Job Archives

Research Field
Language sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The School of Humanities and Social Science invites applications and nominations for: Open Rank Faculty Position in English Studies Programme (Ref.AC2023/030/01) Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in:
  • Linguistics: Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in a relevant area of Linguistics (specialization areas focusing on cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, and/or morpho-syntax and semantics) at the time of appointment. Candidates are expected to demonstrate solid evidence of (or potential for) high-quality teaching and service, and a strong track record of (or solid evidence of potential for) high-quality research/scholarship outcomes in the expertise area(s), as evidenced by research publications in competitive international outlets in the relevant areas of English and Linguistics studies. Candidates for Full or Associate Professor positions need to demonstrate academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standard of excellence in developing and expanding new academic programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Successful applicants are expected to be able to teach over time a reasonably broad range of courses in core areas of linguistic studies. Experience in or a positive attitude towards supervising the research projects of both undergraduate and postgraduate students will be favorably considered.
  • Computational Linguistics: Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree ideally in Linguistics, Computer Science, or a closely related field, with a primary specialization in Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing at the time of the appointment. Candidates should be familiar with at least one of the following areas: computational morphology, computational pragmatics, computational semantics, sentiment analysis, information extraction, and machine translation. Candidates should have experience building data-driven computational models of natural language using Python. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a record of or strong potential for high-quality teaching, service, and academic research.
  • Communication: Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in communication or a related field (specialization areas focusing on intercultural communication, organizational communication, technical communication, and/or technical/business writing). Candidates are expected to demonstrate a solid record of (or strong potential for) high quality teaching at the university level and evidence of (or potential for) successful research, scholarly and creative activities and publications.
Associate Professor (Teaching)/Assistant Professor (Teaching)/Lecturer in:
  • Communication: Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in communication or a related field (specialization areas focusing on intercultural communication, organizational communication, technical communication, and/or technical/business writing). Candidates are expected to demonstrate a solid record of (or strong potential for) high quality teaching at the university level and evidence of (or potential for) successful research, scholarly and creative activities and publications.
Salary & Benefits Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be made under the establishment of CUHK, Shenzhen and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the People’s Republic of China. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Successful applicants can also apply for additional benefits through high-talent schemes at the Guangdong provincial level, the Shenzhen city level, and the Longgang district level. Application Procedure Applicants should apply online at and upload up-to-date CV, certification of all degrees and teaching evaluation report. Applicants will be required to arrange three recommendation letters after being shortlisted. Applications will be reviewed immediately and considered until the post is filled. About The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is established in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval of the Ministry of Education. It inherits the educational philosophy and academic systems of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is intended to evolve into a world-class research university with strong international orientation. It is committed to nurturing high-end talents with a global perspective, Chinese cultural tradition and social responsibility.


Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available



Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Organisation/Company THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG – SHENZHEN Research Field Language sciences Literature Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country ...View more

Informations sur l'emploi

Institut Camille Jordan
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Le doctorant retenu travaillera au sein de l'Institut Camille Jordan (UMR5208), laboratoire de mathématiques dirigé par Véronique MAUME-DESCHAMPS (270 personnels), et du laboratoire LBBE (UMR5558), spécialisé en biométrie et biologie évolutive, dirigé par Fabrice VAVRE (216 personnel). Les 2 laboratoires sont situés à Villeurbanne sur le campus La Doua de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR THERMADAPT et sera encadrée par Philippe MALBOS, responsable scientifique du projet, et Céline Brochier-Armanet du LBBE. . Sujet de thèse : Analyse du signal contenu dans les structures 3D des protéines par persistance topologique Cette thèse se situe à l'interface entre la biologie évolutive et la topologie algorithmique. Il vise à optimiser et étendre les méthodes d’analyse de données topologiques, telles que l’homologie persistante, pour étudier les informations contenues dans les structures 3D des protéines. Cette thèse abordera le problème de la construction du complexe simplicial d'une structure protéique 3D à l'aide d'un filtrage topologique prenant en compte les propriétés physico-chimiques des acides aminés et des structures secondaires. Il appliquera également à ce contexte des techniques d'homologie persistante multivariées et pondérées et affinera le calcul de la distance de Wasserstein avec des mesures de probabilité sur les codes-barres des structures 3D, en prenant en compte les mécanismes de substitution au sein des séquences et les modèles d'évolution des séquences protéiques.


Domaine de recherche
La physique
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Lieu(x) de travail

Nombre d'offres disponibles
Institut Camille Jordan


Site web

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Institut Camille Jordan Domaine de recherche La physique Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (R1) Pays France Da...View more

Posted 10 Monaten ago

Informations sur l'emploi

Laboratoire des sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie
Domaine de recherche
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur reconnu (R2)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Modèle de prédiction/génération d'humains habillés et de vêtements, conditionné par l'image/vidéo. - Recherche et développement sur une ou plusieurs des thématiques précitées : Modèle prédictif/génératif d'humains habillés, modèle humain, et reconstruction de modèle humain et de vêtement à partir d'une vidéo. - Gestion technique et collaboration avec les autres chercheurs (ingénieur, post-doc, chercheurs permanents) participant au projet. - Encadrement éventuel d'un doctorant. Le Laboratoire ICube (Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie) de l'Université de Strasbourg est un centre de recherche leader en informatique, avec plus de 300 chercheurs permanents, avec l'école doctorale en IA récemment ouverte et soutenue par le gouvernement français. Dans le cadre d'un projet binational (avec la Corée du Sud) et tri-institutionnel (CNRS, INRIA et ETRI), nous visons à repousser les limites actuelles de la vision robotisée dans la cognition humaine par des robots-soins en situation interne. Notre objectif global est d'améliorer les performances de l'intelligence visuelle, en la rendant résiliente aux variations importantes (telles que les formes et les mouvements du corps) et capable de comprendre et de participer à l'interaction. Pour y parvenir, nous mettrons l'accent sur le développement de modèles prédictifs qui, basés sur des données réalistes, Des modèles humains 4D basés sur la physique ainsi qu'un simulateur de tissus différenciables seront capables d'analyser et de reconstruire l'humain et ses tissus à partir de la vidéo, même en présence d'un niveau important d'occlusion ou de déformation. Ce projet se déroulera au sein de l'équipe de recherche MLMS (Machine Learning, Modélisation & Simulation), située sur le site hospitalier du laboratoire ICube.


