IMT ATLANTIQUE is recruiting an Associate Professor in Digital Law

Law accompanies the development of digital technology in all its dimensions including data. If data is often perceived as the black gold of the twenty-first century, it also raises major issues in terms of ethics, law and sovereignty. Given its importance, how data is collected, stored, protected, used, and transferred over national borders is therefore becoming a geopolitical issue, and governing data inevitably runs into the differences in ideological visions of the internet and fundamental cultural divides.

The open position should address the multidisciplinary nature of this emerging question with a strong emphasis on lawgeopolitics and sovereignty of digital governance, and a special focus on the role of digital platforms.

The activity will take place within a multidisciplinary environment of research and education, jointly addressing engineering and humanities-oriented visions of data sharing and delivering, increasing needs for networks security and rethinking our digital society through the necessary ecological transition.

Eco-system and context

IMT Atlantique internationally recognized for the quality of its research, is a leading technological university under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Digital Technologies, ranked in the three main international rankings (THE, SHANGHAI, QS).

The position is open on the campus of Rennes within the SRCD (Network Systems, Cybersecurity and Digital Law) Department.

IMT Atlantique has privileged relationships with major industrial national and international partners, as well as a dense network of SMEs, start-ups, and innovation networks. With 290 permanent faculty members, 2000 students among which 300 PhD students, IMT Atlantique produces every year 1000 publications and raises 18M€ of research funding.


The education program of IMT Atlantique has been recognized as amongst the most innovative in French High Education and Research and offers large possibilities of developing innovative engineering curriculum and educational approach.

The candidate will contribute to the teaching of law, geopolitics and ethics amongst our various curriculum, including Master of Science and Master of Cybersecurity. They will be invited to propose related new educational projects, programs and methodologies, especially inspired by and supported by industrial requirements and partnerships.

Expected competences

Please read carefully the mandatory and expected qualities of candidates for Associate Professor positions at IMT Atlantique at the following address:

In the case of this open position, a special and complementary emphasis will be put on the candidates’ skills in the fields of law and digital, with a detailed understanding of geopolitical issues, including sovereignty, cybersecurity and data governance issues.

Contacts and schedule

To apply, please connect to the following address:

Deadline for applications:  March 31th, 2022

Date of Recruitment interview: April/May, 2022

Starting date: 2nd half of 2022

For any further information, please contact:

Pr Yann BUSNEL : – +33 2 99 12 70 50,

Pr Annie BLANDIN : – +33 2 99 12 70 18

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