Undergraduate and Postgraduate Swinburne International Excellence Scholarships in Australia

Swinburne University of Technology offers Swinburne Undergraduate and Postgraduate International Excellence Scholarships for international students wishing to begin bachelor’s and master’s degree studies at the University.

Host Institution (s):

Swinburne University of Technology

Level / field (s) of study:

Swinburne International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship: Any bachelor’s degree except Bachelor of Aviation and Pilotage and Bachelor of Aviation and Pilotage / Bachelor of Commerce).

Swinburne International Excellence Graduate Scholarship: Any master’s degree by course or research.

Number of scholarships:


Target group:

International students from all over the world, except Australia or New Zealand

Scholarship value / inclusions:

Swinburne International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship: 10% to 75% off your course fees each year for up to 4 years.

Swinburne International Excellence Graduate Scholarship: For most masters: 10% to 75% reduction on your course fees each year for a maximum of 2 years.


Applicants eligible for the scholarships are citizens of any country in the world except Australia or New Zealand. Permanent residents of Australia are not eligible. They must not be currently enrolled students at Swinburne, unless they are only enrolled in the ELICOS program, for the undergraduate scholarship. Regarding the postgraduate scholarship, students who are currently enrolled in a 2-year course-based master’s program at Swinburne are not eligible. All applicants must have achieved an academic result of at least 60% equivalent to the Australian GPA standard and must not hold any other scholarship or low cost arrangement from Swinburne.

Application Instructions:

You do not need to submit a separate application for these scholarships. All you need to do is apply for the Swinburne course of your choice, and when the University assesses your course application, it will automatically assess you for a Swinburne International scholarship. The deadline coincides with the  admission deadline  . However, offshore international students should take visa processing times into account before applying for their preferred admission and it is strongly advised that you apply at least 3 months before their admission start date.

It is important to visit the official website (link below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official scholarship website:  https://www.swinburne.edu.au/study/international/scholarships/

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