Job Archives

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world's leading life sciences institutes. With 32 groups and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community! We are looking to recruit a highly motivated PhD student for an SNF funded project led by Marc van Oostrum in the laboratory of Peter Scheiffele. The project: In an interdisciplinary project supported by an Ambizione grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation, we will investigate the molecular diversity of synaptic proteomes from in-vivo brain structures (see van Oostrum et. al. 2023 bioRxiv, Cell - in press 2023). Conceptually the research aims at understanding how synaptic proteins determine synapse-type specific connectivity and function. The project integrates molecular neurobiology with systems neuroscience and combines state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based proteomics technologies with fluorescence activated sorting and in vivo labelling of defined synaptic populations within neuronal circuits. We are looking for a highly motivated student that is excited to learn and develop new technologies in order to drive biology. MSc or equivalent degree with a strong interest in interdisciplinary neurobiology across scales from molecules to circuits. The project involves mass spectrometry-based proteomics, stereotactic surgery, fluorescence-activated cell sorting, genome editing methods, and computational biology. Experience in any of these domains is benefical, but not required. More important are self-motivation, independence and analytical thinking of the applicant. The position is funded and salary is according to institutional guidelines. A project at the frontier of science to solve fundamental questions in neurobiology. You will have the unique opportunity to join a small team with close guidance by the SNF Ambizione project grantee Marc van Oostrum while at the same time being embedded in an internationally leading group of dynamic and collaborative scientists, Phd students, postdocs and technicians. The Biozentrum provides a highly stimulating collaborative research environment with a fantastic infrastructure in a brand-new building, as well as state-of-the-art technology platforms for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. Basel is an international city with people from 150 nations. Located on the border where three countries meet – Switzerland, Germany and France – it is Europe's most important life sciences hub. Basel provides a high standard of living and a rich cultural atmosphere. Application / Contact Please apply online: Applications should include:
  • Your up-to-date CV with contact details of at least two referees
  • A brief personal statement, explaining how your research skills and interests align with the aims of this project and the research focus of our group (max 2 pages)
  • All required diplomas, including MSc confirmation and grades
  • Contact of 2 previous mentors for letters of reference
Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled. Only online applications will be considered. For any informal enquiries, please contact:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. Th...View more


Un réseau doctoral Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie financé par l'Union européenne Date de début : janvier 2024

La photosynthèse repose sur la récolte de la lumière du soleil et sur la transformation de l’énergie solaire en énergie chimique pour soutenir presque toute la vie sur terre. Une meilleure compréhension au niveau moléculaire de la photosynthèse, et en particulier du processus de collecte de la lumière, revêt une importance capitale.

Dans ce réseau doctoral, nous visons à former une nouvelle génération de scientifiques informatiques capables de traiter des problèmes complexes et interdisciplinaires tels que la récolte de lumière au niveau moléculaire à l'aide d'outils théoriques et informatiques. La nature interdisciplinaire du problème nécessite une connaissance combinée de la biologie, de la chimie, de la physique et de l'informatique afin de combiner des approches de pointe telles que les simulations de dynamique moléculaire, la chimie quantique, la spectroscopie théorique et l'apprentissage automatique dans des schémas multi-échelles.

Cette entreprise commune est une opportunité unique dans la recherche mais surtout aussi dans la formation de jeunes scientifiques au travail en équipe interdisciplinaire, à la formation aux méthodes et au calcul haute performance en milieu académique comme non académique.

Partenaires du réseau

Les bénéficiaires

Partenaires associés

Projets de recherche individuels

L'approche scientifique employée dans ce réseau doctoral présente l'avantage de combiner divers aspects de la modélisation informatique pour poursuivre les objectifs scientifiques du projet. Alors que les complexes de collecte de lumière sont de grands systèmes biologiques, les calculs d’état excité déterminent des connaissances détaillées en chimie quantique. La propagation de l’énergie d’excitation et la détermination de spectres non linéaires relèvent davantage du domaine de la (bio)physique. La plupart des calculs sont coûteux en numérique et, avec les techniques d'apprentissage automatique, le développement, l'adaptation et l'optimisation des codes numériques impliqués appartiennent au domaine de l'informatique.

Les méthodes employées exercent une forte complémentarité de telle sorte qu'à la fin, les doctorants acquerront une expertise dans des méthodologies individuelles mais acquerront également les connaissances nécessaires dans une vision holistique de la modélisation informatique, une caractéristique cruciale d'une nouvelle génération de scientifiques informatiques en biologie et biophysique. applications. Les simulations de dynamique moléculaire (Projets 2, 6, 10) alimenteront les méthodologies de la structure quantique et de la dynamique (des excitons) (Projets 1, 3, 8, 9), ces dernières étant nécessaires à la description spectroscopique des complexes captant la lumière (Projets 4, 5, 7). Malgré la complémentarité des méthodologies utilisées, les projets individuels peuvent également être largement indépendants les uns des autres, bien qu'ils ne développent toute leur puissance qu'en combinaison.

  • Projet 1 : Transfert d'excitons et NPQ chez les diatomées : une approche multi-échelle utilisant l'apprentissage automatique (Kleinekathöfer, Brême, Allemagne)
  • Projet 2 : L'espace configurationnel des protéines de liaison à la fucoxanthine et à la chlorophylle-a/c (FCP) chez les diatomées (Daskalakis, Patras, Grèce)
  • Projet 3 : Modélisation multi-échelle du transport d'énergie pour la récupération de la lumière et la trempe non photochimique dans les usines supérieures (Mennucci, Pise, Italie)
  • Projet 4 : Signatures spectroscopiques de l'annihilation et de l'extinction des excitons (Jansen, Groningen, Pays-Bas)
  • Projet 5 : Développement d'approches de simulation pour la spectroscopie non linéaire de complexes moléculaires (Abramavicius, Vilnius, Lituanie)
  • Projet 6 : L'espace configurationnel des complexes LH des plantes supérieures – détection et réponse aux changements de pH (Liguori, Castelldefels, Espagne)
  • Projet 7 : États de transfert de charge et états excités supérieurs dans la récolte de lumière (Renger, Linz, Autriche)
  • Projet 8 : Dynamique non adiabatique dans les complexes LH avec l'utilisation d'algorithmes de Machine Learning (Elstner, Karlsruhe, Allemagne)
  • Projet 9 : Effets environnementaux (chaîne de solvants et de protéines) sur les calculs d'état excité QM de haute précision via QM/MM multi-échelles sur le complexe de récupération de lumière (Faccts, Cologne, Allemagne)
  • Projet 10 : Prédiction du pKa pour les résidus du LHC, en présence d'interactions lipidiques-protéine LHC et LHC-caroténoïde (OneAngstrom, Grenoble, France)

Comment postuler aux postes de doctorat ?

10 postes de doctorat entièrement financés par l’UE disponibles !


  • Le doctorant doit être titulaire d'une M.Sc. en (bio)physique, chimie, biologie (moléculaire) ou dans des disciplines connexes.
  • Volonté de travailler sur des projets théoriques/informatiques hautement interdisciplinaires.
  • La maîtrise de la programmation, par exemple en Python, sera certainement un avantage.
  • En fonction du projet sélectionné, une expérience pratique antérieure dans l'exécution de codes de dynamique moléculaire ou de chimie quantique sera fortement appréciée.
  • Bonnes compétences en anglais.


L'UE apporte un soutien à chaque chercheur recruté sous la forme de

  • Salaire mensuel compétitif, indexé sur le coût de la vie dans le pays où seront hébergés les doctorants. Les détails peuvent être discutés pendant le processus de candidature.
  • Allocations de mobilité.
  • Le cas échéant, allocations familiales, de longue durée et pour besoins spéciaux.

Critère d'éligibilité

Les chercheurs soutenus doivent être doctorants, c'est-à-dire ne pas être déjà titulaires d'un doctorat à la date du recrutement. Les candidats doivent respecter les règles de mobilité : de manière générale, ils ne doivent pas avoir résidé ou exercé leur activité principale (travail, études, etc.) dans le pays de l'organisme qui recrute pendant plus de 12 mois au cours des 36 mois précédant immédiatement leur recrutement. date. Les candidats peuvent être de n'importe quelle nationalité.

Processus de sélection

Toutes les candidatures passent d'abord par le processus en ligne. Les candidats doivent postuler par voie électronique avec leur CV, leur lettre de motivation et leurs relevés de notes dans un seul fichier. Les candidats présélectionnés peuvent être invités à des entretiens en ligne et, s'ils sont sélectionnés, ils devront peut-être déposer une candidature distincte auprès de l'université délivrant le doctorat, selon les exigences de cette université.

Appliquer maintenant

Veuillez remplir le formulaire et envoyer une lettre de motivation, un CV, un diplôme MSc&BSc incl. Notez les relevés de notes par courrier électronique sous la forme d'un seul fichier PDF (10 Mo maximum) à .


  1. Constructeur Université Bremen gGmbH, Brême, Allemagne
  2. Université de Patras, Grèce
  3. Université de Pise, Italie
  4. Université de Groningue, Pays-Bas
  5. Université de Vilnius, Lituanie
  6. ICFO – Institut des Sciences Photoniques, Espagne
  7. Université Johannes Kepler de Linz, Autriche
  8. Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe, Allemagne
  9. Faccts GmbH, Allemagne
  10.  OneAngstrom, Grenoble, France

Détails du projet

Financé par l'Union européenne à travers le programme : Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie au sein d'Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Thème : Réseaux doctoraux (MSCA-DN) Date de début : 1er janvier 2024 Durée : 4 ans Convention de subvention ID : 101119442 Budget : 2 589 847 € ,20 Fiche d'information sur l'UE :

Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon Europe de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Marie Skłodowska-Curie n° 101119442.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded by the European Union Starting date: January 2024

Photosynthesis relies on harvesting the sun light and on transforming the solar energy into chemical energy to sustain almost all life on earth. An enhanced molecular-level understanding of photosynthesis and particularly of the light-harvesting process is of key significance.

In this Doctoral Network we aim at training a new generation of computational scientists which can treat complex and interdisciplinary problems such as light harvesting on a molecular level using theoretical and computational tools. The interdisciplinary nature of the problem requires a combined knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics and computer science in order to combine state-of-the-art approaches like molecular dynamics simulations, quantum chemistry, theoretical spectroscopy and machine learning into multi-scale schemes.

This joint undertaking is a unique chance in research but especially also in training young scientists in interdisciplinary teamwork, method training and high-performance computing in academic as well as non-academic settings.

Network Partners


Associated partners

Individual research projects

The scientific approach employed in this Doctoral Network has the advantage of combining diverse aspects of computational modelling to pursue the scientific objectives of the project. While the light-harvesting complexes are large biological systems, the excited state calculations determine detailed quantum chemical knowledge. The propagation of the excitation energy and the determination of non-linear spectra are more based on the area of (bio)physics. Most of the computations are numerical expensive and together with machine learning techniques, the development, adaptation and optimization of the involved numerical codes belongs to the area of computer science.

The employed methods exert strong complementarity in a way that at the end the Doctoral Candidates will gain expertise in individual methodologies but also acquire the necessary insight into a holistic view of computational modelling, a crucial characteristic of a new generation of computational scientists in biological and biophysical applications. Molecular dynamics simulations (Projects 2, 6, 10) will give input to the quantum structure and (exciton) dynamics methodologies (Projects 1, 3, 8, 9) with the latter being necessary for the spectroscopic description of light-harvesting complexes (Projects 4, 5, 7). Despite the complementarity of the employed methodologies, the individual projects can stand also independently of each other to a large degree though they evolve their full power only in combination.

  • Project 1: Exciton transfer and NPQ in diatoms: A multi-scale approach employing machine learning (Kleinekathöfer, Bremen, Germany)
  • Project 2: The Configurational Space of Fucoxanthin and Chlorophyll-a/c binding proteins (FCP) in diatoms (Daskalakis, Patras, Greece)
  • Project 3: Multiscale modeling of energy transport for light-harvesting and non-photochemical quenching in higher plants (Mennucci, Pisa, Italy)
  • Project 4: Spectroscopic Signatures of Exciton Annihilation and Quenching (Jansen, Groningen, Netherlands)
  • Project 5: Development of simulation approaches for nonlinear spectroscopy of molecular complexes (Abramavicius, Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Project 6: The configurational space of LH complexes from higher plants – sensing and response to pH changes (Liguori, Castelldefels, Spain)
  • Project 7: Charge transfer states and higher excited states in light-harvesting (Renger, Linz, Austria)
  • Project 8: Non-adiabatic dynamics in LH complexes with the use of Machine Learning algorithms (Elstner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Project 9: Environmental effects (solvent and protein chain) on high accuracy QM excited-state calculations via multiscale QM/MM on the light harvesting complex (Faccts, Cologne, Germany)
  • Project 10: pKa prediction for LHC residues, in the presence of LHC-protein and LHC-carotenoid, lipid interactions (OneAngstrom, Grenoble, France)

How to apply for the PhD Positions?

