600 Graduate Research Fellowships at the University of Melbourne

Available for high achieving students undertaking graduate research at the University of Melbourne.

Type of application

No request is required. You will automatically be considered for this price.

Type of service

General allowance
remission Full details of benefits

Conditions of citizenship

Australian / national student International student

Total value

100% fee rebate and up to $ 110,000

Applicable study areas

All fields of study

Number of scholarships awarded

About 600

  • Eligibility and selection criteria


    To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:

    • have applied and fulfill the requirements for entry to a university research degree at the University of Melbourne, or be currently enrolled in an academic research degree at the University of Melbourne

    Selection criteria

    All domestic students who are offered admission to a Masters by Research or PhD (PhD) at the University of Melbourne will receive a Research Training Program Scholarship (fee compensation).

    The graduate research scholarships that provide stipend as well as compensation for fees are awarded to national and international students based on academic merit. The medjouel.com team informs you that eligible candidates are scored and ranked according to their academic success of their last degree obtained and their research potential in their field of study. Factors such as graduation from the same level of the research course for which the scholarship is sought, relevant professional experience, peer-reviewed publications, specialized medical qualifications, or original music composition may be took into consideration.


    These scholarships are subject to the  General Conditions for Graduate Scholarships  (as amended).

  • Application process

    If you are a new student and have  applied for a graduate research course  by the application closing date for that course, you will automatically be considered for the graduate research scholarships . You will receive a notification that a scholarship request has been added to your file within seven days of submitting your course request.

    If you have accepted an offer for a graduate research course and have postponed the start in order to be reconsidered for a scholarship, you must submit an  online application form by  October 31 to be considered for a scholarship. Next year. You will receive a notification indicating that a scholarship application has been added to your file within seven days of submitting the online form .

    If you are currently enrolled in an academic research course for which you are seeking a scholarship, you must submit an  online application form by  October 31 to be considered for a scholarship the following year. You will receive a notification indicating that a scholarship application has been added to your file within seven days of submitting the online form .

  • When will I know the result?

    National students will receive a Research Training Program scholarship offer (fee compensation) as part of their course offering.

    Graduate Research Fellowship offers that provide stipend and fee compensation are made separately, but at about the same time course offers are made.

  • Variations of this scholarship

    Melbourne Research Fellowships (MRS)

    This scholarship is available for high performing national and international students who are undertaking a Masters by Research or PhD.

    Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships

    Provided by the Australian Commonwealth Government , this scholarship is available to high performing domestic and international students undertaking a Masters by Research or PhD by Research. See also   the University’s RTP scholarship policy .

What are the benefits?

Compensatory and compensatory scholarships

  • Full compensation for fees up to two years for students undertaking a research master’s degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctorate.
  • Living allowance of $ 31,200 per year prorated (full-time study rate 2020) for a maximum of two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research or up to 3.5 years for students undertaking a PhD. Living allowance can be indexed annually and includes limited paid sickness, maternity and parental leave.
  • Relocation grant of $ 2,000 for students leaving states or territories other than Victoria or $ 3,000 for students coming from outside Australia.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Single Membership for international students who need a student visa to study in Australia

Compensatory grants

  • Full compensation for fees up to two years for students undertaking a research master’s degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctorate.

For more information, see   Manage my scholarship  .

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