Steps to Win the “Turkish Scholarship”… 5,000 Free Scholarships in Turkey

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In mid-January of each year, until February 20, students from around the world will meet with one of the most funded international scholarships.

The Turkish scholarship funded by the Turkish government gives thousands of students the opportunity to explore the enjoyment of Turkish education and the historical and cultural richness of this country.

The “Turkish Scholarship” – which is managed by the Presidency of Diaspora Affairs and Parents’ Communities (YTP) – is famous for its high acceptance rates, as it provided around five thousand foreign students in 2019 , to complete their studies at Turkish universities, as it excludes Turks already enrolled from the grant.

Turkey started this educational program in 1992 under the name of “The Great Student Project”, and in 2012 it changed its name to “Turkish Scholarship”, with the aim of making Turkey “a base for education in the whole world”.

According to the site, the Turkish government is working to increase the number of scholarship holders to 25,000 students until 2023.

According to the latest statistics from the scholarship website, 17,000 students from different countries around the world are currently benefiting from the scholarship program and continuing their studies at Turkish universities.

In 2019, the scholarship program enrolled 145,000 students and 700 students from 167 countries around the world.

Participate in the Turkish scholarship here
Grant privileges
The “Turkish scholarship” program offers international students and researchers a golden opportunity to continue their studies in the most prominent Turkish colleges, without incurring any financial charges.

The Turkish scholarship covers tuition fees, the cost of an annual plane ticket for the student’s return to his country of origin, health insurance, accommodation and a one-year Turkish language program. , in addition to granting the student a monthly allowance, depending on their academic level.

The scholarship for the undergraduate program includes a monthly salary of 700 pounds, while the monthly salary of graduate students ranges between 950 pounds for a master’s student and 1,400 for a doctoral student.

Once a person has obtained a grant, their administration will officially register them in the department and university corresponding to their qualifications.
Participate in the Turkish scholarship here

He must have obtained his diploma or is about to obtain his high school diploma (baccalaureate), where a document from the school in which he studies in high school can prove his rate, and that he is registered in the last cycle of secondary school, and the age of the applicant must not exceed 21 years.

With regard to higher education, the candidate for the Master program must not be more than thirty years old and his cumulative average for the license must not be less than 75%, while the doctoral scholarship program requires that the age of the candidate is not more than 35 years old and that the average Master’s degree is not less than 75%.

Programs and specializations

The Turkish scholarship program covers almost all fields, and these specializations are divided according to a number of programs which differ according to the nature of the subjects, literary or scientific, and the targeted students.

The grant gives to all those who have obtained a preparatory year for the Turkish language in the event that they do not present a certificate of competence in a recognized Turkish language. Turkish is a mandatory requirement in all disciplines, even those where some of its subjects are taught in English.

The obligation to learn the Turkish language also applies to graduate students, but the duration of the study varies between two and four years, with the possibility of extension in agreement with the supervisor responsible for the student’s message and the administration of the stock exchange.

Regarding the programs offered to undergraduate students, there are seven separate scholarships which fall under the “Turkish scholarship”, and they differ according to the targeted students. Among the most important, are aimed at students from African countries and a number of Arab countries, as follows:

1- The Turkey-Africa scholarship
is an introduction to students from the African continent, and some of its specializations support the English language, which includes law, mathematics, physics, agriculture, commerce, administration of business, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, software and computer science, international business, history, media and other programs. Humanities humanities.

2- The Bosphorus Stock Exchange

is offered to citizens of 58 countries, including Qatar, Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman and Saudi Arabia, and some of its specializations are taught in English, and include engineering and technology programs, social sciences , humanities and administrative sciences.

3- Harran scholarship
for students from 11 countries, including Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Yemen, and some of its specializations are taught in English.

This program covers all disciplines except medical sciences, human medicine, literature in Turkish language and Islamic studies.

