PhD course in History of art, cinema, audiovisual media and music at the University of Udine, 37th cycle. Place with scholarship on the theme: Artistic-botanical atlas of flora and landscape in Northern Italy.
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the complete text of the announcement, issued with DR n. 617/2021
Application submission opens : Tuesday 24 August 2021 at 2:00 pm (Italian time)
Application deadline: Thursday 16 September 2021, at 2:00 pm (Italian time).
1. Forms attached to the announcement
- Research project
- Self-certification of academic title
- Generic self-certification
- Self-certification of requirements (art. 3 c. 2)
- Curriculum vitae (Europass format)
2. Schedule of sessions, tests, publication of lists and rankings
– preliminary meeting: date published by 16 september 2021;
– publication of the list admitted to the oral exam: by 22 september 2021;
– oral exam: 28 september 2021 at 9:00 (online mode);
– publication of the final ranking: by 4 october 2021.