As the world faces a rise in contamination from the Omicron variant, a Cypriot professor believes he has discovered a new strain of Covid-19, which mixes the Delta and Omicron variants.

Will we ever be done with Covid-19  ? A new mutation seems to have appeared, dubbed ” Deltacron “, after the professor  of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus,  Leondios Kostrikis. This new variant shares the genetic background of the Delta variant  with some of the Omicron mutations  , hence its compound name.

” There are currently Omicron and Delta co-infections and we have found this strain which is a combination of the two, ” said the Cypriot scientist. He  and his team identified the Delta variant in 25 Omicron case samples, 11 of which were from people hospitalized with  Covid-19 .

If the Omicron variant alone left us with good reason to hope for a long-term improvement , a mixture of the two strains could lead to more  hospitalizations . For now, the data collected has been sent  to the international virusdatabase,Gisaid. The professor specifies that it is “too early to know the impact of this combination” but awaits the feedback of theworld scientific community. It remains to be seen whether this Deltacron variant will be morecontagiousor moredangerousthan the previous ones.

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