Posted 12 months ago

Offer Description

A call is now open for the attribution of ten (10) Research Initiation Fellowships (BIC) for master students hosted by the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC), financed by national funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT) (Ref. UIDB/04243/2020).


Research Field
Juridical sciences » Criminal law
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Admission requirements:
•    Undergraduate degree in Law
•    To be enrolled in master’s degree in Law (students enrolled in the master’s disciplines of Criminology and Criminal Procedure – class B)
•    To have a high command of Portuguese (writing, reading, and conversation)
•    Not having previously benefited from research grants directly or indirectly funded by FCT


Additional Information


The grant amount corresponds to 601,12 EUR, according to FCT Research Grant Regulation. Payment of the monthly maintenance allowance is made at the end of each month by bank transfer. To this amount is added the Personal Accident Insurance.

The performance of functions as a fellowship holder is carried out under exclusive dedication under Article 5 of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute.

Eligibility criteria

•    National citizens or citizens from other Member States of the European Union;
•    Citizens of third States;
•    Stateless persons;
•    Beneficiaries of the political refugee status.

Selection process


Candidates are assessed through Curriculum Assessment. The results are expressed on a scale from 1 to 100, with candidates ranked by their final score obtained. Only candidates with a score higher than 80% of the possible points will be admitted to the final ranked list. The fellowship will be awarded to the top candidate on the list (i.e., with the highest score). The Curriculum Assessment must demonstrate suitability for the work to be performed and will consider the following aspects:

•    Academic training
•    Classification obtained in courses considered relevant for the work to be performed
•    Research experience in Law


President: Inês Ferreira Leite / Associate Professor
Effective Member: Ricardo Tavares da Silva / Assistant Professor
Effective Member: Rita do Rosário / Visiting Lecturer


The call is open until 11.59 pm on 27 March 2024.


Applications must be submitted to the following e-mail addresses: IDPCC/CIDPCC’s website, indicating the call reference (UIDB/04243/2020) in the subject, and must be accompanied by the following documents (in pdf format):

1)    Detailed curriculum Vitae
2)    Copy of the identification document and indication of the candidate’s residence
3)    Documents proving that the candidate meets the required conditions for the fellowship, namely a copy of the academic degree certificate, with the final grade obtained and proof of enrolment in a master’s degree
4)    Other documents considered relevant by the candidates

No document that should have been submitted in candidacy may be presented after the deadline set for this purpose.

Note 1: The documents that prove the entitlement of the academic qualifications and diplomas, or the proof of registration in the academic degree or diploma requested on the call, can be dismissed during the application period and be replaced by a declaration on their honour from the applicant. Their delivery is mandatory for the fellowship contractualization.
Note 2: In case the candidates are enrolled in the Master’s or PhD courses at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, documents of academic qualification can be replaced by a proof of admission to these courses.
Note 3: Please note that higher education degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions need to be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, pursuant to the Decree-Law nr. 66/2018 (August 16) and the Ministerial Order nr. 33/2019 (January 25). The presentation of the recognition certificate is mandatory for contract signature. More information can be obtained at:


The evaluation results are communicated by e-mail to the e-mail address used by the candidate in the application and published on IDPCC/CIDPCC’s website within 90 working days after the application submission deadline. Candidates may complain about the draft final ranking list within 10 working days of its publication under the terms of articles 121 et seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure. The proposal of admitted candidates and the ranked list are communicated to the interested parties, for the purpose of exercising the right to prior hearing, within a period of 10 business days, in accordance with Article 121 of the Administrative Procedure Code.
CIDPCC reserves the right to annul the tender procedure.

Additional comments


The work plan is part of CIDPCCs scientific project “Witness Statements and Evidentiary Weight: Impact of Personal Characteristics”, coordinated by Professor Inês Ferreira Leite, and includes the following tasks:

  1. Describing state of the art concerning witness credibility and procedural criteria for assessing witness statements and their evidentiary impact on convictions
  2. Crime simulations, mock trials, and questionnaires (for judges)
  3. Analysis, report, and public presentation
  4. Publication of article as final aim by December 2024


The duration of the fellowship is 3 (three) months, possibly renewable for the duration of the research unit funding and expected to start in 1 May 2024, depending on the availability of further funding.


The activities will be developed at Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences under the scientific supervision of Professor Inês Ferreira Leite.



The call is governed by the FCT Research Grants Regulation, approved by Regulation No. 950/2019, published in the II Series of the DR of December 16, 2019, by the Research Fellowship Holder Statute approved by Law No. 40/2004, of August 18, as amended, and by the Scholarship Regulation of the University of Lisbon, approved by Order No. 6238/2020, published in the II Series of the DR of June 12, 2020, and by other applicable national and community legislation.


Portuguese version available at

Website for additional job details

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

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