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
− Doctorat en informatique, génie électronique et électrique ou en mathématiques appliquées (2020 ou après). − Compétences en programmation efficace, en communication et en conception d'algorithmes. − Solides connaissances et expérience en apprentissage profond.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Lieu(x) de travail

Nombre d'offres disponibles
Laboratoire des sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie


Laboratoire des sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie
Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Prediction/generation model of dressed humans and clothing, conditioned by the image/video. - Research and development on one or more of the aforementioned themes: Predictive/generative model of dressed humans, human model, and reconstruction of human model and clothing from a video. - Technical management and collaboration with other researchers (engineer, post-doc, permanent researchers) participating in the project. - Possible supervision of a doctoral student. ICube Laboratory (The Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory) at the University of Strasbourg is a leading research center in Computer Science, with more than 300 permanent researchers, with the recently opened AI graduate school supported by the French government. Within the framework of a bi-national (with South Korea) and tri-institutional project (CNRS, INRIA and ETRI), we aim to push the current limits of robot vision in human cognition by care-robots in the in-house situation. Our global goal is to enhance the performance of the vision intelligence, making it resilient to significant variations (such as body shapes and motions) and capable of understanding and participating in the interaction. To achieve this, our emphasis will be on developing predictive models which, based on realistic, physics-informed 4D human models as well as a differentiable cloth simulator, will be capable of analysing and of reconstructing the human and his/her cloths from video, even with in the presence of significant level of occlusion or deformation. This project will take place in MLMS (Machine Learning, Modélisation & Simulation) research team, located at the hospital site of the ICube laboratory.


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Computer science
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4
Research Field
Computer science
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria
− PhD in Computer Science, Electronic & Electrical Engineering or in Applied Mathematics (2020 or later). − Skills in efficient programming, communication, and algorithm design. − Solid knowledge and experience in deep learning.
Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Laboratoire des sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie



Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Laboratoire des sciences de l’Ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie Domaine de recherche Ingénieri...View more

Posted 10 Monaten ago

Informations sur l'emploi

Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
Domaine de recherche
Mathématiques » Algorithmes
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Localisation : équipe SLIDE ( ), rattachée au Laboratoire LIG, unité mixte de recherche CNRS UMR 5217 (450 personnes). L'équipe est située sur le campus de Saint Martin d'Hères, accessible en tramway depuis Grenoble. Autres avantages : - 44 jours de congés annuels - Prise en charge partielle des frais de complémentaire santé. - Restauration subventionnée disponible sur le campus - Remboursement partiel des frais de transports en commun. La thèse sera co-encadrée par Silviu Maniu (Professeur des Universités, équipe SLIDE, LIG, Université Grenoble Alpes) et Pierre Senellart (Professeur des Universités, équipe Valda, DI ENS, ENS, Université PSL). Le doctorant pourra collaborer avec Pierre Senellart par visioconférence et à travers des séjours de recherche à Paris. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer les performances et la convivialité d'un système de gestion de bases de données tenant compte de la provenance et des incertitudes. Le système est basé sur ProvSQL, un progiciel open source développé, entre autres, par les deux co-directeurs de thèse. Il s'agit d'une implémentation et d'une extension de l'état de l'art en matière de provenance des données et de gestion des probabilités, et prend la forme d'un plug-in pour le SGBD gratuit PostgreSQL. Bien que ProvSQL intègre déjà de nombreuses fonctionnalités, il n’est toujours pas entièrement utilisable, notamment à grande échelle. Faire évoluer ProvSQL et le rendre plus utilisable n'est pas une simple tâche d'ingénierie, mais nécessite le développement de nouvelles recherches fondamentales, soigneusement mises en œuvre dans les contraintes du système de gestion de données, rigoureusement testées sur des benchmarks (tels que TPC-H 2), par rapport à l’état de l’art et aux systèmes concurrents (tels que GProM pour la gestion des provenances ou MayBMS pour la gestion des probabilités). L'objectif de la thèse est également de proposer de nouveaux cas d'application du système.


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Mathématiques » Algorithmes
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Lieu(x) de travail

Nombre d'offres disponibles
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble



Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble Domaine de recherche L’informatique Mathématiques » Algorithmes Profil de...View more


Informations sur l'emploi

Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
Domaine de recherche
Sciences de l'environnement
Sciences Biologiques
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Le chercheur post-doctorant participera au projet ANR PYRISOFE associant les laboratoires GET (Toulouse) et IMPMC (Paris). La composition élémentaire et isotopique des pyrites sédimentaires est couramment utilisée pour retracer l'évolution de la chimie des océans et de l'état redox à travers les époques géologiques. Cependant, les mécanismes et la cinétique de formation de la pyrite restent mal connus. Le projet PYRISOFE, regroupant des travaux expérimentaux avec des approches analytiques et théoriques, vise à quantifier et rationaliser l'influence des éléments traces sur chacune des étapes cristallochimiques de la formation de la pyrite à basse température, et en particulier sur le fractionnement isotopique Fe de la pyrite. D'un point de vue théorique, nous étudierons l'interaction à l'échelle moléculaire d'éléments traces tels que Ni et As avec les phases solides et colloïdales de sulfure de fer impliquées dans la formation de la pyrite. Cela nécessitera l’application de méthodes de simulation atomistique à des systèmes naturels complexes. Les solides comprendront le produit final, la pyrite FeS2, mais également la mackinawite FeS, qui se présente sous la forme d'une phase solide désordonnée. Quant aux phases dissoutes, nous nous concentrerons sur les espèces FexSx et les complexes polysulfures de Fe, dont les structures réelles sont encore débattues. Les propriétés structurelles, électroniques et énergétiques seront étudiées afin d'identifier les mécanismes probables d'incorporation des éléments traces. A partir de là, l'objectif final sera de déterminer les propriétés thermodynamiques telles que le coefficient de partage des oligo-éléments entre solide et solution, Le post-doctorant contribuera notamment aux aspects suivants : - Mise en place des simulations de dynamique moléculaire et des calculs statiques appropriés pour décrire de la manière la plus réaliste possible la structure des phases solide et colloïdale évoquées ci-dessus (codes comme Quantum Espresso, CP2K, … ). - Détermination des coefficients de partage des éléments traces et des fractionnements isotopiques du fer. - Collaboration et échanges avec les autres membres du projet ANR PYRISOFE pour assurer une synergie avec les tâches expérimentales et analytiques. Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET, ) est un laboratoire de recherche multidisciplinaire dédié à l'amélioration des connaissances sur (i) l'évolution et la dynamique de la Terre, (ii) les environnements et climats passés et présents, et (iii ) la zone critique et les interactions contaminants-environnement-santé. Le laboratoire regroupe aujourd'hui environ 250 personnes dont ~160 permanents du CNRS, de l'Université Toulouse III, de l'IRD et du CNES. Le postdoctorant rejoindra le groupe « Géochimie des isotopes stables » et travaillera principalement en collaboration avec Marc Blanchard. Le post-doctorant aura également une forte interaction avec les membres du groupe « Minéralogie de l'environnement » du laboratoire IMPMC (Paris,…), notamment avec Julie Aufort. Le boursier postdoctoral aura accès aux installations informatiques locales, régionales et nationales.


