canada pour les travailleurs étrangers 2024 peuvent vous aider à trouver l'emploi parfait au Canada même si vous venez d'un autre pays. Trouver le bon emploi peut sembler un casse-tête, mais nous avons ce qu'il vous faut. Ce guide vous montrera quelles agences de recrutement sont excellentes pour mettre en relation les travailleurs étrangers avec leur emploi idéal au Canada.

Le rôle des agences de recrutement

Considérez les agences de recrutement comme vos entremetteurs d’emploi personnels. Ce sont les experts qui mettent en relation les demandeurs d'emploi avec les bons employeurs, rendant le processus plus fluide et plus ciblé. Au lieu de postuler directement auprès des entreprises, vous travaillez aux côtés de ces agences pour découvrir des offres d'emploi sur mesure.

Examinons une liste d'agences de recrutement fiables qui ont fait leur marque en aidant les travailleurs étrangers à trouver leur place sur la scène du travail canadienne.

Liste des agences de recrutement au Canada pour les travailleurs étrangers 2024

Agences de recrutement de premier ordre

  1. Insight Global  Fondée en 2001, Insight Global est une importante agence de recrutement canadienne. Ils opèrent sur divers sites aux États-Unis et au Canada, au service de secteurs tels que l'informatique, l'ingénierie, la santé, etc.  Lien de site Web
  2. Randstad  Vétéran depuis 1997, Randstad est un acteur mondial qui brille également au Canada. Leur expertise couvre des secteurs tels que l'informatique, la comptabilité, l'ingénierie, etc.  Lien de site Web
  3. Aerotek  Ayant décollé en 1983, Aerotek a étendu ses ailes à l'international, y compris au Canada. Ils se spécialisent dans des secteurs comme l'énergie, la santé et les transports.  Lien de site Web
  4. Creative Circle  Née en 2001, Creative Circle est une agence incontournable pour les esprits créatifs. Ils sont solidement implantés dans les secteurs du marketing numérique et de la création, au service des professionnels aux États-Unis et au Canada.  Lien de site Web
  5. AppleOne  Depuis 1964, AppleOne est un choix fiable pour les demandeurs d'emploi. Couvrant divers secteurs, dont la finance, ils se sont bâtis une solide réputation.  Lien de site Web

Experts en recrutement axés sur la technologie

  1. Motion Recruitment  Présente sur la scène depuis 1989, Motion Recruitment est une agence de recrutement informatique de confiance présente à Toronto, au Canada, et dans plusieurs sites aux États-Unis.  Lien de site Web
  2. USTECH Solutions  Fondée en 2000, USTECH Solutions opère au Québec, à Toronto et dans plusieurs autres endroits dans le monde. Leurs domaines d'expertise comprennent l'aérospatiale, les services financiers et l'informatique.  Lien de site Web
  3. Devs_Data  Depuis 2015, Devs_Data s'adresse aux professionnels de l'informatique à Vancouver, New York, Londres et Varsovie.  Lien de site Web

Portes ouvertes aux opportunités dans tous les secteurs

  1. ARES Staffing Solutions  En activité depuis 1996, ARES Staffing Solutions offre des opportunités en informatique, en sécurité et plus encore.  Lien de site Web
  2. Summit Search Group  Né en 2003, Summit Search Group couvre diverses industries, notamment l'agriculture et le pétrole et le gaz.  Lien de site Web
  3. Impact Recruitment  Fondé en 2009, Impact Recruitment s'adresse aux postes dans les domaines de la comptabilité, des ressources humaines et de la construction.  Lien de site Web
  4. Hays Canada  Depuis 2001, Hays Canada met en contact les demandeurs d'emploi avec des postes dans des secteurs comme la banque, la technologie, et plus encore.  Lien de site Web

Explorez le paysage de l'emploi au Canada

  1. Global Hire  Depuis 2006, Global Hire ouvre des portes dans des domaines comme la restauration et la construction, non seulement au Canada mais partout dans le monde.  Lien de site Web
  2. Canadian Staffing Consultants  Basé à Markham, Canadian Staffing Consultants offre des postes dans le service à la clientèle, l'informatique et la fabrication.  Lien de site Web
  3. Pinnacle Canada  Actif depuis 2002, Pinnacle Canada présente des opportunités en ingénierie, en marketing et plus encore.  Lien de site Web
  4. Robert Half  Fondé en 1948, Robert Half occupe des postes dans les domaines des finances, de la technologie et du marketing à l'échelle mondiale.  Lien de site Web

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoLa main d'oeuvre

Les agences de recrutement au Canada pour les travailleurs étrangers 2024 peuvent vous aider à trouver l’emploi parfait au Canada même si vous venez d’un autre pays. Trouver le bon empl...View more

