Available for high achieving students undertaking graduate research at the University of Melbourne.
Type of application
No request is required. You will automatically be considered for this price.
Type of service
General allowance
remission Full details of benefits
Conditions of citizenship
Australian / national student International student
Total value
100% fee rebate and up to $ 110,000
Applicable study areas
All fields of study
Number of scholarships awarded
About 600
What are the benefits?
Compensatory and compensatory scholarships
- Full compensation for fees up to two years for students undertaking a research master’s degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctorate.
- Living allowance of $ 31,200 per year prorated (full-time study rate 2020) for a maximum of two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research or up to 3.5 years for students undertaking a PhD. Living allowance can be indexed annually and includes limited paid sickness, maternity and parental leave.
- Relocation grant of $ 2,000 for students leaving states or territories other than Victoria or $ 3,000 for students coming from outside Australia.
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Single Membership for international students who need a student visa to study in Australia
Compensatory grants
- Full compensation for fees up to two years for students undertaking a research master’s degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctorate.
For more information, see Manage my scholarship .
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