
L’objectif du programme Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity est de rassembler divers secteurs et carrières qui influencent la santé et le bien-être des individus. Cela inclut, sans toutefois s'y limiter, des domaines tels que l'art, le droit, les affaires, le monde universitaire, la médecine, le gouvernement, le journalisme, l'entreprise sociale, la recherche, les médias, le logement et la prestation de soins de santé.

Les participants seront choisis en fonction de leur dévouement avéré à la promotion de l’équité en santé et de leur potentiel de leadership. Le programme vise à former et à aider un groupe diversifié de dirigeants du monde entier, en leur permettant d'acquérir les connaissances techniques, les compétences et les réseaux nécessaires pour faire progresser l'équité en santé dans leurs organisations et communautés respectives.

Attentes du programme

Les boursiers choisis doivent :

  • Assister à des réunions en personne tout au long de l'année, ce qui implique un engagement d'environ quatre semaines
  • Participez à un programme en ligne comprenant des cours virtuels bihebdomadaires, un coaching personnalisé, un mentorat par les pairs et un apprentissage en équipe, totalisant 12 à 16 heures par mois.
  • Avoir une bonne maîtrise de la langue anglaise.


  • La bourse couvrira tous les coûts liés aux activités éducatives et aux déplacements des participants.

Critère d'éligibilité

Les personnes qui :

  • Aspirer à devenir leader à l’échelle mondiale dans la réduction des inégalités en matière de santé
  • Sont des professionnels au début ou au milieu de leur carrière
  • Actuellement impliqué dans des efforts liés à la santé
  • Occuper des rôles de leadership ou être prêt à saisir des opportunités de leadership
  • Apprécier la diversité des points de vue
  • Aimez travailler en groupe.

Les critères de sélection

  • Déclaration d'intérêt marqué, y compris des succès antérieurs qui démontrent un engagement fort en faveur de l'équité en santé.
  • Qualité de la proposition de projet
  • Force de recommandation
  • Lettre de soutien de l'employeur
  • Résultat des entretiens.

Exigence de candidature

  • Une brève déclaration (pas plus de 500 mots) décrivant vos motivations pour vouloir devenir boursier, ainsi qu'un aperçu de vos principaux atouts et qualités distinctives en tant que leader.
  • Un plan de projet pour l’équité en santé que vous espérez terminer au cours de votre année de bourse
  • Votre CV ou curriculum vitae
  • Deux lettres de recommandation
  • Un formulaire de soutien de l'employeur, rempli par une personne occupant un poste de supervision directe et disposée à agir à titre de conseiller et à vous guider dans votre quête de leadership en matière de changement pour l'équité en santé.

Processus de candidature pour les boursiers de l'Atlantique pour l'équité en santé 2025

Les boursiers seront sélectionnés en fonction de leur engagement démontré envers l’équité en santé et leur potentiel de leadership. L'initiative formera et soutiendra un réseau mondial de dirigeants multidisciplinaires dotés des connaissances techniques, des compétences et des réseaux nécessaires pour parvenir à l'équité en matière de santé dans leurs entreprises et leurs communautés. Le programme sélectionnera 15 à 20 boursiers chaque année.

Pour commencer votre candidature, cliquez ici

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez visiter le site Web officiel des Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity. 

Date limite d'inscription

11 avril 2024.


Participants will be chosen based on their proven dedication to promoting health equity and their potential for leadership. The program aims to cultivate and assist a diverse group of leaders from around the world, enabling them with the necessary technical knowledge, skills, and networks to drive forward health equity in their respective organizations and communities.

Program Expectations

Chosen fellows must:

  • Attend in-person meetings throughout the year, involving a commitment of approximately four weeks
  • Engage in an online curriculum featuring biweekly virtual classes, personalized coaching, peer mentoring, and team-based learning, totaling 12-16 hours per month
  • Have a proficient command of the English language.


  • The fellowship will encompass all costs related to educational activities and travel for participants.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who:

  • Aspire to lead on a global scale in reducing health inequalities
  • Are professionals in the early to middle stages of their careers
  • Currently involved in healthcare-related endeavors
  • Hold leadership roles or are poised for leadership opportunities
  • Appreciate diverse viewpoints
  • Enjoy working in groups.

Selection Criteria

  • Strong interest statement, including prior successes that show a strong commitment to health equity.
  • Quality of project proposal
  • Strength of recommendation
  • Letter of support from the employer
  • Result of interview(s).

Application Requirement

  • A brief statement (no more than 500 words) outlining your motivations for wanting to be a fellow, together with a rundown of your main assets and distinctive qualities as a leader
  • A project plan for health equity that you hope to finish during your fellowship year
  • Your resume or curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • An employer support form, filled out by a person in a direct supervisory position who is willing to act as your advisor and guide you in your pursuit of change leadership for health equity.

Application Process For Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity 2025

Fellows will be selected based on their demonstrated commitment to health equity and leadership potential. The initiative will train and support a global network of multidisciplinary leaders with the technical knowledge, skills, and networks needed to achieve health equity in their companies and communities. The program will select 15-20 fellows each year.

To begin your application, click here

For more information please visit the official website of Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity.  

Application Deadline

April 11, 2024.


Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

Participants will be chosen based on their proven dedication to promoting health equity and their potential for leadership. The program aims to cultivate and assist a diverse group of leaders from aro...View more

CEA Cadarache
Domaine de recherche
Chimie » Chimie analytique
Sciences biologiques » Autre
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Les microalgues coccolithophores produisent un biominéral à base de calcite appelé coccolithe. Ces biominéraux sont biominéralisés au sein d'une vésicule dédiée, qui sont ensuite extrudées à la surface de la cellule microalgale pour créer une coquille [Taylor et al., Annu. Révérend Mar. Sci. 2017]. Les matériaux coccolithes ont des morphologies diverses (forme, taille, caractéristiques structurelles) qui dépendent des espèces. Certaines caractéristiques et propriétés générales incluent des surfaces nanostructurées et un rapport surface/volume élevé (par exemple, nanoporosité). Malgré le fait que plusieurs espèces de coccolithophores peuvent désormais être cultivées régulièrement et que la production de coccolithes à l'échelle du gramme est réalisable [Jakob et al., Algal Res. 2018], les matériaux coccolithes ont peu progressé en tant que matériaux fonctionnels avancés dans les bionanotechnologies. Ce projet vise à identifier de telles possibilités en comprenant comment des ions métalliques technologiquement pertinents peuvent être incorporés dans ou sur des matériaux coccolithes qui peuvent modifier ou ajouter une propriété optique ou physique adaptée à une application (par exemple, photoluminescence, activité catalytique). 

