Assistant Professor (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

Posted 1 Jahr ago

Offer Description

[Background of the recruitment and description of the project] * Background of the recruitment and description of the project
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology is engaged in research in the fields of information communication, computing, sensing, power systems, power electronics, quantum science, semiconductor devices, materials, mobility, and security, aiming to realize a safe, secure, and sustainable society and to solve various social issues. This position is open to researchers who can contribute to the significant development of research in the fields of novel optical devices, optical measurement, and photo-functional materials based on electrical and electronic engineering, applied physics, and materials engineering, as well as to the international community.

[Work content and job description] Engaged in education of graduate courses in the Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering Course or the Electrical and Electronics Course of the School of Engineering, and also performs duties related to research and organizational management. In addition, he/she will be engaged in the education of the undergraduate course of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of the College of Engineering.

* Assigned department
Existing departments

[Work location] * Address
226-8502 Kanagawa Yokohama, Midoriku Nagatuta 4259-G2-08

[Number of hired] Number of hired:1 person(s)


Additional Information

[Compensation] Annual salary:4 million yen – 6 million yen
Wages description:The successful candidate will be paid under the “Annual Salary System with Lump-Sum Retirement Allowance” pursuant to the Institute’s Regulations on Wage and Salary for Staff under Annual Salary System with Lump-Sum Retirement Allowance. In accordance with the regulations, the amount of annual salary will be determined based on the standard level for the first fiscal year of employment, and will be based on performance evaluations in subsequent years. A retirement allowance will be paid separately at the time of retirement.

Annual salary examples (The amounts listed below are only examples provided in the regulations and do not relate to this position.)

Assistant professor hired immediately after completing a doctoral degree
Standard: JPY 5,000,000
Minimum*: JPY 4,800,000
Maximum*: JPY 5,600,000
*The minimum and maximum amounts will vary depending on performance.
Working hours:08:30-17:15
Employment type:Regular employee
Contract period:Nontenured
Contract period description:Fixed-term appointments will be for up to 5 years. Reappointment may be possible for one additional term of up to 5 years. The total term is limited to a maximum of 10 years from the original date of employment.
Probationary period:Probationary period present
Probationary period description:Trial period 6 months

[Various systems] [Insurance] Employees‘ Health Insurance:available
Employees‘ Pension Insurance:available
Worker’s accident insurance:available
Employment insurance:available

[Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace] [Supplementary explanation of compensation]

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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