10 fully EU-funded PhD positions available!


  • The PhD candidate should hold an M.Sc. in (Bio)Physics, Chemistry, (Molecular) Biology, or related disciplines.
  • Willingness to work on highly interdisciplinary theoretical/computational projects.
  • Proficiency in programming, e.g., in Python will certainly be an advantage.
  • Depending on the actual selected project, previous hands-on experience in running molecular dynamics or quantum chemistry codes will be highly appreciated.
  • Good English skills.


The EU provides support for each recruited researcher in the form of

  • Competitive monthly salary, indexed to the cost of living in the country where the Doctoral Candidates will be hosted. Details can be discussed during the application process.
  • Mobility allowances.
  • If applicable, family, long-term leave, and special needs allowances.

Eligibility criteria

Supported researchers must be doctoral candidates, i.e., not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment. Candidates should comply with the mobility rules: in general, they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organization for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Candidates can be of any nationality.

Selection process

All applications proceed first through the online process. Candidates should apply electronically with their CV, cover letter and transcripts as a single file. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for online interviews and, if selected, may need to make a separate application to the university awarding the PhD degree, according to the requirements of that university.

Apply now

Please fill the form and send Cover Letter, CV, MSc&BSc diploma incl. Grade Transcripts by email as one pdf file (10 MB max.) to


  1. Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Bremen, Germany
  2. University of Patras, Greece
  3. University of Pisa, Italy
  4. University of Groningen, Netherlands
  5. Vilnius University, Lithuania
  6. ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
  7. Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  8. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  9. Faccts GmbH, Germany
  10.  OneAngstrom, Grenoble, France

Project details

Funded by the European Union through Program: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Topic: Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) Starting date: January 1, 2024 Duration: 4 years Grant agreement ID: 101119442 Budget: € 2 589 847,20 EU Fact Sheet:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101119442.


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Un réseau doctoral Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie financé par l’Union européenne Date de début : janvier 2024 La photosynthèse repose sur la récolte de la lumière du soleil et sur la t...View more

Vacancy number: 14145

Project description How can we use an exhibition to make an emerging topic like quantum science and technology visible and tangible? In this project, we will study the impact of an exhibition about quantum science and technology on the knowledge and attitude of various target audiences about science. Quantum science and technology is an emerging field of research that is expected to have a large impact on both science and society going forward. For instance, faster computing and new ways of data protection are envisioned. There are little tangible examples of the concepts explaining quantum science and technology, and these are usually not studied. The results of this project will add to the understanding of the effect of outreach regarding quantum science and technology on the engagement of the public with this topic. It will be used to give advice on the further implementation and development of evidence-based outreach on quantum and similar intangible science and technology.

Key responsibilities In this postdoctoral project, you will be responsible for an existing quantum exhibition that will be translated to the Dutch situation. You will develop and pursue a research method to study the impact of this exhibition on the attitude and knowledge of specific target groups. You will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of science communication experts and quantum physicists. You will write an academic paper on your findings and you will disseminate your results to relevant partners in the museum world and the quantum world. You will build a network of research and practice partners. While teaching is not required in this postdoctoral position, there are possibilities for student supervision and teaching in our group and institutes if you are interested.

Selection Criteria

  • PhD in museum studies, communication research, science communication, media studies or other relevant directions, with an interest in science communication and new technologies;
  • Experience with the practical organization of science communication activities.
  • Experience with relevant social science research methods;
  • Excellent social skills and pro-active attitude, enabling you to work with various stakeholders;
  • Excellent communication skills and fluency in English;
  • Affinity with new technologies and fundamental sciences. Please note: although having some basic knowledge about quantum science andtechnology would be beneficial, we do not require that this is the case.Quantum expertise is available within the Research Group.

The project is led by dr. Julia Cramer and dr. Anne Land. A PhD researcher working on ‘evidence-based outreach’ will collaborate in this project.

The position is funded by the Growth Fund of Quantum Delta NL, a Dutch collaboration that is creating a national ecosystem for excellence in quantum innovation, for highly talented professionals to bring quantum computers, quantum networks and quantum sensors to the market. One of the action lines focuses on the Ethical, Legal and Societal aspects of quantum technology. We are part of this action line, focusing on the societal impact.

The research group ‘Quantum and Society’ studies the societal impact of quantum technology from a science communication perspective. We are an interdisciplinary group affiliated with the Faculty of Science, connected to quantum physics (LION) and Science Communication and Society (IBL), using methods from, and collaborating with, the social sciences.

Our research group focuses on studying the boundary between quantum technology and society via:

  • Content analyses of existing communication about quantum science and technology such as outreach by experts, media coverage, and policy documents.
  • Development of instruments to measure the attitude and engagement of specific societal groups towards and with quantum technology and their concerns, questions and expectations of quantum technology.
  • Research into the effect of empirically developed interventions on participants in such interventions.

Leiden University Leiden University is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. Thanks to its committed and inspired employees, the university enjoys a leading role in academic research and education. Leiden also scores very well every year in prominent rankings. This means that, to maintain our position, the bar is set very high. Regardless of the work you do at our university, you are always encouraged to broaden your horizons, develop your talents and reach your full potential.

Research at our faculty of Science The Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. It is a faculty where personal and academic development are top priorities. Our people are committed to expand fundamental knowledge by curiosity and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to make a contribution to addressing the major societal challenges of the future.

The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biopharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organised in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight bachelor’s and twelve master’s programmes. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 2,500 staff and almost 6,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together.

For more information, see and

Diversity and inclusion Fostering an inclusive community is a central element of the values and vision of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.

Terms and conditions The starting date of the postdoctoral position is ideally in the first quarter of 2024. We offer a 1 year position. The salary range is from € 3.226 - € 5.090. gross per month (pay scale 10 in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. For international spouses we have set up a dual career programme. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.

Applications To apply for this vacancy, please send an email to Sanne Romp (, with ‘Application Postdoc Quantum & Society’ in the subject line. Please ensure that you attach the following:

  • A short motivation (max one page) on how your research interests and background fit this topic and our team;
  • A Curriculum Vitae;
  • Contact details of two people that can provide a reference if requested.

Timeline The closing date for applications is 7 November 2023.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Vacancy number: 14145 Project description How can we use an exhibition to make an emerging topic like quantum science and technology visible and tangible? In this project, we will study the impact of ...View more



Date limite
Domaine de recherche
Sciences sociales
Type de financement
Étape de carrière
Chercheur reconnu (R2) (titulaires d'un doctorat ou équivalent qui ne sont pas encore totalement indépendants)
Chercheur établi (R3) (Chercheurs ayant développé un niveau d’autonomie)
Programme de recherche européen

À propos

L’IEE-ULB cherche à attribuer une bourse postdoctorale à temps plein dans le cadre du projet du Réseau Jean-Monnet sur la politique extérieure UE-Afrique « PolyCIVIS : Confronting the Polycrisis in Europe and Africa ».


Le chef de projet scientifique se verra attribuer une bourse de recherche postdoctorale à temps plein dans le cadre du réseau Jean Monnet sur la politique extérieure UE-Afrique - PolyCIVIS : face à la poly-crise en Europe et en Afrique. Faisant partie à la fois d'une équipe de recherche basée à l'Institut d'études européennes (IEE-ULB) et de l'équipe associée à l'alliance des universités européennes CIVIS à l'ULB, le candidat sélectionné assumera un mandat de recherche et de gestion sur financement externe (UE). . Le candidat sélectionné sera en charge de la coordination scientifique quotidienne et de l'assurance qualité du projet PolyCIVIS. Ceci doit être réalisé en très étroite collaboration avec : 1° le coordonnateur administratif du projet, (2) les scientifiques référents de l'ULB, (3) les représentants académiques de tous les autres partenaires du projet, notamment les dirigeants du WP.

Ce qui est financé

  • Type de bourse : Bourse postdoctorale internationale à temps plein
  • Faculté / Département : Institut d'études européennes (IEE)
  • Superviseur académique : Professeur Anne Weyembergh
  • Source de financement : POLYCIVIS - Faire face à la polycrise en Europe et en Afrique (Erasmus+ / Jean Monnet Policy Network - GA 101127795)


  • Durée de la bourse : jusqu'à 3 ans (le projet se termine le 30/9/2026)
  • Date indicative de début de la bourse : dès que possible


  • Diplôme : Doit être titulaire d'un doctorat/doctorat en sciences sociales ou humaines, de préférence avec une expérience préalable en Afrique. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux candidats ayant une formation en recherche qui s'adresse directement à l'accent mis par PolyCIVIS sur une dimension donnée de la polycrise à laquelle sont actuellement confrontées les relations interrégionales UE-Afrique.
  • Profil de recherche : Les candidats doivent démontrer une expérience réussie dans des travaux universitaires sur des sujets liés à la polycrise, aux relations UE-Afrique, à l'élaboration de politiques dans le contexte de crises, à l'interdisciplinarité, au transfert de connaissances et à d'autres sujets associés aux objectifs du réseau PolyCIVIS.
  • Maîtrise de la langue : la langue de travail du projet est l'anglais, la maîtrise de l'anglais (oral et écrit) est donc requise. De plus, l'ULB est une institution de langue française avec de nombreuses procédures internes en français, une connaissance pratique du français sera donc considérée comme un plus. Toutes les autres langues sont les bienvenues, notamment les langues arabes et africaines.
  • Expérience professionnelle : aucune expérience préalable en gestion de projet n'est requise, mais toute implication antérieure dans des projets de recherche internationaux – notamment ceux financés par l'UE – sera considérée comme un atout supplémentaire.


Nom de l'organisme
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Pays de l’organisation
Plus d'information

Pièces jointes


Post-Doctoral Fellow & Scientific Project Manager

Institut d’étuDes Européennes – Université libre de Bruxelles


Last date to submit your candidacy: 31 October 2023

Submit Applications & Questions to: Professor François Heinderyckx by email from your account JobTeaserand to

Faculty / Department: Institut d’études européennes (IEE)

Academic Supervisor: Professor Anne Weyembergh

Fellowship Type: Full-Time, International Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Fellowship Length: up to 3 years (project ends 30/9/2026)

Indicative Fellowship Start date: asap

Funding source:   POLYCIVIS - Confronting the Polycrisis in Europe and Africa (Erasmus+ / Jean Monnet Policy Network - GA 101127795)

The IEE-ULB is looking to award a full-time Post-Doctoral Fellowship as part of the Jean-Monnet Network on External Policy EU-Africa project “PolyCIVIS: Confronting the Polycrisis in Europe and Africa.”

Job description

The Scientific Project Manager will be awarded a full-time Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in the framework of the Jean Monnetnetwork on external policy EU-Africa - PolyCIVIS: confronting the poly-crisis in Europe and Africa.

As part of both a research team based at the Institut d’études européennes (IEE-ULB) and the team associated with the European universities alliance CIVIS at ULB, the selected candidate will take on a research & management mandate on external (EU) funding.

The selected candidate will be in charge of the day-to-day scientific coordination and quality assurance of the PolyCIVIS project. This is to be achieved in very close collaboration with:

  • the administrative coordinator of the project,
  • the lead scientists at ULB,
  • the academic representatives of all other partners in the project, in particular the WP leaders.

The Scientific Project Manager will contribute to the following missions:

  • Provide the scientific coordination of the PolyCIVIS Network, including both its strategic orientation and the implementation of the necessary organisational work (e.g. coordination meetings, networking events, scientific workshops…). This is to be done in close relation with the PolyCIVIS’ Administrative Coordinator, the CIVIS Team based at the ULB, and the partner universities/colleagues across Europe and Africa.
  • Ensure the necessary actions and activities are undertaken to achieve the milestones and deliverables listed as part of PolyCIVIS’ work package 3 (WP3). WP3, entitled “Polycrisis and policy” is to be jointly coordinated by ULB (BE) with the University of the Witwatersrand (ZA) and focusses on ensuring the policy impact of the vast expertise brought together across PolyCIVIS.
  • Provide support, guidance and direction to all partners and WP leaders to ensure timely preparation and finalisation of milestones and deliverables (as per application).

