The ‘Fraunhofer Attract’ grant is the excellence stipend programme of Fraunhofer. An idea becomes an innovation, if it comes to use. The grant ‘Fraunhofer Attract’ offers outstanding external scientists the opportunity to develop their ideas towards an actual application within an optimally equipped Fraunhofer institute operating close to the market.
The target groups are primarily:
- Excellent scientists with innovative ideas (at least at doctoral level or equivalent, additional postdoc experience recommended)
- Application-oriented researchers from industry and business
- Researchers with entrepreneurial ambitions.
Ideally, candidates should not only have a particularly marked interest in research but also possess classic leadership and management skills, since a major focus is on tasks in the areas of business administration, personnel management, acquisition and marketing. The ultimate goal of the funding program is for the group manager to successfully turn the original idea into a marketable R&D product. For this reason, personality and excellence of the candidates are key criteria for the funding decision, as well as scientific quality, degree of innovation, the creativity of the project idea and the strategic fit.
The scientist will be offered a budget of 2.5 Million Euro over 5 years to lead a group of 3-5 co-workers.
Timeline for 2021:
- Filing the application: September 15, 2021
- Committee meeting of advisors with candidates: November 19, 2021
- Start of the project: January 2022
More information:
Funding guideline:
Application template:
Source: Fraunhofer
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