Professor for Digital Information Processing for AEC

Posted 2 Jahren ago

Being one of the largest universities of applied sciences in the region of Bavarian Swabia, the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences focuses its work on quality, personality, openness, and partnership. Our mandate is to develop personalities that are in demand in business and society.

The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering has two full-time positions (salary grade W2) to be filled beginning in the summer semester of 2024 or later:

Professor for 
Digital Information Processing for AEC

The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering is looking for two additional professors (m/f/d) to strengthen the newly introduced study program “ and production (Digitaler Baumeister)”. The faculty aims to strengthen interdisciplinary and integrative competences in the field of digital technologies and process chains to address current challenges, such as digitalization, urbanization, and climate change. The digital transformative teaching and research content will also be integrated into the faculty’s existing bachelor and master programs – Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Energy Efficiency Design.

We are looking for candidates who can demonstrate a conceptual, methodical, theoretical, and visionary approach to the digital content in the program. Your focus is particularly on sustainable, social, and process-related topics that you can convey academically to students in teaching and applied research. We seek to appoint an expert with practical and theoretical experience in a responsible position on one or more of the following topics in the building industry:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Adaptive Systems
  • Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Data Science, data acquisition and data processing
  • Smart city, networked infrastructure, geo-information systems (GIS)
  • Practical experience on the construction site, with construction management and digital construction progress recording

Interest and willingness to integrate future-oriented and innovative topics into teaching and research are required. Work experience in interdisciplinary working groups and/or experience abroad in professional practice or in university cooperations in the advertised subject area must be presented. Publications and research experience as well as the acquisition of third-party funds on the above-mentioned topics are desirable.

The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences is looking for individuals with international experience who can offer lectures in English.

The scope of duties also includes active participation in the further development of the department and in the self-administration of the university. In addition, involvement in applied research projects and transfer of technology and knowledge at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences is expected.

Things to look forward to:

Compensation is based on the Bavarian Salary Act, grade W2. In the W grade, additional bonus pay is possible in addition to a fixed basic salary. The scope of the teaching obligation is currently 18 semester hours per week.

A good workplace climate is a priority at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences: mutual respect and open communications are an integral part of our culture. We value you, your opinion, and your expertise! We place great emphasis on the compatibility of work and family. We offer on-site childcare, mother-child rooms, and numerous other family-friendly measures.

The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences promotes the equality of women in the workplace and strives to increase the proportion of women, particularly in academic positions. Therefore, we expressly call on women to apply for this vacancy. If you have any questions concerning equal opportunities, please contact our Women’s Representative (

Appointment to the civil service can take place for applications who have not yet reached the age of 52. We are committed to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach which support all under-represented groups.

The detailed requirements for employment are as follows:

  • A university degree preferably in the field of civil engineering or a comparable course of study
  • Excellent academic achievements in research and an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent academic qualification
  • A minimum of five years of work experience during which outstanding achievements in the form of applying or developing scientific discoveries and methods have been demonstrated; this period of work experience needs to have taken place after you completed your degree program, and at least three of the five years need to have been spent working in a non-academic context; if, over a period of at least five years, a considerable portion of your work involved a cooperation between a university and a non-academic employer, this time may be considered to meet the requirements for non-academic work experience in some cases
  • Aptitude for teaching

Instructions on how to apply are available at (only available in German).

We look forward to receiving your application including a covering letter, academic CV, proof of your university qualifications and work experience, as well as an outline of your teaching experience and publications. Please apply no later than September 17th, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Maria Braun, Telephone +49 821 5586-3277 or via e-mail to

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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