8 PhD positions available within the MSCA COFUND project: Wit-Welcoming International Talent, Spain
Ce premier appel proposera 8 contrats pour développer un séjour de 36 mois en Navarre, en Espagne, afin de développer un programme doctoral.
Study Non Stop
Ce premier appel proposera 8 contrats pour développer un séjour de 36 mois en Navarre, en Espagne, afin de développer un programme doctoral.
Though about 40% of the world’s workforce is women, according to data from the Inter-Parliamentary Union, only 25.5% of all national parliamentarians were female as of 1 April 2021. Because Zonta International believes that young women are the key to women’s advancement in the field of public service, it offers the Young Women in Public…
The Cystinosis Research Foundation works closely with the CRF Scientific Review Board (SRB) comprised of leading experts in the field of cystinosis who determine the scientific validity and merit of the grant proposals based on the NIH scale of standards. The SRB advises the Cystinosis Research Foundation on the scientific merit of each proposal. CRF…
Read More “2022 Cystinosis Research Fellowship from the Cystinosis Research Foundation” »
Recruiting international students of outstanding academic performance. Scholarship Details Scholarship Program Targeted Category Benefits International Students Scholarship International students of outstanding academic performance Exemption from tuition fees Exemption from textbook fees 500 QR monthly salary Student housing (two students per room) including transportation to/from campus. Annual round trip air fare ticket Residence permit under QU…
Read More “Qatar University Scholarship For international students” »
It’s Time For Your Hard Work to Pay Off BU offers a wide variety of merit scholarships, some even covering full tuition, to recognize high achieving students who go above and beyond. Most awards are for academic achievement, while others go to talented athletes, performers, and artists. Plus, merit-based awards don’t require you to submit a…
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) “Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems” in Jena, Germany, invites applications for 6 PhD positions beginning in September 2022 – January 2023. The overarching research topic is the use of molecular, chemical and neurobiological techniques to experimentally explore ecological interactions under natural conditions. The main focus is on the relationship between…
Read More “6 PhD positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology and Evolution – Jena, Germany” »
Le Collège Douglas offre chaque année près de 100 000 $ en bourses d’entrée à de nouveaux étudiants internationaux qui ont réussi dans leurs études universitaires précédentes.
This scholarship is based on a cooperation between Dagens Industri, utbildning.se and Stockholm School of Economics and covers the full tuition fee for the SSE MBA Executive Format. The scholarship is given to a person who is expected to serve as a good ambassador for Sweden, through his/her leadership and responsible business development. In particular…
Read More “Scholarship In Sweden To Study Business Administration 2022” »
Two Postdoctoral positions are available to study the molecular mechanisms controlling organismal hypergrowth in the context of rare genetic diseases (Nat. Cell Biol., 7, 286; Cell Metabolism, 5, 476; J. Exp.Med, 211, 2249; EMBO J., 36, 736, Nature Communications, 11, 3200). Research interests in signal transduction, neurobiology or molecular biology are required. The project is funded by the French National…
Le master QUARMEN (QUAntum Research Master Education Network) est un programme de master international de deux ans en physique , spécialisé dans les sciences et technologies quantiques
Le programme de bourses d’études Global Citizen habilite les jeunes leaders citoyens du monde actifs qui sont engagés pour les ODD et qui, autrement, n’auraient peut-être pas accès à de précieuses opportunités éducatives, à des expériences de réseautage et à des échanges entre pairs.
AUBH grants scholarships to students with exemplary academic performance, personal achievements, and motivation to succeed in an American-style environment. They are also seen as ambassadors of the AUBH mission and vision, who thrive within a diverse and multicultural student body. The University has created scholarship opportunities for its students including the following: The AUBH Scholarship:…
Cette bourse clinique soutient un diplôme en médecine ou un diplôme combiné MD / PhD et a un intérêt direct à faire avancer la recherche et la traduction d’approches immunothérapeutiques pour le traitement des patients atteints d’un cancer du poumon.
Le programme encourage les étudiants à contribuer positivement à l’avancement de la science en faisant et en publiant d’importantes découvertes scientifiques.
Le Master européen en droit, données et intelligence artificielle (EMILDAI) est un programme interdisciplinaire international proposé par quatre universités partenaires