The I2BC is seeking to recruit junior and mid-career Group leaders to develop independent research programs in the field of Microbiology

Posted 3 years ago

The I2BC is located on the campus of Paris-Saclay University (20 km southbound from Paris). I2BC is a Joint Research Unit supervised by Paris-Saclay University, CNRS and CEA, which are world leading research and academic institutions.

The main research theme of I2BC is the characterization of the integrated functioning of the cell and in particular the understanding of the molecular processes that govern the organization and the overall physiology of the cell and its interactions with the environment. The ~60 I2BC teams benefit from state-of-the-art technological platforms, including next-generation sequencing, proteomics, cytometry, live and super-resolution photon microscopy, cellular electron microscopy, cryo-electron microscopy, spectroscopy, NMR, crystallography, plant culture facilities and security level 3 laboratory.

I2BC calls for applications to reinforce its Microbiology Department. The Department is composed of 11 teams which focus on the biology of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea) and study themes related to microbial metabolism, envelope formation or interactions with hosts or the environment. Successful candidates will develop independent and high-quality fundamental or applied research programs that are closely aligned with one of these themes. In particular, but not only, research projects are welcomed on the biology and engineering of photosynthetic microorganisms for the environment and the production of therapeutic molecules.

Applications shall be submitted by email to before the 10 May 2022. They shall include a cover letter describing applicant’s motivations to join I2BC, a C.V., a 2-page summary of research achievements, a 4-page research project, and contact details for three referees. Selection will be performed in two stages: shortlisting in May 2022 and interviews before the end of July 2022. The successful candidates should meet the criteria to compete for national and international funding, and for French institutional research positions (University, CNRSCEA or INSERM). After the selection process, I2BC will provide strong support and guidance for these applications to secure independent funding and obtain a position. Installation support and facilitated access to technological platforms will be provided to the new teams. Further details are described on the web site or contact

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Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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