Genusian Scholarship at Nusa Putra University In Indonesia 2024

The Genusian scholarship is a full scholarship for international undergraduate (S1) and master’s (S2) students. You can view the programs here.


  • 100% free tuition
  • Pocket money per month
  • Accommodation/Accommodation
  • Health insurance fund    
  • Residency permit

Genusian Scholarship at Nusa Putra University In Indonesia 2024

The selection process

Administrative selection

  • Administrative selection is carried out by checking the completeness of documents and other requirements.
  • The examination of the completeness of the documents and other requirements referred to in point a is carried out according to the following steps:
  1. The administrative selection team verifies and validates the completeness and relevance of the registration documents according to the stipulated requirements. 
  2. Candidates whose documents do not meet the requirements are declared to have failed the administrative selection.
  3. Applicants whose documents meet the requirements are declared to have passed the administration.   
  4. Candidates declared to have passed the administrative selection are determined to be participants in the StageSelection interview. 
  5. Information on candidates who pass or fail the administrative selection will be sent by email.

General maintenance

  • Before the interview, the verifier appointed by the selection team verifies the documents submitted by the participants.
  • Participants cannot participate in interview selection if the documents submitted are:
  1. does not comply with the set requirements; Or
  2. there is an element of falsification of documents.
  • Participants who falsify data or documents cannot re-register for all scholarship programs.
  • Participants complete an online interview
  • The interviews were conducted by a team of investigators appointed by a selection team.
  • Participants declared not to have passed the selection interview can register the following year.

Interview (Study Program)

  • At this stage, the future students have followed and passed the general interview
  • These interviews were conducted according to the areas followed, and interviews were conducted with the managers of each study program.
  • Participants will be asked about their knowledge and ideas about the field to follow.  
  • Participants will be asked about seriousness and commitment if accepted to Nusa Putra University.


Genusienne Scholarship 2024

This scholarship is a fully funded scholarship covering the following due to the scholar: 
  1. Free tuition (4 years)
  2. Visa and residence permit (4 years) 
  3. Accommodation (housing) (4 years) 
  4. Pocket money/month 
  5. life insurance
Priority profiles more likely to be pre-selected:
  1. Non-Indonesian citizens
  2. Age equal to or less than 23 years old 
  3. English level advancement
  4. Recommended by Indonesian Embassy in their country, if you don’t have Indonesian Embassy in your country, you can also download your school/teacher’s recommendation,
  5. From developing countries