Domaine de recherche
Sciences de l'environnement
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences de l'environnement
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Années d'expérience en recherche
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un doctorat. Une bonne expérience en modélisation atomistique, notamment en dynamique moléculaire ab initio, est indispensable. Des connaissances générales en chimie inorganique, géochimie et minéralogie sont hautement souhaitables, ainsi que de bonnes compétences en communication et la capacité de travailler dans un projet collaboratif.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

Lieu(x) de travail

Nombre d'offres disponibles
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse


Site web

Job Information

Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
Research Field
Environmental science
Biological sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The post-doctoral researcher will participate to the ANR PYRISOFE project associating the GET (Toulouse) and IMPMC (Paris) laboratories. The elemental and isotopic composition of sedimentary pyrites is commonly used to trace the evolution of ocean chemistry and redox state through geological times. However, the mechanisms and kinetics of pyrite formation remain poorly known. The PYRISOFE project, gathering experimental work with analytical and theoretical approaches, aims at quantifying and rationalizing the influence of trace elements on each of the crystal-chemical steps of pyrite formation in low-temperature conditions, and in particular on Fe isotope fractionation of pyrite. From a theoretical point of view, we will study the molecular-scale interaction of trace elements such as Ni and As with the solid and colloidal iron sulfide phases involved in pyrite formation. This will require the application of atomistic simulation methods to complex natural systems. Solids will include the final product, FeS2 pyrite, but also FeS mackinawite, which occurs as a disordered solid phase. As for dissolved phases, we will focus on FexSx species and Fe polysulfide complexes, whose actual structures are still debated. Structural, electronic and energetic properties will be investigated in order to identify likely mechanisms of trace element incorporation. From there, the final objective will be to determine thermodynamic properties such as the partition coefficient of trace elements between solid and solution, and the equilibrium fractionation of iron isotopes. The post-doctoral fellow will contribute in particular to the following aspects: - Setting up the appropriate molecular dynamics simulations and static calculations to describe as realistically as possible the structure of the solid and colloidal phases mentioned above (codes like Quantum Espresso, CP2K, …). - Determination of trace element partition coefficients and iron isotope fractionations. - Collaboration and exchanges with the other members of the ANR PYRISOFE project to ensure synergy with experimental and analytical tasks. Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET, is a multidisciplinary research laboratory dedicated to improving knowledge of (i) the Earth evolution and dynamics, (ii) past and present environments and climates, and (iii) the critical zone and contaminants-environment-health interactions. The lab currently brings together around 250 people including ~160 permanent staff from the CNRS, University Toulouse III, IRD and CNES. The post-doctoral fellow will join the “Stable isotopes geochemistry” group and will work mainly in collaboration with Marc Blanchard. The post-doctoral fellow will also have strong interaction with the members of the “Environmental mineralogy” group of the IMPMC laboratory (Paris,…), in particular with Julie Aufort. The post-doctoral fellow will have access to local, regional and national computing facilities.


Research Field
Environmental science
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Biological sciences
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Environmental science
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Biological sciences
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Years of Research Experience

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria
Candidates must hold a doctoral degree. Good experience in atomistic modeling, in particular in ab initio molecular dynamics, is essential. General knowledge of inorganic chemistry, geochemistry and mineralogy is highly desirable, as well as good communication skills and the ability to work in a collaborative project.
Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse



Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Informations sur l’emploi Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Géosciences Environnement Toulouse Domaine de recherche Sciences de l’environnement Sciences Biologiques Géosciences P...View more


Date Limite Candidature : vendredi 6 octobre 2023

Assurez-vous que votre profil candidat soit correctement renseigné avant de postuler. Les informations de votre profil complètent celles associées à chaque candidature. Afin d’augmenter votre visibilité sur notre Portail Emploi et ainsi permettre aux recruteurs de consulter votre profil candidat, vous avez la possibilité de déposer votre CV dans notre CVThèque en un clic !

Informations générales

Intitulé de l'offre : Chercheur postdoctoral sur la maladie de Salla (H/F) Référence : UMR8003-BRUGAS0-002 Nombre de Postes : 1 Lieu de travail : PARIS 06 Date de publication : vendredi 15 septembre 2023 Type de contrat : CDD Scientifique Durée du contrat : 12 mois Date d'embauche prévue : 1 novembre 2023 Quotité de travail : Temps complet Rémunération : entre 3300 et 4100 € bruts mensuels selon expérience Niveau d'études souhaité : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat) Expérience souhaitée : 1 à 4 années Section(s) CN : Neurobiologie moléculaire et cellulaire, neurophysiologie


Rechercher des molécules corrigeant la protéine mutante responsable de la maladie de Salla, une leukodystrophie sévère de l'enfant et l'adulte, et évaluer ces molécules dans des modèles cellulaires.


- Concevoir, réaliser et interpréter des expériences de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire - Suivre activement la bibliographie - Présenter ses travaux dans l'unité et au sein d'un consortium international - Participer à la conception et au développement de nouvelles approches


- Biologie moléculaire (expertise) - Biologie cellulaire (expertise) - Microscopie de fluorescence (expertise) - Biochimie (expertise) - Analyse de données (expertise) - Langue anglaise: C1

Contexte de travail

Ces missions sont à réaliser dans le cadre d'un consortium international sur la maladie de Salla : le FSASD consortium. Elles seront conduites au sein de l'équipe Dynamique Membranaire du SPPIN, UMR 8003.

