Arthur C. Guyton Awards for Excellence in Integrative Physiology

Posted 2 years ago

The Arthur C. Guyton Award Fund was established in 1993 from an anonymous donation in order to recognize the contributions of Arthur C. Guyton and his interests in feedback control and mathematical modeling of physiological systems. The award is intended to support an independent investigator who holds an academic rank no higher than assistant professor and is pursuing research that utilizes quantitative and integrative approaches and feedback control system theory for the study of physiological functions.

One award is presented annually to an individual demonstrating outstanding promise based on their research program. Awardee must attend the American Physiology Summit.

The award package includes:

  • $10,000 honorarium designated for the Awardees use in the research program, but does not include any indirect cost reimbursement;
  • complimentary early registration to attend the APS annual meeting; and
  • certificate presented at the APS Awards Meeting.

  • Must be a regular APS member in good standing for a minimum of two (2)consecutive years at the time of application
  • U.S. residency is not required
  • Hold a rank no higher than assistant professor or equivalent

The awardee is selected by members of the APS Awards Committee.

  • description of current and pending research program, highlighting its relevance to feedback control system theory for the study of physiological functions and its use of quantitative and integrative approaches (up to 3 pages);
  • One-page justification of how and why the research program meets the intent of the award;
  • NIH-style biosketch (up to 5 pages);
  • list of their current and pending grant support not included in biosketch;
  • copy of abstract(s) submitted for presentation at the APS annual meeting;
  • letter of recommendation from department chair administrator, administrator or mentor; and
  • at least one (1) letter of support discussing applicant’s research program

Applications are only accepted via online submission.

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