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Fu laboratory in the Department of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine for a translational research project studying the role of circadian homeostasis in tumor suppression focusing on obesity-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The candidates are expected to have training background and techniques in molecular and cellular biology, animal models, and good interpersonal skills in collaborating with clinicians and bioinformaticians. The project will use state-of-the-art technologies including RNA/ChIP-seq, in vivo nuclear run-on, proteomics, metabolomics, and humanized mouse models to define the role of circadian dysfunction in carcinogenesis and novel therapeutic targets for prevention and treatment of obesity-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Job Duties

  • Works with the PI for hypothesis development and experimental design.
  • Performs bench work using various lab techniques and taking the major responsibility in conducting a research projects in studying the mechanism and therapeutic options of obesity-related HCC.
  • Collaborates with clinicians, bioinformaticians, and lab member in lab research activities.
  • Participates in data processing, discussion, analysis, reporting, and manuscript preparation and conference presentations.
  • Helps the PI and the team in managing the research in the lab.
  • Mentors junior lab members.
  • Applies to fellowships.
  • Participates in departmental and institutional research symposium and retreats.

Minimum Qualifications

  • MD or Ph.D. in Basic Science, Health Science, or a related field.
  • No experience required.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Prior first author publications in peer reviewed journals.
  • Highly motivated to pursue an independent career in biomedical research.
  • Excellent communication, time management and teamwork kills.
  • Application documents needed: a cover letter to state research interests, an updated resume, and contact information of minimal three references.
  • The candidates should have basic knowledge in molecular and cellular biology, liver biology and disease models, cancer, metabolism, obesity, and mouse genetics. The experimental expertise in studying mouse models, serum and liver biomarkers, gene expression, adenoviral techniques, primary hepatocytes, RNA and protein expression, and protein-protein (IP and co-IP) and protein-DNA interactions (CHIP) are preferred.

Baylor College of Medicine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Equal Access Employer.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Fu laboratory in the Department of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine for a translational research project studying the role of circadian ho...View more

Position Description:

Are you a current MCW employee looking to grow your career? We're committed to seeing you develop your future with us!

In the role of Postdoctoral Trainee you will beworking in Pediatrics.


A Predoctoral Research Scholar at MCW is an individual who has completed their PhD program and is waiting for their degree to be conferred. Once conferred, they will assume the position of a Postdoctoral Fellow.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), a postdoc is an individual who has received a doctoral degree (or equivalent) and is engaged in a temporary and defined period of mentored advanced research training to enhance the professional skills and research independence needed to pursue his or her chosen career path. In addition, according to the National Postdoc Association (NPA), Postdoctoral appointees can pursue basic, clinical or translational projects so long as their primary effort is devoted toward their own scholarship. Postdocs are essential to the scholarly mission of the mentor and host institution, and thus are expected to have the freedom to publish the results of their scholarship.

Characteristics of a postdoctoral appointment: 

It is expected that pre-postdocs at MCW, with the assistance of their supervisor, will:

  • Transition to career independence through the development of professional skills that enable the postdoc to actively pursue a career of his/her own choosing.
  • Be supervised by at least one senior scholar who actively promotes the postdoc's professional development.
  • Establish an individual development plan (IDP) that incorporates equally the postdoc's career and training goals and the mentor's research goals.
  • Pursue basic, clinical, or translational projects so long as effort is focused primarily on research.
  • Publish results of the postdoc's research and scholarship during their appointment.
  • The postdoctoral appointment is temporary by nature, the aggregate amount of time spent as a postdoc is recommended to not exceed five years (not including family medical leave or maternity/paternity leave).
  • As postdocs are important members of the host institution's community, appropriate levels of compensation, health care, and other benefits commensurate with their essential status should be afforded, independent of the postdoc's source of funding.

Primary Functions

  • Plan, design and execute complex research studies, procedures and protocols.
  • Participate in discovery projects.
  • Coordinate research study activities; lead and manage projects.
  • Oversee organization, synthesis and analysis of data and findings.
  • Prepare scientific reports, outcome findings and scientific manuscripts.
  • Participate in meetings with principle investigator and research staff in which you will evaluate/interpret the validity of data, develop methodologies, and design and evaluate lab procedures.
  • Maintain supplies, may require negotiation with vendors, and track purchase orders.
  • May oversee the work of laboratory personnel including training and development as well as daily work direction, delegation and establishing priorities.

Knowledge – Skills – Abilities

Required knowledge: biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, documentation, records management, data utilization, complex problem solving, critical thinking, resource management, and writing skills

Skills and abilities: This will vary based on the hiring manager’s preferences and should include things that can be learned or trained for.

Preferred Schedule: Full-time role with expectations for coverage during core business hours and flexibility required as necessary to accommodate clinical needs.