Contraintes et risques

Institut des Neurosciences Paris Saint-Pères
Research Field
Biological sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Search for molecules correcting the mutant protein underlying Salla disease, a rare, severe leukodystrophy in children and adults, and evaluate these molecules in cellular models. - Design, carry out and interpret molecular and cellular biology experiments - Actively follow the bibliography - Present your work in the Department and within an international consortium - Participate in the design and development of new approaches These missions will be carried out within the framework of an international consortium on Salla disease: the FSASD consortium. They will be carried out within the Membrane Dynamics Group of the CNRS Research Unit SPPIN (UMR # 8003).


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Biological sciences
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4
Research Field
Biological sciences
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria
- Molecular biology (expertise) - Cellular biology (expertise) - Fluorescence microscopy (expertise) - Biochemistry (expertise) - Data analysis (expertise) - English language: C1
Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Institut des Neurosciences Paris Saint-Pères



Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Date Limite Candidature : vendredi 6 octobre 2023 Assurez-vous que votre profil candidat soit correctement renseigné avant de postuler. Les informations de votre profil complètent celles associée...View more

Posted 10 Monaten ago
University of Antwerp
Research Field
Chemistry » Analytical chemistry
Chemistry » Biochemistry
Chemistry » Computational chemistry
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry
Chemistry » Molecular chemistry
Technology » Nanotechnology
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry
Chemistry » Other
Chemistry » Physical chemistry
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
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Offer Description

Let’s shape the future - University of Antwerp

The University of Antwerp is a dynamic, forward-thinking, European university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than 20000 students, conduct pioneering scientific research and play an important service-providing role in society. We are one of the largest, most international and most innovative employers in the region. With more than 6000 employees from 100 different countries, we are helping to build tomorrow's world every day. Through top scientific research, we push back boundaries and set a course for the future – a future that you can help to shape.

The Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences is looking for four full-time

doctoral scholarship holders in the field of Chemistry


  • You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis in the field of Chemistry.
  • You will publish scientific articles related to the research project.
  • You will carry out a limited number of teaching, research and service support tasks for the Department of Chemistry.


  • You hold a Master degree in Chemistry, Bio-engineering, in Applied sciences (engineering) or Civil engineering, each time with specialization in Chemistry. Candidates that obtain their master degree before the start of the scholarship can also apply.
  • You can demonstrate excellent study results.
  • Your teaching competences are in line with the University of Antwerp’s educational vision.
  • Your research qualities are in line with the faculty and university research policies and the Department of Chemistry.
  • You are a motivated person, willing to show commitment for a doctoral project, and to apply for an external fellowship (e.g. FWO strategic research fellowships 2023 and 2024).
  • You can communicate fluently in English and Dutch.
  • You act with attention to quality, integrity, creativity and cooperation.
  • You show a pronounced interest in the research of one of the research groups of the Chemistry department at the University of Antwerp and are committed to maximally support the Department of Chemistry activities.

What we offer

  • We offer a doctoral scholarship for a period of two years. Following a positive evaluation, the scholarship can be renewed once for another two-year period.
  • The planned start date is 1 January 2024.
  • Your monthly scholarship amount is calculated according to the scholarship amounts for doctoral scholarship holders on the pay scales for Contract Research Staff (Dutch: Bijzonder Academisch Personeel, BAP).
  • You will receive ecocheques, Internet-connectivity allowance and a bicycle allowance or a full reimbursement of public transport costs for commuting.
  • You will do most of your work at Campus Groenenborger or Campus Drie Eiken in a dynamic and stimulating working environment.
  • Find out more about working at the University of Antwerp here.

Want to apply?

  • You can apply for this vacancy through the University of Antwerp’s online job application platform until 11 October 2023. Click on the 'Apply' button and complete the online application form. Be sure to include the following attachments:
    • a motivation letter
    • your academic CV
    • a letter of acceptance from your promotor including the research topic and a statement that you are willing to look for additional funding.
  • The selection committee reviews all applications as soon as possible after the application deadline. As soon as a decision is made, we will notify you. If you are still eligible after the pre-selection, you will be informed about the possible next step(s) in the selection procedure.
  • If you have any questions about the online application form, please check the frequently asked questions or send an email to If you have any questions about the job itself, please contact prof. Vera Meynen, tel. +32 3 2652368,

The University of Antwerp received the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award for its HR policy. We are a sustainable, family-friendly organisation which invests in its employees’ growth. We encourage diversity and attach great importance to an inclusive working environment and equal opportunities, regardless of gender identity, disability, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or age. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse characteristics to apply

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Organisation/Company University of Antwerp Research Field Chemistry » Analytical chemistry Chemistry » Biochemistry Chemistry » Computational chemistry Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry Chemistry »...View more

Analytical chemistry, which is one of the basic chemistry subjects, is about the characterisation of samples, i.e., to determine how samples are composed, what chemical compounds they contain and how much of each compound they contain. Research in analytical chemistry aims to develop new analytical techniques and methods. Important application areas are in food, environmental science, biotechnology, bioenergy, medical and pharmaceutical science.

The PhD candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary team at Lund University who over the next 6 years will collaborate to investigate the sublethal effects of commonly used pesticides in different species of insects. The project covers fields such as analytical chemistry, genetics, metabolomics, ecology, and physiology, and includes laboratory as well as field work. Chemical pesticides play an integral role in controlling agricultural pests, however, their sublethal consequences for non-target species are often overlooked. Most of these pesticides are neurotoxins, yet how they affect the brain and its function in among insect species is poorly understood.

The aim of the PhD project is to develop new analytical methods to detect, identify, and quantify pesticides in insects, insect brains, and other relevant samples collected from pesticide high-risk landscapes. Also, lab-raised insects exposed to pesticides will be studied. Synergies across disciplines will allow identification of pesticide high-risk agricultural landscapes, as well as to achieve a sub-brain resolution analysis. The PhD student will develop new analysis methods based on supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to low- and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The PhD candidate will also gain expertise on spatial modelling in agricultural landscapes, landscape ecotoxicology, and insect neuroanatomy.