Le projet sera mené au sein de l'équipe de Microbiologie Moléculaire et Environnementale (MEM) de l'Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies d'Aix-Marseille (BIAM), situé à Cadarache, France. L'étudiant participera à des tâches de laboratoire interdisciplinaires comprenant la culture de microalgues, la purification de biomatériaux, la spectrométrie de masse et les techniques de microscopie à rayons X/électrons/laser. Le projet impliquera des mesures dans des installations de rayonnement synchrotron en France et en Europe avec des visites de laboratoires collaborateurs en France.

Le candidat doit être titulaire d'un Master 2 (ou équivalent) en chimie physique, sciences biologiques, science des matériaux ou sciences analytiques avec un intérêt pour le travail avec les systèmes biologiques et les biomatériaux. Une formation préalable dans un ou plusieurs des domaines suivants sera un atout pour le projet : microscopie optique/électronique, spectroscopie optique/atomique, spectrométrie de masse, caractérisation des (bio-)matériaux, chimie catalytique.

Pour postuler : Merci d'envoyer votre CV, une lettre de motivation et deux références à Daniel Chevrier ( daniel.chevrier@cea.fr ).

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Organisation/Entreprise CEA Cadarache Département BIAM Domaine de recherche Chimie » Chimie analytique Sciences biologiques » Autre Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (R1) Pays Franc...View more

About Us

The Cao Lab at UT Dallas is seeking for two highly motivated postdocs to join us in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Cao Laboratory utilizes and develops cutting-edge single cell omics, imaging and microfluidics tools to investigate on lineages commitment, cell type evolution and cell-cell interactions (e.g. Cao et al., Nature 2019; Lemaire et al., Science Advances, 2021; Chen et al., Plos Biology, 2022). Our research aims to elucidate the gene regulatory grammar in embryogenesis and cancer development (please visit https://labs.utdallas.edu/caolab for more details). The Cao lab is well funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). A competitive salary, determined by candidates’ backgrounds and experience, is offered, with the minimum benchmark meeting or exceeding NIH standards.

Position Summary

One position is available for the candidate with strong background in bioinformatics, computational biology or related fields, and prior experience in the analysis of single-cell sequencing data (e.g., RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, CUT&TAG, and chromatin interaction). The candidate will investigate regulatory mechanisms in close collaboration with experimental colleagues, using existing cutting-edge software and devising new methods to analyze single-cell profiling data as well as other types of genomic and transcriptomic data. The successful will candidate will lead computational projects, participate in research activities of the laboratory, and contribute to the supervision of students, providing an ideal opportunity to develop an independent scientific career.

One position is available for the candidate with strong background in molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics, system biology, or related fields. The candidate must have experience in utilizing genetic manipulation protocols, e.g., design and construct gene plasmids, CRISPR. Priority consideration will be given to candidates with previous expertise in genetic manipulation in embryos, single cell sequencing, confocal fluorescence microscopy. The successful candidate should have a sound understanding of developmental biology, and a strong publication track record in evo-devo or related fields. You will be expected to be able to work independently, interact well in a dynamic multidisciplinary team environment, and be able to communicate ideas and results clearly.


  • Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Bioengineering, or biological science-related discipline with at least three years of experience in analyzing high-throughput sequencing data. Ph.D. in genetics, system biology, developmental biology or biological science-related discipline with at least three years of experience in molecular biology. It is preferred that candidates demonstrate scientific productivity with peer-reviewed publications and strong commitment to scientific research. Recipients of recent PhD degree are strongly encouraged to apply. For the wet lab postdoc position, experience of Ciona husbandry may be plus. Strong verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team environment.

Additional information

UT Dallas is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We offer an employee-friendly work environment with a comprehensive benefit package including: Competitive Salary, tuition benefits, medical insurance – including 100% paid employee medical coverage for full-time employees, dental insurance, vision insurance, long and short-term disability retirement plan options, paid time off, paid holidays.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

About Us The Cao Lab at UT Dallas is seeking for two highly motivated postdocs to join us in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Cao Laboratory utilizes and deve...View more

The Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering department seeks to transform healthcare worldwide through interdisciplinary engineering innovation and to train future leaders and innovators in biomedical engineering.

Carnegie Mellon University’s department of Biomedical Engineering is searching for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join their team.  This is an exciting opportunity for someone who thrives in an interesting and challenging work environment. You will contribute to the department by conducting research investigating how internal states impact neural representations, and other such tasks as assigned to you.

Your core responsibilities will include:

  • Collecting and analyzing data, including periodical/literature search and utilizing specialized skills in related field to analyze the collected data.
  • Conducting research experiments within the predetermined research scope and methodology of department and university.
  • Participating and assisting in manuscript writing for publication in scientific journals and/or presentations.
  • Lab maintenance, including equipment maintenance and ordering of supplies may be required depending on area and specialty.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Flexibility, excellence, and passion are vital qualities within Carnegie Mellon University. Inclusion, collaboration and cultural sensitivity are valued competencies at CMU. Therefore, we are in search of a team member who can effectively interact with a varied population of internal and external partners at a high level of integrity. We are looking for someone who shares our values and who will support the mission of the university through their work.

You should demonstrate:

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Excellent communication skills


  • Doctorate degree in biomedical engineering or related field required

Joining the CMU team opens the door to an array of exceptional benefits, available to all full-time Carnegie Mellon University employees. Experience the full spectrum of advantages, from comprehensive medical, prescription, dental, and vision insurance to enticing retirement savings programs. Unlock your potential with tuition benefits, and take well-deserved breaks with generous paid time off and holidays. Rest easy knowing you are covered by life and accidental death and disability insurance. For a comprehensive overview of the benefits awaiting you, explore:


At Carnegie Mellon, we value the whole package when extending offers of employment. Beyond just credentials, we consider the role & responsibilities, your invaluable work experience, and the knowledge gained through education and training. We acknowledge and appreciate your unique key skills and the diverse perspectives you bring. Our commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment means we also account for geographic differentials. Your journey with us is about more than just a job; it’s about finding the perfect fit for your professional growth and personal aspirations.

Are you interested in this exciting opportunity?! Apply today!


