Gates Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship will fund 300 students per year, starting with 2018, totaling 3,000 students over the life of the program. With the launch of this program in 2017, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation continues its long-standing commitment to helping outstanding minority students who come from low-income backgrounds realize their maximum potential.

This prestigious scholarship program is based on evidence that by eliminating the financial barriers to college, a last-dollar scholarship can enable high-potential, low-income minority students to excel in their course work, graduate college, and continue to be leaders throughout their lives.

In addition to funding, The Gates Scholarship will provide further support to Scholars, by engaging with them and their institutions in a variety of ways, to ensure they have access to the resources and services they need, from their first to last day of classes, through graduation and the transition to their chosen careers.

Gates Scholarship

  • Awards up to the Cost of Attendance, less other aid
  • Deadline: Sept 15
  • Must be Pell-eligible; African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American; US Citizen, national or permanent resident, and in good academic standing with GPA of 3.3/4.0

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