Work duties

The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties will also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).

Admission requirements

A person meets the general admission requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she by the time of appointment:

  • has been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or
  • has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, or
  • has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

A person meets the specific admission requirements for third cycle studies in Analytical chemistry if he or she has:

  • A minimum of 120 credits are to derive from chemistry courses, of which at least 30 credits from a second-cycle degree project in the chosen specialisation or a closely related specialisation.
  • The specific admission requirement can also be fulfilled through another equivalent programme, which is assessed in each specific case.

Additional requirements:

  • Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
  • Driving license for passenger car.

Assessment criteria

Selection for third-cycle studies is based on the student’s potential to profit from such studies. The assessment of potential is made primarily on the basis of academic results from the first and second cycle. Special attention is paid to the following:

  • Knowledge and skills relevant to the thesis project and the subject of study.
  • An assessment of ability to work independently and to formulate and tackle research problems.
  • Written and oral communication skills
  • Other experience relevant to the third-cycle studies, e.g. professional experience.

Other assessment criteria (desired qualifications):

  • Approved course in chromatography at advanced level
  • Approved course in mass spectrometry at advanced level
  • Experience of practical work with different chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry
  • Experience in troubleshooting and repairing analytical instruments
  • Experience in statistical analysis
  • Good ability to work independently and to formulate and solve scientific questions
  • Good ability to collaborate, endurance, stability, and personal maturity, and ability to organize and structure the work
  • Numerical and linguistic analytical ability
  • Experience of working with biological materials such as e.g. insects
  • Has a curiosity to learn new things and increase own knowledge, especially in interdisciplinary environments

Consideration will also be given to how the applicant, through his or her experience and skills, is deemed to have the abilities necessary for successfully completing the third cycle programme.

Terms of employment Only those admitted to third cycle studies may be appointed to a doctoral studentship. Doctoral studentships are regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), chapter 5, 1-7 §§.

Instructions on how to apply

Applications shall be written in English. The application must contain a letter (1/2 - 1 page) in which the applicant briefly describes him/herself and motivates why the applicant wants to start the doctoral program in analytical chemistry at Lund University, and in what way the specific research project matches his/her own interests and scientific background. The application must also contain a CV, degree certificate or equivalent, grade transcripts, and other documents you wish to be considered (contact information for your references, letters of recommendation, etc.).


Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Lunds universitet

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Analytical chemistry, which is one of the basic chemistry subjects, is about the characterisation of samples, i.e., to determine how samples are composed, what chemical compounds they contain and how ...View more

The Faculty of Law is offering one doctoral student position for a Doctor of Laws Degree in public international law with a specialization in international human rights law. The doctoral student position is connected to the interdisciplinary project ‘Refugee Finance: Histories, Frameworks and Practices (REF-FIN)’ funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant 2023. Intended supervisor and Principal Investigator for REF-FIN is Associate Professor Daria Davitti.

Refugee finance is the term used to refer to new financial instruments aimed at attracting private capital to fund humanitarian responses to refugee flows. Such financial instruments which include refugee bonds, technical assistance funds and concessional loans, are promoted by international organizations, international financial institutions and states as innovative solutions to societal challenges raised by large-scale refugee flows. The project aims to examine, amongst other things, the socio-economic, legal and financial implications of this paradigmatic shift from aid funding to financing and the way in which it impacts on the conceptualization and implementation of the international protection of refugees in international law.

The doctoral project will be developed as part of REF-FIN and will rely on the overall project’s fieldwork to assess the impact of refugee financing on international protection in line with international law and human rights, both in theory and in practice. It is therefore expected that the project description submitted with this application will focus on refugee protection in the context of social impact investments and/or development finance. A project description including an examination of development finance and climate finance as precursors of refugee finance is desirable.

Job assignments

Those appointed to doctoral studentships shall primarily devote themselves to their studies.

Those appointed to doctoral studentships may, however, work to a limited extent with educational tasks, research and administration. Before a doctorate has been awarded, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full-time post. (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 section 2)

When engaging in various research activities linked REF-FIN, the doctoral student will collaborate closely with the Principal Investigator, with other researchers involved in the project team and with colleagues in the field of international law and human rights at the Faculty.

The researchers and teachers at the Faculty are expected to contribute to a dynamic research environment as well as to other Faculty activities, and to perform work primarily in the workplace provided by the Faculty.

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

Only those who are or have been admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships. (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 section 3)

A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:

  1. Has been awarded a second-cycle qualification,
  2. Has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
  3. Has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad. (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 7 section 39)

The special requirements are fulfilled by those who have completed a law programme and obtained the degree Master of Laws (juris kandidatexamen/juristexamen). The special requirements may also be fulfilled by those who can demonstrate other educational or particular professional experience where this is judged to provide the necessary qualification for doctoral studies comparable to that provided by the degree of Master of Laws (juris kandidatexamen/juristexamen) regarding both the subject for doctoral study and general legal education of importance for that subject.

The applicant must have obtained the degree of Master of Laws or the equivalent no later than 25 October 2023.

Basis of Assessment

For regulations concerning employment of Doctoral Students etc, see Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 sections 1-7.

For regulations concerning admission to third-cycle courses and study programmes, see Higher Education Ordinance chapter 7 sections 34-41.

Admittance of a doctoral student is based on an assessment of the candidate’s ability to benefit from third-cycle studies (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 section 5, chapter 7 sections 35, 41).

The applicant’s ability to benefit from third-cycle studies and research will be assessed with reference to the selection criteria stated in the general study plan for third-cycle studies at the Faculty of Law, which are given in no particular order of importance.

The applicant's general competence:

  • Quality and content of the applicant's previous written work, such as a master's thesis
  • Ability to participate actively in the faculty´s research environment
  • Relevant educational background and grades/grade average
  • Relevant work experience

The scientific quality of the project description:

  • Ability to describe, question and discuss the current state of research
  • Sufficient clarity and logical coherence in the formulation of the aim and the research questions
  • Stringency of legal reasoning and analysis
  • Adequate selection of theory and methods
  • Capacity for creativity and innovation in the formulation of the research questions and approaches
  • Clear expression and sufficient detail.

