DART – Doctoral scholarship program in accounting in Austria


social Sciences

Funding of the entire study program in the target country
University of Graz – University of Vienna
sponsored by the Austrian Scientific Fund (FWF)
3-4 years

DART fellows receive a salary for a period of 3 to 4 years.

Annual salary after taxes and social charges: approx. 18,000.00 EUR
Annually (March 31)
By March for acceptance to the following winter term starting in October of each academic year
Please send your application by e-mail to  dart@uni-graz.at  .

DART is a doctoral program in accounting, located in Graz and Vienna, Austria.DART – the Doctoral Program in Accounting, Reporting and Taxation – aims to train future leaders in accounting research and in specialized practice areas to combine a strong tradition in institutions and standards with an emphasis on methodology cutting-edge international research. , The faculty involved in DART is well placed to train doctoral students and supervise their research.

DART brings together all of Austria’s leading accounting researchers who excel in the international academic accounting community. All members have published high quality work in international journals. Since they are located in two major universities in Austria (the University of Graz and the University of Vienna), DART is a joint project. The medjouel.com team informs you that DART offers an internationally accepted program located in Austria to educate young talents in accounting.

For information on applications, details on the doctoral program and scholarships, program requirements and prerequisites, please visit:  www.dart.ac.at  or  https://static.uni-graz.at/ fileadmin / Studien / doctoral-program- accounting / images / Dart_Infofolder_2014.pdf

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