Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity 2025 (Fully-funded)

Posted 12 months ago

Participants will be chosen based on their proven dedication to promoting health equity and their potential for leadership. The program aims to cultivate and assist a diverse group of leaders from around the world, enabling them with the necessary technical knowledge, skills, and networks to drive forward health equity in their respective organizations and communities.

Program Expectations

Chosen fellows must:

  • Attend in-person meetings throughout the year, involving a commitment of approximately four weeks
  • Engage in an online curriculum featuring biweekly virtual classes, personalized coaching, peer mentoring, and team-based learning, totaling 12-16 hours per month
  • Have a proficient command of the English language.


  • The fellowship will encompass all costs related to educational activities and travel for participants.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who:

  • Aspire to lead on a global scale in reducing health inequalities
  • Are professionals in the early to middle stages of their careers
  • Currently involved in healthcare-related endeavors
  • Hold leadership roles or are poised for leadership opportunities
  • Appreciate diverse viewpoints
  • Enjoy working in groups.

Selection Criteria

  • Strong interest statement, including prior successes that show a strong commitment to health equity.
  • Quality of project proposal
  • Strength of recommendation
  • Letter of support from the employer
  • Result of interview(s).

Application Requirement

  • A brief statement (no more than 500 words) outlining your motivations for wanting to be a fellow, together with a rundown of your main assets and distinctive qualities as a leader
  • A project plan for health equity that you hope to finish during your fellowship year
  • Your resume or curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • An employer support form, filled out by a person in a direct supervisory position who is willing to act as your advisor and guide you in your pursuit of change leadership for health equity.

Application Process For Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity 2025

Fellows will be selected based on their demonstrated commitment to health equity and leadership potential. The initiative will train and support a global network of multidisciplinary leaders with the technical knowledge, skills, and networks needed to achieve health equity in their companies and communities. The program will select 15-20 fellows each year.

To begin your application, click here

For more information please visit the official website of Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity.  

Application Deadline

April 11, 2024.

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

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One thought on “Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity 2025 (Fully-funded)

  1. Bonjour Mr et Mme
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