Pittsburgh, PA

Job Function

Pre/Post-Doctoral Associates & Fellows

Position Type

Postdoctoral Associate / Fellow (Fixed Term)

Full Time/Part time

Full time

Pay Basis


More Information: 

  • Please visit Why Carnegie Mellonto learn more about becoming part of an institution inspiring innovations that change the world.
  • Click here to view a listing of employee benefits
  • Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disability/Veteran.
  • Statement of Assurance

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

The Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering department seeks to transform healthcare worldwide through interdisciplinary engineering innovation and to train future leaders and innovators in biomedical ...View more

Job Title:  Post-Doctoral Researcher-Biochemistry (Full-time) Kinetoplastid Job Classification: Post-Doctoral Researcher Posting close date:  4/11/2024 Start date of this position:  5/1/2024 Required Degree: PhD in the field of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or adjacent field.  The required degree must be completed by the start date. Experience:   Applicants with experience in flow cytometry, cell sorting, eukaryotic parasite metabolism, and high-throughput small molecule screening are preferred. A PhD in the field of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or adjacent field. Duties/Expectations: Oversee and perform experiments on the metabolic regulation and function of Kinetoplastid eukaryotic parasites using genetically-encoded fluorescent protein biosensors and both acquire and prepare data for publication. The postdoctoral researcher will also help manage and train graduate and undergraduate research assistants. Information required at the time of application - Please list the individual contact information for each of your three recommenders on the faculty application. At some point during the selection process, they may be contacted to submit their letters of reference electronically Mission Alignment Statement: BYU is committed to hiring faculty members who enthusiastically embrace and energetically advance its unique mission. To this end, please include a one-page mission alignment statement as part of your application that addresses how you might, as a BYU faculty member: (1) live a life of loyalty to Jesus Christ and His restored Church and align yourself with doctrines and teachings declared by living prophets, seers, and revelators; (2) demonstrate intentionality in building faith in Jesus Christ and testimony of His restored gospel among students and others in the BYU community; and (3) teach your subject matter with the Spirit of God and strive to keep it ¿bathed in the light and color of the restored gospel¿ (Spencer W. Kimball). Applicants who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints include a one-page mission alignment statement that describes understanding of and commitment to the Mission of Brigham Young University and the AIMS of a BYU Education (https://aims.byu.edu/). Document(s) required at the time of application - Please attach your Mission Alignment Statement, updated Curriculum Vitae, and cover letter to the faculty application. #LI-DNI Equal Opportunity Employer: m/f/Vets/Disability Brigham Young University is an equal opportunity employer.  All faculty are required to abide by the university's Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards. Preference is given to qualified candidates who are members in good standing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Successful candidates are expected to support and contribute to the academic and religious missions of the university within the context of the principles and doctrine of the affiliated church. All new employees who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be required to hold and be worthy to hold a current temple recommend.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Job Title:  Post-Doctoral Researcher-Biochemistry (Full-time) Kinetoplastid Job Classification: Post-Doctoral Researcher Posting close date:  4/11/2024 Start date of this position:  5/1/2024 Requ...View more

Job Title:  Chemistry Post-doc Proteomics Job Classification:  Post-doctoral Fellow Posting close date: 4/11/2024 Start date of this position:  5/1/2024 Required Degree:  Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, bioengineering, or a closely related field. The required degree must be completed by the start date. Experience:  Experience with development of proteomic technologies and hands-on experience with mass spectrometry-based proteomics and data analysis. Duties/Expectations: The department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Brigham Young University has a post-doctoral position available that is focused on technology development efforts related to mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis. The research involves the development of proteomics technologies and methodologies to achieve increased measurement sensitivity, depth of proteome coverage, and analytical throughput, particularly for nanoscale samples including single cells. The successful candidate will be expected to work effectively with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, be highly self-motivated and have strong communication skills. Information required at the time of application - Please list the individual contact information for each of your three recommenders on the faculty application. At some point during the selection process, they may be contacted to submit their letters of reference electronically Mission Alignment Statement: BYU is committed to hiring faculty members who enthusiastically embrace and energetically advance its unique mission. To this end, please include a one-page mission alignment statement as part of your application that addresses how you might, as a BYU faculty member: (1) live a life of loyalty to Jesus Christ and His restored Church and align yourself with doctrines and teachings declared by living prophets, seers, and revelators; (2) demonstrate intentionality in building faith in Jesus Christ and testimony of His restored gospel among students and others in the BYU community; and (3) teach your subject matter with the Spirit of God and strive to keep it ¿bathed in the light and color of the restored gospel¿ (Spencer W. Kimball). Applicants who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints include a one-page mission alignment statement that describes understanding of and commitment to the Mission of Brigham Young University and the AIMS of a BYU Education (https://aims.byu.edu/). Document(s) required at the time of application - Please attach your Mission Alignment Statement, updated Curriculum Vitae and cover letter to the faculty application. #LI-DNI Equal Opportunity Employer: m/f/Vets/Disability Brigham Young University is an equal opportunity employer.  All faculty are required to abide by the university's Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards. Preference is given to qualified candidates who are members in good standing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All new employees who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be required to hold and be worthy to hold a current temple recommend.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Job Title:  Chemistry Post-doc Proteomics Job Classification:  Post-doctoral Fellow Posting close date: 4/11/2024 Start date of this position:  5/1/2024 Required Degree:  Ph.D. in analytical chem...View more

About the Project

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) to start in October 2024.

Domestic abuse results in a range of profoundly damaging health outcomes, including elevated suicide risks largely unaddressed in existing response systems. This PhD studentship evaluates a domestic abuse suicide risk assessment tool designed to improve multiagency identification and intervention to prevent these deaths. Operating across police, maternity, and health visiting services in the West Midlands, the project employs mixed methods to assess tool effectiveness at fostering victim safety through a social science lens encompassing system and individual spheres. This intensive PhD project will culminate in actionable recommendations, and directly inform regional and national policies on domestic abuse and suicide prevention.

The successful candidate will develop expertise in sophisticated multi-methods research designs, learn to apply behavioural science to real-world policy challenges, and produce research that leads to actionable insights to prevent harm.

In addition, the researcher will be immersed in the work of the West Midlands OPCC policy team and those working specifically on domestic abuse and suicide following domestic abuse. The policy team has a close working relationship with staff in West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service who work on domestic abuse and suicide. This will support the researcher to gain a real understanding of how these agencies operate in practice in the context of the research subject matter and enable the findings to be socialised through OPCC partnerships. The OPCC will be able to support the researcher with any domestic-abuse related training that would support the research.

