12 ISTplus Postdoctoral Positions for International Applicants in Austria

In order to attract outstanding postdoctoral researchers, IST Austria has set up the ISTplus postdoctoral program for exceptional researchers, which is partially funded by the European Union. The program provides fellows with an international and interdisciplinary research environment. ISTplus fellows’ careers will be enhanced by IST Austria’s career development program and options for secondment. Funding is usually provided for two years although contracts may be extended beyond the duration of the fellowship if justified by the intersectoral secondment program of the ISTplus fellow and in mutual agreement between the host professor and ISTplus fellow.

ISTplus is open to qualified applicants from all over the world who are interested in spending the postdoctoral stage of their scientific research career at IST Austria. The program is intended for postdocs interested in the areas that are represented by the faculty at IST Austria.

There are two calls for applications per year. The application deadlines are March 15th and September 15th. The indicative number of foreseen fellowships to be funded is 12 for each Call, unless otherwise announced. Next Call deadline: September15th, 2018

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must fulfill the Marie Curie mobility requirements in order to be selected.  Applicants must either be relocating to Austria or, if they currently live in Austria or have previously lived in Austria, candidates are only eligible if they have been in Austria for a total of less than 12 months during the 3 years previous to the deadline of the respective Call.
    • Before issuing of a contract of employment by IST Austria, successful applicants may be required to provide official evidence of their eligibility (e.g. work contracts, utility bills, visa stamps, etc.)
  • You must have formally completed all requirements of your PhD and provide a copy of your diploma prior to the start of your employment (which cannot be later than 5 months after the fellowship offer is issued).
  • Your proposed research must match with the research carried out on campus. See here the list of applicable research groups.
  • Postdocs who are already employed at IST Austria are not eligible to apply.
  • All applications must include the ethics self-assessment form to be considered eligible.
  • For additional requirements related specifically to the applications requirements please carefully review the Guide for Applicants.

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