Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, cross-disciplinary research in fields that include materials science, IT and life science technology. LiU is one of the largest universities in Sweden and today has 32000 students and 4000 employees. The students are among the most desirable in the labour market and international rankings consistently place LiU as a leading global university. Read more at
The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University in Sweden has been in operation for five decades and during that time expanded quite substantially. The number of employees is around 420, including 45 full professors and some 130 graduate students. In addition, approximately 70 guest researchers visit us every year.
Background and duties
Postdoc scholarship granted by Carl Tryggers Stiftelse (600 000 SEK) for studying “Stress-free Diaphragms for Long-lasting Inner Ear Implants” in Nanomaterials Science Unit with Thin Film Physics Division at IFM with Dr. Naureen Ghafoor.
Qualifications and requirements to applicants
- Scholarship may be granted only to non-Swedish citizens with a PhD degree or equivalent acquired in another country than Sweden. The applicant must not have been employed by Linköping University previously.
- The applicant must have or be about to receive a doctoral degree in a subject relevant to the research project (e.g. specific subjects) and needs to be passionate about research. Problem solving ability and creativity are essential.
Starting date
1 August 2022, or by agreement.
Appointment and conditions
- The total time for receiving a scholarship from Linköping University can never exceed two years.
- The scholarship will be covered by funding from Carl Tryggers Stiftelse.
- Questions are welcome to
Application procedure
The following documents (in pfd format) must be submitted when applying for a scholarship:
- Cover letter (1-2 pages describing your background and your interest in this project)
- Curriculum vitae, max 2 pages, including at least two references that we can contact
- List of publications
- Copy of PhD diploma
The application should be sent electronically to and a copy to and Mark your application with reference number Dnr IFM-2022-00149 in the email subject field.
Deadline for application is 2022-05-31.
Supervisor: Naureen Ghafoor, Senior Lecturer,
IFM Scholarship Group: