ICPSR grant program

The ICPSR grant program is designed to give researchers an opportunity to gain experience in their academic field by working as a Research Assistant on a faculty member’s research project or on their own project under the close guidance of academic institution or scientific research center. These grants are intended to help in preparing researchers to undertake their own future research projects and to provide supplemental financial assistance.


Applicants  should  be national resident of OIC member states; they should hold a Ph. D. in the field in which the grant is requested. Researchers should also hold a position in a public sector, university or public research institution where projects are proposed. The grants are given to young outstanding scientists under the age of 40 years from OIC member states where basic tools of research are seriously lacking.


The selection process is competitive.  ICPSR program managers will review and evaluate each joint application and consider whether the researcher will be appropriately supervised and has the personal commitment to gain academically and become better prepared to undertake their own research in the future through this project and the mentoring of the Faculty or research institutions. Researchers and their institutions will be notified about the final selection decisions.


The applicant must fill in the application form through ICPSR website.  The researcher must include an essay of at least 300 words that describes what they hope to accomplish academically/professionally/personally through this grant. The applicant must also provide a project description. The applicant must submit a letter of endorsement and CV, and provide a project description of at least 300-500 words (limit 7000 total characters) discussing:
The overall scope of the project and the researcher role.
The academic and professional experience the student will receive.
The approximate number of hours per week the researchers will spend on the project.


Researchers are awarded a maximum amount of US$10,000.00, which is normally provided  for a period of two years. Requests for additional grants to allow the extension of a successful project will be considered by ISESCO, subject to the condition that  ISESCO  program  managers approve a satisfactory final report on the previous grant.


A grant may be used to purchase scientific apparatus, consumable material and specialized literature at competitive rates. Personal computers are not covered under this scheme. The grant does not cover salaries and travel expenses.


Grants are provided in the fields of research:

  • Nanotechnology
  • Health biotechnology
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Frontier Areas of Science and Technology
  • Medicinal Plants
  • Applied Sciences


A written agreement is made between ISESCO and the Researcher institute, which undertake to administer the grant, according to the agreement. The institute should provide a salary, laboratory space and other facilities to conduct the project. After the completion of the project, all equipment and material, which are provided through the ISPSR grant, remain the property of the institute. The applicant is required to submit a final report within one year from receipt of the first item purchased from the ISESCO Funds. Application forms are available on-line:

Arabic Application Form English Application Form French Application Form

Arabic Application-DOC English Application-DOC French Application-DOC

The application form should be submitted by your National Commission in each country of the Member States:


Any inquiries….

For inquiries, please contact: Wafaa El Alami, Head of ICPSR
ISESCO, Avenue des F.A.R, Box 2275, PC Code 10104, Hay Ryad-Rabat,
Kingdom of  Morocco.  Phone. : (+212) 5 37 56 60 52/53, Fax. : (+212) 5 37 56 60 12/13, E-mail:icpsr@isesco.org.ma

Please Note: Grants are one-time awards. Researchers who are awarded a grant are not automatically awarded additional grant in the same year. Applicants must follow the online application details for each year in order to apply.

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