We are looking for a highly talented and dedicated PhD student with a 1st class or 2:1 degree in a behavioural science field, such as psychology, economics, management or related field, such as public health An MSc degree in a relevant area is desirable though not necessary. The ideal candidate will have expertise in policies addressing domestic abuse, suicide prevention, and gender-based violence, along with some experience in developing and/or evaluating qualitative and quantitative data and integrating findings. Superb communication skills for academic and practitioner audiences alongside organisational skills to independently lead a complex 3-year project are essential to meaningfully impact domestic abuse prevention.

To be considered for this PhD, please follow the instructions on: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships.

Application deadline: 16 May 2024

Centre-UB studentships cover tuition fees, a maintenance stipend, support for research training, as well as research activity support grants. Support is available to both home and international applicants. You can find further details here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships

Informal enquiries about the project prior to application can be directed to Professor James Rockey , Professor Heather Flowe , Dr. Christine Christie Christine , and Imogen Cheatham .

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

About the Project The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborat...View more

About the Project

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner BERRI to start in October 2024.

This PhD project aims to validate the efficacy of the BERRI tool in identifying early neurodevelopmental and mental health markers in children and adolescents, potentially predictive of adverse outcomes later in life. By leveraging machine learning techniques, the research seeks to elucidate the trajectory of symptom profiles over time and explore strategies for effectively mitigating identified risks across clinical, educational, and community settings.

Led by Dr De Brito from psychology and Professor Tino from computer science, in collaboration with Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Miriam Silver, the creator of the BERRI tool, this interdisciplinary project bridges the gap between psychological assessment and computational analysis. The PhD researcher will be embedded in the clinical psychology service at BERRI, as well as the Centre-UB, giving a unique opportunity to integrate science and practice in a project that will directly benefit the wellbeing of vulnerable children and families.

The BERRI tool, developed through extensive consultations with professionals and caregivers, offers a comprehensive assessment covering behaviour, emotional well-being, risk, relationships, and indicators of psychiatric or neurodevelopmental conditions. It provides a user-friendly platform for identifying children's needs and tracking changes over time, empowering caregivers to make informed choices to improve children's functioning and well-being.

While BERRI has demonstrated sensitivity and validity in assessing children known to social care services, its potential in clinical and community settings remains largely untapped. This PhD project aims to fill this gap through several linked studies:

1. Evaluations of CAMHS Referrals: Investigating the utility of BERRI in aiding triage choices for children referred to NHS CAMH services, with a focus on identifying those at risk and tracking their evolving needs over time.

2. Longitudinal Study of Maltreated Children: Examining longitudinal BERRI data for maltreated children to understand the impact of maltreatment on impulsivity and its relationship with behavioural and mental health challenges.

3. Neurodiversity and Mental Health Assessment: Analysing BERRI data for neurodiverse children and comparing it with diagnostic interviews to explore the relationship between neurodevelopmental, behavioural, and mental health needs, as well as associated risks.

4. Comparison of Maltreated and Community Samples: Investigating the relationship between maltreatment, neurodiversity, and mental health by comparing data from maltreated children with a non-maltreated community sample.

Methodologically, the project involves recruiting participants from NHS trusts, staffed settings, and Birmingham schools, with data analysis employing machine learning techniques and structural equation modelling to identify early markers of risk and resilience.

Anticipated outcomes include multiple publications across various research themes, contributing to our understanding of neurodevelopment, mental health, and predictive factors for adverse outcomes. Practically, the research holds implications for informing clinical practice and enhancing early intervention strategies in child mental health. By evaluating the impact of early insights and advice provided by BERRI, the project aims to influence long-term outcomes and potentially save public funds. Moreover, by enhancing the efficiency of CAMHS referrals, the research addresses a critical need in child mental health services, particularly in light of pandemic-related challenges.

We are looking for a highly talented, dedicated, and mathematically minded PhD student with a 1st class or high 2:1 degree in the field of psychology or neuroscience. An MSc degree in a relevant area is desirable though not necessary. Numerical skills and some programming experience are highly desirable. Previous experience with working with clinical populations and/or children who have experienced childhood adversity is desirable.

To be considered for this PhD, please follow the instructions on: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships.

Application deadline: 16 May 2024

Centre-UB studentships cover tuition fees, a maintenance stipend, support for research training, as well as research activity support grants. Support is available to both home and international applicants. You can find further details here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships

Informal enquiries about the project prior to application can be directed to Dr Stephane De Brito, Centre for Human Brain Health ()

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

About the Project The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborat...View more

About the Project

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner Tech Against Terrorism to start in October 2024.

We have recently published a model (Woodhams & Duran, 2024) that proposes a series of mechanisms through which workplace exposure to disturbing terrorism and violent extremism content can lead to psychological harm. How personnel cope while working with the material and afterwards (which includes cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategies) can increase or decrease the risk of psychological harm from such exposure depending on the factor. We have been testing our model with analysts who work with sexual violence occurring in the physical world (Duran & Woodhams, 2022, 2023).

Through our partnership with Tech Against Terrorism, the successful candidate will investigate how behaviour is implicated as a risk or resilience factor when exposed to terrorism and violent extremist material online via a longitudinal design which includes interviews, surveys and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The successful candidate will also work with Tech Against Terrorism (TAT) to find potential ways in which staff could be protected from such workplace exposure based on the research findings. The studentship includes a placement with Tech Against Terrorism allowing for work-shadowing of operational staff, engagement in TAT projects, drafting of reports and blogs, and presenting at events co-organised by TAT and other global partners.

We are looking for a highly talented and dedicated PhD student with a 1st class or 2:1 degree in the field of Psychology or Neuroscience. An MSc degree in a relevant area is desirable though not necessary. Previous experience with qualitative analysis or MRI methods would be desirable. Existing vetting would also be desirable but is not essential.

To be considered for this PhD, please follow the instructions on: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships.

Application deadline: 16 May 2024

Centre-UB studentships cover tuition fees, a maintenance stipend, support for research training, as well as research activity support grants. Support is available to both home and international applicants. You can find further details here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships

Informal enquiries about the project prior to application can be directed to members of the supervisory team: Professor Jessica Woodhams (), Dr Fazeelat Duran (), or Dr Stephane De Brito ().

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

About the Project The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborat...View more

Ces dernières années, de plus  en  plus  de travailleurs étrangers sont venus en  Lituanie pour chercher du travail. Les citoyens de l'UE/EEE n'ont pas besoin d'un visa de travail lituanien. Cependant, les ressortissants de pays tiers doivent obtenir un permis de travail, un visa de travail de longue durée et un permis de séjour en Lituanie. Le gouvernement lituanien accorde une indemnité d'arrivée de 3 444 EUR pour la réinstallation. Une fois que votre employeur vous propose un emploi, il demandera votre permis de travail en votre nom.

