Associate Professor in Mathematics

Associate Professor in Mathematics

Job description

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo invites applications for a permanent Associate Professorship in Mathematics from mathematicians working in the area of  Several Complex Variables/Complex dynamics or in the area of Quantum Information Theory.

The Department of Mathematics consists of six sections. For more information, please consult the Department’s homepage. The Section for Several Complex Variables, Logic and Operator Algebras (Section 6) consists of three research groups: one in Several Complex Variables (SCV), one in Operator Algebras (OA), and one small group in Logic.

The hired candidate will be affiliated with Section 6 and do research either within the field of Several Complex Variables/Complex dynamics or within the field of Quantum Information Theory. The Section is seeking a dedicated and innovative researcher who meets the required qualifications for an associate professorship. The successful applicant must be able to teach at all levels and to supervise Master and PhD students. According to current regulations by the Department and the Faculty, 50% of the working time will be devoted to teaching, teaching related activities and administrative duties.

A rather broad label describing the research of the SCV-group at the moment is that of holomorphic mappings of several complex variables. This includes various kinds of embedding problems, the Andersen-Lempert theory of automorphisms / symplectomorphisms, and Oka-theory, with natural connections to convexity problems, the dibar-equation, geometry of pseudoconvex domains, and function algebras.

 The group is also actively involved in the theory of complex dynamics (in one or several variables). The ideal candidate should work in the area between several complex variables and complex dynamics, and be interested in applications to algebraic geometry and theoretical physics. This would broaden the scientific profile of the group and open up for possible cross-fertilazation within the Institute and the Faculty.

The OA-group is presently interested in quantum groups, semigroup C*-algebras,  C*-algebras associated with categorical data, KMS-states, C*-dynamical systems and noncommutative harmonic analysis. Quantum Information Theory is a recent field which is intimately connected to Operator Algebras, Quantum Computing and Quantum Physics. The Department would like to develop its expertise in this new area.

The ideal candidate should be able to cooperate researchwise with the OA-group and to establish a stronger connection between the OA-group and the other groups at UiO involved with other aspects of Quantum Science. She/he should also be willing to take a leading role in the teaching of new courses in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory.

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