Joan Oró grant to hire research staff in training (FI 2024)

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Grant for public and private universities of the Catalan university system, research centres, hospital foundations and Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) to hire research staff in training

Who is it for?

  • Citizens

Students who want to earn their PhD from a Catalan University


Submission of applications: From 20 September to 10 October 2023 at 14:00 (Barcelona local time)


Documentation that you must attach to your application in PDF format:

a) An annexed document that includes a short CV; a technical report with a summary of the education, training, and research activities expected to be achieved during the three years of the scholarship; the expected scientific objectives and results; the expected applicability and knowledge transfer and the possible social, economic, and scientific impact of the research to be carried out. Also, it must include its alignment with the areas and thematic areas of intervention defined by the European Union. We accept documents written in Catalan, Spanish, or English. You can find the template on « Related Documentation ».

b) Research project, contract or research agreement. It must certify that your thesis supervisor is principal investigator or member. If this documentation is public, the link or links to the corresponding website may be included in this document.

c) Academic record: You must submit the academic transcripts of your qualifications (undergraduate AND postgraduate studies), with the date of obtaining the degree and its average grade

d) If applicable, you must submit a declaration of equivalences of the average grade:

If you have completed your studies abroad, the statements of equivalence of the average grades must also be submitted. These are to be calculated by the provisions of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Link:

e) If applicable, a copy of the supporting documentation concerning the exceptional situations provided for in the grant rules.

f) Before applying, you must check if your university or research centre requires any specific documentation

You must meet the following requirements:

a) You have completed the studies for admission to a Ph.D. program between 1 January 2021 and the start date of the contract.

Exceptionally, you could apply if you finished your studies between 1 January 2018 and the start date of your contract. However, you can only do it if, after completing your studies, you experienced any of these exceptional situations:

  • You have been on maternity leave.
  • You have been the guardian of children under six years of age.
  • You have been the guardian of someone disabled or with a physical, mental, or sensory disability
  • You have suffered from a serious illness or an accident requiring medical leave for 6 months or more.
  • You have suffered any of the situations provided for in article 1 of Organic Law 1/2004, of 28 December, on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence.
  • You have been granted refugee status under the terms of the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

b) At the time of starting your contract, you must have a bachelor’s degree, engineering, architecture, or university degree with a degree of at least 300 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), university master’s degree or an equivalent degree.

c) You mustn’t have benefited from any previous FI o FI SDUR scholarship. Also, you mustn’t have benefited from more than 6 months of any other contract for predoctoral research staff in training.

d) When you start your contract, you must be enrolled in a PhD program. The academic year you must be admitted to is established in the call.

e) You don’t have a PhD.

f) You must have a minimum average grade in your undergraduate studies (or an equivalent degree) equal to or greater than 6.50 (scale from 0 to 10).

If your qualifications have been completed abroad, the average grade on the academic record must be calculated according to the equivalent average grades set forth in the current resolutions of the Ministry of Universities (< >).

You are responsible for calculating your average grades and the statements of equivalence. You do not need further validation from any public institution.

g) You can only submit ONE application, which means that you can’t apply for more than one university, project, etc.

Thesis supervisors’ requirements:

a) They must have a statutory or employment link with your university or research centre. This association should ensure sufficient supervision and monitoring of the individual candidate’s doctoral thesis

Part-time staff, staff on leave, visiting professors, and emeritus professors are not eligible to receive this scholarship.

b) Be part of a research group recognized within the framework of the call for grants to support the scientific activity of research groups in Catalonia (SGR-Cat 2021).

c) Regarding the project/contract/research agreement you are joining, your thesis supervisor must be a principal researcher or member. In the case of research agreements or contracts, they must have a minimum value of €24,000.00.

The projects, contracts, or agreements must be in force or awarded when submitting your application.

Neither support grants to groups recognized by the Government of Catalonia (SGR) nor grants to incorporate research staff are considered competitive research projects.

d) Thesis supervisors may only appear on one application.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

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