Position Requirements:


Appropriate experience may be substituted for education on an equivalent basis

Minimum Required Education:               Master’s degree or equivalent education who has completed a PhD program and is waiting for their degree to be conferred.

Preferred Education:                              Eligible for PhD in Immunology, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, or related scientific field.

Preferred Experience:                            Animal models, microbiology, and immunology.

Why MCW?

  • Outstanding Healthcare Coverage, including but not limited to Health, Vision, and Dental. Along with Flexible Spending options
  • 403B Retirement Package
  • Competitive Vacation and Paid Holidays offered
  • Tuition Reimbursement
  • Paid Parental Leave
  • Pet Insurance
  • On campus Fitness Facility, offering onsite classes.
  • Additional discounted rates on items such as: Select cell phone plans, local fitness facilities, Milwaukee recreation and entertainment etc.

For a full list of positions see: www.mcw.edu/careers

For a brief overview of our benefits see: https://www.mcw.edu/departments/human-resources/benefits

Eastern Wisconsin is a vibrant, diverse metropolitan area.  MCW is intent on attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse workforce and faculty body that reflects the community we serve. We value diversity of backgrounds, experience, thought, and perspectives to advance excellence in science and medicine.  MCW is a welcoming campus community with a strong culture of collaboration, partnership, and engagement with our surrounding community. For more information, please visit our institutional website at https://www.mcw.edu/departments/office-of-diversity-and-inclusion .

MCW as an Equal Opportunity Employer and Commitment to Non-Discrimination The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal educational opportunity, employment, and access to services, programs, and activities, without regard to an individual's race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristic, or military status. Employees, students, applicants or other members of the MCW community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law or treated adversely or retaliated against based upon a protected characteristic.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

Position Description: Are you a current MCW employee looking to grow your career? We’re committed to seeing you develop your future with us! In the role of Postdoctoral Trainee you will bework...View more

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center on Forced Displacement

Tracking Code
Job Description
Boston University’s Center on Forced Displacement (CFD; www.bu.edu/cfd) invites applications for a two-year post-doctoral scholar position developing projects with a focus on migrants and displaced people in or traveling through Turkey. The CFD Post-doctoral Fellow will have doctoral level expertise and an ongoing research and/or artistic project related to critical displacement studies, border studies, migration studies, health and wellness of migrants and asylum seekers, or similar fields within disciplines including but not limited to cultural studies, political science, international relations, sociology, anthropology, engineering, or public health. The duties of the CFD Post-doctoral Fellow will include conducting and presenting original research and developing new initiatives and programs with a focus on displaced communities in Turkey and migrants passing through Turkey. Projects might focus on translation of migrant narratives, policy and development, arts and protest, journeys, humanitarian industries, ethics, environment, IDPs, and more. Post-Doctoral Fellows will also be asked to contribute to the many events, projects, and courses of CFD, including co-authored studies. Post-doctoral Fellows will also have the opportunity to mentor student research projects and contribute to courses and educational programs organized by CFD in Boston and abroad. Teaching responsibilities will depend on the candidate’s experience and interests and will be negotiated in interviews. This post-doctoral fellowship is located in Boston from summer 2024-2026. We provide a competitive salary and benefits as well as support for research activities and mentoring toward future projects and professional opportunities. Our Post-doctoral Fellows benefit from research support and mentorship as well as a lively and committed atmosphere of intellectual inquiry that is truly interdisciplinary. About the Center on Forced Displacement Our Post-doctoral Fellows are core members of CFD, a university-wide research center that fosters interdisciplinary research and engagement with the global challenge of forced displacement. Our projects, research activities, events, and programs bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers, practitioners, and artists from across schools and colleges at BU and around the world. These collaborations are crucial to helping us better understand the history and sources of forced displacement, clarify the policies and practices that exacerbate or alleviate human suffering, and generate ethical interventions to improve the lives of displaced communities and their hosts. CFD actively seeks to diversify its staff, student, and faculty, recognizing that diversity of experience deepens all intellectual endeavors and is especially crucial when engaging with the global challenge of forced displacement. We seek to embed—within all programs and events—the principle that pluralism in any enterprise is a source of insight and effectiveness. Boston University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We are a VEVRAA Federal Contractor.
Required Skills
We seek exceptional, engaged scholars, artists, and/or activists who have knowledge of forced displacement and a commitment to developing concrete and creative interventions to benefit displaced people. The CFD Post-doctoral Fellow will have conducted research in related fields, including but not limited to cultural studies, political science, international relations, sociology, anthropology, engineering, or public health. Candidates are expected to have received a Ph.D., MFA, or other terminal degree by September 2024.   To apply, please submit 1) a cover letter that describes how your teaching and research/creative interests fit within the mission of the Center on Forced Displacement and how you will contribute to new initiatives related to Turkey, 2) a 20-25 page writing sample (published or unpublished), 3) CV, 4) a 1500-word description of scholarly/creative work, and 5) the names of three references who can speak to your professional and/or scholarly accomplishments. Application materials should be sent as email attachments to Carrie Preston (cjpresto@bu.edu). Preference will be given to applications received by May 1, 2024.   We are an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, natural or protective hairstyle, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, military service, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, or because of marital, parental, or veteran status. We are a VEVRAA Federal Contractor.        #LI-DNP
Job Location
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Position Type
Salary Grade

