Yamaha Dealers and Customers Supporting Access to Land for Work and Play The Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative is dedicated to those who work and play outdoors including, but not limited to, those who rely on off-highway vehicles (OHVs) to ride, camp, hunt or fish. Supporting the outdoor enthusiast, the Yamaha …
أكمل القراءة »أرشيف الموقع
Small Grants Program for Grassroots Groups – US
CHEJ Small Grants Program Download applications: Tier 1 Application Tier 2 Application Tier 3 Application Guidelines CHEJ Small Grants Program Guidelines All Tiers – Round 2 CHEJ has a Small Grants Program for grassroots groups working on environmental health and justice issues. Grassroots communities of color, low wealth, rural and urban …
أكمل القراءة »Pure Leaf “No” Grants Contest – United States
Pure Leaf believes “No Is Beautiful.” Nearly 2/3 of moms have questioned their value because they were overwhelmed with doing it all. Household chores, childcare, and job stresses feel endless, and saying “no” to those responsibilities often comes at a real financial cost. That’s why we started the “No” Grants: …
أكمل القراءة »Community Waste Reduction Grant Program – United States
The Community Waste Reduction Grant (CWRG) program is a competitive program that is open to all governmental entities such as parks, cities, townships and villages, schools, other public sectors, and non-profit organizations. Eligible applicants must be located within SWACO’s jurisdiction. Please click here to view a map of SWACO’s jurisdiction. Proposed projects …
أكمل القراءة »JustPax Fund: Gender, Environmental and Economic Justice (US)
Justice challenges are spiritual, social, political, practical and personal. They are woven together in an entrenched paradigm that infects every institution, from the religious to the secular. Many of our longest standing cultural artifacts depend on their perpetuation and our corresponding belief that they cannot or should not change. But …
أكمل القراءة »Candidatures ouvertes pour le prix de la famille Lipman 2024
Le prix de la famille Barry & Marie Lipman de l’Université de Pennsylvanie est un prix mondial annuel qui célèbre le leadership et l’innovation dans le secteur social en mettant l’accent sur l’impact et la transférabilité des pratiques. Le prix de la famille Lipman reconnaît et soutient ces organisations – …
أكمل القراءة »Chercheurs en sciences de la vie ou en bioingénierie – Boston , États-Unis
Nous recherchons des candidats très motivés avec des réalisations académiques exceptionnelles et le zèle pour la découverte scientifique ou la guérison de maladies humaines dévastatrices, telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson, l’autisme et le COVID-19. Le chercheur s’efforcera de résoudre certains des plus grands problèmes scientifiques, en utilisant …
أكمل القراءة »Grants to increase Healthcare Solutions for Underserved Communities in the US
BRIGHTER TOMORROWS At Astellas, we believe in creating a future we can all look forward to, one filled with health and with loved ones with whom we can share it. We know the way to achieve that future is by giving communities the means they need today to create a …
أكمل القراءة »Applications open for TOMODACHI Story Jam for Youth with Disabilities
The application for the TOMODACHI Story Jam for Youth with Disabilities 2023 is open now. Japanese and American college students and young professionals with disabilities will learn digital storytelling and leadership during the 9-week online program. Participants will explore and identify a moment or moments related to overcoming barriers to tell as …
أكمل القراءة »United States: Second Sustainability Subscribed Climate Accelerator Program
Sustainability Subscribed 2023 is an investment readiness program that will support 10-12 startups in the US employing subscriptions, recurring revenue, or as-a-service models to fight climate change and advance sustainability. In partnership with Zuora, and with support from HPE Foundation, this program is an ongoing initiative to expand access and leverage the subscription …
أكمل القراءة »Civil Legal Aid Grants: Resolving Life-Changing Legal Problems (US)
IL Grant Funds Recovery Act Please note these funds are subject to the IL Grant Funds Recovery Act. Please familiarize yourself before submitting an application. Limitations Funds appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly, including funds distributed by the IEJF, may not be spent on a sectarian purpose. Said funds may not …
أكمل القراءة »ARIN Fellowship Program
Applications for the ARIN 52 Fellowship Program are open now until 26 July 2023. Download and share this ARIN 52 Fellowship Program informational flyer to learn more. Apply Today About the ARIN Fellowship Program ARIN is powered by community participation. To encourage and foster new voices, our Fellowship Program provides an interactive …
أكمل القراءة »L’Institut McCain lance un appel à candidatures pour la bourse de recherche sur la sécurité nationale et la lutte contre le terrorisme
Cette bourse d’un an rassemble les leaders émergents les plus prometteurs engagés dans le travail de sécurité nationale et de lutte contre le terrorisme dans les pays partenaires de Five Eyes. Chaque année, l’Institut McCain sélectionne un groupe de leaders motivés par le caractère en tant que boursiers – de jeunes …
أكمل القراءة »Stagiaires postdoctoraux sur l’édition et la livraison de gènes CRISPR/Cas9
Des postes postdoctoraux financés par le DOD et le NIH sont disponibles dans le groupe de Baisong Lu au Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Un projet utilise une nouvelle méthode de criblage à haut débit développée dans le groupe pour développer des nanoparticules lipidiques spécifiques aux tissus pour la délivrance …
أكمل القراءة »Candidatures ouvertes pour le programme de bourses aux congrès de l’ISPA à New York
Qu’est-ce que la bourse ISPA? Le programme de bourses de l’ISPA a été créé pour offrir aux professionnels des arts du spectacle émergents et à mi-carrière la possibilité d’étendre leurs réseaux internationaux grâce à l’adhésion et à la participation aux congrès de l’ISPA. Les boursiers représentent toutes les disciplines, tous les …
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