The project

PolyCIVIS is a Jean Monnet Network on External Policy EU-Africa. It focuses on the polycrisis (the combination of several concurrent major societal crises that we currently face).  It proposes to jostle against 4 factors impeding our capacity to resolve the polycrisis by actively working through and across 4 groups of boundaries:

  • across the different crises (contemplating holistically how they interact),
  • across time (combining the latest science with overlooked lessons of the past),
  • across disciplinary clusters (the complexity of the polycrisis requires a fully integrated multidisciplinary response), and
  • across territories and languages (at the local, the national, the regional, the continental, and the global levels, and across language barriers).

These 4 approaches will be applied to 3 fundamental dimensions: research, policy, and teaching. The proposed network offers to bring down the walls between the crises, between the scientific disciplines trying to understand them, and between the levels of policy response across nations and continents. PolyCIVIS offers to take the polycrisis out of the various silos which prevent a compelling systemic understanding of its overall complexity and the deployment of the most adequate policy response in Europe and in Africa. PolyCIVIS will be deeply embedded across the Euro-African interregional relationship, both locally and inter-regionally, and as such would be particularly well positioned to ensure the creation of durable instruments with a sustainable impact beyond the confines of both the consortium and the lifespan of the project.

The ULB-led PolyCIVIS Jean Monnet Network will be coordinated by a well-established actor in European studies and European scientifically informed policymaking located near the major EU institutions in Brussels, namely the IEE-ULB. It gathers 19 universities, 10 of which are situated in Africa (among which 8 in the sub-Saharan region 9), to collect, share, discuss, and structure a rich body of research findings and knowledge, teaching material, policy and governmental efforts, civil society initiatives, and real-life experience. The Network will function in close cooperation with CIVIS a European University Alliance that established strong ties with African universities from the onset. Indeed, out of the Jean Monnet Network’s 19 Universities, 9 are European Partners and 6 African partners within CIVIS. The Network foresees the creation of a set of outcomes tied to some of the lasting pan-European structures of CIVIS,

Work Environment

The Scientific Project Manager will be a member of an IEE and CIVIS team dedicated to the scientific coordination of PolyCIVIS.

The Institut d’études européennes (IEE) at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. As such, it is recognised for its expertise in European Studies. The IEE-ULB carries out its own interdisciplinary research projects. At the same time, it promotes the work of its affiliated members on European issues within the associated research units and centres of its three partner faculties – the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and Criminology and The Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. The IEE-ULB develops an interdisciplinary research agenda established by the Institute’s Research Committee. The current agenda is based on four research themes that are articulated around political sciences, law, economics, history, values and global interactions: Europe as an area of freedom, security & justice; Europe as an area of economic & social regulation; Europe as a community of norms & values; and Europe in the world.

CIVIS is an alliance of 11 leading research-intensive across Europe: Aix-Marseille Université, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Université libre de Bruxelles, University of Bucharest, University of Glasgow, University of Lausanne, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Sapienza Università di Roma, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Stockholm University, and Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. It was among the first alliances to be formed within the European Universities Initiative of the European Union in 2019.

The team managing CIVIS at ULB is a vibrant, multidisciplinary group of administrators and academics contributing to the development of an ambitious and innovative alliance of universities.

Remuneration is approx. 2937 €/month net (+ periodic indexation on inflation).

Eligibility and profile

Qualifications required

Diploma: Must have a Ph.D./Doctorate in social sciences or humanities, preferably with previous experience of Africa. Special consideration will be given to those applicants with a research background that speaks directly to PolyCIVIS’ focus on a given dimension the polycrisis currently facing EU-African inter-regional relations.

Research profile: Candidates should demonstrate a successful track record in academic work on topics relevant to the polycrisis, EU-Africa relations, policymaking in the context of crises, interdisciplinarity, knowledge transfer, and other topics associated with the aims of the PolyCIVIS Network.

Language proficiency: the project’s working language is English, therefore fluency in English (oral and written) is required. Moreover, the ULB is a French language institution with many internal procedures in French, therefore, working knowledge of French will be considered a plus. Any further languages are welcome, especially Arabic and African languages.

Professional experience: no prior experience in project management is required, yet any previous involvement with international research projects – notably those funded by the EU – will be considered a further asset.

Mobility Requirement

As the funding is provided as an international post-doctoral fellowship, eligible candidates must be in a position to formally expatriate, i.e., move to Belgium when starting the fellowship.

This means that “the selected candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Belgium for more than 12 months over the past 3 years immediately before their recruitment date”.

Equally, applicants’ must not have obtained their Ph.D. for more than 8 years at the time when the post-doctoral fellowship is scheduled to start – i.e., indicatively December 2023

Specific Scientific knowledge and skills

Candidates must have

  • Expertise and interest in the topic of the project – i.e. EU-Africa relations
  • A strong record of publications relevant to the project.
  • Experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
  • Abilities to coordinate the organisation of scientific events (e.g., conferences, summer schools, workshops, panels international conferences…).
  • Experience in research, teaching, and interacting with policymakers.
  • Experience in interdisciplinarity.

Candidates must have

  • A very good command of English (excellent academic writing and oral skills). A good command of French is an asset,      as well as command of Arabic and other African languages.
  • A proven ability to lead and coordinate a multinational, multilingual team in the context of a EU-funded project, to meet deadlines, and to combine autonomy and compliance with guidelines.
  • Significant experience in working in an international environment - having experience working both in Europe and in Africa.
  • A demonstrated set of strong project management and interpersonal communication skills.
  • A tried ability to operate in a considerably multi-cultural environment.

Application procedure

Candidates are invited to submit their application in one email sent to Professor François Heinderyckx by email from your account JobTeaserand to

Application files must include in a single PDF document the following information in English:

Application Calendar

  • Deadline for Submissions: 31 October 2023 (Midnight CET)
  • In-Person (or online) interviews and Tests: between 6 and 17 November 2023
  • Results Communicated: by22 November 2023
  • Target Start date of the Fellowship:asap, depending on relocation schedule of the successful candidate

Equal opportunity policy

ULB's personnel policy is based on diversity and equal opportunity.

We recruit candidates on the basis of their skills, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, etc.

Would you like to be provided with reasonable accommodation in the selection procedure because of a disability, disorder, or illness?  Please contact Marie Botty, the person in charge of diversity aspects for the academic and scientific staff ( ). Be assured of the confidentiality of this information.

More details on the ULB gender and diversity policy are available at

  • A detailed Professional Curriculum Vitae.

You may choose to complete a standard Europass form ( or not. This is left entirely up to the applicants. Once completed, whether Europass or not, the CV must be included in the single application file.

  • A personal motivation letter - two pages maximum.
  • A description of your previous involvement in, or experience of, (European) project management - one page maximum.
  • The names and e-mail addresses of two professional references (who may be contacted by those evaluating applications to ensure a balanced analysis.  These referees should not have conflicts of interest because of familial or emotional ties.

  • Fonction
    Social / Personal & Child care
  • Date de début
    Dès que possible
  • Expérience
    Étudiant / Jeune diplômé
  • Date limite de candidature
    1 Novembre 2023

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Détails Date limite 31 octobre 2023 Domaine de recherche Sciences sociales Type de financement Financement Étape de carrière Chercheur reconnu (R2) (titulaires d’un doctorat ou équivalent qu...View more

Call for Applications or Nominations  Beate Naroska Junior and Senior Guest Professorships 2023

Beate Naroska (1943–2008) was a professor in experimental particle physics at the University of Hamburg from 1989 to 2008. She was an excellent scientist, a very devoted teacher and a mentor of many young scientists. She performed most of her research at DESY and CERN and made pivotal contributions to a wide range of questions in particle physics using data from the ISR, PETRA and HERA accelerators. This guest professorship programme of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe at Universität Hamburg and DESY has been established in her honour.

The guest professorship is awarded annually to two successful female scientists who distinguish themselves not only by their excellent research in one of the research areas of Quantum Universe (Higgs physics, Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves, Quantum Theories) but also by being a visible role model for women in the discipline.

The Award consists of a personal prize money (Senior Award 7500 €; Junior Award 5000 €) and a certificate. The awardees will receive an invitation to Hamburg for up to six months. Support for travel and living expenses including child care is available during the absence from the home institution. This additional budget will give them the opportunity to participate in the scientific activities of Quantum Universe, to collaborate with its members, and to actively contribute to the qualification of early career researchers within the Quantum Universe Research School.

Overall, the Beate Naroska guest professorship aims to:

  • provide excellent research conditions for outstanding female researchers
  • attract world leading researchers to Hamburg
  • provide role models for women in the physical sciences and encourage networking
  • start new and intensify existing collaborations

We encourage you to apply or nominate an outstanding female researcher by the 31st of October 2023. Applications should include:

  • a scientific CV including main publications and teaching experience
  • a statement of research interests (typically up to 5 pages)
  • a statement about existing or potential cooperations with Quantum Universe researchers, as in the attached form.
  • Please also include involvements in equal opportunity related initiatives.

Please send your application or nomination to with the subject line Beate Naroska Professorship 2023. Elisabetta Gallo, the Quantum Universe Diversity Director (+49 40 8998-4849,, is available for questions.

We invite you to visit our website for further information about the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe and our activities:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Call for Applications or Nominations – Beate Naroska Junior and Senior Guest Professorships 2023 Beate Naroska (1943–2008) was a professor in experimental particle physics at the University of H...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ


The University of Florence and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission are inviting applications in the field of Health Promotion and Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs)

ONE PH.D POSITION - Research contract| TOPIC



Duration: November, 1st 2023 - October 31th 2023

Eligibility: Master's Degree


Organisation name
University of Florence
Organisation Country
More Information

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

COLLABORATIVE DOCTORAL PROGRAMME (CDP) The University of Florence and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission are inviting applications in the field of “Health Promotion and ...View more

To achieve the current set of mandated renewable energy targets, the architecture of agricultural infrastructure such as greenhouses will need to become more sustainable and energy resilient. A key barrier preventing this transition is the low energy wavelength utilisation in the current greenhouse designs. Thus, a large proportion of the solar energy available for conversion remains inefficiently utilised and/or contributes to the unwanted production of elevated operating temperatures. Nanofluids, acting as spectral beam splitters (SBSs) can address these demands as they can be readily integrated into the cladding of existing agricultural greenhouses where they can function to partition the solar irradiance into its photosynthetic and heat-active spectral components. This partitioning can allow for better thermal management, increased photosynthetic response from crops, and thermal power generation by the modified greenhouse architecture. In this project, for the first time, the principles of plasmonic-enhanced luminescent down-shifting (PLDS) and nanofluids (NFs) will be combined into a single unique NF-based SBS which will be designed and tested for agricultural greenhouse applications. The energy utilisation and crop growth potential of the proposed SBS designs will be assessed by constructing a demonstrative model of the SBS-fitted greenhouse which will be evaluated under standardised testing conditions.

What is funded

Funding Agency

TU Dublin

Student Stipend per annum €19000

Materials & Travel Budget per annum €2600

Fees covered by the funding per annum €All fees and costs are paid by TU Dublin

Duration of Funding 48 months


48 Months


2.1 Hons Level 8 degree in Physics, Material Science, Horticulture or related discipline

If you are interested in submitting an application for this project, please complete an Expression of Interest.…

Supervisors James Walshe & George Amarande

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

To achieve the current set of mandated renewable energy targets, the architecture of agricultural infrastructure such as greenhouses will need to become more sustainable and energy resilient. A key ba...View more


Afin de satisfaire la demande croissante de la communauté internationale en Professeurs de langue chinoise et facilitation de l'enseignement de la langue chinoise dans d'autres pays, le Centre d'enseignement et de coopération linguistiques (CLEC) poursuivra Bourse internationale pour professeurs de langue chinoise (ci-après dénommée la Bourse). Instituts Confucius, classes Confucius gérées de manière indépendante, certaines Centres de test HSK, départements de langue chinoise (éducation) d'universités étrangères, associations professionnelles pour l'enseignement de la langue chinoise, ambassades (consulats) chinois à l’étranger (ci-après collectivement dénommées « institutions de recommandation ») peuvent recommander des étudiants exceptionnels et des professeurs de langue chinoise actuellement employés pour étudier l'enseignement international de la langue chinoise ou des spécialisations connexes en chinois universités et collèges (ci-après dénommés « établissements d’accueil »).


  1. a) Citoyens non chinois ;
  2. b) Doit être amical envers la Chine, n'avoir aucun casier judiciaire et respecter les lois et les règlements du gouvernement chinois et les règles et règlements de l'école ;
  3. c) Dans de bonnes conditions physiques et mentales, et avec un bon dossier académique performance et conduite ;
  4. d) Aspirer à travailler dans l'enseignement de la langue chinoise et dans les domaines connexes ;
  5. e) Âgés de 16 à 35 ans (au 1er septembre 2023), avec l'allocation spéciale pour limite d'âge de 45 ans pour les candidats travaillant actuellement comme professeurs de langue chinoise et celle de 25 pour les candidats étudiants de premier cycle.