Le  permis de travail pour travailler en Lituanie  est l'un des visas de travail les plus courants. Pour travailler en Lituanie, le demandeur doit obtenir un permis de travail. La Lituanie est un très petit pays européen avec seulement 2,8 millions d’habitants. Si vous souhaitez travailler en Lituanie, découvrez quels types de visas de travail existent et comment en faire la demande.

Pourquoi la Lituanie a-t-elle besoin de travailleurs étrangers ?

  • La Lituanie est un pays où la population diminue chaque jour. Consultez le graphique de la population lituanienne sur Google.
  • C'est un très petit pays européen avec une population totale de 2,801 millions d'habitants.
  • La Lituanie est une terre d'opportunités et c'est l'une des plaques tournantes du secteur informatique avec de nombreux emplois informatiques avec le parrainage de Visa et des salaires élevés.
  • De nombreux emplois sont disponibles et le pays le plus sûr.
  • La Lituanie a obtenu son indépendance en 1990 et a rejoint l'Union européenne en 2004.
  • Tous les riches ont quitté la Lituanie et ont émigré vers d'autres pays.
  • Vie détendue.

Types de visas de travail lituaniens

  • Visa de travail pour travailleurs hautement qualifiés (carte bleue européenne)
  • Permis de travail pour un emploi en Lituanie
  • Visa de travail pour les transferts intra-entreprise.
  • Visa de travail saisonnier.

1# Visa de travail pour travailleurs hautement qualifiés (carte bleue européenne) 

Pour obtenir une carte bleue européenne pour la Lituanie.

  • Vous avez une formation supérieure.
  • Vous disposez d'au moins cinq ans d'expérience professionnelle
  • Vous devriez avoir une offre d'emploi d'un employeur lituanien.
  • Votre profession doit figurer sur la liste des qualifications hautement qualifiées qui font défaut en Lituanie.

2# Permis de travail pour un emploi en Lituanie (populaire)

Il s'agit du type de permis de travail le plus courant en Lituanie. Si vous avez reçu avec succès une offre d'emploi de la Lituanie, votre employeur doit demander un permis de travail. Si vous recevez un permis de travail, vous devez demander un  visa national D de long séjour et entrer dans le pays.

3# Visa de transfert intra-entreprise

Vous pouvez demander ce type de visa si votre entreprise vous envoie dans une autre succursale située en Lituanie.

4# Visa de travail saisonnier

Un permis de travail saisonnier pour la Lituanie n'est délivré que si :

  • Il n’y a aucun employé lituanien approprié disponible.
  • Vous travaillerez sous contrat de travail.
  • Vous avez un lieu de résidence en Lituanie.
  • Le travail saisonnier fait partie de la liste des emplois disponibles au Travail Saisonnier agréée par le Ministre de la Sécurité Sociale et du Travail.

Avantages de vivre et de travailler en Lituanie 

  • Taux de réussite de visa de 98 %
  • Le gouvernement paiera une indemnité d'arrivée de 3 444 EUR.
  • Garantie d'emploi à 98 %
  • Vous obtiendrez une résidence Green Card.

Processus de visa de travail en Lituanie

Pour demander un visa de travail pour la Lituanie, vous devez :

  • Offre d'emploi : Avoir une offre d'emploi en Lituanie
  • Permis de travail : Avoir un permis de travail approuvé (cette partie sera effectuée par votre employeur)
  • Avoir une décision sur la conformité du travail à l'étranger avec les besoins du marché du travail. Ce document est valable jusqu'à deux ans. Sur la base de ce document, un étranger peut demander un permis de séjour en Lituanie.
  • Localisez l'ambassade la plus proche : Une fois que vous avez un emploi ou un permis de travail, vous pouvez demander le visa national de long séjour à l'ambassade/consulat le plus proche de votre pays. Localiser l'  ambassade ou le consulat de Lituanie
  • Obtenez tous les documents, y compris le formulaire de demande de visa.
  • Récupérez un visa : Attendez la réponse et recevez votre visa.
  • Obtenir un permis de séjour en Lituanie : L'étranger ne peut commencer à travailler qu'après avoir obtenu un permis de séjour.

Temps de traitement

Le visa national de long séjour pour la Lituanie vous sera délivré dans les 15 jours.

Durée du visa et du permis de travail

Les permis de travail sont généralement délivrés pour un an et peuvent être renouvelables. Il permet à un étranger de demander un visa de travail national. Les visas nationaux sont délivrés pour une durée maximale d'un an .

Citoyenneté lituanienne

Après cinq ans, vous pouvez obtenir un permis de séjour permanent et la citoyenneté lituanienne.

Exigences en matière de visa de travail en Lituanie

Vous aurez besoin des documents suivants lorsque vous demanderez le visa de travail pour la Lituanie :

  • Formulaire de demande de visa long séjour
  • Une lettre de médiation (invitation), un contrat de travail.
  • Un passeport valide
  • Le permis de travail
  • Relevé bancaire
  • Assurance santé
  • Preuve d'absence de casier judiciaire

Coût du visa

Les demandeurs d'un visa national doivent payer des  frais de visa de 140 EUR . La demande de visa se fait  en ligne via le système du Département des Migrations (MIGRIS) . Une liste des documents requis peut être trouvée  ici .

  • Pour plus d’informations sur les visas long séjour : visitez ici

Sites Web pour trouver un emploi en Lituanie

Les sites d'emploi les plus populaires de Lituanie :

  • Travailler en Lituanie
  • CV en ligne
  • Marché du CV
  • CV banques
  • Ventes vaudou
  • CV de démarrage
  • CV.lt
  • Scobo

Agences pour l'emploi de Lituanie

Ces agences pour l'emploi coopèrent avec de grandes entreprises en Lituanie :

  • Alliance pour le recrutement
  • Main-d'œuvre
  • Solutions de dotation stratégique
  • Simplique
  • Biuro
  • Info
  • Headex

Indemnité d’arrivée en Lituanie

Pour attirer des professionnels hautement qualifiés en Lituanie et les indemniser pour les frais de retour/déménagement depuis l'étranger, le gouvernement lituanien accorde une indemnité d'arrivée de 3 444 EUR.

Job Features

Job CategoryLa main d'oeuvre

Ces dernières années, de plus  en  plus  de travailleurs étrangers sont venus en  Lituanie pour chercher du travail. Les citoyens de l’UE/EEE n’ont pas besoin d’un visa ...View more

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship, with our collaborative partner St Andrew’s Healthcare, to start in October 2024.

