PhD student position in AI-based Drug Discovery

The Division of Computational Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is offering a PhD student position to develop and apply cutting-edge computational methodology integrating physicochemical knowledge into deep neural network algorithms for drug discovery applications. Computational methods have become an important pillar in structure-based drug design… Read More

2 PhD candidates, Ecotoxicity Impact

The Faculty of Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences is looking for: 2 PhD candidates, Ecotoxicity impact assessment for biodiversity and ecosystem services (1.0 fte) Vacancy number: 13996 Key responsibilities Tens of thousands of chemicals are released into Europe’s environment. Such anthropogenic chemicals can have various… Read More

PhD position on Knowledge Engineering for Smart Diagnostics

The Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) group at the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the team working on diagnostic methods for malfunctions of cyber-physical systems. Designing systems such as MRI printers and scanners, for instance, is by… Read More

PhD position in nanomechanical sensing

TU Wien is located in the heart of Europe, in a cosmopolitan city of great cultural diversity. Our identity as a research university means that we build our reputation through our research. TU Wien combines basic and applied research and research-oriented teaching at the highest… Read More

Postes de doctorant-chercheur – Tampere , Finlande

L’Université de Tampere et l’Université des sciences appliquées de Tampere créent un environnement unique pour la recherche et l’éducation multidisciplinaires, inspirantes et à fort impact. Notre communauté universitaire a ses avantages concurrentiels dans les domaines de la technologie, de la santé et de la société. La… Read More

Postes de doctorat dans le domaine de la médecine moléculaire, de la recherche sur le cancer, de l’immunologie, du métabolisme moléculaire et lipidique, de la recherche cardiovasculaire et de la biostatistique

Projets débutant le 1er mars 2024 Date limite de candidature : 21 septembre 2023 Rejoignez nos programmes de doctorat de pointe dans l’une des principales universités européennes dans le domaine de la recherche médicale. Nous offrons l’opportunité unique de travailler avec des techniques de pointe et… Read More