In order to promote the skills of human resources in developing countries, and to foster understanding and friendship between the nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair in Science, Technology and l Teaching Engineering at AGH, University of Science and Technology (Krakow), offer thirty (30) research grants of six (6) months duration from October 1, 2020, in Poland, at profit of certain Member States (cf. Annex I). Recipients of these scholarships will have the opportunity to undertake a research program in the fields of science, technology and engineering.
For more information, also visit .
Details of the scholarships offered and the selection criteria are listed below. The Polish authorities will make the final decision.
List of invited Member States authorized to submit requests
Research area and list of project proposals
Qualifications required
The qualifications required for each research area (project) are in accordance with the appendices attached to this announcement letter. (see annex I )
Services offered by the Polish authorities
(i) Free tuition and access to university facilities according to local regulations.
(ii) Monthly allowance of 2,200 PLN (1 USD = around 4.00 PLN) corresponding to the salary of a local junior researcher. Thus, all costs of stay and accommodation in Poland are borne by the scholarship holder with this allowance; and;
(iii) A single special allowance of 2200 PLN to be paid upon arrival in Poland, this sum will cover various activities related to your stay in Krakow, such as compulsory medical check-up on arrival (in accordance with the rules of procedure) for all students); cultural, historical and / or tourist visits, conferences, workshops and seminars linked to your studies.
No provision is made to finance or house family members.
At the end of the research, the beneficiaries will receive a certificate attesting to their presence in the host establishment, this certificate will be issued after receipt of the requested reports and financial authorization from the establishment.
Facilities offered by UNESCO
(i) International travel costs: (by the most direct and economical route) from the beneficiary’s country to and from Poland will be covered by UNESCO as part of its regular program budget.
(ii) Health insurance for fellows declared medically fit: UNESCO fellows may be covered by a health insurance policy, taken out by the Organization for the duration of the fellowship. The costs of this health insurance are subscribed and covered by UNESCO on behalf of the fellows.
Submission of applications
The team informs you that applications must be submitted by the invited Member State. The nominations original duplicate must be submitted through the National Commission for UNESCO of the country of the applicant and submitted to Mr. Stoyan Bantchev, Chief, Participation Program and Fellowships Section, no later than April 15, 2020 (UTC +01: 00) at the UNESCO postal address . A prior copy of the request must be sent by e-mail to unesco4 (at) ; s.bantchev (at) ; l.zas-friz (at) and Applications must imperatively have the following attachments in DUPLICATE :
UNESCO fellowship application forms, ALL four (4) pages duly completed in English in capital letters (illegible documents will be eliminated from the procedure, the handwriting form must include only a capital letter) ;
Two photographs attached to the applications (4 × 6 cm);
Certified copies (in English ) of the Master / PhD obtained; and,
UNESCO certificate in knowledge of languages, duly completed by a competent authority, if the candidate’s mother tongue is not English.
Two letters of recommendation from someone regarding the candidate’s work, thereby confirming the candidate’s qualifications.
Approved applicants must register with the electronic scholarship registration system available at: .
Deadline 15 April 2020 at the latest
It is the responsibility of the national authority to ensure that all applicants are duly informed of the above conditions before the submission of applications.
Incomplete or received files after the deadline as well as non-compliant applications will not be considered.
Only selected candidates will receive a letter through their respective National Commissions for UNESCO.
All requests must be approved by the National Commission of the candidate’s country.
All correspondence must be in English.
The scholarship holders, coming from countries where Polish embassies or consulates exist, will have to obtain their entry visa to the country of study before their departure. Fellows from countries where there is no embassy or consulate must obtain their visa from the nearest Embassy of the Republic of Poland.
UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Poland do not provide any allowance to cover passport and visa costs. The selected beneficiaries will have to obtain their visa themselves .
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