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center on Forced Displacement Tracking Code 24599933990426 Job Description Boston University’s Center on Forced Displacement (CFD; www.bu.edu/cfd) invites applications for a t...View more

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Synthetic Biology 

Description: The Center for Agricultural Synthetic Biology (CASB) at the University of Tennessee is seeking two full-time post-doctoral research associates to work on bioengineering plants as a chassis to achieve a variety of functions, including biosensing, pharmaceutical production, nutrient biofortification, and remediation of environmental chemicals. The goals of these projects will be to reimagine plants as engineered devices capable of achieving complex non-native functions. Direct experience in plant bioengineering or biotechnology is not required; however, competitive applicants will have experience in bioengineering at least one chassis organism. Yeast and bacterial systems are commonly used to validate components or assemble constructs prior to final installation in plants. Applicants should have strong experience in cloning, circuit design, and bioengineering with relevant publications to demonstrate their expertise.

CASB is a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research facility with > 30 researchers working on a variety of projects. CASB maintains a large portfolio of high-throughput instrumentation, including 4 automated liquid handling systems, a cell-sorter, a flow cytometer, a complete sequencing hub, microscopy facility, and LC/MS. While US Citizenship is not required for some projects, other projects do require US Citizenship due to the requirements of the sponsor. As the projects are high-risk, high-reward, and focused on achieving aggressive milestones, applicants must be capable of thinking ‘outside the box’ and meeting designated deadlines.

Positions are full-time with benefits and available immediately for one-to-two years (depending on the immediate best-fit project) with a possibility of renewal for up to four years based on performance and continued funding. Salary is based on experience and qualifications according to UT policy.


Applicants must have a PhD in molecular biology, cell biology, biotechnology, bioengineering or a related-field. Candidates who are in process of obtaining the degree may be considered but degree must be conferred by Summer 2024 with official transcript provided as verification prior to date of hire. Applicants must have demonstrated experience (publications) in molecular biology, cell biology, biotechnology, bioengineering or a related field to be considered for these positions. Preference will be given to applicants with strong publication records, considerable drive and motivation, and excellent problem-solving skills.

How to apply:

Interested applicants should apply at https://hr.utk.edu/staff-positions/. Applicants should include: 1) a cover letter stating the applicant’s research experience, interests and possible starting date; 2) a CV; and 3) the names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three professional references.


  Research Professional

Primary Location



  Synthetic Biology Center Agresearch



Campus/Institute  Institute of Agriculture

Job Posting

  Apr 29, 2024, 7:21:53 PM

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoAgriculture, alimentation et vétérinaire, Postdoctoral

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Synthetic Biology  Description: The Center for Agricultural Synthetic Biology (CASB) at the University of Tennessee is seeking two full-time post-doctoral research...View more

Location:Eugene, OR Categories:Biology/Life Sciences, Natural Science, Research/Scientific/Grants, Chemistry, Human Physiology, Engineering/Biomedical Engineering

Department: Knight Campus Rank: Postdoctoral Scholar Annual Basis: 12 Month

Review of Applications Begins

Applications will be reviewed as needs arise

Special Instructions to Applicants

Complete applications must include your current resume; a cover letter describing the nature of your training and interest with our research at the HPA; and contact information for three (3) professional references. See https://accelerate.uoregon.edu/performance for information about our team and current grants.

Department Summary

The Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is an ambitious initiative designed to fast-track scientific discoveries into innovations that improve the quality of life for people in Oregon, the nation, and the world. The campus creates the intellectual infrastructure to establish Oregon as a center for both research and development, making Oregon a place where companies can start up and grow. The Knight Campus will reshape the higher education landscape in Oregon by training the next generations of scientists, forging tighter ties with industry and entrepreneurs, and creating new educational opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students.

Position Summary

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance (HPA) at Oregon is seeking qualified applicants for its open postdoctoral scholar (postdoc) pool. As a postdoc, you will conduct research under the direction of a Principal Investigator (PI) for the purpose of acquiring research training. Your responsibilities will include conducting laboratory research, quantitative analysis, preparing manuscripts and grant applications, and presenting data and findings to internal and external audiences. In this position, you will have an opportunity to collaborate with faculty, staff, and students from a variety of diverse backgrounds.