  1. Programme de professeur de langue chinoise
  2. a) Bourse de doctorat en enseignement du chinois aux locuteurs d'autres langues Langues (DTCSOL)

Le programme débute en septembre 2023 et offre une bourse d'études d'une durée maximale de quatre années académiques. Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'une maîtrise dans des spécialisations telles que l'enseignementChinois comme langue étrangère, linguistique ou enseignement du chinois à des locuteurs d'autres langues Langues. Les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 200 au test HSK (niveau 6), et 60 au test HSKK (niveau avancé).

La priorité sera donnée aux candidats pouvant fournir un contrat de travail avec un diplôme d'enseignement. établissement après avoir terminé leurs études en Chine ou une preuve du même effet.

  1. b) Bourse de maîtrise en enseignement du chinois aux locuteurs d'autres langues Langues (MTCSOL)

Le programme débute en septembre 2023 et offre une bourse d'études d'une durée maximale de deux années académiques. Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un baccalauréat et avoir au minimum score de 210 au test HSK (niveau 5) ainsi que 60 au test HSKK (intermédiaire Niveau).

La priorité sera donnée aux candidats pouvant fournir un contrat de travail avec un diplôme d'enseignement. établissement après avoir terminé leurs études en Chine ou une preuve du même effet.

  1. c) Bourse de licence en enseignement du chinois aux locuteurs d'autres langues Langues (BTCSOL)

Le programme débute en septembre 2023 et offre une bourse d'études d'une durée maximale de quatre années académiques. Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un diplôme d'études secondaires et d'un minimum score de 210 au test HSK (niveau 4) ainsi que de 60 au test HSKK (niveau intermédiaire).

  1. d) Bourse d'études d'un an

Le programme débute en septembre 2023 et offre une bourse d'études d'une durée maximale de onze mois. Les étudiants internationaux ayant bénéficié de bourses similaires sont non Eligible.

Pour le domaine du TCSOL,  les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 180 au test HSK (niveau 4), et un score au test HSKK est requis.

Pour le domaine de la langue et de la littérature chinoises, les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 180 au test HSK (niveau 4) et de  60 au test HSKK (niveau intermédiaire) .

Pour les domaines de l'histoire chinoise et du chinois Philosophie, etc., les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 180 au test HSK (niveau 5), et 60 au test HSKK (niveau intermédiaire).

Pour le domaine d'étude de la langue chinoise, les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 210 sur le test HSK (niveau 3). La priorité sera donnée aux candidats qui présentent un test HSKK score.

  1. e) Bourse d'études d'un semestre

Le programme débute soit en septembre 2023, soit en mars 2024 et offre bourse d'études d'une durée maximale de cinq mois. Les candidats titulaires du visa X1 ou X2 ne sont pas admissible.

Pour les domaines TCSOL, langue et littérature chinoises, les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 180 au test HSK (niveau 4), et un résultat au test HSKK est requis.

Pour les domaines de l'histoire chinoise et du chinois Philosophie, etc., les candidats doivent avoir un score minimum de 180 au test HSK (niveau 5), et un résultat au test HSKK est requis.

  1. f) Bourse d'études de quatre semaines

Le programme commence en juillet ou en décembre 2023 et propose un séjour de quatre semaines. bourse. Les candidats titulaires du visa X1 ou X2 ne sont pas éligibles.

Pour les domaines d'études chinoises, le chinois Expérience linguistique et séjour à la maison dans une famille chinoise et séjour spécial de quatre semaines Programme pour les Instituts Confucius, les candidats doivent fournir les résultats des tests HSK.

Le programme peut être organisé et postulé par un établissement recommandant avec 10-15 participants par groupe. Avant le voyage, un plan d'étude détaillé doit être réalisé en consultation avec les institutions hôtes et ce plan sera soumis à l’approbation de la ESLC.

  1. Bourses coopératives

Les bourses coopératives sont financées conjointement par les CLEC et les départements éducatifs et les universités. Les méthodes d'inscription, les créneaux et les formes de soutien sous ce type de bourses sera mis à jour sur les professeurs internationaux de langue chinoise Site de demande de bourse.


L'inscription en ligne sera disponible à partir du 1er mars 2023 sur l'International Chinese Site Web de demande de bourse pour professeurs de langues ( Les étudiants doivent également s'inscrire en ligne sur le système de candidature ECNU à l'adresse : Veuillez vous connecter au site Web des bourses pour recherche d'établissements de recommandation et d'établissements d'accueil ; télécharger les documents de candidature en ligne; et suivez la progression de la candidature, les commentaires et les résultats. Les boursiers ont besoin confirmer auprès des institutions d'accueil pour suivre les procédures d'études en Chine, imprimez le certificat de bourse en ligne et inscrivez-vous dans les établissements d'accueil à la  date indiquée sur la lettre d'admission.

Les dates limites de candidature (heure de Pékin) :

  1. a) Pour les programmes débutant en juillet, les candidats doivent compléter leur dossier avant le 15 avril, et les établissements de recommandation et les établissements d'accueil doivent compléter révision avant le 25 avril.
  2. b) Pour les programmes débutant en septembre, les candidats doivent compléter leur dossier avant le 15 mai, et les établissements de recommandation et les établissements d'accueil doivent compléter révision avant le 25 mai.
  3. c) Pour les programmes débutant en décembre, les candidats doivent compléter leur dossier avant le 15 septembre, et les établissements de recommandation et les établissements d'accueil doivent compléter révision avant le 25 septembre.
  4. d) Pour les programmes débutant en mars 2024, les candidats doivent terminer leur candidatures avant le 15 novembre 2023 et recommandation des institutions et de l'hôte les établissements doivent terminer l’examen avant le 25 novembre 2023.

La CLEC confiera à un groupe d’experts l’examen des candidatures. Les décisions seront prises en fonction sur les scores et niveaux HSK et HSKK, et en tenant compte de la répartition par pays ainsi que  d’autres facteurs. Les résultats seront publiés environ trois mois avant la rentrée scolaire.

Politiques concernant les professeurs de langue chinoise actuellement employés et les enseignants de chinois Récipiendaires du prix Bridge

  1. a) Professeurs de langue chinoise actuellement employés :

Les professeurs de langue chinoise actuellement employés et postulant pour les bourses peuvent être dispensés de soumettre des certificats de test de compétence en langue chinoise (HSK) s'ils peut fournir une preuve d’emploi et une lettre de recommandation de l’établissement où ils travaillent.

  1. b) Récipiendaires du prix Chinese Bridge :

Candidats ayant remporté la bourse internationale pour professeurs de langue chinoise Les certificats dans diverses compétitions de Chinese Bridge doivent soumettre leur candidature documents ainsi que leurs certificats de bourse aux institutions d'accueil concernées sur le Site Web des bourses internationales pour les professeurs de langue chinoise. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contactez


Les établissements de recommandation et les établissements d’accueil doivent, conformément au Guide, fournir services de conseil, de recommandation et d'inscription.


  1. a) Veuillez contacter les établissements d'accueil pour obtenir la liste des programmes et des cours.
  2. b) Les candidats doivent connaître les critères spécifiques et les délais d'inscription, et soumettre les documents nécessaires selon des exigences spécifiques.
  3. c) Les étudiants diplômés sont soumis à l'évaluation annuelle selon l'évaluation annuelle Procédures de bourse internationale pour professeurs de langue chinoise.
  4. d) Pour l'inscription et d'autres questions, veuillez contacter l'hôte établissements.
  5. e) Les étudiants qui ne réussissent pas l'examen médical de pré-inscription se retirent de l'école. à mi-chemin, ou ne pas se présenter à l'école ou suspendre leurs études sans autorisation seront disqualifié pour une bourse.


Centre d'éducation mondiale, Université normale de Chine orientale

Ajouter : Salle 253, bâtiment de physique, 3663 Zhongshan Rd. (N.), Shanghai, 200062, Chine

Tél : +86-21-62232013/62238353

Télécopie : +86-21-62238352

Courriel :


Division des tests et des bourses

Courriel :

Tél : +86-10-58595727

+86-10-58595932 (Asie, Afrique)

+86-10-58595999 (États-Unis, Canada)

+86-10-58595744 (Amérique du Sud, Océanie)

+86-10-58595875 (Europe)


For the purpose of satisfying the growing demand of the international community for Chinese language teachers and facilitating Chinese language education in other countries, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) will continue with the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the Scholarship). Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confucius Classrooms, certain HSK test centers, Chinese language (education) departments of foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language instruction, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad (hereinafter collectively referred to as “recommending institutions”) may recommend outstanding students and currently-employed Chinese language teachers for study of International Chinese Language Education or related majors at Chinese universities and colleges (hereinafter referred to as “host institutions”).


  1. a) Non-Chinese citizens;
  2. b) Should be friendly to China, have no criminal record, and abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the school;
  3. c) In good physical and mental conditions, and with a good record of academic performance and conduct;
  4. d) Aspiring to work in the Chinese language education and related fields;
  5. e) Aged between16 and 35 (as of September 1, 2023), with the special allowance for the age limit of 45 for applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers and that of 25 for undergraduate student applicants.


  1. Chinese Language Teacher Programme
  2. a) Scholarship for Doctor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (DTCSOL)

The programme commences in September 2023 and provides scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants shall hold a Master’s degree in majors such as Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, or Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 200 on the HSK Test (Level 6), and 60 on the HSKK test (Advanced Level).

Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

  1. b) Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

The programme commences in September 2023 and provides scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

  1. c) Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)

The programme commences in September 2023 and provides scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants shall hold a senior high school diploma and a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level4) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

  1. d) Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study

The programme commences in September 2023, and provides scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.

For the area of TCSOL, applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4), and an HSKK test score is required

For the area of Chinese Language and Literature applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4), and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

For the areas of  Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy, etc., applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 5), and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).

For the area of Chinese Language Study, applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3). Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.

  1. e) Scholarship for One-Semester Study

The programme commences either in September 2023 or March 2024, and provides scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.

For the areas of TCSOL, Chinese Language and Literature, applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4), and an HSKK test score is required.

For the areas of Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy, etc., applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 5), and an HSKK test score is required.

  1. f) Scholarship for Four-Week Study

The programme commences either in July or December, 2023, and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.

For the areas of Chinese Study,  Chinese Language plus Home-Stay Experience in a Chinese Family, and Special Four-week Programme for Confucius Institutes, applicants are required to provide HSK test scores.

The programme may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group. Prior to the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with host institutions and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for approval.

  1. Cooperative Scholarships

Cooperative Scholarships are jointly funded by CLEC and educational departments and universities. The enrollment methods, slots, and forms of support under this type of scholarships will be updated on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship application website.


Online registration will be available from March 1, 2023 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship application website ( The students also have to register online at ECNU application system at: Please log in the scholarship website to search for recommending institutions and host institutions; upload application materials online; and track the application progress, comments and results. Scholarship holders need to confirm with the host institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out the scholarship certificate online, and register at host institutions on the designated date as per the letter of admission.

The Application Deadlines (Beijing Time) :

  1. a) For programmes commencing in July, applicants must complete their applications before April 15, and recommending institutions and host institutions must complete reviewing before April 25.
  2. b) For programmes commencing in September, applicants must complete their applications before May 15, and recommending institutions and host institutions must complete reviewing before May 25.
  3. c) For programmes commencing in December, applicants must complete their applications before September 15, and recommending institutions and host institutions must complete reviewing before September 25.
  4. d) For programmes commencing in March 2024, applicants must complete their applications before November 15, 2023, and recommending institutions and host institutions must complete reviewing before November 25, 2023.

CLEC will entrust an expert panel to review the applications. Decisions will be made based on HSK and HSKK scores and levels, and in consideration of country distribution as well as other factors. The results will be published about three months before school starts.

Policies Regarding Currently Employed Chinese Language Teachers and Chinese Bridge Award Recipients

  1. a) Currently employed Chinese language teachers:

Currently employed Chinese language teachers applying for the scholarships can be exempted from submitting Chinese Language Proficiency Test (HSK) certificates if they can provide proof of employment and a letter of recommendation from the institution where they work.

  1. b) Chinese Bridge Award Recipients:

Applicants who have won the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificate in various Chinese Bridge competitions should submit their application documents along with their scholarship certificates to relevant host institutions on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website. For further inquiry, please contact


Recommending institutions and host institutions shall, pursuant to the Guide, provide consulting, recommendation and enrollment services.