Postgraduate Programs
1- Ali Kushchu Scholarship in Science and Technology , which is offered to all international students enrolled in their countries for master’s and doctorate degrees in the fields of science, engineering and technology.

2- Ibn Khaldun scholarship for social sciences, offered to master’s and doctoral students in the fields of humanities, history, public law, political science, international relations, planning, studies development and other social sciences, economics, business administration and human resources management, and some specializations are taught in English.

3- Ibn Sina scholarship for medical sciences, submitted to master’s and doctoral students from around the world, to students of human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and some of its specializations are taught in English.

4- Yunus Emre scholarship for the Turkish language, submitted to master’s and doctoral students specializing in Turkish language, literature and cultural studies, and taught in Turkish.

5- The “Divinities” scholarship for Islamic studies , subject to masters and doctoral students specializing in religious sciences and theology, taught in Turkish.

Participate in the Turkish scholarship here

Previous experiences
Aya Suleiman, a young Egyptian girl, joined the Turkish scholarship in 2013 to complete a Masters at Sakarya University (northwest of Turkey); she described the experience at as “the most important event of her life”.

“Everything was organized, starting with our reception at the airport, our distribution to student accommodation, and the opening of our bank accounts, thanks to which we receive the monthly salary that the scholarship pays.”

Aya, who spoke the Turkish language fluently, praised the high level in which the services provided to scholarship students were distinguished, whether in terms of cleanliness of residence rooms or meals, in addition to the cooperation of teachers and students Turks.

I continued: “Student accommodation in Turkey is like hotels, and this is felt in all Turkish states, whether the cities are large or small, all services are available.”

On the stages of the grant application, we must focus on the personal interview “I had my interview in Turkish because I am good at it, I participated in several competitions and won the first places, and I included it in my scholarship file; it was natural to speak with the scholarship committee during the Turkish interview. ”

Sahar Bin Youssef, a young Tunisian woman who is completing her doctorate at Istanbul University in Turkey on the scholarship, said studying political science is “very useful” in Turkey.

“Turkey is a European and Middle Eastern country at the same time, bringing together many cultures and nationalities, and this mixture is very useful for studying political science,” she told the island.

She also said that “Istanbul University” is an ideal choice for those who want to study this field in English and get to know an elite group of professors and researchers in the field of politics.

“Studying in Turkey is nice, and the teachers are very cooperative, as the teacher can agree to take the student’s oral exams at a time that suits him if he needs to go to his family for a urgent matter. ”

She also indicated that the professors and the administration of the scholarships took particular account of the family and social situation of the students, which appears in the dates of the periodic examinations and the dates of return to student accommodation.

She explained: “The administration of the scholarships includes the conditions of all students, in particular those enrolled in higher education, and gives them several authorizations which allow them to delay the closing date of university accommodation. Sometimes we are forced to attend a seminar or a cultural event that makes us miss dates. ”

Sahar also praised the system for the scholarship student, from the request and response stage by e-mail, in Turkey, residence in university accommodation and obtaining food and transport cards.

She concluded by saying, “The scholarship administration even takes into account the reluctance of students to live with other students. Student comfort is essential in this program.

Take part in the Turkish scholarship here:


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  1. 8
    Sankara rokiatou

    Salut,je désire t’en obtenir cette bourse pour les études et trouver du travaille pour aider au développement du monde je veux être bien vues dans le futur <>aider moi avec cette bourse s’il vous plaît.merci.

  2. 10
    David ANALOME

    Je suis enthousiaste de faire partie des bénéficiaires de cette bourse. Je voudrais faire un Master en Journalisme dans ce pays.

    • 12

      Je suis monsieur Amos nzonzibakana je besoin d’une bourse d’étude pour bénéficier une très bonne formation académique

  3. 15
    Hassan Ali

    Firstly , i am interesting to this scholarship !❤❤ Please. My family and me we are poor All of us..
    May that you help us and I hope that I will one of the students which would come next year !!! 2020-2021 ya Allah❤❤

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