Appointment Procedure

The application should be submitted through Lund University job application portal.

Your application should contain a curriculum vitae, grade transcripts, project description, a master thesis or similar degree projects, one or two references (manager, supervisor etc.) and other documents that you wish to submit.

The project description, enclosed in the electronic application, must not exceed 15 000 characters (n.b. - any text that exceeds the 15 000 character limit will not be considered) including spaces, footnotes, list of references and must be written in English, Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian (see Guidelines for project description)

The Committee on Doctoral Education will call a limited number of candidates to interviews to be held on 15 November 2023, either by personal meetings or digital. Notification regarding who will be called for an interview is given no later than 10 November. The interview will be based on the project description and is intended to give the committee an opportunity to gauge each applicant's capacity for research and ability to complete the project described.

Type of employment

Limit of tenure, four years according to HF 5 kap 7§.


Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Lunds universitet

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

The Faculty of Law is offering one doctoral student position for a Doctor of Laws Degree in public international law with a specialization in international human rights law. The doctoral student posit...View more

The Black Wellness Innovation Fund is a funder collaborative that supports innovative, Black-led wellness work in Black communities. We are calling on national organizations to join us in building out this Fund to further support the collective wellness of Black communities.

Despite the growing awareness of Black mental health and distress in the United States, no national fund exists to support innovative, Black led wellness and mental health resources. The Black Wellness Innovation Fund aims to fill this monumental gap.

Healthline Media Pinterest Saks Fifth Avenue Foundation 
Black Girl Wellness Grants - (August 2023) $10,000 Grant Awards A Long Walk Home, Black Girls Healing Retreat - Chicago, IL A Long Walk Home will host a Black Girls Healing Retreat and publish an artistic anthology based on participant reflections from the Retreat. This publication will be composed of original poetry, paintings, photos, and journal prompts from the Girl/Friends and will impact more Black girls and young people. Hitha Healing House, "Journey to Radiance: Empowering Black Girls Enrichment Program" - Detroit, MI The enrichment program focuses on the wellness of Black girls and will promote positive self-perception, provide coping mechanisms and stress management skills, foster positive connections and support networks, empower informed decision-making, challenge colorism, and provide skills and resources for future success. The Dinner Table Doc, "Beyond the Table" Book Club - Brooklyn, NY The “Beyond the Table” book club will positively impact Black girls’ social and emotional development via peer community-building through reading. ________________________________________________________________ Joseph Beam Black Gay Men’s Wellness Grants - (March 2023) $10,000 Grant Awards Brothers of the Desert & Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs - Palm Springs, CA The organizations, respectively, recognized a great need in their community and have partnered to provide a wellness-focused discussion group with facilitators trained by a local Palm Springs therapist to overcome isolation, build and reinforce a self-affirming community, and overcome prevailing stigma present in Black gay male centered activities. Their missions seek to empower Black gay men through education, advocacy, social networking, mentorship, and philanthropy. This successful collaboration will oversee the development of an expanded wellness summit and online speaker series for Black gay men over the age of 50 living with HIV. Grant Support: Funding supports paying facilitators and programmatic costs Sankofa HIV Initiative - Lakewood, OH The Sankofa HIV Initiative, expressed that they "experienced many of the same valleys and pitfalls as other gay men, such as the struggle to find safe spaces of identity and self love." The word, Sankofa, means “to go back and get.” With this in mind, he endeavored to create the Sankofa Healing Weekend retreat to see Black gay men over the age of 50 living with HIV overcome barriers and promote healing; mentally, physically, collectively. Many of the wellness-focused activities during weekend retreat are supported by experienced program facilitators from across the state of Ohio. The retreat's planned activities bring together opportunities to explore meditation, yoga, personal spirituality, therapeutic massage and other body-mind connection activities will be available to participants as well as messages about the importance of staying engaged in one’s own HIV care with tools such as peer-led support informed by healing justice. Grant Support: Funding supports planning and implementation of weekend retreat The T.R.U.T.H. Project - Houston, TX The Telling Real Unapologetic Through Healing (T.R.U.T.H.) Project, Inc. is an organization whose mission is to educate and mobilize LGBTQ communities of color and their allies through social arts that promote mental, emotional, and sexual health. The T.R.U.T.H. Project will host "Phase II" wellness retreat that will focus on the narrative and wellness of Black Same Gender Loving men 50+ living with HIV. This Peer and Licensed Professional Counselor facilitated retreat will incorporate wellness practices such as yoga, sound bath, facilitated discussion, and space simply to connect and bond. Grant Support: Funding support planning and implementation of weekend retreat ________________________________________________________________ Black Peer Support & Community Care Grants - (March 2023) $10,000 Grant Awards Ballet After Dark  - Baltimore, MD Ballet After Dark (BAD) is a supportive non-profit organization that provides women and girls with innovative ways to heal their traumas. Their mission is to offer somatic interventions, trauma-informed care, dance therapy, and other holistic methods to encourage survivors of sexual assault and various levels of trauma to heal their bodies using movement. Grant Support: Funding supports current BAD programming, including The Black Swan Cohort, Aqua Ballet, The BAD Girls Club, and BAD Babies. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Group for Black Women  - Atlanta, GA This DBT Skills Group for Black Women provides Black women with an opportunity to learn new ways to cope with the cognitive, emotional, physical, and relational impacts of daily oppression and to learn how to live a more full and effective life. DBT is an intervention shown to be effective in supporting folks living with OCD and personality disorders. Grant Support: Funding supports maintaining DBT groups for Black women, reducing costs for attendance, and supporting efforts to tailor DBT to better serve Black women. Project Q  - Los Angeles, CA Project Q developed project "Introspection," a Black-led Black family reunity project. This project is a workshop series that helps introduce caregivers and parents to thriving Black trans/nonbinary adults and engage them in meaningful discussions. Grant Support: Funding supports paying facilitators and programmatic costs Native Son  - New York, NY Native Son is an intergenerational movement, community and platform created to inspire, empower and celebrate Black gay men. Native Son harnesses the collective power of Black gay and queer men, with the goal of ensuring that our voices, visibility and lived experiences are elevated in all of the communities in which we exist and never again disregarded. Grant Support: Funding supports the "Your Silence Will Not Protect You” Program which includes dynamic conversations with mental health and wellness professionals on topics relevant to Black gay men 50 + years old living with HIV.
Sober Black Girls Club Retreat - (July 2022) Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC) is hosting its first retreat to celebrate and highlight Black girls, women, femmes, and gender non-conforming people in recovery. During the two (2) day event, SBGC members will be able to experience the relationships and sisterhood created in their weekly, virtual support meetings within the last two years in person. This SBGC event is all about fellowship, connection, and having fun - learning to enjoy life again. Attendees can expect music and rhythm, live guided meditations, silent time, a lakeside BBQ, hiking, relaxation, and bonding with others who wish to live a substance-free life or practice harm reduction. Award: $10,000
Black Birth Wellness Grants - (May 2022) We provided six Black families in Memphis, TN with a local doula and a $750 wellness stipend to support their birth journey. Information from their experiences will be used to draft a brief on the impact of doulas on the mental health and wellbeing of pregnant, Black folks.
  • Ladedra Fields
  • Zeori Harper
  • Kimberly Smith
  • Charniqua Thompson
  • Lauryn Webber
  • Alexis Yarbrough

