Doctoral studentship in English, literature


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The English department at Karlstad University offers a wide range of courses at all levels. These include courses within the university’s teacher training programmes, freestanding course and courses in English for specific purposes. The English department conducts research in both linguistics and English literature, and several teachers are involved in the strong research group KuFo (Research Group for Culture Studies) and CSL (Centre for Language and Literature in Education), which is tied to the strong research group ROSE (Research on Subject-Specific Education).

The doctoral studentship

The doctoral studentship involves four years of full-time study and leads up to a doctoral degree. Doctoral students should have the ability to work independently and also be prepared to contribute to the work of the English department in different ways, for instance through completing teaching-related or administrative tasks. You are also expected to be based at Karlstad University and contribute actively to the research environments of the English department and within the research group KuFo.


For admission to doctoral studies, the applicant must meet the requirements of both general and specific eligibility and be assessed as generally capable of completing the study programme (Higher Education Ordinance, Ch. 7, sect. 35). General eligibility for admission requires a second-cycle qualification with completed courses of at least 240 ECTS credits, including at least 60 ECTS credits at second-cycle level, or largely equivalent knowledge acquired in Sweden or abroad.

Specific eligibility for admission to doctoral studies in English requires at least 30 ECTS credits in English at second-cycle level, including an independent project of 15 ECTS credits.


Admission is based on individual assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and capacity to complete a programme at doctoral level successfully. Special emphasis is placed on previous study results and the quality of previous independent, written assignments. Assessment is also based on the research plan, which provides an account of the planned thesis project, language proficiency, and the intention to be present and contribute actively to the research environment. The applicant should have good social skills and the ability to work independently as well as in a group.

Terms of employment

The doctoral studentship comprises four years of full-time study, or five years at 80% if the position includes 20% of teaching or other tasks at the department. The salary for this doctoral studentship corresponds to the standard level of salary for doctoral students at Karlstad University. Starting date is 1 September 2020, or by agreement.


Submit the application no later than 26 April 2020, via the University’s web-based recruitment tool (see below).

The application should include:

  1. A list of qualifications (CV) with certified copies of grades, degree certificates and so on
  2. Copies of degree projects and other publications
  3. A brief cover letter which describes the applicant’s background, experiences of relevance for the position, and research interests
  4. Brief research proposal (1,000–2,500 words)
  5. Any other documents that the applicant wishes to refer to

If possible, include references and/or letters of recommendation.

Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete application in accordance with the advertisement and for ensuring that the documentation allows for objective and qualitative assessments. A complete application should be submitted no later than the application deadline. An incomplete application may jeopardise a fair assessment of qualifications.

We look forward to your application!

Karlstad University has chosen advertising channels for this recruitment and firmly declines any contact with advertising or recruitment agencies.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Contract type: Full time
First day of employment: 1 September 2020, or by agreement
Salary: According to agreement
Number of positions: 1
Working hours: 100%
City: Karlstad
County: Värmlands län
Country: Sweden
Reference number: REK2020/43

  1. Maria Holmgren Troy, professor, 054-700 1418
  2. Åke Bergvall, professor, ämnesföreträdare, 054-700 1581

Union representative:

  1. Thomas Bragefors, SACO, 054-700 1714
  2. Tony Ingemarsson, Lärarförbundet, 054 700 1404
  3. Denita Gustavsson, OFR, 054-700 1434

Published: 2020-04-02
Last application date: 2020-04-26

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