How Your Sleep Can Reveal Your Health: Warning Signs to Watch For

Your sleep is a valuable indicator of your overall health. Experts warn against certain nighttime symptoms that could reveal underlying serious health issues. On the HuffPost website, health professionals describe the nighttime signs that deserve close attention.

Excessive Fatigue and Disrupted Sleep

It’s common to experience excessive fatigue upon waking without being able to identify the cause. Dr. Janice Johnston, co-founder and medical director of Redirect Health, explains that this fatigue can be linked to various nighttime symptoms such as congestion, digestive problems, or pain, often difficult to detect during sleep.

Shortness of Breath and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can manifest as a sensation of shortness of breath during the night. “Excessive mucus can block the airways, causing temporary breathing stoppages,” notes Dr. Johnston. This can be due to allergies, climate changes, or even a simple cold.

Snoring: A Sign Not to Ignore

Snoring, often seen as a minor annoyance, can be a sign of sleep apnea. Dr. Zeeshan Khan, director of the Institute of Sleep Medicine in New Jersey, explains that the narrowing of the airways causes tissue vibration, resulting in snoring. This can be accompanied by gasping breaths, dry mouth in the morning, and nasal congestion.

Sleepwalking and Talking in Your Sleep

Sleepwalking and somniloquy (talking in your sleep) are behaviors that require special attention. Dr. Khan notes that “somniloquy is more common in individuals with mental health disorders and can be associated with sleepwalking and nightmares.”

Frequent Nighttime Urination

Waking frequently to urinate can be more than just an inconvenience. “This can be due to the natural aging process of the bladder or a medical issue,” warns Dr. Khan. Besides excessive fluid intake before bedtime, this can indicate a urinary tract infection, diabetes, an enlarged prostate, or chronic kidney disease.


Your sleep can reveal important signs about your health. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for an appropriate diagnosis. Do not underestimate the signals your body sends during the night; they may be the key to preventing more serious health issues.

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