The successful candidate will work on either the Regenerative Rehabilitation Moonshot program or the Innovation Hub program of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance. https://humanperformancealliance.org/

Postdocs are limited duration, funding contingent appointments for one year with a possible annual renewal for up to two additional years.

Minimum Requirements

• Ph.D in bioengineering or relevant scientific field • Experience in biomedical materials • Experience with cell and tissue culture

Professional Competencies

• Quantitative skills as evidenced by publication record • Analytic skills • Research and laboratory skills and experience • Organizational skills • Strong team ethic • Attention to detail • Effective communication skills

Preferred Qualifications

• Highly recommended by scientists in the candidate’s field of study

The University of Oregon is proud to offer a robust benefits package to eligible employees, including health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off. For more information about benefits, visit http://hr.uoregon.edu/careers/about-benefits .

The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the ADA. The University encourages all qualified individuals to apply, and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected status, including veteran and disability status. The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. To request an accommodation in connection with the application process, please contact us at uocareers@uoregon.edu or 541-346-5112.

UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Questions may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Office of Civil Rights Compliance, or to the Office for Civil Rights. Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed on the statement of non-discrimination .

In compliance with federal law, the University of Oregon prepares an annual report on campus security and fire safety programs and services. The Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at https://clery.uoregon.edu/annual-campus-security-and-fire-safety-report .

Advertised:April 27, 2024 Pacific Daylight Time Applications close:April 26, 2025 Pacific Daylight Time

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

Location:Eugene, OR Categories:Biology/Life Sciences, Natural Science, Research/Scientific/Grants, Chemistry, Human Physiology, Engineering/Biomedical Engineering Department: Knight Campus Rank: Pos...View more

Publicado hace 3 días

Avez-vous déjà pensé à travailler dans un autre pays ? Le Chili, avec ses paysages époustouflants et sa forte économie, fait appel aux travailleurs internationaux. Ce guide décrit le processus de visa de travail au Chili pour 2024 en termes simples, couvrant les types de visa, les exigences et la manière de postuler. Faisons de votre rêve de travail international une réalité !

Aperçu du visa de travail au Chili

Le Chili étend les visas de travail aux étrangers internationaux, affichant un taux de réussite impressionnant de 90 % en 2022. Cette opportunité attrayante est ouverte aux personnes issues de divers horizons professionnels, faisant du Chili une destination attrayante pour ceux qui recherchent un emploi international.

Détails du processus de visa de travail au Chili 2024

Secteurs d'emploi au Chili pour les travailleurs étrangers

Le Chili offre divers secteurs d'emploi adaptés aux compétences et à l'expertise des travailleurs internationaux. Ces secteurs comprennent :

  • Agriculture : Agrosuper, Viña Cono Sur, SQM
  • Exploitation minière : Antofagasta Minerals, BHP, Codelco
  • Tourisme : LATAM Airlines, Sky Airline, Hotelera Nacional
  • Services : Accenture, IBM, Deloitte
  • Finances : Banco Santander, Banco de Chile, Banco Estado

Types de visas de travail

  1. Visa de résident temporaire au Chili : valable jusqu'à un an, permettant aux travailleurs étrangers d'explorer les opportunités d'emploi au Chili.
  2. Visa de travail chilien : réservé aux travailleurs étrangers ayant un contrat de travail supérieur à un an. La durée initiale de ce visa est de 2 ans, avec possibilité de renouvellement à l'expiration.

Frais de visa et délai de traitement

Le visa de travail chilien entraîne des frais allant de 50 $ à 150 $, avec un délai de traitement de 15 à 20 jours, garantissant une réponse relativement rapide à votre demande.

Conditions d'éligibilité pour le visa de travail chilien

Pour être admissible au visa de travail chilien, les futurs candidats doivent répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Âge : Les candidats doivent être âgés d'au moins 18 ans.
  • Contrat de travail : Un contrat de travail valide d'une entreprise chilienne est une condition préalable.
  • Contrat de travail traduit : Le contrat de travail doit être traduit en espagnol.
  • Vérification : La signature de l'entreprise qui embauche sur le contrat doit être vérifiée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères du Chili.
  • Documentation : soumettez une photo au format passeport, un extrait de casier judiciaire et des copies des diplômes/diplômes liés à l'emploi.

Processus de demande

Une fois sélectionné pour un emploi au Chili, l'étape suivante consiste à postuler en ligne pour le visa de travail chilien. Pour plus de détails sur l'autorisation de travailler, visitez ce lien .

Liens externes utiles

Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez visiter le site officiel du Chili .