  1. a) Please contact host institutions for curriculum and course listings.
  2. b) Applicants shall be familiar with the specific criteria and deadlines for registration, and submit necessary documents according to specific requirements.
  3. c) Degree students are subject to the annual assessment according to the Annual Appraisal Procedures of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship.
  4. d) For enrollment and other matters, please contact the host
  5. e) Students who fail to pass the pre-enrollment medical examination, withdraw from school midway, or fail to report to school or suspend their studies without permission will be disqualified for scholarship.


Global Education Center, East China Normal University

Add:Room 253, Physics Building, 3663 Zhongshan Rd.(N.), Shanghai, 200062, China

Tel: +86-21-62232013/62238353

Fax: +86-21-62238352



Division of Test and Scholarships


Tel: +86-10-58595727

+86-10-58595932 (Asia, Africa)

+86-10-58595999 (US, Canada)

+86-10-58595744 (South America, Oceania)

+86-10-58595875 (Europe)


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Afin de satisfaire la demande croissante de la communauté internationale en Professeurs de langue chinoise et facilitation de l’enseignement de la langue chinoise dans d’autres pays, le...View more

University of New Brunswick (Saint John)

Location: New Brunswick
Date posted: 2023-10-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

Closing Date: Review of applications will begin on October 31st, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.

The Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick Saint John invites applications for a tenure track position in Marketing at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective January 1, 2024 or a mutually acceptable date thereafter. This position is subject to budgetary approval.

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is the oldest English-language university in Canada. With two campuses in Fredericton (New Brunswick’s capital) and Saint John (one of New Brunswick’s largest cities), UNB offers over 75 undergraduate and graduate programs. Boasting a 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio, UNB facilitates rich connections, collaboration, and the opportunity to make an immeasurable impact in students’ lives and the global community.

Overlooking the Kennebcasis River, the University of New Brunswick Saint John campus stands on the unsurrendered and unceded traditional Wolastoqey land. Surrounded by natural beauty and enjoying strong local support and collaboration, UNB Saint John isn’t just a university – it’s a community where genuine Maritime friendliness and a supportive and inclusive culture is experienced. This supportive environment promotes creativity, risk taking, and creating a future that matters. UNB Saint John offers a Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Business; Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering; and a suite of health-related programming.

The Faculty of Business Smaller, collegial, and collaborative, the Faculty of Business includes a commitment to enhance students’ understanding of the world in which they live and work. The Faculty’s mission clearly identifies student citizenship and community impact as key deliverables for its Faculty, Staff and Students. We are a faculty of subject matter experts, with a commitment to experiential learning and pursuit of applied research that meets the needs of local business, industry, non-profit organizations, and New Brunswick’s growth efforts. We’re proud of our engagement with the Saint John and NB communities – and those beyond our borders. Recognized for the highest standards of excellence on the global stage, UNB’s Faculty of Business is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) – a distinction fewer than 6% of the world’s business schools have earned. The Faculty of Business has shown itself to be an innovative leader in program development offering one of the first Electronic Commerce Degrees and establishing a Research Centre to support it. More recently, The Faculty of Business’ MBA Program announced the first English language degree program in Professional Sales, achieved program accreditation through CPSA and is currently looking to hire an Applied Research Chair to support applied research in the area. At the undergraduate level, the Faculty of Business was among the first to offer a Bachelor of Applied Management Degree, and offers a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with majors and minors across all core areas of business as well as interdisciplinary opportunities with Arts. The MBA Program offers several accredited streams of study, many of which offer a pathway to professional designations. Opportunities may exist for faculty members to engage virtual classrooms through streamed course offerings, semestered online offerings and other unique and innovative delivery modes.

For additional information about the University of New Brunswick and the Faculty of Business visit:

The City of Saint John As Canada’s oldest incorporated city (1785), Greater Saint John area has a population of about 130,000. Saint John (or Menaqesk as it is known in Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey) is a vibrant and diverse inter-modal port city on the Bay of Fundy known for the world's highest tides. It’s surrounded by forests, rivers, lakes, and beaches yet also boasts many metropolitan amenities and events including the Imperial theatre, the AREA 506 music festival, a CHL Major Junior Hockey team and other major sporting events, the annual uptown moon market, galleries, public art, live music, dance performances, and festivals. Saint John also has access to larger cities a short drive away - Halifax (4 hours), Montreal (9 hours), Boston (7 hours), and New York (10 hours) - and closer by plane.


  • The minimum qualification for consideration is a PhD or a Doctorate in Marketing or related discipline, preferably awarded within the past three years. Candidates with a PhD or Doctorate nearing completion will be considered for appointment as Lecturer (completion expected within a year of commencing).
  • Demonstrated competencies, teaching and/or research in the areas of Digital Marketing, Marketing Analytics, and/or Marketing Strategy.
  • Demonstrated drive, potential and vision to develop and maintain an innovative and active research program, pursue external funding, and possess a commitment to quality teaching.

Teaching assignments will be at the undergraduate and graduate level and will cover all areas of the marketing curriculum. If you are interested in having an impact in the classroom and beyond, enjoy exploring innovation in the classroom and unique research opportunities and thrive on interacting with students, colleagues and community, we encourage you to apply.

Applications Application packages should be submitted by email:

Dr. Michel Rod Dean, Faculty of Business University of New Brunswick Saint John E-mail:

Applications should include:

  • a cover letter
  • an up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • the names and contact details (including e-mail addresses) for three references.
  • a brief research statement
  • a brief teaching philosophy
  • a job market paper

Short-listed candidates will be required to provide satisfactory proof of credentials including appropriately certified translations of credentials into English, as applicable.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion The University of New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and fostering diversity within our community and developing an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the broader community that we serve. The University welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals who will help us achieve our goals, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. 

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of New Brunswick (Saint John) Location: New Brunswick Date posted: 2023-10-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 Closing Date: Review of applications will begin on October 31st, 2023 and continue...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

McGill University

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-10-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

The Max Bell School for Public Policy at McGill University invites applications for the JW McConnell Scholar in Public Policy for the 2024/25 academic year. The position is open, in terms of rank and discipline, to dynamic scholars and sabbaticants whose research and scholarship enriches the study of public policy. The position may also be awarded to an individual outside of the academic community whose writing, research or public career are making a significant contribution to public policy in Canada or abroad.

This is a visiting position with a starting date of September 1, 2024 or later. The appointment is ordinarily for a four-month term (fall or winter), although this is negotiable. The position carries a generous stipend, commensurate with qualificati ons, the level of engagement with the School, and the duration of the appointment.

The successful candidate will be expected to participate fully in the academic life of the School and be present in the School for the majority of the appointment. The candidate may mentor students, deliver webinars or workshops or public lectures.

Applicants must upload a curriculum vitae and a letter of intent indicating the preferred dates of their visit, and summarizing their activities and objectives while at the School. The names and contact information of at least two referees must also be provided. A review of applications will begin December 1, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.

Applications must be received through McGill University careers site: McConnell-Visiting-Scholar-in-Public-Policy_JR0000046060

McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health-related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected  productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate’s record.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and procedures. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence,

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

McGill University Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-10-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 The Max Bell School for Public Policy at McGill University invites applications for the JW McConnell Scholar in ...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

Bridgewater State University

Location: United States
Date posted: 2023-10-01
Advertised until: 2023-12-30

Bridgewater State University is seeking a Canadian scholar or person of prominence to spend one or two semesters in residence at the University and be appointed Killam Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies during that period (fall 2024 and/or spring 2025). The appointment may be made in any discipline.

This endowed professorship was established to infuse new and exciting Canadian content into the University curricula in areas of importance; elevate the understanding of Canadian issues and culture in the Southeastern Massachusetts region; provide opportunities for interaction between students at the University and a person with expertise and stature on Canadian issues; and provide opportunities for collaboration between Bridgewater faculty and Canadian scholars.

The Killam Visiting Professor will be expected to teach one course per semester at Bridgewater State University, make presentations to the University community and local organizations as appropriate, and participate in research in collaboration with Bridgewater faculty and/or students as appropriate. The term of appointment will normally be one semester, but two semesters may be arranged by mutual agreement between the University and the awardee. The stipend for the professorship is normally $50,000 USD.

Applications will be accepted through January 15, 2024. Faculty on sabbatical leave, emeritus professors, postdoctoral scholars, and others are all welcome to apply. Selection will be based on applicants’ stature in the field of Canadian Studies, campus intellectual needs, timeliness of the person’s expertise, and overall benefits to Bridgewater students and faculty and the region.

Applications are now invited for the 2024-25 academic year. Nominations and inquiries should be directed to:

Dr. Andrew Holman Director, Canadian Studies Program 203 Minnock Institute for Global Engagement Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 02325 508-531-2688

Bridgewater State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, which actively seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Bridgewater State University Location: United States Date posted: 2023-10-01 Advertised until: 2023-12-30 Bridgewater State University is seeking a Canadian scholar or person of prominence to spend on...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-10-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations and, within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.

Position Description McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track position in geotechnical engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, located on the main university campus, to begin on September 01, 2023, or on a mutually agreed date thereafter. Consideration for positions at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor will be based on commensurate experience.

As one of the top departments of civil engineering in Canada, we have a strong international reputation in both research and teaching. Our Civil Engineering Program is currently ranked in the top 4 in Canada and in the top 50-75 in the world (ARWU). With a vision of building healthier communities to create a brighter world, our faculty members work collaboratively in the following four research themes: Resilient Infrastructure Systems, Smarter Mobility, Water Security and Climate Change, and Intelligent Energy Systems. For this position we are seeking an outstanding colleague who could create synergies with our existing research themes and establish an exciting research program in novel and emerging areas of geotechnical engineering.

Ranked among the top engineering schools in Canada and worldwide, McMaster Engineering has a long history of excellence in cutting edge research, student-focused education, innovative programs, leading faculty, and achieving students. We integrate experiential learning into every facet of the student journey, offer Canada’s largest undergraduate research program, vibrant co-op opportunities, and much more. With over 200 faculty members, about 7,500 undergraduate and 1,250 graduate students, we are a world-class centre for academic excellence and innovation.

Founded in 1887, McMaster University is one of only four Canadian universities ranked among the top 80 in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2022 and is home to more than 70 research centres and institutes. Named Canada’s most research-intensive university in four of the last six years by Research Infosource, McMaster is dedicated to excellence in teaching, learning and service. With a student population of more than 36,000, McMaster welcomes students from 120 countries as well as Canada. Discover more of what McMaster Engineering and the Hamilton area can offer to academic professionals and their families by reviewing the Information Guide highlighting our research excellence, family-friendly resources and rich local culture. Opportunities for continuous personal and professional growth are also made available through our Faculty’s Fireball Academy and the MacPherson Institute.

Successful Candidate We seek a talented and dynamic colleague in geotechnical engineering who will contribute to the excellence of the department in research, teaching, and service. We will consider exceptional candidates in all geotechnical engineering areas relevant to the department's vision of building healthier communities to create a brighter world. Candidates working in interdisciplinary, crosscutting research areas that include geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, and resilient infrastructure systems are desirable. Geotechnical fields that relate to infrastructure for nuclear reactors, resilience to climate change, smart cities, and renewable energy systems are of particular interest.

Applicants are expected to have a PhD in Civil Engineering or related areas, and must demonstrate an impactful record of research, reflected by publications in relevant high-quality peer-reviewed journals and external grant acquisition (for established researchers). The successful candidate will teach both undergraduate and graduate level courses. They will be expected to establish a strong externally-funded research program, supervise graduate students, and foster collaborations within the Department, Faculty, University, and beyond.

Applicants should also possess outstanding leadership and communication skills, a commitment to excellence in service, and ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds. All candidates will be expected to participate in the normal administrative, educational, and professional activities of the Department, Faculty and University. Applicants are expected to have licenses for the practice of engineering in Canada or the ability and eligibility to apply for an engineering license with the Professional Engineers of Ontario within 3 years.

Commitment to Inclusive Excellence The diversity of our workforce is at the core of our innovation and creativity and strengthens our research and teaching excellence.  In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration, and diversity, and has a strong commitment to employment equity.

The University seeks qualified candidates who share our commitment to equity and inclusion, who will contribute to the diversification of ideas and perspectives, and especially welcomes applications from First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, members of racialized communities (“visible minorities”), persons with disabilities, women, and persons who identify as 2SLGBTQ+.

