Institute Director – Paris, France

The Imagine Institute for Genetic Diseases is an outstanding public/private foundation located in the prestigious campus of Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, in Paris and aimed at changing the lives of patients and families affected by genetic diseases. Imagine focuses on four major areas: research, innovative care, technology transfer and education.
In its current form and location, Imagine was founded in 2014 and is affiliated with the University of Paris, Inserm and Paris University Hospital (AP-HP). It benefits from a 15 yrs endowment from the French government ( It is located in the heart of the left bank of Paris.

The concept of the Imagine Institute:

Imagine currently brings together within its 19,000 m2, 7- floor building
– an outpatient clinic for children with genetic diseases (35,000 annually) and their families.
– prominent clinical geneticists and pediatric specialists.
– 450-500 staff scientists, MDs, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students working on these genetic conditions.
– world-class research teams recruited on a competitive, international basis and awarded a 5 yr start-up package (salary and functioning).
– two clinical research centers, including a gene therapy research center.
– full access to state-of-the-art platforms (genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, cell imaging, animal housing).
– a tech transfer office to promote expertise, patents and know-how.

The institute is international: it gathers researchers and fellows from over 30 countries. English is the Institute’s spoken language.

The Institute also benefits from the advice of an international scientific advisory board (SAB), chaired by Pr Elizabeth Blackburn. The SAB advises and provides guidance for the Director and the Institute’s steering committee.

Job purpose and duties

The Director-elect will be designated by the end of 2022. He/she is expected to join the Institute at his/her best convenience starting from 2023. The position of Director will initiate on January 1st, 2025 for a 5 years term. A tenured position is offered.

The call is openly advertised worldwide. The Director, who will be a scientist (PhD or MD-PhD) is expected to have a strong scientific leadership, outstanding achievements, international visibility, to be committed to pursue cutting-edge and translational research in her/his field. He/she will be allocated a specific laboratory space and offered opportunities for clinical appointment, if appropriate. The Director is expected to coordinate and optimize general, medical and scientific activities of the Imagine Institute, provide professional guidance and support to faculty and principal investigators. Written and spoken French is not requested. In accordance with French law, the upper-age limit of the appointee at the end of 2022 is 63yrs.


Provide your curriculum vitae (CV), bibliography and a two-page statement explaining your reasons for being interested in this position and specific leadership skills and experience you would bring. In addition, up to three letters of professional reference will be required as the recruitment process progresses.

The deadline for receipt of applications is March 31st 2022. All information provided by applicants will remain strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by authorized officials of the selection committee. The appointment will be made at a salary and full research package level commensurate with experience and research program.

For more information/questions about the position or to submit your application package email:

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