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoLa main d'oeuvre

Avez-vous déjà pensé à travailler dans un autre pays ? Le Chili, avec ses paysages époustouflants et sa forte économie, fait appel aux travailleurs internationaux. Ce guide décrit le processus ...View more

Work type:Faculty - Pro Tempore Location:Eugene, OR Categories:Biology/Life Sciences, Natural Science, Research/Scientific/Grants, Human Physiology, Neuroscience

Department: CAS Human Physiology Rank: Research Assistant Annual Basis: 12 Month

Review of Applications Begins

Applications will be reviewed as needs arise.

Special Instructions to Applicants

In addition to a completed online application, including names and contact information for three professional references, please upload a resume.

Department Summary

The UO Department of Human Physiology is home to undergraduate and graduate students who desire strong training in human physiology and anatomy that will prepare them for careers in medicine, allied health professions, and biomedical research.

Position Summary

The Department of Human Physiology at the University of Oregon invites applications for potential research assistant, research associate, and postdoctoral scholar positions. Positions are available on an ongoing basis to conduct research within different research groups. These positions are funding contingent and temporary in nature, potentially renewable for up to a total of three years. In limited circumstances, there is the possibility of renewal beyond three years based on programmatic need, funding, and performance.

Postdoctoral Scholar appointees will conduct research under the direction of a faculty member for the purpose of acquiring research training.

Minimum Requirements

To qualify for the rank of Research Assistant: • Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering, Physiology, Biology, Neuroscience, Kinesiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology, or a related field; OR equivalent combination of skills and experience. • Experience in a research laboratory.

To qualify for the rank of Research Associate: • Terminal degree in Bioengineering, Physiology, Biology, Neuroscience, Kinesiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology, or a related field. • Experience in a research laboratory.

To qualify for the rank of Postdoctoral Scholar: •Ph.D. in Bioengineering, Physiology, Biology, Neuroscience, Kinesiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology, or a related field by start of position, with directly relevant research experience to the Primary Investigator’s area of research.

Professional Competencies

• Demonstrated ability to prioritize work demands, and coordinate research protocols with other staff, and students. • Excellent organizational skills and careful attention to details. • Ability to communicate effectively. • Ability to work both independently, in a small group setting, and one-on-one with students, other staff, and collaborators in a positive and productive manner. • Ability to work efficiently and skillfully with a variety of diverse groups of staff and collaborators. • High level of self-motivation and integrity.

Preferred Qualifications

• Proficient in neurophysiology and/or biomechanical assessments. • Peer-reviewed publications in neurophysiology and/or biomechanics. • Experience writing and/or amending IRB protocols and other regulatory documents. • Experience with university purchasing and travel.

The University of Oregon is proud to offer a robust benefits package to eligible employees, including health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off. For more information about benefits, visit http://hr.uoregon.edu/careers/about-benefits .

The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the ADA. The University encourages all qualified individuals to apply, and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected status, including veteran and disability status. The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. To request an accommodation in connection with the application process, please contact us at uocareers@uoregon.edu or 541-346-5112.

UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Questions may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Office of Civil Rights Compliance, or to the Office for Civil Rights. Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed on the statement of non-discrimination .

In compliance with federal law, the University of Oregon prepares an annual report on campus security and fire safety programs and services. The Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at https://clery.uoregon.edu/annual-campus-security-and-fire-safety-report .

Advertised:April 27, 2024 Pacific Daylight Time Applications close:April 26, 2025 Pacific Daylight Time

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Sciences Biologiques

Work type:Faculty – Pro Tempore Location:Eugene, OR Categories:Biology/Life Sciences, Natural Science, Research/Scientific/Grants, Human Physiology, Neuroscience Department: CAS Human Physiolog...View more

Position Summary

Our lab has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate. Are you interested in aging, biomarkers, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), machine learning, driving/community mobility, and/or geographic information systems? This may be the role for you. This position advances three ongoing NIH/NIA R01-funded grants investigating the long-term impact of AD brain pathology on functional behavior among persons with and without preclinical AD. Our research collects clinical, neurological, and neuropsychological data, mood, social determinants of health, a standardized road test, and naturalistic driving behavior using the Driving Real-world In-Vehicle Evaluation System. We also collect biomarkers to study AD pathology, including brain imaging (Positron Emission Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and fluid-based (cerebrospinal fluid, blood/plasma) biomarkers.

We now seek a postdoctoral research associate with strong statistical skills to analyze high fidelity data relating to whether daily driving behavior reflects underlying neuropathological AD and is associated with prevalent and incident cognitive impairment. The successful candidate will join a dynamic, collaborative, and growing laboratory, and will work directly with Dr. Ganesh Babulal to develop new models to examine and visualize changes in driving behavior. The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to work with world leaders in AD research, including experts in fluid biomarkers, brain imaging, genetics, and cognitive assessments. In addition to high-quality research facilities, career and professional development training for postdoctoral researchers is provided through the Career Center, Teaching Center, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, and campus groups.

