Ethiopie SNV recruits 01 Call for consultancy service

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contract type: Consultancy contract
Company Description
Advanced Excel training for MEAL staff
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in more than 26 of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses, and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, is operating in Ethiopia since the 1970s. Currently, SNV is working in eight regional states and the two city administrations of Ethiopia, providing technical assistance and program implementation in Agriculture, WASH, and Energy Sectors. SNV is an open and learning organization that focuses on improving the lives of Ethiopian through a market based approach inclusive of women and youth. In its new Strategic Plan period (2019 – 2022), SNV will more explicitly aim for systems change including strengthening institutions and kick-starting markets that help many more to escape poverty beyond our projects.
For more information on SNV’s operations, visit our website:
The objective of the consultancy service is for training of Advanced Microsoft Excel for all MEAL staffs of SNV, to build their capacity of data collection, analysis and presentation and improve MEAL functions across SNV projects. Advanced Excel is a software application of almost unlimited depth and complexity.
Job Description
The purpose of this training is to:
·To train all SNV Ethiopia MEAL staff on Advanced Excel Skills. It is also recommended to include some staffs who will use the advanced Excel application in their day-to-day work.
 Increase the knowledge and skills of MEAL personnel on Advanced Excel in order to enhance their skills in designing monitoring or tracking tools with dashboard, reporting with visual, graphic, maintaining and updating data, spreadsheet modeling, to run advanced formulas and functions and to carryout different analysis.
The consultant/organization should have:
  Firm license
Trainers to be BSC or its equivalent in computer science
 Demonstrable Knowledge and skills on the use and training of Advanced Excel
 Previous 10 YEARS OF experience in conducting similar training for Local Authorities or NGOs/INGOs groups.
High level of conceptual and analytical thinking skills.
 Excellent training provision skills.
Confidentially, professionalism and integrity will be guaranteed
·Knowledge of SNV-Ethiopia will be an added advantage
Additional Information
Interested Firms can get the detailed ToR and full package of the assignment by clicking the following link:
All interested firms/ should submit hard copy of the technical and financial proposal in a separate envelopes marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, and FINANCIAL PROPOSAL with the name of the specific consultancy assignment.
All submissions of interest should be sent to on or before Decemner 30, 2019 Close of Business (5:00pm) to the address below:
SNV Ethiopia, Human Resource Office, Africa Avenue; In front of the Millennium Hall; Next to the new Ethiopian Airlines SKY LIGHT HOTEL;  200 meter from the main road at the right side; telephone: +251 (0)11 616 6232
SNV Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
NB. All submissions shall be in hard copy. Soft copy submission will not be accepted.


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