15 Open Doctoral Positions at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna: University Assistant (prae doc) & Scientific Project Staff (prae doc)

Posted 2 years ago

The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 184 fields of study, approx. 10.400 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position of university assistants (prae doc) and scientific project staff (prae doc) in the following research groups of the Faculty of Computer Science:

Data Mining and Machine Learning

  • 2 University assistants (prae doc) at the Research Group Data Mining and Machine Learning under the supervision of Prof. Claudia Plant
  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Data Mining and Machine Learning under the supervision of Prof. Christian Böhm
  • 1 Scientific project staff (prae doc) at the Research Group Data Mining and Machine Learning under the supervision of Prof. Nils Kriege
  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Data Mining and Machine Learning under the supervision of Prof. Yllka Velaj

Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing

  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing under the supervision of Prof. Maria Knobelsdorf

Multimedia Information Systems 

  • 4 University assistants (prae doc) at the Research Group Multimedia Information Systems under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang Klas

Scientific Computing

  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Scientific Computing under the supervision of Prof. Siegfried Benkner

Theory and Application of Algorithms

  • 2 University assistants (prae doc) at the Research Group Theory and Application of Algorithms under the supervision of Prof. Gramoz Goranci
  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Theory and Application of Algorithms under the supervision of Prof. Kathrin Hanauer

Visualization and Data Analysis

  • 1 University assistant (prae doc) at the Research Group Visualization and Data Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Torsten Möller

The Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna has world-leading researchers in Computer Science who pursue basic as well as applied research. The UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science (DoCS, UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS) builds an essential framework to foster excellence in research and teaching. Its main focus is on young prospective researchers eager to make an impact on both basic research as well as applied problems with collaborations across the University and beyond. The DoCS aims to provide these young researchers with the broad knowledge and expertise needed to perform Computer Science research at the highest achievable quality. The Doctoral School trains doctoral candidates in solving basic as well as applied research questions of high relevance.

Extent of employment: 30.0 hours/week

Click apply now in order to find detailed information about the open positions and to submit your applications.

contact: docs@cs.univie.ac.at

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

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