This appointment is viewed as a training or transitional period preparatory to an academic, industrial, governmental, or other full-time research or teaching career.

Information on being a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis can be found at https://postdoc.wustl.edu/prospective-postdocs-2/.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Trains under the supervision of a faculty mentor including (but not limited to):

  • Develops working knowledge in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, aging, and driving.
  • Develops proficiency in analytical skills with a particular focus on longitudinal analysis.
  • Manages their projects based on large datasets, which should lead to at least three first-author publications/annually.
  • Develops proficiency in their ancillary skills, e.g., writing, public speaking, networking, critical evaluation of scientific documents, etc.
  • Presents scientific work both inside and outside the university.
  • Assists with grant preparation and reporting.
  • Prepares and submits papers on research.
  • Evaluates research findings and assists in the reporting of the results.
  • Maintains compliance with good laboratory practice, including the maintenance of adequate research records.
  • Engages in open and timely discussion with their mentor regarding possession or distribution of material, reagents, or records belonging to their laboratory and any proposed disclosure of findings or techniques privately or in publications.
  • Maintains collegial conduct towards co-trainees, staff members, and all members of the research group.
  • Adheres to all applicable university policies, procedures, and regulations.

Required Qualifications

Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent terminal or doctoral degree.

Working Conditions

This position works in a laboratory environment with potential exposure to biological and chemical hazards. The individual must be physically able to wear protective equipment and to provide standard care to research animals.

Salary Range

Base pay is commensurate with experience.

Applicant Special Instructions

Please email a curriculum vitae, a statement of research experience and interests, and the names and contact information for at least three scientific references to Dr. Ganesh Babulal: babulalg@wustl.edu.


For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ.


If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email CandidateQuestions@wustl.edu or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.

Pre-Employment Screening

All external candidates receiving an offer for employment will be required to submit to pre-employment screening for this position. The screenings will include criminal background check and, as applicable for the position, other background checks, drug screen, an employment and education or licensure/certification verification, physical examination, certain vaccinations and/or governmental registry checks. All offers are contingent upon successful completion of required screening.

Benefits Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to providing a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to our employees. Benefits eligibility is subject to employment status, full-time equivalent (FTE) workload, and weekly standard hours. Please visit our website at https://hr.wustl.edu/benefits/ to view a summary of benefits.

EEO/AA Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to the principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and especially encourages applications by those from underrepresented groups. It is the University’s policy to provide equal opportunity and access to persons in all job titles without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, protected veteran status, or genetic information.

Diversity Statement

Washington University is dedicated to building a diverse community of individuals who are committed to contributing to an inclusive environment – fostering respect for all and welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Individuals with a commitment to these values are encouraged to apply.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

Position Summary Our lab has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate. Are you interested in aging, biomarkers, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), machine learning, driving/community mobility, and/or...View more

The Bertaccini Lab within the Stanford Department of Anesthesiology seeks an individual at the postdoctoral level with interest and expertise in molecular modeling related to protein homology modeling, ligand docking and drug design to develop the next generation of safer anesthetics. Specifically, this individual will initially be an integral developer of a large series of homology models of GABA receptors composed of variations in the available subunits. These models will be used to dock the few ligands available which are currently known to have GABAAR-slow subtype specificity in an effort to identify which subunits may characterize this feature. The most favorably interacting models will be tested in vitro, and then utilized for the subsequent phases of drug design, testing. Drug design will also involve molecular modeling methodologies to include but not limited to high throughput receptor-based screening, fragment-based design and modification, toxicity and bioavailability predictions. We have licenses for the full complement of Schrodinger and Discovery Studio Software packages.

As part of our overall endeavor, lead compounds will be subsequently subject to in vitro patch clamp affinity analyses and characterizations of the slow functional subtype with hippocampal brain slice electrophysiology. We will further characterize the compounds’ effects on in vitro iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes as a prediction of hemodynamic stability, and the effect on mitochondrial oxygen consumption and free radical production for prediction of potential tissue preservation. We will create formulations of our lead compounds and characterize their in vivo effects on levels of consciousness, response to painful stimuli and the standard battery of physiologic vital functions in rats after both intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) injection. The resulting drug should allow immediate transition into more advanced drug pipelines which could include formal dose finding and PK/PD studies as well as higher mammalian models for eventual GLP and Pre-IND studies. This will work have vast implications in both the civilian realm (trauma, extremes of age, critically ill, etc) as well as the military realm (battlefield trauma, long term space flight, antidotes to chemical weapons, etc.). If interested please feel free to contact Professor Ed Bertaccini at edwardb@stanford.edu

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

The Bertaccini Lab within the Stanford Department of Anesthesiology seeks an individual at the postdoctoral level with interest and expertise in molecular modeling related to protein homology modeling...View more