The project will examine how to best increase physical activity levels among frail older adults. Regular physical exercise has been shown to attenuate age-related physiological decline, reduce disease risk, improve cognition and brain health, and improve quality of life. However, a significant proportion of older adults fail to meet the minimum recommended levels of physical activity. The WHO recommends supporting guidance and implementation tools focussed on those who need physical activity the most, including frail older adults, and highlights the importance of strong healthcare, community, and policymaker partnerships to achieve this. The present PhD studentship project aims to follow these recommendations, in a partnership between the University of Birmingham and St Andrew’s Healthcare.

Specifically, the project will involve long-term wellbeing, cognitive and brain health (i.e. vascular health) measures of healthy community-dwelling older adults. In addition, it will involve development and implementation of an exercise intervention in an inpatient facility of St Andrew’s, with older adults who are more frail and with greater functional/physical impairments than community-dwelling older adults. Efficacy of the intervention will be established through questionnaire, mental health, and cognitive health assessments.

Essential skills: We are looking for a highly talented and dedicated student with a 1st class or 2:1 Bsc degree in the field of Sport and Exercise Science or a related discipline. Degrees in psychology or neuroscience will be considered if the student can demonstrate extra-curricular interests/expertise in sport and exercise science. We are looking for someone with relevant academic or non-academic expertise relevant to the research project, excellent English language skills, strong organisation and time-management skills, someone who is flexible with a positive problem-solving attitude and strong teamwork skills.

An MSc degree in a relevant area is desirable though not necessary. Other desirable skills: Experience with questionnaire, cognitive performance or brain health assessments; Programming skills (MATLAB, Python, R or similar); Knowledge of general statistics for data analysis; Experience working with communities or older adults.

These are skills that will be required to complete the PhD - we will consider applicants who do not yet have these skills but are highly motivated to learn them during the project.

We are keen to recruit PhD students from under-represented groups, for example, home students who identify as BAME or those who grew up or went to school in an area where young people are less likely to enter higher education.

To be considered for this PhD, please follow the instructions on: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships.

Application deadline: 16 May 2024

Centre-UB studentships cover tuition fees, a maintenance stipend, support for research training, as well as research activity support grants. Support is available to both home and international applicants. You can find further details here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships

Informal enquiries about the project prior to application can be directed to Dr. Sam Lucas: , Dr. Katrien Segaert: , Prof. Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten:  (University of Birmingham), Dr. Kieran Breen:  (St. Andrew’s Healthcare)

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship, with our collaborative partner St Andrew’s Health...View more


An exciting opportunity to develop a new instrument to study water storage in glaciers. You should have either a background in engineering or environmental science, but with a keen enthusiasm to design, build and field-test an instrument that will need to work in a harsh environment.


Measuring the transit of meltwater through glaciers is critical for predicting their future behaviour as the climate warms. Increased surface melt has the potential to increase ice flow and hence glacier wasting. However, the passage of water from surface to the subsurface is complex and hence the capacity of the drainage system to store water is not well known. This project will develop a sensor for entering the glacier drainage system to measure how much water is stored in ‘moulins’. Moulins are conduits or tunnels within the glacier ice that transport surface meltwater to the glacier bed, from where it flows through a subglacial drainage network and on out to sea. It was previously assumed that moulins functioned as a direct pipe, moving water rapidly from one area to another. Recent research, including in-person exploration, has demonstrated that moulins are complex flow pathways which can store significant quantities of water. This has important implications for understanding how glaciers will respond to climate warming. We need to know how much water is stored in moulins, how long it has been resident, and how connected it is to the subglacial environment throughout the melt season. Moulins are, however, extremely challenging to explore: filled with turbulent, fast-flowing water that fluctuates hourly and frequently freezes, the technological demands of collecting the required data are extreme. Sensors must enter the moulin, survive turbulent meltwater and return data to the surface at high temporal frequency without requiring a cabled connection.


You will design, model, test and deploy an autonomous “platform” (a self-contained instrument) for measuring the quantity and quality of water stored within moulins. The wireless sensor platform will enter the moulin and measure oxygen in the water to determine the degree of contact with the atmosphere (low oxygen = long storage), along with water volume fluctuations (pressure) and conductivity to assess whether water is stored in contact with ice or the glacier bed. Combined on a free-moving wireless platform, these measurements can demonstrate water storage dynamics. You will also design, test and deploy an autonomous system for salt dilution gauging, to estimate the volume of water passing through the system, giving further insight into the connection between supraglacial and englacial hydrological conditions. Moulins are a harsh environment and the platform will need to be robust to withstand being thrown around by meltwater and survive regular impacts onto the hard icy surfaces.

You will work as part of a dynamic, cross-disciplinary research team combining expertise in environmental science and engineering. They will use and develop their skills in mechanical design, electronics and management to create and deploy an instrument for use in glacier moulins. You will use methods in laboratory simulation, computational modelling, model validation and field deployment. The development of this diverse skillset will equip students to solve real-world engineering problems, with particular relevance to addressing climate challenges. The ability to deliver a design project from concept to tested field instrument is exciting, and gives the student true ownership of the project.

The studentship may offer opportunities for polar and high altitude fieldwork, to enable the student to test their prototypes in a challenging field environment. The student will have the opportunity to work with a wide network of collaborators, including NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who are interested in this project’s potential use on future missions to icy moons like Titan, Europa and Enceladus. The cross-disciplinary nature of the project will give access to multiple research groups and their support networks. This gives access to a broad network of future employers in both academia and industry. 1st class or 2:1 BSc, MSci or relevant MSc degree in Engineering, Earth Sciences or related disciplines.


Since the project calls for a wide range of skills, we do not expect any one candidate to have all of the desirable skills listed here. You will have access to support from experienced colleagues to help you learn and develop the skills that you will need for this project. We also have existing instrument designs intended for similar environments that you can draw on to develop your instrument.

 Desirable skills include:

  • Mechanical engineering: design; FEM and CFD simulation; development of pressure-proof seals; laboratory and field testing and evaluation
  • Electronics and software engineering: use of microcontrollers; radio communications on VHF frequencies; interfacing to analogue and digital sensors
  • Fieldwork: experience of glacial environments; camping in cold climates
  • Management and logistics: time management; project management; logistics skills for organising fieldwork and lab test campaigns.


