Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award (physiology USA)

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The Shih-Chun Wang Memorial Fund was established in 1998 in memory of Shih-Chun Wang, the Pfeiffer Professor of Pharmacology at Columbia University and a long-standing APS member. Wang was internationally recognized for his research contributions in the areas of neurophysiology and neuropharmacology with an emphasis on brain stem control mechanisms. The Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award is given annually to an individual demonstrating outstanding promise based on their research program in the physiological sciences. Awardee must attend the American Physiology Summit.

The award package includes;

  • $10,000 honorarium is designated for use in research program,  but does not include any indirect cost reimbursement;
  • complimentary early registration to attend the American Physiology Summit;
  • certificate presented during the APS Awards Meeting.

  • Applicant must be an APS member in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years at the time of application;
  • Applicant must be working within the U.S.;
  • Hold an academic rank no higher than assistant professor; and
  • U.S. residency is not required.

  • description of current and pending research program, highlighting outstanding promise based on research in the physiological sciences (up to 3 pages);
  • One-page justification of how and why the intent of the award is being met;
  • Five-page NIH-style biosketch;
  • list of current and pending grant support not in the biosketch;
  • copy of abstract(s) submitted for presentation during the APS annual meeting at EB;
  • One letter of recommendation from department chair, administrator or mentor; and
  • at least one letter of support discussing the impact of the applicant’s research program on the physiological sciences.

Applications are only accepted via online submission.

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