Black Trans Women’s Wellness Grants - (February 2022) $10,000 Grant Awards TAKE Resource Center, Healing Justice Program - Birmingham, AL Grant funds will allow the TAKE Center to expand their services and wellness resources and will sustain their mental health groups led by therapists. Reuniting of African Descendants (ROAD), Artivism Program - Brooklyn, NY Grant funds will help reinstate the ROAD Artivism Program, which provides TLGBQIA+ artists with opportunities for expression and mentorship from more experienced artists to promote wellness & positive self-perception. Yakinii's Love Mentorship Program - Atlanta, GA Grant funds will support a mentorship and rites of passage program for young Black trans women between the ages of 14- 22.
REBUILD - (November 2021)
  • Project REBUILD supports people who are formerly incarcerated with getting access to Black therapists to support their healing journey. Funds were provided to support the maintenance and sustainability of this project. Award: $15,000
Black Wellness Innovation Fund informational PDF

Black Peer Support & Community Care Grants

We are distributing three awards of $10,000 to Black-led peer support and community health projects that center Black folks living in distress or living with mental health conditions. What is this funding for? General operating support for:
  • Peer support groups
  • Healing circles
  • Social support spaces
  • Wellness projects focused on Black folks
Who should apply?
  • Black disability justice collectives
  • Individuals or small non-profits convening Black folks for wellness circles regularly
  • Therapists or skilled wellness facilitators seeking funds to sustain groups that support Black folks
Deadline to Apply: October 01, 2023
2023 Community Care Grants

Job Features

Job CategoryPrix, Concours et offres

The Black Wellness Innovation Fund is a funder collaborative that supports innovative, Black-led wellness work in Black communities. We are calling on national organizations to join us in building o...View more

Posted 10 Monaten ago

Each year, the chiefs of staff of the Army and the Air Force, the chief of naval operations, and the commandants of the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps nominate an outstanding officer from their respective services as a candidate for a Military Fellowship. CFR usually awards five fellowships annually. The program enables the selected officers to broaden their understanding of international relations by spending a year in residence at CFR’s headquarters in New York. Fellows expand their knowledge of international relations through a program of individual study, research and reflection, extensive participation in CFR’s active program of meetings and events, and interaction with CFR’s diverse membership.

CFR’s Military Fellowship was an incredible experience, providing a unique opportunity for engagement with world leaders, CFR members, and visionaries. It offered a one-of-a-kind insight into New York City’s contributions to business, education, and the international community.
Brigadier General George M. ReynoldsVice Commander, 25th Air Force, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland (2017–18 U.S. Air Force Military Fellow)

How to Apply

Interested candidates from the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Navy should contact their human resources officer to learn more about the fellowship application process.

J Klein Promotion Ceremony

Contact Us

For more information, please contact

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Each year, the chiefs of staff of the Army and the Air Force, the chief of naval operations, and the commandants of the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps nominate an outstanding officer from their resp...View more

Stanford University: 2024–2025 Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellowship on Contemporary Asia

The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University is pleased to announce its search for up to two 2024-2025 Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellows on Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies. Made possible through the generosity of Walter H. Shorenstein, awards will be made to two junior scholars (recent PhDs must have degree conferral and approval by June 30, 2024) for research and writing on Asia.

The primary focus of the fellowship is on contemporary political, economic, or social change in the Asia-Pacific region (including Northeast, Southeast, and South Asia), or topics in international relations and international political economy. The postdoctoral fellowship is a 10-month appointment with salary rate commensurate with Stanford policy, plus up to $3,000 for research expenses. Appointments will begin in the fall quarter of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Applications will be accepted until December 1, 2023.

For additional information and to apply, visit:

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Stanford University: 2024–2025 Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellowship on Contemporary Asia The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University is pleased to announce its searc...View more

The International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) for Tenured International Relations Scholars, sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, offers tenured academics whose research and teaching are connected to international peace and security issues practical experience in foreign policy through a twelve-month placement at a U.S. federal government agency, in Congress, or with an international organization.

The fellowship helps close the gap between research and practice, enriching both the teaching and scholarship of tenured academics give selected fellows experience as practitioners. The program also benefits policymakers by exposing them to critical scholarly research relevant to the foreign policy and national security issues facing the United States and the world. Professors from the humanities, social sciences, law, economics, regional studies, and other academic disciplines with research interests in international relations are encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline

October 31, 2023

Virtual Information Session

September 20, 2023

2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. ET

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

The International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) for Tenured International Relations Scholars, sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, offers tenured academics whose research and teaching are con...View more

The deadline for the Barra Postdoctoral Fellowships is November 3, 2023. The deadline for the Sabbatical Fellowship is December 8, 2023.

