The Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, invites applications for a Professorship of Experimental Physics

Posted 2 years ago

The department is seeking a candidate with outstanding research achievements in the field of experimental condensed-matter physics. The individual should complement the departmental research focus, “Physics of Nanostructures”, with activities in the areas of quantum transport, quantum circuits, or quantum materials. The holder of the professorship will be responsible for managing a new cleanroom facility established in 2018. Participation in the existing Collaborative Research Center 1277 is desirable. Active contributions towards the acquisition of future coordinated-research programs are expected.

The candidate is expected to be able to cover the entire breadth of the field “experimental physics” in teaching. The candidate is also expected to take on self-governance duties on the departmental and university level.

The prerequisites for this position, set out in the “Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)”, Section 57(1), are a university degree; pedagogical skills; particular aptitude for scientific research as would usually be demonstrated by the quality of a doctoral thesis; and additional scholarly achievements, such as a habilitation or equivalent academic experience. Scientific research experience gained outside of a university environment, or while employed as a Junior Professor, will also be taken into consideration and may be considered equivalent to a formal academic qualification. Leadership of a junior research group according to the stipulations of BayHIG Section 98(10)(5) constitute an equivalent scientific achievement.

The University of Regensburg aims to raise the number of female professors and expressly encourages applications from qualified female scientists. The University of Regensburg offers support to families to meet the demands of the workplace (see for more information).

Candidates with disabilities and essentially equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration.

The legal requirements for appointment into the civil service are set out in the “Bayerisches Beamtengesetz” (BayBG) and the BayHIG. Stipulations regarding the age of the candidate exist according to BayHIG Section 60(3).

Applications accompanied by supporting documentation (CV with copies of certificates; list of publications; description of research experience and research interests; statement of research; list of third-party funding; description of teaching experience and statement of teaching philosophy) should be submitted, preferably in electronic form in a single file, by August 31, 2023 to The Dean, Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany (

This is the English translation of a German job advertisement published by the Universität Regensburg at Only the original German text is legally binding.

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Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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Author: jeunes