Location: Princeton, NJ, US, 08540

Type: Full-time

Salary: Open


Other Staff/Administrative

Internal Number: 240047814

Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate/Research Program in Development Economics (RPDE) Company: Princeton University Description: The Research Program in Development Economics (RPDE) at Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs invites applications for Postdoctoral Research Associates or more senior researcher position to work closely with Professor Pascaline Dupas. The candidate will join the RPDE community. RPDE carries out economic research on the causes and consequences of global poverty, with the goal of informing policy-making and thereby improving the lives of people living in low- and middle-income countries. Position The candidate will split their time between their own research (50%) and working with Prof. Dupas on RPDE research and training activities (50%). The training activities may include teaching responsibilities, such as guest lecturing or being a preceptor for a graduate SPIA class taught by RPDE faculty. When teaching, the successful candidate will carry a secondary teaching rank. Any teaching role is contingent on sufficient course enrollment and prior approval from the Dean of the Faculty. The candidate will be expected to attend RPDE events such as the weekly seminar and graduate student lunch. The Term of appointment is based on rank. Positions at the postdoctoral research associate rank are for one year with the possibility of renewal pending satisfactory performance and continued funding. The start date is around September 1, 2024. Salary is competitive and benefits are provided. The work location for this position is in-person on campus at Princeton University Qualifications A PhD is required in development economics or a related field. Salary and full employee benefits are offered in accordance with University guidelines. This position is subject to the University's background check policy. The position is open to non-U.S. citizens and work authorization in the U.S. is not required. Applications should include a cover letter with the application's status of dissertation, CV, graduate school transcripts, job market paper, and contact details for two academic references. For questions about the position, contact Meghana Mungikar (Research Manager, RPDE) at rpde@princeton.edu. The submission must be online via https://puwebp.princeton.edu/AcadHire/position/33361 . We will begin processing applications after February 9, 2024. We at the School of Public and International Affairs believe that it is vital to cultivate an environment that embraces and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion - fundamental to the success of our education and research mission. This commitment to diversity informs our efforts in recruitment and hiring as we actively seek colleagues of exceptional ability who represent a broad range of viewpoints, experiences and value systems, and who share Princeton University's dedication to excellence.


Create a Job Alert for Similar Jobs About Princeton University Princeton University is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning that stands in the nation's service and in the service of all nations. Chartered in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. Princeton is an independent, coeducational, nondenominational institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.As a world-renowned research university, Princeton seeks to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge and understanding. At the same time, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to undergraduate teaching.Today, more than 1,100 faculty members instruct approximately 5,200 undergraduate students and 2,600 graduate students. The University's generous financial aid program ensures that talented students from all economic backgrounds can afford a Princeton education. Connections working at Princeton University More Jobs from This Employer https://main.hercjobs.org/jobs/20037197/postdoctoral-research-associate-research-program-in-development-economics-rpde Return to Search Results

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoÉtudes commerciales et de gestion, Économie, Postdoctoral

Location: Princeton, NJ, US, 08540 Type: Full-time Salary: Open Categories: Other Staff/Administrative Internal Number: 240047814 Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate/Research Program in Dev...View more

Details Posted: 27-Apr-24 Location: knoxville, Tennessee Type: Full-time Salary: Open Categories: Staff/Administrative Internal Number: 24000000V4 Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Contaminant Threats to Bats School of Natural Resources (UTIA) The UT School of Natural Resources invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to conduct research investigating the risks of contaminants to bats and how such risks might be considered in Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) cases. Research will involve review of NRDAR cases in the context of bat exposure to contaminants; identification of the types of NRDAR cases likely to overlap with bat foraging ranges; development of a decision tree to aid practitioners in designing studies to consider aquatic-terrestrial dietary pathways in NRDAR risk assessments and restoration processes; and establishment of best practices for considering bats in NRDAR cases. The project is part of a collaboration with a team of researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Incumbent will be responsible for data collection, management, and analyses; reporting results, including periodic funder progress reports; presentations at professional meetings; and preparation of manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.     The successful candidate will possess well-developed quantitative abilities and competency in a variety of analytic techniques, strong oral and written communication skills, and experience in publishing within the scientific literature. They will be self-motivated and capable of working independently with a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and the ability to function effectively as part of a team.   This is an exempt, regular, full-benefits, 100% FTE, grant-funded position with funding secured for 24 months. Position is based at the UT Institute of Agriculture campus in Knoxville, Tennessee. This position offers a competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. The School of Natural Resources is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment to all.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoAgriculture, alimentation et vétérinaire, Postdoctoral

Details Posted: 27-Apr-24 Location: knoxville, Tennessee Type: Full-time Salary: Open Categories: Staff/Administrative Internal Number: 24000000V4 Post-Doctoral Research Associate – Contami...View more