We invite all applicants to complete a brief Diversity Survey as part of the application process. It takes approximately two minutes to complete. All questions are voluntary, with an option to decline to answer. All information collected is confidential and will be used to support efforts to broaden the diversity of the applicant pool and to promote a fair, equitable and inclusive talent acquisition process. Inquiries about the Diversity Survey may be directed to

Job applicants requiring accommodation to participate in the hiring process should contact the Office of the Dean of Engineering at 905-525-9140 ext. 24900 to communicate accommodation needs.

How to Apply Please submit the following materials through the University’s electronic portal:  [Job Opening # 53025] by April 21, 2023, to:

Dr. Moncef Nehdi, Chair Department of Civil Engineering McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, JHE 301 Hamilton, ON   L8S 4L7

  • letter of application demonstrating how the candidate meets the selection criteria outlined above and describing, if applicable, the impact that career interruptions may have had on research productivity.
  • curriculum vitae.
  • statement on research interests and vision, and how it integrates with McMaster Civil Engineering.
  • a selection of three (3) recent research publications.
  • statement on teaching interests and philosophy, including evidence of and/or plans for teaching effectiveness.
  • statement on contributions to inclusive excellence in teaching, research, and service, including a description of how you will advance the University’s commitment to building an inclusive community and to fostering a culture which embraces and promotes rich diversity of the campus community.
  • name, title, phone number, and email address of at least three (3) referees. Letters of reference are not required at the time of application, but will be requested at a later stage, and only for the shortlisted applicants.

To be fully considered, applications must be received by April 21, 2023. However, the review of applications will continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is negotiable, but September 01, 2023 is preferred. All applicants will receive an online confirmation of receipt of their application; however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews. Direct any inquiries about this position to Sarah Sullivan at

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University gathers information about applicants’ status as either permanent residents of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements:

Yes, I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. No, I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

The University is committed to providing and maintaining healthy and safe working and learning environments for all employees, students, volunteers, and visitors. The University’s Vaccination Policy-COVID-19 Requirements for Employees and Students (the “Vaccination Policy”), requires all McMaster community members, including employees, accessing a McMaster campus or facility in person to be fully vaccinated or to have received an exemption from the University for a valid human rights ground. While the Policy will be currently paused, this Policy may resume quickly and on short notice, as informed by public health advice and direction. As a result, failure to achieve and maintain fully vaccinated status or an approved human rights-based exemption may result in termination of employment. This is a term and condition of employment. The University will continue to follow the guidance of public health organizations to define fully vaccinated status. Further information is available at the following link: More information on the University’s Health and Safety framework is available online at

Questions regarding the above requirements or any accommodation requests through the recruitment process can be directed to

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-10-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations and, within the lands ...View more


Êtes-vous fondateur d’une startup Smart Agriculture ? Avez-vous une innovation susceptible de promouvoir des pratiques agricoles intelligentes face au climat en Afrique ? Avez-vous envie de vous développer au Sénégal ?

Alors le GreenAPI : Smart Agriculture Program vous cherche !

Le « GreenAPI : Smart Agriculture Program » est mis en œuvre conjointement par Make-IT in Africa et Orange . Il vise à améliorer les pratiques agricoles en Afrique en créant un accès plus large et meilleur aux services agricoles intelligents pour les petits exploitants agricoles, les entreprises et autres acteurs de la chaîne de valeur.

Plus précisément, le « Programme GreenAPI : Agriculture intelligente » exploite les plateformes agricoles numériques (DAP) pour regrouper des produits et services agricoles intelligents et permettre ainsi aux petits exploitants agricoles d'accéder à une gamme complète de services ayant le potentiel d'améliorer leur productivité et leurs moyens de subsistance grâce à un guichet unique. boutique.

Make-IT in Africa et Orange ont reconnu les DAP comme une voie logique pour améliorer l'accès au marché des startups de l'agriculture intelligente et faire évoluer leurs innovations en intégrant leurs produits ou services avec des plateformes.

Le GreenAPI : Smart Agriculture Program facilite donc les partenariats commerciaux entre les startups Smart Agriculture et les DAP. Le programme permet aux startups d'intégrer leurs produits et services avec des DAP en leur fournissant toutes les compétences requises pour planifier et mettre en œuvre l'intégration et en leur offrant une opportunité unique d'être jumelé à un DAP pour concevoir et piloter une offre de services commune à long terme. en conséquence, un partenariat commercial viable à terme.


Le pouvoir de la collaboration : regrouper les services agricoles numériques via des partenariats commerciaux gagnant-gagnant. Dans ce programme, nous croyons aux partenariats commerciaux gagnant-gagnant entre les plateformes agricoles numériques (DAP) et les startups de l'agriculture intelligente .
  • Les DAP vous offrent l’opportunité unique d’élargir votre clientèle rapidement et à moindre coût.
  • Les DAP vous permettent d'intégrer votre produit ou service avec des données et des services d'autres fournisseurs, améliorant ainsi votre proposition de valeur et votre modèle commercial.
  • Proposer votre produit ou service via une plateforme numérique ouvre non seulement de nouveaux canaux de distribution mais également de nouvelles sources de revenus pour votre entreprise.
Ce programme offre une potentielle collaboration avec mLouma en tant que DAP au Sénégal. « mLouma » est une plateforme web et mobile qui permet aux agriculteurs et aux industries agroalimentaires de prendre la meilleure décision pour vendre ou acheter des produits agricoles grâce aux informations de marché que la plateforme met à leur disposition en temps réel. La plateforme numérique publie des informations en temps réel sur les prix, la localisation et la disponibilité des produits agricoles. Les agriculteurs et les acheteurs peuvent recevoir des mises à jour via Internet, SMS ou via un centre d'appels. mLouma est active dans 14 régions du Sénégal et a enregistré 69 organisations paysannes et plus de 200 000 producteurs.

Ce que nous recherchons chez les candidats

Le programme sélectionnera jusqu'à 15 startups Smart Agriculture du Sénégal et de la région CEDEAO + Cameroun. Ce programme unique vise à faciliter les partenariats commerciaux entre les DAP et les startups Smart Agriculture et c'est pourquoi nous recherchons des startups en phase de croissance avec un profil exceptionnel :
  • Nous visons à maximiser l’impact sur l’agriculture intelligente face au climat et les moyens de subsistance des petits exploitants agricoles en Afrique. Nous recherchons donc des produits et services numériques hautement innovants qui augmentent la productivité et les revenus des petits exploitants agricoles, promeuvent des pratiques agricoles intelligentes face au climat et améliorent la résilience au changement climatique.
  • Nous visons à créer des partenariats commerciaux gagnant-gagnant entre DAP et startups. Nous recherchons donc des innovations agricoles numériques testées et validées qui offrent une proposition de valeur unique aux DAP et peuvent démontrer une adéquation produit-marché établie.
  • Notre objectif est de créer de la valeur pour les petits exploitants agricoles en regroupant des produits et des services. Nous recherchons donc des startups ouvertes et engagées à intégrer leurs produits et services numériques en tant que fournisseurs tiers sur la plateforme mLouma et qui peuvent démontrer la volonté et la capacité de mettre en œuvre les exigences de coopération.
Les domaines prioritaires de services recherchés par le programme sont :
  • Analyse des données météorologiques : Solutions numériques fournissant des données météorologiques, réalisant des prévisions et aidant les agriculteurs à prendre des décisions tout au long du cycle de vie.
  • Analyse du sol : services qui déterminent la quantité d'éléments nutritifs disponibles dans le sol, surveillent la qualité du sol, aident les agriculteurs dans la gestion de l'irrigation, l'optimisation de la fertilisation ou autres.
  • Accès financier : entreprises qui proposent des financements aux petits exploitants agricoles ou via des coopératives pour acheter des intrants, des engrais, des équipements et/ou des systèmes de microcrédit agricole, facilitant l'accès aux prêts bancaires, etc.
  • et/ou Gestion logistique : entreprises qui offrent des services de transport, d'entreposage frigorifique, d'entreposage, etc. pour les produits des petits exploitants agricoles.


Critère d'éligibilité

 Critères pour être éligible à ce programme :
  • Votre entreprise est à but lucratif et enregistrée en tant qu'entité juridique indépendante.
  • Votre entreprise opère au Sénégal ou dans n’importe quel pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) et au Cameroun, et vous envisagez d’étendre vos opérations au Sénégal.
  • La solution technologique fournie par votre entreprise répond aux véritables problèmes de la chaîne de valeur agricole.
  • Votre entreprise dispose d'un minimum d'au moins 50 000 USD de revenus ou d'investissements externes.
  • Comptes audités d'au moins un an (2021 et/ou 2022).

Ce que nous offrons aux candidats retenus

Accès à des partenaires et des actifs mondiaux

Make-IT in Africa et Orange unissent leurs forces pour mettre en œuvre le programme GreenAPI : Smart Agriculture et offrent ensemble une opportunité unique de bénéficier du savoir-faire, des atouts et des réseaux qu’ils apportent tous deux.
  • Make-IT in Africa croit au pouvoir catalyseur de l’innovation africaine et des technologies numériques pour un développement vert et inclusif. En étroite collaboration avec des visionnaires du numérique tels que des startups, des catalyseurs de l’innovation et des partenaires politiques, nous responsabilisons les écosystèmes d’innovation africains. Ensemble, nous visons à renforcer un environnement dans lequel tout le potentiel de l’innovation numérique africaine peut se déployer.La Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH met en œuvre ce projet pour le compte du ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ). Pour plus d’informations, visitez notre site Web :
  • Orange est un important opérateur de réseaux de télécommunications et fournisseur de services numériques présent dans 18 pays africains. Orange ne fournit pas seulement une large gamme de services de télécommunications mobiles et de services financiers, mais s'est également bâti une réputation en accélérant et en investissant dans des startups en phase de démarrage via les Orange Digital Centers et Orange Digital Ventures.

Compétences pratiques et développement des capacités en matière d'intégration de plateforme

Le programme offre à toutes les startups sélectionnées des connaissances et des compétences uniques, transmises par le biais d'un programme complet de développement des capacités afin de préparer les startups à former des partenariats commerciaux avec des opérateurs de plateformes numériques. Le programme de formation et de coaching se concentrera sur les trois éléments fondamentaux du développement de partenariats :
  1. Identifier et évaluer les modèles commerciaux appropriés : ce module se concentrera sur la création d'une proposition de valeur commune et d'un modèle commercial mutuellement bénéfique résultant de l'intégration de la solution agricole numérique individuelle sur une plateforme numérique.
  2. Construire l'infrastructure technique et le cadre requis : Ce module se concentrera sur l'utilisation et la conception d'interfaces de programmation d'applications (API) comme clé de l'interopérabilité entre les systèmes.
  3. Évaluation des termes et conditions juridiques du partenariat : ce module passera en revue les exigences juridiques essentielles pour un partenariat commercial et présentera les principaux formats juridiques et termes et conditions des partenariats commerciaux.
Le programme de formation sera dispensé sous forme de sessions de formation pratiques et virtuelles et complété par un coaching individuel de la part des experts techniques du programme pour garantir que les connaissances transmises sont efficacement mises en œuvre. Dans ce cadre, les experts d'Orange offriront un accompagnement et un accès à ses services telco et cloud.

Matchmaking et formation de partenariat avec mLouma au Sénégal

Suite au développement des capacités, le programme offre l'opportunité spéciale d'être jumelé à un DAP au Sénégal, à savoir mLouma, pour concevoir et explorer une offre de produits commune. Lors d'un événement de pitch, 3 startups parmi les Smart Agriculture seront sélectionnées pour concevoir une proposition de valeur d'une offre de produits commune lors d'un atelier de conception avant que le DAP ne sélectionne 1 startup avec laquelle développer et piloter une solution intégrée. Le DAP et la startup sélectionnée seront soutenus conjointement par le biais d'un processus d'engagement structuré pour faire passer la proposition de valeur commune de l'idée au marché, maximisant ainsi l'impact pour les petits exploitants agricoles tout en développant un modèle commercial qui profite mutuellement aux deux partenaires commerciaux. Tout au long du processus, les partenaires seront conseillés par des experts techniques et soutenus par les actifs et les ressources d'Orange pour mettre en œuvre le pilote sur le terrain.

Ce que nous attendons des entreprises sélectionnées

Les startups sélectionnées signeront une lettre d'intention attestant leur volonté d'allouer du temps au programme. Ceci sera suivi d'un événement de lancement avec la GIZ, Orange et les partenaires et parties prenantes concernés fin novembre au cours duquel différentes activités du programme seront introduites et présentées et les engagements requis seront clarifiés avec les participants. Les activités de formation et de coaching suivront pour une durée de 2 mois.