The McNeil Center for Early American Studies expects to appoint two postdoctoral fellows for terms beginning in 2024. Each fellow will enjoy private office space in the Center’s building at the northeastern gateway to the University of Pennsylvania campus; library, computer, and other privileges at the university; and access to the Philadelphia area’s magnificent manuscript, rare book, and museum collections. Within the parameters described below, applications are welcome from scholars whose work focuses on any aspect of the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850. Proposals reliant on research in Philadelphia-area archives, libraries, and museums are especially welcome. The McNeil Center is strongly committed to the University of Pennsylvania’s Action Plan for Faculty Excellence and Diversity and to creating a more inclusive campus community, where all feel welcomed, supported, and have equal access to networks for mentoring and research. Barra Postdoctoral Fellowship  (24 months, 2024–2026)  Applications/Letters of Recommendation for Barra Postdoctoral fellowship must be submitted online by November 3, 2023. This award is for a two-year term beginning 1 July 2024. Applicants must have earned the PhD no earlier than 2020 in American History, American Literature, American Studies, or a closely allied field and must have completed all requirements for the degree when the appointment commences. If an applicant has extenuating circumstances that mean they earned their PhD earlier than 2020, but are still working on their first book project, they are welcome to apply with an explanation of these circumstances in their application materials. During the term of appointment, the fellow will teach two courses in an appropriate department at the University of Pennsylvania. The remainder of the fellow’s time will be devoted to research and writing. While this fellowship is particularly appropriate for projects designed to turn a doctoral dissertation into a publishable monograph, any proposal falling within the Center’s area of interest will be considered. Candidates who have received McNeil Center funding for a related project at the pre-doctoral stage are not eligible. The Barra Postdoctoral Fellow will receive a starting stipend of $65,000, health insurance, and modest funds for travel and research. Barra Sabbatical Fellowship  (9 months, 2024–2025)  Applications/Letters of Recommendation for Barra Sabbatical fellowship must be submitted online by December 8, 2023. This award is for a nine-month term beginning 1 September 2024. This fellowship is designed for a scholar in any relevant discipline who will be on leave from a tenured or tenure-track faculty position for the 2024–2025 academic year. Proposals will be entertained for book-length projects falling within the Center’s area of interest at any stage of research or writing, provided that the applicant has not previously received McNeil Center funding for the same or a closely related project. The fellow will have no teaching responsibilities but will be encouraged to provide informal mentoring to more junior members of the McNeil Center community while participating fully in the Center’s seminars and other activities. The award takes the form of a cash grant, paid directly to the fellow's home institution. The amount is negotiable, based on the assumption that the fellow will be receiving benefits and partial salary from the home institution. Application Instructions The following items for all three fellowships must be prepared for uploading as .pdf files: a curriculum vitae; a proposal not to exceed 1,500 words, double-spaced, describing the general scope of the project and the specific work proposed during the fellowship term; and an unpublished writing sample related to the project, double-spaced, limited to 7,500 words exclusive of notes. Two confidential letters of support should be uploaded separately by the letter writers. Please ask recommenders to address the specifics of this application. Do not send generic letters from job placement dossiers. Questions may be directed to:  The McNeil Center for Early American Studies University of Pennsylvania 3355 Woodland Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-4531 215-898-9251

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

The deadline for the Barra Postdoctoral Fellowships is November 3, 2023. The deadline for the Sabbatical Fellowship is December 8, 2023. The McNeil Center for Early American Studies expects to appoint...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-15
Advertised until: 2023-11-14

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in the field of Functional Analysis or in the field of Applied Dynamical Systems. The starting date is July 1, 2024.

Title of the position: Assistant or Associate Professor

Duties: The functions of a member of the academic staff include a) teaching activities; b) scholarly research activities; c) academic service activities; d) supervision of graduate students.

Rank and salary: Regular tenure-track academic appointment in the Faculty of Science, with a salary consistent with the collective agreement of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa. The base salary for assistant professors is $89,622.

Contact information: Alistair Savage, Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, STEM Complex, 150 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 6N5,

Skills requirements:

  • Education: PhD or equivalent in mathematics or a closely related field.
  • Work experience: Candidates should have a proven record of research excellence, be able to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and have the desire and ability to supervise graduate students.
  • Bilingualism: The University of Ottawa is proud to be the largest bilingual (English-French) university in North America and considers bilingualism to be a defining feature of the institution. It is expected that the candidate will be able to function and teach in both official languages by the time of tenure. The University is delighted to offer free training to achieve this aim.  Preference may be given to candidates who are able to teach in French at the time of hiring.

Application deadline: Review of applications will begin November 1, 2023.  Applications received before this date will receive full consideration.

Application procedure: Applications should be submitted electronically through the University of Ottawa Academic Careers website (Academic and Executive Careers) and on Mathjobs.  Candidates should include the following in their application:

  • AMS Standard Cover Sheet
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Research plan
  • Teaching statement
  • Statement, of at most one page, addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion.  This statement should include a commitment to increasing the inclusion and advancement of equity-seeking groups.
  • At least four confidential letters of recommendation, one of which addresses teaching, should be submitted via Mathjobs.

In their cover letter, applicants should indicate their immigration status in Canada, speak to their current or eventual English-French bilingualism, and describe how their area of research complements those of the current members of the department.

Location of work: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, STEM Complex, 150 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 6N5.

Other information:

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is part of the Ottawa-Carleton Mathematics Institute and is a sponsoring institution of the Fields Institute (Toronto), the Centre de recherches mathématiques (Montréal), and the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute.

The University of Ottawa is committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion in the scholarly and leadership environments of our students, staff, and faculty. Accordingly, we strongly encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples in Canada, visible minorities members (racialized persons), persons with disabilities, women, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with equitable, diverse and inclusive communities. Candidates who wish to be considered as a member of one or more designated groups are asked to complete the confidential Self-Identification Questionnaire, to be completed at the time of application.

According to government policy, all qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadians and permanent residents. When submitting your application, please indicate if you are legally entitled to work in Canada.

The University of Ottawa provides accommodations for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. If you are invited to proceed in the selection process, please notify us of any accommodations that you require by contacting the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations by email at Any information you send us will be handled respectfully and in complete confidence.

The University of Ottawa is justly proud of its 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and their spouses in their second official language. At the time of tenure, professors are expected to be able to function in a bilingual setting. In certain cases, professors must have the ability to teach in both official languages to be granted tenure.

The University of Ottawa is proud of its 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and to their spouses in their second official language.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-15 Advertised until: 2023-11-14 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa invites applications for a tenure-track position at the ...View more