Scholarships for graduates in History and related subjects

The European Civilization Chair at Natolin offers scholarships to graduates in History and related subjects who wish to follow the postgraduate programme in European Interdisciplinary Studies during the academic year 2024-2025.

These scholarships are available to successful applicants from any country and are funded by the European Parliament in honour of the late Professor Bronisław GEREMEK, the first Chairholder of the European Civilization Chair at Natolin. They are intended both for History graduates who wish to combine further historical studies with European studies, as well as for graduates in related disciplines who wish to study History in an interdisciplinary European context. Related disciplines include: International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Area Studies, Geography, Philosophy, History of Art, Theology, Classics, Modern Languages and Literature.

The holders of these scholarships will be required to write their Master’s Thesis on a topic relating to European history and/or European civilization, approved by the Chairholder. In the second semester, the are encouraged to enroll in the European History and Civilization major.

Candidates applying for a History scholarship must motivate this within their online application (max 600 words). They have to explain why they are interested in European History and Civilization.

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