Les critères de sélection

  1. Équipe et engagement envers le programme (20%) : La capacité de leadership et la complémentarité de l'équipe ainsi que la structure organisationnelle seront évaluées pour soutenir et améliorer la livraison et la qualité du produit. La motivation et la capacité à construire et à maintenir des partenariats seront également examinées.
  2. Valeur commerciale du modèle commercial (20 %) : Le modèle commercial doit être évalué par rapport à une proposition de valeur et un niveau d'innovation clairs, un profil de client cible clairement défini et des sources de revenus viables. La complémentarité du modèle économique et l’adaptabilité du modèle de revenus doivent également être prises en compte.
  3. Stratégie de mise à l'échelle (15 %) : Ici, les objectifs et la stratégie de l'entreprise sont évalués ainsi que leurs plans de mise à l'échelle. Une attention particulière doit être accordée à une approche stratégique des décisions de fabrication ou d'achat ou de partenariat, par exemple quels services et produits doivent être développés en interne, lesquels peuvent être acquis et lesquels seront couverts par les partenaires. L’entreprise devrait être en mesure de démontrer une véritable analyse de rentabilisation en faveur d’une mise à l’échelle en établissant des partenariats commerciaux en intégrant ses services avec des fournisseurs de plateformes agricoles numériques.
  4. Traction (15%) : Le candidat doit démontrer des signes clairs de traction en termes de nombre d'utilisateurs ainsi que de sources de revenus. Si un financement extérieur a déjà été levé, c'est un plus.
  5. Infrastructure technique (15 %) : L'infrastructure et la conception du produit doivent être évaluées en termes de fonctionnalité et d'expérience utilisateur. De préférence, il y a une vidéo avec une démonstration de la solution ou au moins un lien vers un site Web fourni où le produit ou le service est clairement expliqué.
  6. Conformité légale (15%) : La conformité de l'entreprise aux réglementations commerciales existantes, notamment en ce qui concerne les données et l'infrastructure technique, sera évaluée. Pour évaluer les vulnérabilités possibles grâce aux partenariats, la protection de la propriété intellectuelle et des actifs clés sera examinée en profondeur.


Non, le programme Green API n'est pas un défi ou un concours. Il s'agit d'un nouveau programme innovant conçu pour favoriser les partenariats entre les start-ups technologiques et les plateformes numériques du secteur agricole et alimentaire au Sénégal.
Le programme Green API a été lancé pour répondre aux principales problématiques rencontrées par les jeunes startups technologiques : les barrières d'accès à la maturité du marché, l'accès aux capitaux, aux clients, aux talents et à l'infrastructure numérique.
Le programme GreenAPI est une initiative de Make-IT in Africa de la GIZ en collaboration avec son partenaire numérique Orange , et mis en œuvre par un consortium de la Frankfurt School of Finance & Management et VC4A .
Entrepreneurs et innovateurs technologiques opérant (ou prévoyant de commencer à opérer) dans le secteur agricole et alimentaire au Sénégal, en mettant l'accent sur ceux qui ont développé des produits ou des services numériques avec une adéquation produit-marché éprouvée et une traction mesurable sur le marché. Les entreprises de la région CEDEAO et du Cameroun sont invitées à postuler lorsqu'elles envisagent de s'étendre prochainement au Sénégal.
Le programme développera la capacité des opérateurs de plateformes et des startups à intégrer techniquement leurs solutions, à convenir de modèles économiques rentables pour les deux parties et à comprendre les règles et réglementations de leur collaboration. Les startups ainsi que les opérateurs de plateformes seront habilités à poursuivre et à approuver des partenariats mutuellement bénéfiques. Grâce aux liens facilités par le programme, les startups technologiques profitent de l'intégration à la plateforme en accédant aux données, à une base d'utilisateurs plus large et à des partenaires potentiels à grande échelle.
« Intégrer des services numériques » peut signifier l'un des scénarios suivants :
  • Connecter deux applications digitales (via une API) pour intégrer leurs services dans une proposition de valeur commune.
  • Échanger des données pour améliorer la qualité des produits et services proposés.
  • Construire un modèle économique commun partageant les bénéfices commerciaux générés (par exemple une offre de services groupée).
  • Créer un cadre juridique protégeant la propriété intellectuelle et les marques individuelles.
Le programme se compose de deux phases : La première phase (novembre 2023 – avril 2024) constitue un programme complet et dédié de développement des capacités pour les startups sélectionnées et l’opérateur de plateforme afin de les préparer à former des partenariats commerciaux. La formation se concentrera sur les trois éléments fondamentaux du développement de partenariats, à savoir l'identification et l'évaluation des modèles commerciaux appropriés, la construction de l'infrastructure technique requise, et la définition et l'évaluation des termes et conditions juridiques. La deuxième phase (mai 2024 – août 2024) se concentre sur la mise en relation et le développement de partenariats entre les startups sélectionnées et l'opérateur de plateforme, qui ont terminé avec succès l'évaluation de l'état de préparation à la coopération.
La formation sur les trois sujets (modélisation commerciale, interopérabilité technique et conformité juridique) sera dispensée selon trois niveaux de compétences consécutifs : basique, intermédiaire et masterclass. Chaque niveau de formation sera dispensé à travers trois sessions de formation de deux heures chacune. Sur une période de 2 mois, les startups ainsi que l'opérateur de la plateforme bénéficieront d'un total de 10 heures de coaching. Le coaching et la formation seront dispensés à distance.
Les délais indicatifs pour les différentes étapes sont :
  • Appel à candidatures : 25 septembre.
  • Annonce des startups sélectionnées : 15 novembre.
  • Événement de lancement avec toutes les parties prenantes : Semaine du 27 novembre.
  • Sessions de formation & coaching : janvier – avril 2024.
  • Matchmaking pitch Événement pour sélectionner 3 startups : mai 2024.
  • Facilitation de l'intégration et des partenariats : juin – août 2024 (pour 1 à 3 startups avec la meilleure correspondance).
Oui, des sociétés constituées de tous les pays de la CEDEAO et du Cameroun, qui envisagent de s’étendre au Sénégal.
Seulement si vous avez deux startups constituées différentes proposant des produits ou services numériques dans le secteur agricole et alimentaire, alors foncez !
Non. Vous devez être enregistré en tant que société à but lucratif.
  • Votre entreprise est à but lucratif et enregistrée en tant qu'entité juridique indépendante.
  • Votre entreprise opère au Sénégal ou dans n’importe quel pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) et au Cameroun, et vous envisagez d’étendre vos opérations au Sénégal.
  • La solution technologique fournie par votre entreprise répond aux véritables problèmes de la chaîne de valeur agricole.
  • Votre entreprise dispose d'un minimum d'au moins 50 000 USD de revenus ou d'investissements externes.
  • Avoir des comptes audités d'au moins un an (2021 et/ou 2022).

Vous pouvez postuler en remplissant le formulaire de candidature au programme GreenAPI en français ou en anglais avant la date limite du 16 octobre 2023.


Then the GreenAPI: Smart Agriculture Program is looking for you!

The ‘GreenAPI: Smart Agriculture Program’ is jointly implemented by Make-IT in Africa and Orange. It aims to improve agricultural practices in Africa by creating wider and better access to smart agriculture services for smallholder farmers, companies and other value chain actors.

Specifically, the ‘GreenAPI Program: Smart Agriculture’ leverages Digital Agricultural Platforms (DAPs) to bundle smart agricultural products and services and thereby allow smallholder farmers to access a full range of services with the potential to improve their productivity and livelihood through a one-stop shop.

Make-IT in Africa and Orange have recognized DAPs as a logical path to improve market access for Smart Agriculture startups and scale their innovations through integrating their products or services with platforms.

The GreenAPI: Smart Agriculture Program therefore facilitates business partnerships between Smart Agriculture startups and DAPs. The program empowers startups to integrate their products and services with DAPs by providing them with all the skills required to plan and implement the integration and offering them a unique opportunity to be matched with a DAP to design and pilot a joint service offering with a long-term viable business partnership as a result.


The power of collaboration: Bundling digital agricultural services through win-win business partnerships. In this program we believe in win-win business partnerships between Digital Agriculture Platforms (DAPs) and Smart Agriculture startups.
  • DAPs offer you the unique opportunity to expand your customer base fast and cost-effectively.
  • DAPs allow you to integrate your product or service with data and services from other providers enhancing your value proposition and business model.
  • Offering your product or service via a digital platform does not only unlock new distribution channels but also new revenue streams for your company.
This program offers a potential collaboration with mLouma as DAP in Senegal. “mLouma” is a web and mobile platform that enables farmers and agro-food industries to make the best decision to sell or buy agricultural products thanks to the market information that the platform makes available to them in real time. The digital platform publishes real-time information on price, location and availability of farm products. Farmers and buyers can receive updates through the internet, SMS or a call center. mLouma is active in 14 regions in Senegal and registered 69 farmer organization and over 200,000 producers.

What we are looking for in applicants

The program will select up to 15 Smart Agriculture startups from Senegal and the ECOWAS region + Cameroon. This unique program is focusing on facilitating business partnerships between DAPs and Smart Agriculture startups and therefore, we look for growth-stage startups with an exceptional profile:
  • We aim to maximize impact on climate smart agriculture and the livelihood of smallholder farmers in Africa. We therefore look for highly innovative digital products and services that increase productivity and income of smallholder farmers, promote climate smart agricultural practices and improve resilience to climate change.
  • We aim to create win-win business partnerships between DAPs and startups. We therefore look for tested and validated digital agricultural innovations that offer a unique value proposition to the DAPs and can demonstrate an established product-market fit.
  • We aim to create value to smallholder farmers through bundling products and services. We therefore look for startups open and committed to integrate their digital product and service as 3rd party suppliers on the mLouma platform and who can demonstrate willingness and capacity to implement requirements for cooperation.
Focus areas of services the program is looking for are:
  • Analysis of meteorological data: Digital solutions providing weather data, making predictions and helping farmers make decisions throughout the life cycle.
  • Soil analysis: services that determine the amount of available plant nutrients in the soil, monitoring soil quality, helping farmers in Irrigation management, fertilisation optimisation or related.
  • Financial access: companies that offer financing for smallholder farmers or through cooperatives to buy inputs, fertilizer, equipments and/or agricultural microcredit systems, facilitating access to bank loans etc.
  • and/or Logistics management: companies that offer transportation services, cold storage, warehousing facilities etc. for produce from smallholder farmers.


Eligibility criteria

 Criteria to be eligible for this program:
  • Your company is for-profit and registered as an independent legal entity.
  • Your business is operating in Senegal or in any Western African country (ECOWAS) and Cameroon, with plans for scaling operations into Senegal.
  • The tech solution provided by your company addresses real pain points in the agricultural value chain.
  • Your company has a minimum of at least 50K USD in revenue or external investment.
  • Audited accounts of at least one year (2021 and/or 2022).

What we offer to successful applicants

Access to global partners and assets

Make-IT in Africa and Orange join forces to implement the GreenAPI: Smart Agriculture Program and together offer a unique opportunity to benefit from the know-how, assets and networks they both bring to the table.
  • Make-IT in Africa believes in the catalytic power of African innovation and digital technologies for green and inclusive development. In close collaboration with digital visionaries like startups, innovation enablers and political partners, we empower African innovation ecosystems. Together, we aim to strengthen an environment in which the full potential of African digital innovation can unfold. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH implements this project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). For further information visit our website:
  • Orange is a major telecommunications network operator and digital service provider with presence in 18 African countries. Orange does not only provide wide mobile telecommunication and financial services, but has also built a reputation in accelerating and investing in early-stage startups through the Orange Digital Centers and Orange Digital Ventures.

Hands-on skills and capacity development on platform integration

The program offers all selected startups unique knowledge and skills delivered through a comprehensive capacity development program to build startups’ readiness to form business partnerships with digital platform operators. The training and coaching program will focus on the three core elements of partnership development:
  1. Identifying and assessing appropriate business models: This module will focus on creating a joint value proposition and a mutually beneficial business model resulting from the integration of the individual digital agricultural solution onto a digital platform.
  2. Building the required technical infrastructure and setting: This module will focus on the use and design of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as key for interoperability between systems.
  3. Assessing the legal terms and conditions of the partnership: This module will review essential legal requirements for a business partnership and introduce key legal formats and terms and conditions of business partnerships.
The training program will be delivered through hands-on, virtual training sessions and complemented by individual coaching from the program technical experts to ensure the transmitted knowledge is effectively implemented. As part of this, Orange experts will offer support and access to its telco and cloud services.