The project is jointly supervised between the School of Earth & Environmental Science in Cardiff, the School of Engineering in Cardiff, and the School of Geographical Sciences in Bristol. You will have the opportunity to work in all three Schools. Some of the funding comes from NASA/JPL, and we hope that you would have the opportunity to visit their labs in California.


Project-specific training will include training for fieldwork (first aid, crevasse rescue, polar bear defence) and you will have access to a wide range of training opportunities available through Cardiff’s Doctoral Academy programme.


First-class or 2:1 BSc, MSci or relevant MSc degree in Engineering, Earth/Environmental Sciences or related disciplines. Engineers could be from any engineering discipline; Earth or Environmental Scientists would need to additionally demonstrate some skills and knowhow in designing and making things (perhaps through hobbies or past work experience).


Contact Dr Mike Prior-Jones (). Dr Prior-Jones is away on fieldwork from 1st - 14th April 2024 and from mid-May onwards, so may be slower than usual to respond. To find out more about what it is like to work in the team, contact Dr Lisa Craw () or Dr Jonathan Hawkins ()

Funding Notes

Stipend for 3.5 years at current UKRI rate of approximately £19,237 (tax-free) p.a., payment of University tuition fees, and a research training and support grant of £4,000. Additional funding for fieldwork and consumables will be available. Studentship is open to all, although applicants not currently resident in the UK will be subject to additional confirmation of their eligibility at interview stage. Some funding for this project comes from NASA via the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Therefore there are additional terms and conditions around the intellectual property generated from this studentship. This can be discussed at the interview stage.


ONLINE APPLICATION In order to formally apply for the PhD you will need to go to the following web page: Earth Sciences - Study - Cardiff University In the black box on the right of the page, please select the following options: Doctor of Philosophy Full or Part Time 1st October 2024 (or relevant start date) Click on 'Apply Now' and either create a new account or use an existing username and password if you have applied to us in the past. Please ensure that you include the Project Title and Supervisor, and for source of funding please write 'EPSRC'.

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

PROJECT OVERVIEW An exciting opportunity to develop a new instrument to study water storage in glaciers. You should have either a background in engineering or environmental science, but with a keen en...View more

PhD Studentship in Assistive Robotics

An opportunity to apply for a funded full-time PhD in the College of Arts, Technology and Environment, UWE Bristol. The studentship will be funded by the research project entitled "Socially Assistive Walker to Promote Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults" (SAW-Health) and UWE internal funds. The SAW-Health project is driven by the goal of revolutionizing assistive technology for older adults. Our research focuses on developing a robotic system that empowers users by assisting in daily activities, promoting physical activity, and fostering social interaction. This position is based within our dynamic Department at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory. By joining our team, you will be at the forefront of research that directly impacts the quality of life of older adults. You will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team driving software and hardware development to obtain a functional prototype of a robotic system for physical and cognitive assistance in older adults, conduct usability tests, and lead medium-term studies to assess user experience and acceptance.

Ref 2425-OCT-CATE-02

The expected start date of this studentship is 01 October 2024

The closing date for applications is 31 March 2024.

 Studentship Details

About you: You are an innovative and motivated researcher with an unwavering passion for pioneering advancements in the realm of robotics and assistive technology. Driven by a deep commitment to enhancing the lives of older adults, you possess a unique blend of technical acumen, collaborative prowess, and an unyielding dedication to impactful research.

Desirable skills:

·        Familiarity with machine learning and AI algorithms for data analysis.

·        Familiarity with web-development frameworks and production like applications.

·        Previous involvement in projects related to assistive technology for older adults.

·        Track record of academic publications in relevant conferences or journals.

·        Prior experience in collaborative research environments.

You should provide a cover letter indicating your motivation to be considered for this studentship.

Your PhD proposal should be aligned with the objectives of the SAW-Health Project. There is no need to submit a proposal as part of the application process.

 For an informal discussion about the studentship, please email: 

 Funding details

The studentship is available from 01 October 2024 for a period of 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory progress and includes a tax-exempt stipend, which is currently £18,622 (2024/25) per annum.

In addition, full-time tuition fees will be covered for up to three years (Home).


Applicants must have:

·        Master in Robotics, Human-Computer Interaction, Software/Electronic Engineering, or a related.

·        Background in co-design, robotic technology, and Human-Robot Interaction.

·        Experience in sensing and actuator architectures.

·        Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, C++, MATLAB, and ROS.

·        Excellent interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills for teamwork.

·        Solid analytical and problem-solving capabilities, involving statistical analysis skills.

·        Understanding of ethical considerations in research.

·        Effective communication skills.

 How to apply

 Please submit your application online. When prompted use the reference number 2425-OCT-CATE-02.

 Supporting documentation: You will need to upload your cover letter, all your degree certificates and transcripts and a recognised English language qualification is required.

References: You will need to provide details of two referees as part of your application.

 Closing date

 The closing date for applications is 31 March 2024.

 Further Information

It is expected that interviews will take place on the week commencing 8th of April 2024. If you have not heard from us by 26th of April, we thank you for your application but on this occasion you have not been successful.

Funding Notes

The studentship is available from 01 October 2024 for a period of 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory progress and includes a tax-exempt stipend, which is currently £18,622 (2024/25) per annum. In addition, full-time tuition fees will be covered for up to three years (Home).


References: You will need to provide details of two referees as part of your application.

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

PhD Studentship in Assistive Robotics An opportunity to apply for a funded full-time PhD in the College of Arts, Technology and Environment, UWE Bristol. The studentship will be funded by the researc...View more

