Instructor, Film Studies, Department of Communication, Media and Film, Faculty of Arts

Job ID: 20255

Updated: March 10, 2020

Location: Main Campus

Position Description

The Faculty of Arts, Department of Communication, Media and Film invites applications for an Instructor (3-year limited term) in the area of Film Studies. The anticipated start date is August 1, 2020.

We are seeking a scholar who will have the primary responsibility of teaching Film Studies at the undergraduate level in the program’s core areas (introduction to film studies, film history, and film theory), in addition to areas of specialization. Demonstrated teaching expertise in these core areas, as well as one of the following areas is required: cinemas of Asia, Africa, the Middle East or Latin America; indigenous cinema; critical race theory; feminist film history; film/media production. Ability to teach courses in communication and media studies, or television and digital media would be an asset.

The teaching duties for this position consist of seven courses distributed over three academic semesters. As part of their responsibilities, the incumbent will be expected to participate in the development of courses within the department, be involved with the extra-curricular events on campus and within the broader community with the goal to sustain a vibrant program. Mentorship of students and service to the department, faculty, and university is also expected.

The preferred candidate will hold a PhD in Film Studies or a closely related field. The incumbent will have experience or potential to teach film studies at the university level and will demonstrate the potential for pedagogical innovation and excellence in undergraduate teaching.

The Department of Communication, Media and Film is a research-intensive department with high standards in teaching. We value interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to research and training, and strongly encourage collaboration. For more information about the Department of Communication, Media and Film please visit

All applications must be received by April 11, 2020.

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application online via the ‘Apply Now’ link. Please be aware that the application process allows for only four attachments. Your four application attachments should be organized to contain the following (which may require you to merge documents):

  • Letter of application that details teaching experience and area(s) of scholarly interest
  • Updated curriculum vitae with names and contact information for 3 referees
  • Statement of teaching philosophy and a teaching dossier. This should include two sample course syllabi (one for Introduction to Film Studies, and the other a course of your choice) and two sets of course evaluations

These materials should be addressed to:

Dr. Charles Tepperman, Department Head

Department of Communication, Media and Film

Faculty of Arts

University of Calgary

Room 320 Social Sciences Bldg.

2500 University Drive NW

Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

All applicants are strongly encouraged to visit to obtain additional information.

The University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their academic and professional success while they are here. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following question: Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? (Yes/No)

Additional Information

To learn more about academic opportunities at the University of Calgary and all we have to offer, view our Academic Careers website. For more information about the Faculty of Arts visit Careers in the Faculty of Arts.

About the University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is Canada’s leading next-generation university – a living, growing and youthful institution that embraces change and opportunity with a can-do attitude. Located in the nation’s most enterprising city, the university is making tremendous progress on its Eyes High journey to be recognized as one of Canada’s top five research universities, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community it both serves and leads. The University of Calgary inspires and supports discovery, creativity and innovation across all disciplines. For more information, visit

About Calgary, Alberta

Calgary is one of the world’s cleanest cities and has been named one of the world’s most livable cities for years. Calgary is a city of leaders – in business, community, philanthropy and volunteerism. Calgarians benefit from a growing number of world-class dining and cultural events and enjoy more days of sunshine per year than any other major Canadian city. Calgary is less than an hour’s drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains and boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America.

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