Matchmaking and partnership formation with mLouma in Senegal

Following the capacity development, the program provides the special opportunity to be matched with a DAP in Senegal, namely mLouma, to design and explore a joint product offering. During a pitch event 3 out of the Smart Agriculture startups will be selected to design a value proposition of a joint product offering in a Design Workshop before the DAP selects 1 startup to develop and pilot an integrated solution with. The DAP and the selected startup will be jointly supported through a structured engagement process to bring the joint value proposition from idea to the market, maximizing impact for smallholder farmers while developing a business model that mutually benefits both business partners. Throughout the process, the partners will be advised by technical experts and supported with assets and resources from Orange to implement the pilot in the field.

What we expect from selected companies

The selected startups shall sign a letter of intent stating their willingness to allocate time to the program. This will be followed by a kick-off event with GIZ, Orange and relevant partners and stakeholders at the end of November during which different program activities will be introduced and presented and required commitments will be clarified with the participants. The training and coaching activities will follow for a period of 2 months.

Selection criteria

  1. Team and commitment to the program (20%): The capacity of the leadership and complementarity of the team as well as the organisational structure will be assessed on supporting and improving the delivery and quality of the product. The motivation and capacity to build and sustain partnerships will be reviewed as well.
  2. Commercial value of business model (20%): The business model shall be assessed against a clear value proposition and level of innovation, a clearly defined target customer profile and viable revenue streams. The complementarity of the business model and the adaptability of the revenue model should also be factored in.
  3. Scaling strategy (15%): Here the company’s objectives and strategy are assessed as well as their scaling plans. Particular attention shall be put on a strategic approach to make-or-buy-or-partner decisions, e.g., which services and products are to be developed in-house, which ones can be acquired, and which ones will be covered by partners. The company should be able to demonstrate the real business case for scaling through building business partnerships by integrating their services with digital agricultural platforms providers.
  4. Traction (15%): The applicant must demonstrate clear signs of traction in terms of the number of users as well as revenue streams. If any outside funding has been raised before, it’s a plus.
  5. Technical infrastructure (15%): The product infrastructure and design shall be assessed for functionality and user experience. Preferably there is a video with a demo of the solution or at least a link to a website provided where the product or service is clearly explained
  6. Legal compliance (15%): The company’s compliance with existing business regulations, specifically regarding data and technical infrastructure, will be assessed. To assess possible vulnerabilities through partnerships, the protection of intellectual property and key assets will be reviewed thoroughly.


No, the Green API program is not a challenge or contest. It is an innovative new program which has been designed to foster partnerships between tech start-ups and digital platforms in the agriculture and food sector in Senegal.
The Green API program has been launched to address the main issues faced by young technology startups: access barriers to market maturity, accessing capital, customers, talent, and digital infrastructure.
The GreenAPI program is an initiative of GIZ’s Make-IT in Africa in collaboration with its digital partner Orange, and implemented by a consortium of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and VC4A.
Tech entrepreneurs and innovators operating (or planning to start operating) in the agriculture and food sector in Senegal, with a focus on those who have developed digital products or services with proven product-market fit and measurable traction on the market. Companies from the ECOWAS region + Cameroon are welcome to apply when they plan to expand to Senegal soon.
The program will develop the capacity of platform operators and startups to integrate their solutions technically, agree on profitable business models for both sides, and understand the rules and regulations of their collaboration. Startups as well as platform operators will be empowered to pursue and endorse mutually beneficial partnerships. Through the linkage facilitated by the program, tech startups profit from integrating with the platform by gaining access to data, a larger user base and potential partners for scale.
Integrating digital services” can mean one of the following scenarios:
  • Connecting two digital applications (via an API) to integrate their services into a joint value proposition.
  • Exchanging data to enhance the quality of offered products and services.
  • Building a joint business model sharing generated business profits (for example a bundled service offer).
  • Creating a legal framework protecting individual IP and brands.
The program consists of two phases: The first phase (Nov 2023 – April 2024) constitutes a comprehensive, dedicated capacity development program for selected startups and the platform operator to build their readiness to form business partnerships. The training will focus on the three core elements of partnership development, namely identifying and assessing appropriate business models, building the required technical infrastructure, and setting and assessing the legal terms and conditions. The second phase (May 2024 – August 2024) focuses on the matchmaking and partnership development among the selected startups and the platform operator, who have successfully completed the cooperation readiness assessment.
The training on all three topics (business modeling, technical interoperability, and legal compliance) will be delivered in three consecutive skill levels: basic, intermediate and masterclass. Each training level will be delivered through three training sessions of two hours each. Over a period of 2 months, startups as well as the platform operator shall receive a total of 10 coaching hours. The coaching and training will be delivered remotely.
The indicative timelines for the different steps are:
  • Call for applications: September 25th.
  • Announcement of selected startups: November 15th.
  • Kick-off event with all stakeholders: Week of November 27th.
  • Training & Coaching sessions : January – April 2024.
  • Matchmaking pitch Event to select 3 startups: May 2024.
  • Integration & Partnership Facilitation: June – August 2024 ( for 1-3 startups with best match).
Yes, incorporated companies from all countries in ECOWAS and Cameroon, who are planning to expand to Senegal.
Only if you have two different incorporated startups offering digital products or services in the agriculture and food sector, then go!
No. You should be registered as a for profit company.
  • Your company is for profit and registered as an independent legal entity.
  • Your business is operating in Senegal or in any Western African country (ECOWAS) and Cameroon, with plans for scaling operations into Senegal.
  • The tech solution provided by your company addresses real pain points in the agricultural value chain.
  • Your company has a minimum of at least 50K USD in revenue or external investment.
  • Have audited accounts of at least one year (2021 and/or 2022).

You can apply by filling in the application form for the GreenAPI program in French or in English before the deadline of 16 October 2023.


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

Êtes-vous fondateur d’une startup Smart Agriculture ? Avez-vous une innovation susceptible de promouvoir des pratiques agricoles intelligentes face au climat en Afrique ? Avez-vous envie de vou...View more


L' école internationale de recherche Max Planck pour l'imagerie ultrarapide et la dynamique structurelle de Hambourg, en Allemagne, propose un doctorat structuré. programme axé sur les phénomènes ultra-rapides, la physique des rayons X et l'imagerie dynamique dans tous les domaines scientifiques couvrant la physique, la chimie et la biologie.

28 postes de doctorat interdisciplinaires en science ultrarapide et matériaux quantiques – IMPRS UFAST – Hambourg


Le programme offre des opportunités de recherche passionnantes sur des sources d’électrons et de rayons X ultra-intenses pour observer directement les mouvements atomiques lors d’événements primaires. L’utilisation de l’imagerie ultrarapide sur des échelles de longueur et de temps pertinentes génère de nouveaux niveaux de compréhension de l’interaction entre structure et dynamique. Les domaines spécifiques comprennent les aspects théoriques et expérimentaux des matériaux quantiques et de la dynamique atomiquement résolue, l'interaction fondamentale lumière-matière, les sources de lumière basées sur des accélérateurs, la dynamique moléculaire et solide contrôlée cohérente, l'imagerie moléculaire, la spectroscopie à échelle de temps extrême, l'optique ultrarapide et la science des rayons X. .

Nous offrons:

  • Une gamme de postes de doctorat dans ces domaines : postes ouverts
  • Des installations de recherche de pointe sur un vaste campus scientifique
  • Recherche interdisciplinaire dans un environnement scientifique international dynamique
  • Supervision et mentorat de première classe par une équipe d’experts de renommée internationale
  • Formation exceptionnelle dans votre discipline scientifique et compétences transférables (en anglais)
  • Un contrat de travail de 3 ans basé sur l'accord salarial fédéral allemand


Nous recherchons des candidats possédant une excellente formation académique. Vous êtes titulaire (ou êtes sur le point de terminer) un diplôme de maîtrise ou équivalent en physique, chimie ou dans un domaine connexe. Vous devez être passionné par la recherche sur les phénomènes ultrarapides et motivé pour mener des travaux scientifiques rigoureux pendant toute la durée du diplôme.


La date limite de candidature est le 6 novembre 2023. Les projets de doctorat démarrent à l'été/automne 2024. Dans des cas exceptionnels, il peut être possible de démarrer le projet de recherche plus tôt. Pour toute autre question ou problème concernant le processus de candidature ou le système en ligne, veuillez contacter le coordinateur IMPRS UFAST à .

Les candidatures doivent être soumises via le portail de candidature en ligne


The International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging and Structural Dynamics in Hamburg, Germany, offers a structured Ph.D. programme focusing on ultra-fast phenomena, X-ray physics and dynamical imaging in all areas of science covering physics, chemistry and biology.

28 Interdisciplinary PhD positions in Ultrafast Science and Quantum Materials – IMPRS UFAST – Hamburg


The program offers exciting research opportunities at ultra-intense electron and X-ray sources to directly observe atomic motions during primary events. The use of ultrafast imaging over the relevant length and time scales generates new levels of understanding of the interplay between structure and dynamics. Specific areas include the theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum materials and atomically resolved dynamics, fundamental light-matter interaction, accelerator-based light sources, coherent controlled molecular and solid state dynamics, molecular imaging, extreme timescale spectroscopy, ultrafast optics and X-ray science.

We offer:

  • A range of PhD positions in these areas: open positions
  • State-of-the-art research facilities on an extensive science campus
  • Cross-disciplinary research in a vibrant, international scientific environment
  • First class supervision and mentorship by a team of internationally renowned experts
  • Outstanding training in your scientific subject and transferable skills (in English)
  • A 3-year employment contract based on the German federal pay agreement


We seek applicants with an excellent academic background. You hold (or are about to complete) an MSc degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry or related areas. You need to be passionate about research in ultrafast phenomena and motivated to conduct rigorous scientific work over the full degree period.


The application deadline is 6th November 2023. PhD projects start in summer/autumn 2024. In exceptional cases, it may possible to start on the research project earlier. For any further questions or problems regarding the application process or the online system, please contact the IMPRS UFAST coordinator on

Applications must be submitted via the online application portal


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

L’ école internationale de recherche Max Planck pour l’imagerie ultrarapide et la dynamique structurelle de Hambourg, en Allemagne, propose un doctorat structuré. programme axé sur l...View more

Start date: Varies and can be discussed after acceptance of the offer.

Applications for the postdoctoral fellowship program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) are currently being accepted!

MBARI’s mission is to advance marine science and engineering to understand our changing ocean. Our work focuses on diverse areas of marine and engineering research—from atoms to ecosystems. MBARI is dedicated to the development of innovative instrumentation, systems, and methods supporting scientific research in the oceans. Teams of scientists and engineers are collaborating to build innovative tools to transform what we know about ocean processes and ocean health. Ongoing programs at MBARI span marine robotics, ocean physics, chemistry, geology, biology, and engineering.

Located in Moss Landing, California at the head of Monterey Canyon, MBARI enjoys convenient access to a diverse range of ocean environments. Post-doctoral fellows have the opportunity to propose investigations that take advantage of this location and our outstanding suite of resources. The Institute has well-equipped fabrication and test facilities. We operate two ocean-going research ships, a coastal workboat, remotely operated vehicles, autonomous underwater and surface vehicles, oceanographic profilers and moorings, the MARS seafloor cabled observatory, and a wide range of oceanographic equipment. MBARI is a non-profit oceanographic research institute supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Postdoctoral Fellows conduct independent research in association with one or more mentors to advance their training and career development while bringing new perspectives and skills to collaborations within MBARI. Applicants should connect with potential research sponsors at MBARI, see list below, for guidance on project feasibility, relevance to ongoing research projects, resource availability, and expected start date. Offers will be made to selected candidates from the fields of biological, chemical and physical oceanography, marine geology, and engineering. Candidates must be awarded a Ph.D. degree prior to commencing the two-year appointment starting between 2023 and 2024 and complete the fellowship onsite.

Applications should include:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • At least three professional letters of recommendation (up to five)
  • Succinct statement of your doctoral research
  • A list up to three potential sponsors/PI/PEs along with a brief description why the mentor(s) align with your research and other professional goals
  • A short proposal describing a potential research project you would like to undertake at MBARI
  • Supplemental information form

Address your application materials to:

MBARI Job code: Postdocs-2023 7700 Sandholdt Road Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644

Submit by e-mail to (preferred), by mail, or by fax to (831) 775-1659.

Salary range:

First year – $60,000 annually Second year – $63,000 annually

MBARI is an equal opportunity employer. MBARI considers all applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, age, disability, covered veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

EOE MBARI Welcomes Diversity

Application deadline: November 30, 2023 Selected candidates will be contacted soon after.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Start date: Varies and can be discussed after acceptance of the offer. Applications for the postdoctoral fellowship program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) are currently being ...View more