About the Project

Applications are invited for this exciting, fully-funded, 42 month PhD studentship at the University of Aberdeen. This project is part of the newly established Anthony & Margaret Johnston Centre for Doctoral Training in Plant Sciences enabled by a generous legacy gift. Scottish agriculture plays a crucial role in food production. However, it also represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, primarily from soil management practices and fertilization (Scottish government, 2020). Understanding these emissions and their response to climate change is essential for developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. This Ph.D. study aims to bridge knowledge gaps by employing a multidisciplinary approach integrating meta-analysis, field data, modelling, and ArcGIS. It advances GHG dynamics understanding in Scottish agriculture, addressing climate change and emission mitigation. Research Objectives:
  1. To Choose, enhance, and calibrate the most precise model for estimating GHG emissions from the Scottish agriculture from a selection of models such as ECOSSE, DNDC, and DayCent.
  2. Investigate the impact of anticipated climate change scenarios (temperature, precipitation) on GHG emissions from croplands.
  3. Assess the role of different fertilization practices (e.g., nitrogen application rates, timing) in shaping GHG emissions from the Scottish agriculture.
  4. Examine the potential for soil carbon sequestration in Scottish agriculture as a climate change mitigation strategy.
  5. Explore adaptive management practices (e.g., altered crop rotations, precision chemical application, organic farming) that can minimize GHG emissions.
  6. Provide data-driven insights and policy recommendations for reducing agriculture GHG emissions and enhancing resilience in the face of climate change.
Methodology: This interdisciplinary study will use already collected GHG, soil and climate data but also involve extensive literature and field data collection, laboratory analyses, and modelling. Field campaigns will encompass chamber GHG flux measurements, soil sampling, and climate data collection across various Scottish agricultural areas. Laboratory experiments will provide insights into soil properties and microbial dynamics. After the model selection from a set of available models (i.e., DNDC, ECOSSE and DayCent), calibration and validation processes, the Scotland national soil map will be used to run the model spatially for the whole Scottish at 1 km2 soil grid basis. A baseline (1990-1961) and future (2041-2060) climate scenarios from the UKCP18 climate data will be used. ArcGIS and modelling will be used to simulate GHG fluxes and carbon dynamics at site and spatially under different scenarios and maps will be produced. Candidate Background: A background on ArcGIS application or any other mapping tools is required. A modelling/programming background is desirable but not essential. Applicants are expected to hold (or be about to achieve) at least a 2:1 UK Honours degree (or Equivalent) in a relevant subject. Applicants with a 2:2 Honours degree (or Equivalent) may be considered providing they have a Distinction or Commendation at Master’s level. We encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities, and are committed to having a diverse, inclusive team. Informal enquiries are encouraged. Please contact Dr Mohamed Abdalla () for further information. --------------------------------- APPLICATION PROCEDURE:
  • Formal applications can be completed online: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/pgap/login.php
  • You should apply for Biological Sciences (PhD) to ensure your application is passed to the correct team.
  • Please clearly note the name of the supervisor and project title on the application form. If you do not mention the project title and the supervisor on your application, it will not be considered for the studentship.
  • Please include a cover letter specific to the project you are applying for, an up-to-date copy of your academic CV, undergraduate and postgraduate educational certificates and full transcripts.
  • Please note: you DO NOT need to provide a research proposal with this application
  • CV's submitted directly through a FindAPhD enquiry WILL NOT be considered.
  • If you require any additional assistance in submitting your application or have any queries about the application process, please don't hesitate to contact us at 

Funding Notes

This 42 Month, fully-funded PhD project is part of the Anthony & Margaret Johnston Centre for Doctoral Training in Plant Sciences at the University of Aberdeen. This opportunity is open to Home/UK applicants and includes full funding to cover tuition fees and a stipend for living costs (£18,622 For the 23/24 academic year. The rate for 24/25 AY has not yet been set). The expected start date is October 2024.


Scottish Government, 2020. Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 – update. Available from: https://www.gov.scot/publications/securing-green-recovery-path-net-zero-update-climate-change-plan-20182032/pages/13/.

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

About the Project Applications are invited for this exciting, fully-funded, 42 month PhD studentship at the University of Aberdeen. This project is part of the newly established Anthony & Margare...View more


Coventry University is inviting applications from suitably qualified UK computer science, game design, and electronic engineering graduates who have an interest in human-computer interaction and human factors for an exciting Dstl funded PhD studentship opportunity within our National Transport Design Centre (NTDC). The research will address how humans interpret extended reality (XR) information, which includes augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR), intended to improve team performance and enhance training for maintenance of future vehicles.

Project details

The NTDC was launched in 2017 where we employ state-of-the-art visualisation and simulation techniques, and design tools to address future mobility challenges from bicycles, through autonomous cars to eVTOL aircraft. You will have the opportunity to work alongside our team of human factors experts, psychologists, designers and engineering experts who have led impactful AR / VR research. Including the development of customer experience AR / VR applications for the world’s first urban air transport hub, and the design and evaluation of novel AR displays for future commercial aviation cockpits. NTDC works closely with industry, presenting excellent opportunities for collaboration and the development of impactful research. See out LinkedIn pages at https://www.linkedin.com/company/ntdc/.

The UK needs to invest in technologies for electrification, meaning many employers and employees will need to upskill, reskill and new-skill to meet the demand of delivering the future vehicles of the electric revolution. New technologies and a skilled workforce are both essential to meet the associated challenges of this fundamental industrial shift. Correspondingly, the current proposal will investigate the efficacy of head-worn XR technology applications, designed with a user-centric design (UCD) approach, for improving team performance and training of electrification maintenance skills.

The research addresses a requirement for Dstl’s Future Workforce and Training Programme. Specifically, to identify, develop and test novel human systems integration (HMI) and UCD approaches, in order to enable pan-defence users to understand and develop robust and/or novel approaches to achieving superiority through its people capability.

The research will make a significant scientific contributions through iterative UCD processes that will: 1) Identify the learner-requirements of electrification training programs, and 2) iteratively evaluate and refine XR prototypes that are designed to meet learner-requirements and improve team performance. More broadly, the outputs of this novel research will build upon and add to the body of XR design guidance literature, stimulate further work, and inform future defence HMI and UCD processes.


This is a fully funded doctorate for 3.5 years in duration, with tuition fees covered and bursary / stipend paid.

Collaboration with DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laborator)


The successful candidate will receive comprehensive research training including technical, personal and professional skills.

All researchers at Coventry University (from PhD to Professor) are part of the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability and Development, which provides support with high-quality training and career development activities.

Entry requirements

  • A minimum of a 2:1 first degree in a relevant discipline/subject area with a minimum 60% mark in the project element or equivalent with a minimum 60% overall module average.


  • The potential to engage in innovative research and to complete the PhD within a 3.5 years.
  • A minimum of English language proficiency (IELTS academic overall minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component).

Additional specifications

You will work with your supervisors and an assigned Dstl Technical Partner, who will visit Coventry NTDC twice a year for up to two days per visit. You will be expected to attend an “induction to Defence” day at one of the Dstl sites in early 2025 (Date TBC) and attend up to 2 days a year supporting Dstl events. You will also have the opportunity to travel to conferences to present your results.

How to apply

To find out more about the project, please contact:

All applications require full supporting documentation, a covering letter, plus a 1000-word supporting statement showing how the applicant’s expertise and interests are relevant to the project.

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Introduction Coventry University is inviting applications from suitably qualified UK computer science, game design, and electronic engineering graduates who have an interest in human-computer interact...View more