Post-doc in geography, tourism or public health

Publicado hace 10 meses

Definition of research activities and tasks to be accomplished:

1.            The tools consist of a triple survey of each population category mentioned above.

2.            The survey of tourists (N=200) will seek to characterize the degree of knowledge that tourists have of the health issues of the territories they visit.  The survey will also assess their readiness to change (what would they be willing to change in behaviour? according to what motivations, at what costs, etc.). Two modes of handover are envisaged (for a panel of 120 people minimum): one live during a field trip and the other via travelers’ forums and private Facebook groups according to a methodology successfully tested as part of the doctoral program «Working in the countries of the sun»

3.            The survey of workers in the tourism sector (N=100) will seek to characterize local health problems from a sample of workers integrating different types of jobs in the tourism sector (hotels, restaurants, leisure activities and excursions). A control group of workers from other economic sectors will be formed (farmers, workers, administrative employees, etc.). The handover will also be mixed: live on site and via professional discussion groups and forums according to a methodology that is also already proven.

4.            The survey of decision-makers and management actors (owners, managers) will seek to estimate possible changes according to scenarios developed from the results of the first two surveys. This work will be based on about thirty interviews in direct handover vis-à-vis or video-communication (N = 30).


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

The candidate will hold a PhD in geography or social health sciences with field experience abroad or overseas and a mastery of survey tools and interview techniques. The candidate’s work will be consistent with the axes of the UMR Eso, those of the Angevin site and those expected by the problem envisaged.

Specific Requirements
PhD degree of less than 3 years Specialty: geography, tourism or public health

Additional Information


Monthly gross salaray : 2719€

Eligibility criteria
PhD degree of less than 3 years
Selection process
Send your CV, cover letter and PhD degree to Sébastien Fleuret:
Website for additional job details

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

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